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Sholahuddin_el_java 2013


Causative merupakan kata sifat dari dari cause (sebab), sehingga causative verb dapat diartikan
sebagai kata kerja yang menyebabkan dilaksanakannya suatu pekerjaan; dalam hal ini make, have, get.
Jika digambarkan X sebagai orang pertama dan Y sebagai agent atau yang melaksanakan kegiatan, maka
dapat dirumuskan sebagai berikut:

1. Active causative (jika dalam kalimat tersebut jelas agent atau orang yang melaksanakan pekerjaan)

Causative Rumus Contoh kalimat

Make X makes Y + V1 Mrs. Lee makes her son clean the bathroom
X MAKE agent V1
Susan made me sweep the yard
X MAKE agent V1
Get X gets Y + to V1 The teacher gets the students to cancel the trip
X GET agent to V1
Margareth has got me to buy some food
X GET agent to V1
Has/ X has Y + V1 Mrs. Lee has her son clean the bathroom
have X HAS agent V1
The teachers have all the students join the competition
X HAVE agent V1
Susan had me sweep the yard
X had agent V1

2. Passive causatives (jika tidak tercantum agent secara langsung)

Causative Rumus Contoh kalimat

Make X makes Object + V3 Mrs. Lee makes the bathroom cleaned
X MAKE object V3
Susan made the yard swept
X MAKE object V3
Get X gets Object + V3 The teacher gets the trip cancelled
X GET object V3
Margareth has got some food bought
X GET object V3
Has/ X has Object + V3 Mrs. Lee has the bathroom cleaned
have X HAS object V3
The teachers have the competition joined
X HAVE object V3
Susan had the yard swept
X had object V3

Sholahuddin_el_java 2013


A. Complete the sentence with the words in parentheses!

1. The doctor made the patient (stay) stay in bed.
2. Mrs. Crane had her house (paint) painted
3. The teacher had the class (write) ___________ a 2000-word research paper.
4. I made my son (wash) ___________ the windows before he could go outside to play.
5. Kostas got some kids in the neighbourhood (clean) ___________ out his garden.
6. I went to the bank to have a check (cash) ___________
7. Tom had a bad headache yesterday, so he got his twin brother, Tim, (go) ___________ to class
for him. The teacher did not know the difference.
8. When Scott went shopping, he found a jacket that he really liked. After he had the sleeves
(shorten) ___________, it fit him perfectly.
9. My boss made me (redo) ___________ my report because he wasn’t satisfied with it.
10. Alice stopped at the service station to have the tank (fill) ___________
11. I got Rosa (lend) ___________ me some money so I could go to a movie last night.
12. Mr. Fields went to a doctor to have a wart on his nose (remove) ___________
13. I spilled some tomato sauce on my suit coat. Now I need to get my suit (clean) ___________
14. Peeling onions always makes me (cry) ___________
15. Tom Sawyer was supposed to paint the fence, but he didn’t want to do it. He was a very clever
boy. Somehow he got his friends (do) ___________ it for him.

B. Write causative make, have, and get in 5 sentences for each!

Make ___________________________________________________________________________
Get ___________________________________________________________________________
Has/ ___________________________________________________________________________
have ___________________________________________________________________________

Sholahuddin_el_java 2013


Source: Azar, BS. 1999. Understanding and Using English Grammar - Third Edition. NY-USA: Pearson Education


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