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With regards to public health concerns, environmental sanitation is a rising trend.

Concerted drives at control of water and atmospheric pollution, mosquito and rodent

control, and improvement in restaurant sanitation is much more practiced. In the journal

article “Recent Trends in Public Health,” Malcolm H. Merrill, M.D., provided analysis

about the improvement in addressing public health concerns over the years.

It is clearly emphasized in the article that this is no simple issue. In fact, the

author divided the sub-topics and each broadened them by giving ample examples of

which can be fairly understood by the readers. As stated, communicable disease control

efforts are being intensified. With prolongation of life, chronic diseases are assuming

increasing importance as public health problems. Maintenance of standards of hospitals

and provision for more adequate hospital facilities are also receiving attention. Mental

health and chronic alcoholism are being considered as a public health problem. With all

these new trends emphasizing prevention of disease, increasing teamwork between

physicians in private practice and in public health practice is being manifested.

Preventive medicine and public health are now a recognized specialty in medicine.

Since the study tackled about sanitation concerning public health, this is very

helpful especially today. The alarming outbreak of the Coronavirus disease (COVID-19)

is on the rise. Every day, the medical sector confirms infected cases one after the other.

As the virus is already pandemic, physical contact is limited and most importantly,

sanitation is a must. Everyone is advised to stay safe through self-sanitation.

Not just about the COVID-19, sanitation also prevents many diseases like Dengue

Fever, Diarrhea, Cholera and the likes. Also, it is important to know that a healthy place
to live in, gives us the freedom to enjoy a healthy living. Health is wealth; thus, it is

important to keep our surroundings clean at all times.

What can clearly be viewed as lacking in this article? I suppose that the author

provided little to no statistics at all. Nothing has been said about the exact numerals. As

data science is a stronger evidence, the author could have at least tackled about

numbers and statistics.

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