The Rate Monotonic Scheduling Algorithm: Exact Characterization and Average Case Behavior

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The Rate Monotonic Scheduling Algorithm:

Exact Characterization And

Average Case Behavior
John Lehoczky', Lui Sha2 and Ye Ding'
Department of Statistics'
Department of Computer Science2
Carnegie Mellon University

Abstract deadlines all of the time if the rate monotonic algorithm is

used and the total utilization is not greater than .693.
This paper presents an exact characterization of the ability
of the rate monotonic scheduling algorithm to meet the Liu and Layland [3] also found that the optimal dynamic
deadlines of a periodic task set. In addition, a stochastic scheduling algorithm was the nearest deadline algorithm.
analysis is presented which gives the probability This algorithm was shown to have a worst case bound of
distribution of the breakdown utilization of randomly 1.OOO. Consequently, it can meet all the deadlines of all
generated task sets. It is shown that as the task set size periodic tasks up to full processor utilization. In spite of
increases, the task computation times become of little the apparent dominance of the nearest deadline algorithm
importance, and the breakdown utilization converges to a over the rate monotonic algorithm, the rate monotonic
constant determined by the task periods. For uniformly algorithm is of great practical importance [l, 2,5,6,103.
distributed tasks, a breakdown utilization of 88% is a First, it can be used to ensure that the timing requirements
reasonable characterization of the breakdown utilization of the most important tasks are met when a transient
level. An interesting case is presented in which the overload occurs. Second, it provides a convenient way to
average case breakdown utilization reaches the worst case offer fast response times to aperiodic tasks while still
Liu and Layland lower bound. meeting the deadlines of the periodic tasks using the
deferrable server algorithm [2], the sporadic server
algorithm [lo] or the extended priority exchange
algorithm [8]. Third, it can be modified to handle task
1. Introduction synchronization requirements by using the priority ceiling
The problem of scheduling periodic tasks with hard protocol [5]. Fourth, it can be conveniently used to
deadlines equal to the task periods W ~ first
S studied by Liu schedule tasks where imprecise computation is
and Layland U1 in 1973. In their classic Paper, they permitted [4]. Finally, it is easy to implement in
derived the optimal static priority and dynamic priority processors, in 1/0 controllers and in communication
scheduling algorithms and determined their WOrst C a s e media [9, 111. Consequently, it provides an approach to
behavior. This was accomplished by first identifying the system-wide timing integration.
worst case phasing of a task set and then deriving for each
the worst case task set of size n. This is the task set In C O l l " n practice, the rate monotonic algorithm Can
having the smallest processor utilization for which all often successfully SChedule task Sets having total
deadlines are met, but if the processing requirement for utilization higher than .693. Indeed, it is not uncommon
any single task were increased by any amount, a deadline for large periodic task Sets with t o d UtiliZNiOn around .90
would be missed. n e fixed p,-io,+ty algorithm to be schedulable using the rate monotonic algorithm. This
was shown to be the rate monotonic algorithm in which a suggests that the average case behavior is substantially
task with a shorter period is given a higher priority than a better than the WOrSt case behavior. The behavior is
task with a longer period. Ties are broken arbitrarily. The strongly dependent upon the values of the p * d s
worst case utilization bound was shown to be n(2(1h-1), a of the tasks comprising the task set- The purpose of this
quantity which decreases monotonically -83 when paper is to give an exact characterization of the ability of
n=2 to [og,2 = -693 as n +," This result shows that any the rate monotonic algonthm to the deadlines of a
given periodic task set. In addition, we present a stochastic
periodic task Of any size will be able to meet all analysis of the performance of the algorithm when task
sets are generated randomly. Specifically, a task set is
generated randomly, and the computation times are scaled
'This work was sponsored in part by the Office of Naval Research
io the point at which a deadline is first missed. The
under "ct N00()14-84-K-0734, in part by Naval Ocean Systems task set is a breakdown
Centerunder contract N66001-87-C-0155, in part by systems utilization. This breakdown utilization is presented and an
htegrati,,,,m~sion of IBM c o r p o ~under ~ ~ asymptotic analysis is given. We only consider the case in
Agreement YA-278067. which task deadlines are given by the arrival of the next

