Installation: Pegarules Process Commander Personal Edition V5.5 Sp1

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PegaRULES Process Commander

Personal Edition V5.5 SP1

 Copyright 2009
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Document: Personal Edition Installation Guide v5.5 SP1

PegaRULES Process Commander v5.5 SP1

Updated: July 7, 2009


Introduction.............................................................................................................................. 1
Prerequisites ............................................................................................................................ 2
Installation ............................................................................................................................... 3
Starting and Stopping the Personal Edition ......................................................................... 8
What’s Next – Developer Fast Start ..................................................................................... 11
Internet Explorer settings ..................................................................................................... 12
Temporary Internet Files settings ................................................................................. 12
Downloaded Program Files ........................................................................................... 12
Pop-up Blockers ............................................................................................................. 13
Other Security Settings ................................................................................................. 14
Performance tips and keyboard shortcuts .................................................................. 14
Visio Settings ......................................................................................................................... 15
Installation Guide Personal Edition V5.5 SP1

The Personal Edition V5.5 SP1 of PegaRULES Processor Commander provides
a learning environment for a single developer. Most facilities are functional, but
performance is limited by the speed and memory of your workstation.

Rules and applications you develop with the Personal Edition can be moved to a
full Process Commander system, version 5.5 or later.

To simplify installation, the Personal Edition includes Apache Tomcat 6.0.18,

Java Sun Microsystems Java JDK 1.6.0_13, and Apache Derby database. A few
Process Commander features are not fully functional in the Personal Edition,
including J2EE Enterprise (E-tier) capabilities.

Installation Guide Personal Edition V5.5 SP1

Confirm that your workstation meets these prerequisites:

■ The workstation uses Microsoft Windows 2000, Windows XP, or Vista.

■ Microsoft Visio 2002, Visio 2003 (also known as Visio XP), or Visio 2007 is

■ Internet Explorer 6 SP1 or later or Internet Explorer 7 is installed with current

Microsoft patches. (Internet Explorer 8 is not supported.)

■ Adobe Flash Player 9.

■ The workstation has at least 1.5 GB of real memory (RAM) and 2 GB of

unused disk space. (After installation completes, the Personal Edition
requires less than 700 MB of disk space.)

■ Existing applications do not use TCP/IP port 8888.

If the destination disk is nearly full or highly fragmented, it is a good idea to

defragment the disk before installation. You can also uninstall a previous version
of Personal Edition if it is on your workstation.

Users with Windows Vista will need temporary elevated privileges for the
duration of the install. This will handle the Windows Vista’s User Account Control
authorization requests and will also enable the installer to configure necessary
settings automatically.

Installation Guide Personal Edition V5.5 SP1

1. Close other Windows applications.

2. Insert the Personal Edition V5.5 SP1 DVD. The Welcome form appears.
Click Next> (Figure 1).

Figure 1. Welcome Form

Installation Guide Personal Edition V5.5 SP1

3. Review and accept the license agreement. Click Next> (Figure 2).

Figure 2. License Agreement

Installation Guide Personal Edition V5.5 SP1

4. Review prerequisites. Click Next> (Figure 3).

Figure 3. Prerequisites

5. Accept or select a destination disk and directory. Click Next> (Figure 4).

Figure 4. Destination Directory

Installation Guide Personal Edition V5.5 SP1

6. Review the summary form. Click Next> (Figure 5).

Figure 5. Summary Form

7. Wait while files are installed from the CD (Figure 6).

Figure 6. Installation Progress Bar

Installation Guide Personal Edition V5.5 SP1

8. When installation is complete, click Finish (Figure 7).

Figure 7. Installation Complete Form

Installation Guide Personal Edition V5.5 SP1

Starting and Stopping the Personal Edition

Follow these instructions to start and stop Personal Edition.

1. To start the Personal Edition, choose Start > Programs > Pegasystems >
Start PegaRULES Process Commander Personal Edition (Figure 8).

Figure 8. Start Menus

2. Apache Tomcat starts. If the Java JVM has not run previously, click
Unblock to respond to the Windows security alert (Figure 9).

Figure 9. Java Blocked Warning

3. Wait until an initial loading process completes, with the line INFO:
Server startup in NNNNN ms. The first time you start the Personal
Edition, one-time processing may require up to two minutes. Later starts
will be significantly faster. You can minimize the Tomcat console window,
but do not close it (Figure 10).

Installation Guide Personal Edition V5.5 SP1

Figure 10. Apache Tomcat Console

4. Choose Start > Programs > Pegasystems > Connect to PegaRULES

Process Commander Personal Edition. Windows opens Internet Explorer
and begins a client session. The log-in splash screen appears (Figure 11).

Figure 11. Personal Edition Log In Form

If Internet Explorer blocks all or part of this form, review the Internet Explorer
settings in the next section of this document.

Installation Guide Personal Edition V5.5 SP1

Personal Edition comes pre-loaded with the Developer Fast Start sample
application. Sign on to the application as a Work User, Work Manager, or a
Developer using the following Operator IDs and Passwords:

Operator ID Password rules rules rules

Note: When you connect to PegaRULES Process Commander as described

in Step 4, the default browser for your system opens. If you do not have
Internet Explorer set as the default browser, open Internet Explorer
manually and cut-and-paste the Process Commander URL into the address

5. To stop the Personal Edition, choose Start > Programs > Pegasystems >
Stop PegaRULES Process Commander Personal Edition (Figure 8).

Installation Guide Personal Edition V5.5 SP1

What’s Next – Developer Fast Start

For a brief tutorial demonstrating a few basic Process Commander features and
functions, see the Process Commander Developer Fast Start guide. The PDF is
located in your installation media. Refer to Chapter 2: Using the Application,
section Creating a Purchase Order. The Developer Fast Start (DFS) guide
provides hands-on instructions for modifying the DFS sample application. The
application allows employees of AlphaCorp to submit purchase order requests
using their Web browser and it automates the process of entering, routing, and
approving purchase orders.

