Royal University of Phnom Penh Institute of Foreign Language

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Royal University of Phnom Penh

Institute of Foreign Language

Lecturer: KY Sokheng
Presented by: Group 6


Herzberg’s Theory

Motivators And Hygiene Factors

Case Study
 What is motivation?
Motivation is the processes that account for an individual’s intensity, direction, and persistence of
effort toward any goal.
 Major theories of motivation:
Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs Goal Setting Theory
Theory X and Theory Y Self-Efficacy Theory
Herzberg’s Two-Factor Theory Reinforcement Theory
McClelland’s Theory of Needs Equity Theory
Self Determination Theory Expectancy Theory
Herzberg’s Theory

 Frederick Herzberg (1923 – 2000)

 American psychologist
 One of the most influential name in business management
 Job enrichment and motivation hygiene theory
 Herzberg’s Theory/Two-Factor Theory of Motivation (1959)
 Based on 203 engineers and accountants feedbacks collected
in the USA regarding their personal feeling toward their
working environment
Motivators And Hygiene Factors

 Two-Factor Theory states that there are certain factors in the workplace that cause job
satisfaction, while a separate set of factors cause dissatisfaction.

 Satisfaction: is mostly affected by the “motivator factors”. Motivation factors help

increase the satisfaction but aren’t that affective on dissatisfaction.

 Dissatisfaction: is the results of the “hygiene factors”. These factors, if absent or

inadequate, cause dissatisfaction, but their presence has little effect on long-term
Motivators And Hygiene Factors

 Motivators: give positive satisfaction, arising from intrinsic conditions of the job itself,
such as recognition, achievement, or personal growth. Ex: Challenging work,
recognition, responsibility.

 Hygiene factors: do not give positive satisfaction, although dissatisfaction results from
their absence. These are extrinsic to the work itself, and include aspects such as
company policies, supervisory practices, or wage/salary.
Motivators And Hygiene Factors
Case Study: The Case of Ghana

Employees need to obey the rules without

questioning. This leads to the employees working as
robots and following rules and regulations without
taking initiatives of their own.

The managers are often more interested in

exercising absolute power over their employees
than in working towards organizational goals and
objectives through their employees.
Case Study: The Case of Ghana

Managers often complain about the

low productivity of their workers.
There are also complaints that the
workforce is lazy, not committed,
indifferent to the product of their labor
and are frequently absent from work.
Managers in Ghana often blame their
failure to succeed on the poor work
ethics of their employees.
Hygiene factors: The Ghanaian situation
The motivators: the Ghanaian situation

not only wages and job security but also opportunities for advancement, fair treatment,
better working conditions, challenging and interesting jobs, autonomy on the job and
How Then Should Ghanaian Managers
Motivate Employees?
o make the work environment more challenging and
o redesign jobs and responsibilities so that new
challenges are presented to workers on a regular basis.
This, Herzberg termed as ‘Job Enrichment’, that is,
augmenting routine tasks with special assignments
o motivate not only by the financial rewards but also by
the recognition that they get from their managers
o build effective and efficient work groups
o avoid micromanaging, ensuring fairness in pay
structures, promotions and work allocations
it does not take only the motivators factors to motivate employees neither
does it take the hygiene factors to remove dissatisfaction
To motivate and satisfy employees, managers need to effectively blend the
factors well to suit the special needs of their employees

Robbins, S.P., Judge, T., Millett, B., & Boyle, M. (2013). Organizational behavior.
Pearson Education. Zeeman, A. (2017). Frederick Herzberg. Retrieved
Thank You 

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