Adjectives of Quantity Examples

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Adjectives of Quantity Examples

Following are some examples showing the use of adjectives of quantity in sentence:

1. She ate the whole apple but I ate some rice today.

2. There is enough water in the canal.
3. He has only little knowledge about this project.
4. He cannot spend all his money over you.
5. There are hundred students ready to run at the marathon.
6. She eats a whole apple daily.
7. There is no milk in the glass.
8. All the students have passed the medical exam.
9. I know little about country music. 
10.There is enough petrol to reach to the destination.
11.He gave me some chocolates.
12.There are hundreds of students who take part in the quiz competition.
13.I know very little about classical dance.
14.Add some sugar to my coffee.
15.We have sufficient study-materials to pass the examinations.
16.I have little faith in God.
17.We have enough time for practice.
18.Adding some honey will make the iced tea tastier.
19.He had supported poor people all through his life.
20.There is little water in the jar.
21.Is there any mango in the tub?
22.She spent all her money at the pub.
23.Only few birds are flying in the sky.
24.Most of the boys like to eat burger.
25.It may rain heavily.
26.The bucket was empty when I saw.
27.It is great to see you here after so many
28.In a couple of days our result will appear.
29.He can spend only few dollars in this project.
30.He has taken half cup of milk.

Other List of Adjectives of Quantity:

 Much: it is used as determiner followed by the uncountable noun.


o You don’t have much time.

 All and whole: both have same meaning however used in different ways.

o She had played alone all her childhood.

o She had played alone for her whole childhood.

 Insufficient: means not enough for needs

 Sufficient: means enough to fulfill needs


o It is insufficient space for me.

o I have sufficient time.

 No: means no one, restricts all.

 Half: means something is not full.
 Few: means less amount.


o No one is allowed to enter.

o My milk glass is half full.
o I have few books.

 Heavy: means bulk.

 Empty: means blank
 Abundant: means fully sufficient


o It was indeed a heavy rain today.

o Bottle is empty.
o We need abundant amount of water daily.

 Light: means less mass. Like light snacks.

 Numerous: means many or a number of.
 Single: means one but not clearly states one.


o I like to eat light snacks.
o I have numerous pens.
o I like every single instrument in the music room.
Adjective of Quantity Exercise

1. I ate some rice and drank some water.

2. There was little milk at the bottom of the jug.
3. How _____ oranges did you put in the box?
4. I had _________ exercise for the day.
5. Have you got _________ message about today’s holiday?
6. I don’t have _________ time; I’ve to leave early.
7. He has completed _________ of the work.
8. How _____ fruit do you eat in an average day?
9. The old man hasn’t got _____ hair on his head.
10.Poor people do not have __________ amount of money.
11._________ time has been spent by him.
12.Having ___________ thing is better than nothing.
13.You will be paid _____________ if you work overtime.
14.It is _________ to see you here after so _____________.
15.We should eat ____________- dinner every night.

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