CH2803-5/89/0000/0166/$01.00 0 1989 JEEE
job of that task; however, the analysis presented here are ready at their initiation times, two
extends to the case of more general deadlines. conclusions follow. First, jobs of zi will be
preempted only by higher priority jobs, and they
will preempt any lower priority jobs. Thus only
2. Problem Formulation zl. . . . ,zi need be considered to determine if zi
Consider a set of n periodic tasks zl, ...,.7, Task zi has a can be scheduled. Second, starting at a critical
period Ti, a computation requirement, C , and a phasing instant, the processor will not idle before either
relative to 0, 4, with 0 I 4 c Ti. This means that jobs the first job of zi is finished or it misses its
deadline, whichever occurs first.
corresponding to task zi are initiated at times $ + kT;, k 2
0. The job initiated at time Ii + kTi has Ii + (k+l)Ti as its Task zi completes its computation requirement
deadline, the initiation time of the next job. We label the at time t E [O,Ti], if and only if all the requests
tasks so that T, I T2 I . .. IT,. Consequently, zi from all the jobs with priority higher than i and
receives priority i. We assume tasks are ready to run at C , the computation requirement of zi, are
their initiation times, tasks can be preempted instantly (and completed at time t. The total of such requests is
so ignore all blocking) and ignore all overhead such as task given by Wi(t), and they are completed at t if and
swapping times.
only if Wi(t) = t and Wi(s) > s for 0 I s c t .
Liu and Layland proved that the worst case phasing Dividing by t, we find equivalently Li(t) = 1. It
occurs when Ii = 0 for 1 I i I n . This is called a critical
follows that a necessary and sufficient condition
instant in which all tasks are simultaneously instantiated. for zi to meet its deadline is the existence of a t
Using this concept, Liu and Layland also proved that the
task set is schedulable (all deadlines of all jobs of every E [O,Ti] such that Li = 1. Consequently, a
task are met) using the rate monotonic algorithm if the first necessary and sufficient condition for oi to meet
job of each task can meet its deadline when it is initiated at its deadline under all phasings is Li I 1. This
a critical instant. Theorem 1 gives a necessary and
sufficient condition for the first job of each task to meet its proves the first assertion.
deadline under the worst case phasing. To determine if a The second assertion follows directly from the
task can meet its deadline under the worst case phasing, we fist. The entire task set is schedulable if and
need to consider the processor demands made by the task only if each of the tasks is schedulable. This
set as a function of time. If we focus on tasks zl, . . . ,zi,
means that Li I 1 for each i. Equivalently,L 5
then the expression
1 is necessary and sufficient for the task set to be

c 1

wit)= cj.rt l q ,
j =1
The characterizationof schedulability given in Theorem
gives the cumulative demands on the processor made by 1 requires a minimization over the continuous variable t E
these tasks over [O,t] when 0 is a critical instant. For later [0, Ti]. In fact, only a finite number of times t need to be
notational convenience, we define checked. The function Li(t) is piecewise monotonically
Li(t) = WJOIt, decreasing, that is rtITiit is strictly decreasing except at a
finite set of values called the rate monotonic scheduling
Li = mi' (0< I <~,.)'Jtl* points. When t is a multiple of one of the periods Tj,
L = m a x ( l < i < nL)i' l I j S i , the function has a local minimum, is left
Given this notation, we can conveniently express the continuous and jumps to a higher value to the right.
exact criterion for a task or task set to be schedulable by Consequently, to determine if zi can meet its deadline one
the rate monotonic algorithm. need only search over these local minima, the multiples of
Tj ITi for 1 I j I i . Specifically,let
Theorem 1: Given periodic tasks zl, . . . ,zn,
l.zi can be scheduled for all task si= (R.T.I lj= 1,...,i;1,...,L T ~ ~ J ) .
phasings using the rate monotonic The elements of Si are the scheduling points for task i,
algorithm if and only if Li I 1. the deadline of task i and the arrival times of tasks of
priority higher than i before the deadline of task i assuming
2. The entire task set can be scheduled a critical instant phasing. For example, suppose we
for all task phasings using the rate consider three tasks with periods T, = 5, T2 = 14, and T3 =
monotonic algorithm if and only if L 30. The scheduling points are given by S = ( 5 ) , S, = (5,
10, 14) and S, = (5,10,14,15,20,25,28,30). It follows
Proof: Given the worst case phasing was that
proved by Liu and Layland to be a critical instant
and we require schedulability for all task L, = min ( I E &t).
phasings, we can restrict attention to the worst One can modify the criteria of Theorem 1 to give
case. Given the assumptions of perfect Theorem 2: Given periodic tasks zl, . . . ,Z,,
preemption, no blocking, no overhead and jobs

