Don Quixote Test

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“Don Quixote”​ summary page (​The Ingenious Gentleman Don Quixote de la


1. Who wrote the novel, ​Don Quixote? ​Miguel De Cervantes

2. What is the title character’s real name? Alonso Quijada
3. Where is our character from?La Mancha, Spain
4. What is the name of his squire? Sancho Panza
5. What is Don Quixote searching for? Chivalrous adventure
6. What is the name of his faithful steed? Rocinante
7. What does Don Quixote promise his squire? An Island
8. What does the squire ride? A donkey
9. What is the name DQ gives Aldonza? Dulcinea del Toboso
10.What is the first sight he and the squire see? Windmills
11.What does Don Quixote think they are? Giants
12.What does DQ ask of the innkeeper (castellano)? If He will knight him
13.What passes by while they are having a picnic? 2 Flocks of sheep
14.What does DQ think it is? 2 great armies
15.In DQ’s mind, what is the dentist’s bowl? Helmet of Mabrino
16.Who is his sworn enemy? Malfato
17.How do the priest and barber get DQ home? Dresses him up like a girl &
kidnap Him
18.What do they do with his books and his library? Burned & Sealed it
19.Who comes to help them with Don Quixote? Samson Carasco/ Bachelor
20.What does he propose will cure DQ? Preparing themselves for another
21.Who is the first knight DQ encounters? Knight of the mirror
22.Does he win the joust? Yes
23.Do the Duke and Duchess intend to help him? No
24.What do they give Don Quixote and the squire? Nice dinner & a wooden
25.Does Sancho get his island and is he happy with it? Yes, but its fake,& he is
not happy with it
26.Who is the next knight that DQ fights? Knight of the White Moon
27.What does he have to pay if he loses the joust? He has to go home
28.Does he win the challenge? No
29.What happens in the end? Don Quixote dies
30.Does he ever see Dulcinea again? No

extra notes:

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