User Properties

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User Properties

1. Parent Read Only Field: This user property is used to make the child BC records
read only based on a Boolean field value in Parent BC.

Scenario: If The Account Type is ‘Competitor’ then No addresses records should

be added to that record.

Solution Design:

I. In Account BC find the Field Name of Display Name of ‘Competitor’, which

is ‘Competitor’.
II Now come to Business Address BC  Select Bus Comp User Prop  RCNR
Add the following Values

Name Value
Parent Read Only Field Account.Competitor

Compile the project, which the Business Address BC is pointing to.

Result: In Siebel Application, Go to Accounts Screen and Add a new record in

Account List Applet give values to the fields, and in the form applet check the
Competitor column to ‘Y’ and now try to add records to address Mvg , it should
de activate ‘New’ , ‘Delete’ buttons. If ‘Competitor’ not checked, then it should
allow addition of addresses in address Mvg.

2. Field Read Only Field: This User Property is used to make a field Read only
based on a value in another field in the same BC.

Scenario: In contact BC, if Employee flag field Value is ‘Y’ then PF Number
should be entered other wise it should be read only.

Solution Design:

1. First Find out in the Contact BC whether there are any

fields which corresponds to Employee flag and PF Number .
2. Go to Table OT  Query for  S_CONTACT_X
3. Select Columns OT  Select
Name Alias Physical Type Length Comments
ATTRIB_8 ATTRIB_8 Boolean (dtype_bool) 1 Empolyee Flag
ATTRIB_34 ATTRIB_34 Var Char 30 PF Number
Apply , Activate is not necessary here bcoz we have not created a column
but just used the existing column and set comments to help other
configurators, saying don’t use this ATTRIB for other purpose , as this is

4. Now Go To Contact BC  Field  RCNR

Name Join Field Name

Employee Flag S_CONTACT_X ATTRIB_8

5. Staying the Field only RCNR and Add a Calculated


Name Calculated Calculated Expression

PF Flag IIF([Employee Flag]=’Y’ , ‘N’ ,’Y’)

The meaning of this calc expression is if Employee Flag is Checked ie.,

stores ‘Y’ then store ‘N’ in PF Flag otherwise store ‘Y” in PF Flag.

6. Go to Contact BC User Properties  RCNR

Name Value
Field Read Only Field:PF Number PF Flag

7. Add the Both BC fields in Contact List applet and do Edit

Web layout.
8. Compile the relevant projects and run the application

3 BC Read Only Field: This User Property is used to make the entire record read
only based on the value of a Boolean field , if the value of the given field is ‘Y’
then entire record will become read only else record will be editable.

Solution design:

1. Decide which Boolean field you want to give against BC Read Only Field.
2. eg: there is a Boolean field In active
3. In Account BC  Bus Comp User Prop  RCNR

Name Value
BC Read Only Field In Active

Compile and Run to see the results.

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