1. zi can be scheduled for all task 3. Stochastic Characterization
phasings using the rate monotonic The necessary and sufficient conditions for
algorithm if and only if schedulability of a task set given in either Theorem 1 or 2
give an exact condition for the rate monotonic algorithm to
Li = min ( t E si)Wi(t)/rI1. be able to schedule a given task set, but they do not, by
themselves, offer any insight into the conditions under
2. The entire task set is schedulable for which the rate monotonic algorithm can exceed its worst
all task phasings using the rate case utilization bound. One approach is to generate a task
monotonic algorithm if and only if set randomly and then use the conditions to determine the
utilization level at which it fully utilizes the processor. In
L=max(ls,,,)L,Il. most average case analyses of algorithms, a simple
We present a simple example to illustrate Theorem 2. probability model is used to generate the cases from which
Suppose we have a task set with three periodic tasks for the average results are derived. For example, in bin
which Vi = CiF2 packing, one generally considers unit size bins and
uniformly distributed objects to pack. In the travelling
salesman problem, one usually picks cities uniformly in a
Task 2,: C, = 20 ;T , = 100 ; U, = 0.200 region, and in sorting algorithms, one usually assumes
uniformly distributed permutations of objects to sort. In
Task T ~ :C2= 40 ;T2 = 150 ;U2 = 0.267 the case of the rate monotonic algorithm, it is possible to
consider a very general model of randomly generated task
Task 73: C3 = 100 ; T3 = 350 ; U3 = 0.286 sets. Specifically, we introduce a cumulative distribution
The total utilization of these three tasks is 0.753, which function (c.d.0 FT(t) for the task periods and a c.d.f. Fc(c)
is below the Liu and Layland bound for tasks: 3(21n for the task computation requirements. First, we draw a
- 1) = 0.779. Hence, we know these three tasks are random sample oftask periods, T1,...,Tn, from FT(t). Next
schedulable using the rate monotonic algorithm, i.e.! Cey we label them so that T, I T2 5 . . . I T,. Finally, we
wlll meet thelr deadlmes If 2, 1s w e n the highest PnOntY, draw a random sample of computation requirements,
72 the next highest, and 'c3 the lowest. The remaining C , ,...,Cn, from Fc(c). The resulting pairs (C,,T,), ... ,
24.7% processor capacity can be used for low p-onty (Cn,Tn)constitute a random task set.
background processing. However, we can also use it for
additional hard real-time comDutation. We think of the Cis and Tis as providing relative
computation requirements and periods. The task set must
Suppose we replace 7,'s computation with one that is be scaled to create an appropriate utilization. In particular,
more accurate but requires 40 rather than 20 units of time. we multiply each Ci by a small factor A and systematically
The total processor utilization increases from 0.753 to
0.953. Since the utilization of the first two tasks is 0.667, increase A to a threshold value A* at which some task
which is below the Liu and Layland bound for two tasks, deadline is missed assuming that the task phasing
2(21n - 1) = 0.828, the first two tasks cannot miss their corresponds to a critical instant. The associated utilization
deadlines. For task T ~ we , use Theorem 2 (part 1) to check
of the task set at which a deadline is first missed is a
measure of the threshold at which the rate monotonic
whether the task set is schedulable. Here i=3 and S3 = algorithm misses a deadline. The quantity*A is a random
{ 100,150,200,300,350). variable as is the breakdown utilization, U,. We offer an
Task 73 is schedulable if any of the following equations exact formula for A* and U,* and an approximate
characterization of the random variable, U:.
C 1 + C 2 + C 3 IT I 4 0 + 4 0 + 100 > 100 For the randomly generated and scaled task set, the
criterion developed in Theorem 2 indicates that the task set
or 2C1+C2+C35T2 8 0 + 4 0 + 1 0 0 > 150 is schedulable if and only if

or 2C,+2C2+C312T, 8 0 + 8 0 + 1 0 0 > 2 0 0 L = max(l,j,n)min(,, s i ) ~ j = l ~ ~ ~ , . r t11/ q(1)

or 3C, + 2C2 + C3 I 2T2 120 + 80 + 100 = 300 or

or 4C, + 3C2 + C3 I T3 160 + 120 + 100 > 350 AI (, , .)min (, E c,-rt4itI-'.