Installation Guide Personal Edition V5.5 SP1

Internet Explorer settings

Process Commander works with Microsoft Internet Explorer Web browser
version 6.0 SP1 or later or version 7. Internet Explorer is also known as IE or
MSIE, and serves as a thin client for both application developers and application
Several settings are important for best use of MSIE with Process Commander. In
many cases, these may correspond to the settings you normally use for intranet
or other Local Zone processing.

For additional settings not needed by most Developer Fast Start readers, choose
the Help > Developer Help menu item to open the Process Commander help
system, and search for the topics “How to set up Internet Explorer 6.” and “How
to set up Internet Explorer 7”.

Temporary Internet Files settings

Process Commander uses HTTP 1.1 and marks pages as expired as
appropriate. To set this property in Internet Explorer version 6.0 SP1, navigate to
Tools > Internet Options > General > Temporary Internet Files > Settings, and
select Automatic. In Internet Explorer version 7, navigate to Tools > Internet
Options > General and click the Settings button under Browsing history. Select
Automatically in the Temporary Internet Files options.

The system responds best if your MSIE cache is enabled, because the cache
can store images and other static files locally. However, caching is not required.

Downloaded Program Files

Process Commander uses a few ActiveX controls on the workstation. Each is
automatically downloaded on demand (only as needed) if your Windows network
account and Internet Explorer settings permit this. Alternatively, you or your
Windows technical support staff can download them once, using their own
account privileges or an InstallShield installer found on the Process Commander

If your Windows account has Power User or Administrator privileges, you can
download these controls. If not, another user with appropriate privileges can
download them for you, by signing on and using Process Commander briefly.
(You do not need Power User or Administrator privileges to run the ActiveX

Under Tools > Internet Options > Security > Local Zone, confirm that you can
download signed ActiveX controls. You can set security for the Local Zone to
Low, or can choose Custom and turn on the download settings
(Figure 12) and (Figure 13):

Installation Guide Personal Edition V5.5 SP1

Figure 12. Downloads Setting

Figure 13. ActiveX Controls Setting

Pop-up Blockers
Process Commander uses pop-up windows. If your Internet Explorer 6 includes a
Google, Yahoo, or other pop-up blocker, disable it while using Process

If you use Internet Explorer 7 with the built-in Microsoft pop-up blocker, choose
Tools > Internet Options > Privacy to access the pop-up blocker (Figure 14).

Clear the Turn on Pop-up Blocker check box.

Figure 14. IE 7 Pop-up Blocker Setting

Installation Guide Personal Edition V5.5 SP1

Other Security Settings

Typically, the Process Commander server operates on a local area network
(LAN) and appears in the Local Zone of Internet Explorer. You can adjust
security settings for the Local Zone without affecting the security settings you
want to apply for the Internet.

■ Cookies — Process Commander uses cookies. Internet Explorer settings

must permit cookies.

■ Scripting — Process Commander uses JavaScript.

Applications based on Process Commanders may use
VBScript or JScript in addition to JavaScript. Users must
have the ability to execute scripts in the Local Zone. This
is available under the Low setting for the Local Zone or as a custom setting.

■ Windows XP SP2 restrictions on file downloads —If your workstation

operating system is Windows XP SP2 and your Process Commander server
is identified (in the URL on the Internet Explorer Address line) by an IP
address or by a domain-qualified name (such as myserver.mydomain.sub),
an Internet Explorer setting may restrict your ability to use file attachments.
Open the Custom Levels dialog on the tab of the Tools > Internet Options
panel for the Local Internet zone. Clear the Automatic Prompting for File
Download setting.

Performance tips and keyboard shortcuts

Developers and users are most productive if they remember these tips:

■ Click the logo on the upper left of the portal to return to your portal home

■ Don't use the Internet Explorer Back button or the Back keyboard shortcut.
Don't use the Internet Explorer History capabilities to return to an earlier
page. The older pages may contain stale information, and the Back and
History features may interfere with session synchronization.

■ Click the Refresh button on the Process Commander toolbar ( ) — not the
Internet Explorer refresh button or the F5 key — to refresh the current

■ Press CTRL+F to search for text on a page.

■ Press CTRL+P to print the current page.

Installation Guide Personal Edition V5.5 SP1

Visio Settings
Process Commander uses an ActiveX control to support flows in Microsoft Visio.
Follow these steps to set up Microsoft Visio to work with Process Commander

1. Add Pegasystems as a trusted source of Visio macros.

You may receive the following warning when you first open a flow rule.
(Figure 15). This warning appears only once.

Figure 15. Visio Macros Warning

Select Always trust macros from this source. This adds Pegasystems Inc.
to the Trusted Sources list. Pegasystems Inc. has digitally signed the Visio
macros with a Code Signing (level 3) Digital ID Certificate from VeriSign.

The Enable Macros button becomes available. Click the Enable Macros
button to start a successful Visio flow editing session. This dialog will not
appear again.

Installation Guide Personal Edition V5.5 SP1

2. Alternatively, set macro security to Medium or Low

The Visio flow editors in Process Commander use VBA (Visual Basic for
Applications) macros. Visio offers four levels of macro security that you
control through the dialog setting. If you only edit flow rules created with Visio
and have accepted Pegasystems Inc as a trusted source, you can leave the
setting at High. Otherwise, use Medium or Low.

 Start Visio. Select the Tools> Macros> Security menu item in Visio to
access the Security dialog (Figure 16).

 Set the Visio Macro security level to Medium (for prompting) or Low (for
no prompting). Click OK

Figure 16. Visio Security Settings


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