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There are two different type of carbohydrates

 Simple – Most basic form of carbohydrates. They are sugars and consist of one or two
Example: White bread, sugars, candies
 Complex – Consists of long chains of sugar molecules.
Example: Fruits, vegetables, whole meal pasta

Both simple and complex are turned into glucose (blood sugar) in the body and are used as

14. Fats are more concentrated source of energy compared to carbohydrates. It consists of three fatty
acids attached to a glycerol backbone. It is a source of essential fatty acids which the body cannot make
itself. Vitamins such as vitamin A, D, E are fat soluble thus it is easily absorbed in the body. Fats are
important for our health and proper function of the body. They are found in most groups of foods

15. Two main types of fat found in food:

 Saturated fats
 Unsaturated

16. Water is also called “universal solvent”. It is required for digestion, absorption, elimination of waste
products. It is an essential nutrient because it maintains the integrity of every cell, keeps the
bloodstream regular when it flows.

17. Vitamins
Is a substance which helps the body for proper function. It is an essential micronutrient that
cannot be synthesized by the body. Thus it can be obtained from the food we eat. Our body will be able
to get the vitamins it needed from the food because different food contains different assortment of

18. Now, let’s look more closely at vitamins A-K

Vitamin A
19. Minerals just like vitamins helps our body grow and stay healthy. People get minerals in an adequate
amount from wide variety of food that they are eating. Our body utilizes minerals for building strong
bones up to transmitting nerve impulses. It also functions in making an enzyme and hormones.

20. Two kinds of minerals

 Macrominerals -> Calcium

21. Enzymes or proteins that acts as catalyst to maintain homeostasis and health in the body. It plays a
vital role in breaking down carbohydrates, fats and dietary proteins, without them, our body cannot fully
receive the nutritional benefits of proteins coming from the food because they are not fully hydrolyzed.
It also helps to speed up chemical reaction inside the human body.
22. Hormones are chemical messengers release from the different glands of the endocrine system. The
glands are ductless that is why hormones are secreted directly into the blood stream.


24. Nutriture is the state of the nutrition inside the body with regards to specific nutrients

25. Malnutrition is a condition that occurs in a person when there is an excesses or not enough vitamins
or minerals in the body. If the body does not get enough nutrients it needs, they can have malnutrition.

26. This condition may lead to serious health conditions like

 Eye problems
 Heart disease
 Diabetes

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