The analysis shows that task f3 is also schedulable, and The largest possible scaling factor, A*, is given by the
in the worst-case phasing will meet its deadline exactly at right side Of (2):
time 300. Hence, we can double the utilization of the first
task from 20% to 40% and still meet all the deadlines. The
remaining 4.7% processor capacity can be used for either
A* =[max (, ,iln)min si)x=l
C;.rtqtI-'. (3)
background processing or a fourth had deadline task, If A is illcreased beyond A*, a deadline will be missed.
which has a period longer than that of z3. Task T~ just The Utilization associated with the Critical scaling factor is
meets its deadline at 300, hence we cannot add a task with the breakdown utilizationOf the generated task
a priority higher than that of task set. It is given by

3.1. Example 1
[C",1uil/[max(l <i<,,)min( l e si,wi~t)!t (4) Assume n = 2, C, = C,, and the task periods are chosen
where Ui = CJr,. according to a Uniform [1,2] distribution. Let R = T P 1 ,
The numerator is merely the total utilization of the task so 1 I R 5 2 . It follows that
set. The maximizing index i in the denominator picks the
task in the task set whose deadline will be missed if the U: = (R+l)/min ( 2 ~ 3 ) . (5)
scaling factor is further increased, and the associated The probability density function @.d.f.) of R is given by
minimizing t picks the time at which that task will meet its
deadline. The form for the breakdown utilization given in )r('f = (4/r2)-1, 1I r I 2 (6)
(4) is useful for conducting simulation studies of the
average case behavior of the rate monotonic algorithm. It is straightforward to find the p.d.f. of U: and its mean
Some simplifications of this formula are sometimes value. In particular, its density function is given by
possible. For example, if FT(1) = 0 and FT(2) = 1, so 1 I
TnD1 52, then the maximum in the denominator occurs AX)= 12/(3~-1)~+5-2/(2~-1)~, i;<x< 1, (7)
when i = n. We formulate this as a theorem, one which
offers a simplification of the calculation of the breakdown and this p.d.f. has mean value equal to .917, which is larger
utilization in this case. than the Liu and Layland bound of .828. Indeed, the
assumption C, = C, increases the worst case bound to
Theorem 3: Suppose 1S T , 5 . .. IT,,52. .833, larger than the usual bound of .828.

4. Asymptotic Approximation
The quantity U,,is a random variable, one which is a
complicated function of the Cis and Tis. Liu and Layland
Proof: We define
proved n(2lm-1) I U: I 1. We wish to offer insight into
1 *
the size of the random variable U,, as a function of FT(t)
and Fc(c). In this section, we present an asymptotic
From the defi&tion of Si and the fact that approximation for this random variable as n +00, that is
LT,,@~. the minimum in 6i must occur at for large task sets.
some T., l l j l i . We prove 6,,26, for all i. The expression for U,, given in (4) involves sums of
This will allow us to conclude that 6,,26, for all i random variables. To simplify the presentation, we will
and will complete the proof of the theoxem. assume that the random variables Ci and Ti are bounded
and the largest period ratio is also bounded. Consequently,
Suppose the minimum for 6i+1is assumed at t we assume l I T i I B for some finite B. In addition, we
= Tj where j S i . Then 6i+1 assume that FT has a density function which is strictly
=[2(C1+. . . +CF1)+Cj+. . . +Ci+,]/Tj positive over the interval [1,Bl .
1 [2(C1+ . . .+CF1)+Cj+ . . . +C,)l/Tj The appearance of sums of random variables in the
1tii, numerator and denominator of (4) allows for the
since the latter is the t=Tj component of 6? application of convergence theorems from probability
theory. In particular, the numerator of (4) , after dividing
Suppose instead that the minimum for Si+, is by n, is a sum of independent, identically distributed
assumed at t = Ti+l. Then 6i+1 utilization ratios, Ui = CiD2 It follows that
=[2C1+ . . .+2Cl+Ci+l]/Ti+1
2 (Cl+ . . . +Ci)/Tl
Ui/n +E(Ui) = E(C)-E(l/T) a.s.
The latter inequality holds by the presumed

since Ti+, 5 2T, and Ci+l 2 0. independence of Ci and Ti. Although the periods have
been labeled to be in increasing order, since the sum
In either case, 6,+, 2 6,. Consequently, the contains all the terms, it is independent of the particular
maximum occurs when i = n, and attention can permutation used. Finally, the central limit theorem could
be restricted to 6, which completes the proof. be used to create a normal approximation to the numerator.
* The denominator of (4) requires more care. After
Before giving an asymptotic analysis of U,,, we present dividing by n, the denominator becomes
a simple example.
max (, 5isn)min si,zj=l
cjTt/$Itn. (9)
For fixed t and i, the Tj have been ordered to be non-

