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OGL 481 Pro-Seminar I:

PCA-Human Resource Frame Worksheet

Worksheet Objectives:
1. Describe the human resource frame
2. Apply the human resource frame to your personal case situation

Complete the following making sure to support your ideas and cite from the textbook and other
course materials per APA guidelines. After the peer review, you have a chance to update this and
format for your Electronic Portfolio due in Module 6.

1) Briefly restate your situation from Module 1 and your role.

As being a Banner employee during this pandemic it has brought many conflicts in the
workplace and we are still trying to solve the situations. For instance, we recently lost our
manager due to transition to another office, she still communicates with us on the daily to
continue the workflow. The majority of the workload lands on our office coordinator, I
decided to step in to help her out in the meantime. Helping her in any way so we would
not lose another valued employee, I slowly started completing her daily task which could
be anywhere from organizing schedules, inventory, guiding a team, etc. Having the
opportunity to learn more as an office coordinator and be able to guide a team has been a
great experience for me especially during these hard times but it has also brought

2) Describe how the human resources of the organization influenced the situation.

Human Resources influenced our situation because in the HR department one of their
roles is to hire. They are given described job descriptions roles and requirements for the
talent acquisition/recruiter to fill the needed positions. Human Resources play a huge role
in every company. They are the first ones to see if we can have more employees, who we
get added to our team, etc. Since we had not had a site manager, HR finally allowed us to
hire someone to take over our site as a manager along with hiring more of imaging

Allowing to hire a site manager is a big improvement that HR has influenced our
situation because who knows where we would be right now as we are starting to pick up
the workflow. We had the senior manager in charge of all the different sites throughout
the valley, pay us a visit on a very busy day. She was asking how we been doing it and
why was there a lot of patients starting to build in the lobby (rounding about 15 patients
who needed to still check-in or brought back). Our simple response was we are doing

everything we can but we are short staff. Shortly after we were given a site manager and
more imaging assistant hires.

3) Recommend how you would use the human resources for an alternative course of
action regarding your case.

I did not put much thought into human resources into our work dilemma but now over the
reading and reviewing our work conflict there are some things I would use HR. Having
our senior manager giving us a visit during our peak time at work gives her an eye-opener
that we truly need more people in our team. HR is sadly hard to get a holdoff, it is not
very easy to get a hold of someone since they want us to submit everything online and we
always somehow end up getting electronic responses. We also do not have someone in
HR checking on us or hear us out how we can become better as a whole team.

4) Reflect on what you would do or not do differently given what you have learned
about this frame.

Overall, I would not do anything differently because I feel like everything has slowly got
solved in time before things got out of hand. I do feel like they took a little longer to hire
more peers or site managers but it can be the reason for the pandemic, also HR was going
through some changes that affect delays on new hires. It has been differently stressful but
now that we have a site manager and more peers coming into the team, we believe it will
get better.

Reference or References
(Choose appropriate Title if Applicable and Delete the Rest)

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