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Before entering a hospital a patient is given an admission form. It is used to

obtain information about case history in order to determine a patient goes to
appropriate ward. After that he / she is received by nurse. Based on a temperature
chart a case history sheet and care report the nurse develop a precise report of care.
Therefore a nurse needs an interview.

A. Useful Expression
 Welcome Mr. Harry
Selamat datang, Tuan Harry.
 I’ll show you your room now.
Saya akan menunjukan ruangan Anda sekarang.
 I’d like to ask you some questions.
Saya ingin bertanya beberapa pertanyaan.
 Have you ever been in a hospital?
Apakah Anda pernah dirawat di rumah sakit?
 When was the last time you were hospitalized?
Kapan Anda pernah dirawat di rumah sakit?
 Have you had any operation?
Apakah Anda pernah di operasi?
 Are you allergic to anything?
Apakah Anda alergi terhadap sesuatu?
 Do you use hearing aid?
Apakah Anda menggunakan alat bantu pendengaran?
 Do you smoke? How many cigarettes in a day?
Apakah Anda merokok? Berapa batang rokok dalam sehari?
 Could you tell me about yours illness?
Mohon ceritakan tentang penyakit Anda?
 What medicine have you taken at home?
Obat apa yang telah Anda minum di rumah?
 Do you want a religious service?
Apakah Anda ingin pelayanan spiritual / agama?
B. Dialogue
Nurse Sinta enters Mr. Robert’s room.
Nr. S= Nurse Sinta Mr. R= Mr. Robert.

Nr. S: Excuse me, Mr. Robert.

Permisi, Tuan Robert.
Mr. R: Yes, come in please.
Ya, silahkan masuk.
Nr. S: How are you feeling today?
Bagaimana perasaan Anda hari ini?
Mr. R: Not too well, Nurse. I’m afraid I have a bit of cold.
Tidak begitu sehat. Saya agak flu / pilek.
Nr. S: Ok, Mr. Robert. I’d like to ask you some questions.
Baiklah saya ingin mengajukan beberapa pertanyaan .
Have you ever been in a hospital?
Apakah Anda pernah dirawat di rumah sakit?

Mr. R: yes I have.

Ya, pernah.
Nr. S: what is your chief complaint?
Apa keluhan utama Anda?
Mr. R: I have a chest pain and I am difficult to breath.
Dada saya nyeri dan Saya juga merasa sesak napas.
Nr. S: Let me examine you, please take your dress off, Mr. Robert.
Biar Saya periksa Anda, tolong buka baju Anda Tn. Robert.
Conversation : Welcoming a new Patient
Ahmed has gotten fever for two days.His temperature increasees. His Parents finally decide
to bring him to the hospital.After arriving in the hospital,his motheris in the admission room
to registered Ahmed.After that Ahmed is being examined by a doctor helped by a nurse.
Front Officer : Welcome to Commonwealth Hospital. Can I Help you Mam ?
Mrs.Ali : Yes, I'd like to register my son. he has gotten fever for two days.
And his temperature gets higher today.
Front Officer : Has he ever been hospital or visited a doctor here ?
Mrs. Ali : Never.
Front Officer : Okay,so we need to fill in the admission from the patient's medical record.

Mrs.Ali : Sure
Front officer : What's your son's name?
Mrs.Ali : Ahmed.
Front Officer : When was he born ?
Mrs.Ali : June 15, 2003
Front Officer : Where is your address?
Mrs.Ali : Saint Avenue street, number 4
Front Officer : May I have your phone number as a parent ?

Mrs.Ali : sure 08786992

Front Offocer : Okay, so the complaint is fever. Anything else ?

Mrs.Ali : No

Front officer : Okay then,so pleasewait while your son is being examined by our doctor

Mrs.Ali : Okay.

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