decreasing, so the sum in (9) involves the i smallest
periods. As such, the T. are no longer independent and
identically distributed. devertheless, the behavior of the
order statistics from a random sample is well understood Using this notation, we have the following theorem.
(see for example [7]). In particular, if we let i = LanJ, then
Theorem 4:
Ti+F;.l@) U.S. 1. Under Assumption 1 with B 12,
Ui+E(lm/h as n+-, a.s.
G(a)=Fil(a) = inf ( x IF d x ) 2 a). 2. Under Assumption 1 with B 2 2,
Moreover, T, ,...,Ti is, for large n, approximately a
random sample from the c.d.f. of T conditioned on the U;+E(lm/w as n+-, as.
event ( TI ~;'(a) 1. 3. For B 2 2 and under Assumptions 1
and 4 or if FT is uniform [1,B], then

4.1. Notation and Assumptiops U : - E ( I ~ / ~= op(n'-.5)

The asymptotic behavior of U,, is derived using the law for r>O.
of large numbers and the asymptotic behavior of the order
statistics of a random sample from FT. In order to apply 4. For B I 2 and under Assumptions 1
and 3,
these theorems, we adopt a series of assumptions
concerning FT.
Ul-E( 1/7')/h= oP(nr-.')
for r>O.
1. FT has a strictly positive and continuous
density f on [l, B], i.e. FT(1) = 0, FT(B)
= 1. It is important to note the remarkable fact that the above
theorem indicates that the threshold of schedulability,U,*,
2. The function h(x) = (1 + x)/FT-l(x)has a converges to a constant as the task set size increases.
unique minimum xo E [1,B] and is Furthermore, this constant depends only upon FT, not on
locally increasing on [xo , xo + 61 and F,! The distribution F, does play a role when n is
locally decreasing on [xo - 6 , xo] for relatively small; however, asymptotically it drops out,
some 6 > 0. Theorem 4 also indicates that the convergence rate is
3.The function h(x) defined in (2) above nearly n-(ln). More analysis is needed to fully characterize
satisfies a Lipschitz condition, the asymptotic behavior of the breakdown untilization. In
particular one would expect
Ih(x&h(3)1 < w1-31
for some M > 0. nlD(U;-E(l/Z)/w) +N(O,&)
4. Let where & is a complicated function of FT and Fc. This is
commonly observed in simulations; however, it is not true
w(a) = min ( 1$s $ G(a))I(S) in general. One need only consider Example 2 with B = 2
where given in the next section. In this case, the limiting
breakdown utilization is the Liu and Laylaid lower bound.

I ( ~=) rs/G(f)i dtlS.

Moreover, w(a) has a unique maximum

Consequently, the random variable [U,,-E(l/T)/w] is
strictly positive and cannot be normally distributed.
In many circumstances, it is possible to prove that U,,
06 and is locally increasing on [a0 - p , has an approximate normal distribution. In general,
ao]and locally decreasing on [a,,, % + however, the behavior can be more subtle and requires
p] for some p > 0. In addition, w(a) working with a Brownian bridge approximation to the
satisfies the Lipschitz condition empirical distribution function arising in the denominator
[7] as well as taking proper account of the potential
Iw(al)-W(%)l <Klal-%I correlation between the numerator and denominator of (4).
for some K>O.
To simplify the notation, we define
h = min ( O $ X $ l]h(x),

I 70
4.2. Example 2 than the worst case behavior as suggested by simulations.
Suppose that the task periods are drawn from a uniform The formula of exact characterizationcan be used to check
[1,B] distribution with B12. Both numerator and if a given task set is schedulable. The analysis can be
denominator are easy to compute. In particular, E(1m = generalized to allow for more general task deadlines, in
Dg,(B)l/(B-l) and min ( o s x s ,]h(x)=l. Consequently particular when task deadlines need not be at the end of the
task period. The analysis can also be applied to the case in
U: -+ [ L ~ ~ , ( B ) I / ( B - I )1, I B I2, n +w, a.s. which task synchronization must be considered, and when
the priority ceiling protocol is used Finally, the analysis
If B > 2 , then the numerator is unchanged; however, can be carried out when there is insufficient priority
the denominator must be recomputed. It becomes granularity, that is, when there are fewer priority levels
available than there are task periods. This arises in real-
time communication where the number of priority bits is
d = [(B/LBJ)+ C i=2
I/~I/(B-~). inherently limited.
Consequently, for B 2 2 and as n +m, References

U: + [log,(B)II[BI[BJ+ c

(WI, a.s.
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In this paper, we have provided an exact 11. Strosnider,J. K., Marchok, T. and J. Lehoczky.
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