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1.Kemdrum Yoga and its Upaya (remedy) in astrology

Kemdrum Yog and its Upaya

Kemdrum yog is one of the most malicious yog.People with this yog lack in at least one aspect
of life “ kisi ek sukh se vanchit rahenge” ; be it health , money , wife , children, education ,
stability etc. This deficiency in their life is so acute that it makes their life miserable.
 According to the astrology classics, a complete kemdrum yog will exist only if all the following
conditions are met. The yog will occur when there is:

 [ 1 ] In the lagna kundali , no planet with moon , nor any planet in either side houses i.e. 12th
and the 2nd to the moon. { rahu and ketu will not be counted }

 [ 2 ] In the lagna kundali , no planet in Kendra houses { 1st, 4th , 7th and 10th } . The sun,
rahu and ketu will not be counted.

 [ 3 ] In the lagna kundali , no planet aspecting the moon.

If such a complete kemdrum exists in any kundali, the native even if born to a kingly family,
would still become a ‘ daridra , deen and dukhi’ and will face insurmountable obstacles in life.

Traditional folk upaya for this yo

You will need a blood relation to assist you in doing this upaya. The upaya should be done at
the bank of a river or at the sea shore in the morning after the sun rise on a Saturday.

Take whole 11 suparis ( arrica nut ) , a red flower and Rs 125 in coins

Tie these things in a handkerchief size black cloth.

 Make the person with Kemdrum yog sit facing east and the blood relation , who has gone
along to assist , should take the potli in his hand and rotate this potli , anticlockwise , seven
times around the body of the one who has the Kemdrum yog. . Start the round from the left
side of the chest.

 After having made the round, immerse the potli either in a river or in sea.

Precaution: When you leave the house for the upaya , none of the two people should look back.
Nor should they look back, towards the river / sea after throwing the potli till they reach

{The person assisting stands behind the person having Kem Drum yog. he should neither
stand in front of the person nor such that he gets between the water and the kemdrum person.
If necessary he can stand by the side.

 Now from here > the assistant takes the potli in his left hand and starting from the left chest
moves it to the back, going round the back to the right chest and reaches the left chest. One
round is complete.

 Thus makes 7 rounds.

 If you notice the entire movement of the potli is anti- clock wise.}

Other Upayas:-

 Wear a Kemdrum Yog Nashak Kawach.

 Mantra for this yoga
 OM Aen Hin Shree Klim Hasauh Jagatprasutyai Namah
 Tripura Mantra
 Ka Ae Ee La Hreem Ha Sa Ka Ha La Hreem Sa Ka La Hreem.
Posted 4th February 2013 by Anonymous
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2.What Makes a person a Rapist -Astrological Analysis

What Makes a person a Rapist -Astrological Analysis

After the unfortunate and brutal Delhi rape incident, I was wondering what
astrological indicators would make a rapist. So, I did some research by taking some
data of the rapists. Here is the conclusion:

For committing a crime as heinous as rape one needs courage, extreme passion,
fearless and violent mind and ability to break social norms.

Scorpio sign is a passionate sign and heavy malefic influence on it from planets like
Mars, Saturn and Rahu may contribute to highly passionate nature. Mars, Venus and
Rahu are three planets which decide the sexual and passionate nature of an
individual. For example Mars rules the passion and Venus rules sex when both of
these planets combine in a house, they make the native highly passionate. Rahu
always breaks the taboo and doesn't care about society so its influence on the
combination of Mars and Venus may make the native courageous enough to commit
the crime. Apart from this I also saw Venus in the sign of cancer for many of the
rapists. Cancer is an emotional sign and it rules the thoughts, feelings and emotions.
Venus, the planet of sex if lies in this sign may give sexual feelings. Malefic effects on
houses like 3rd, 5th, 7th, 8th and 12th may also contribute to the sexual feelings.
Let us analyze the horoscope of a rapist here:

This native was a serial rapist, molestor and stalker. He raped 16 women over a
period of time.
In his horoscope above, moon is in 6th house in poorvashadha nakshatra which is
ruled by Venus, the planet of pleasures. Moon is the significator of emotions and
feelings and it being in a bad house is not good. Moon is placed with Jupiter which is
the lord of 8th house which rules sex, rape etc. Lagna is ruled by Venus (Planet of sex
and pleasures) and it is occupied by Mars (Passion, violence and courage) and
Rahu(breaking the social norms, fearless). As mentioned above both the planets are
enhancing the passion of the native to alarming levels and making him cross the
limits set by the society. In addition to this Mars is also the lord of 7th and 12th
house. 7th house rules passion and sex and 12th house also signifies the pleasures of
bed. His crimes started in the Saturn-Venus dasha.

Rape is a curse on our society, a society where women have always been worshipped
in the form of deities. LET US MAKE EVERY EFFORT TO STOP IT.
Posted 4th February 2013 by Anonymous
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3.Negative Yogas in Your Birth Chart and their Remedies

A Yoga means a combination or conjunction of planets. While Positive Yogas impart strength to the
horoscope, Negative Yogas mar and destroy all the postive results bequethed by the positive
combinations. Prognostication is difficult normally, as all horoscopes are a mixture of positive and
negative indications and influences and it is difficult to arrive at a resultant conclusion.
As Vedic Astrology is a revealed Science, revealed to the Seers in Yogic flashes of heightened
Consciousness, the remedies prescribed are effective and can ward off negative influences and make
man actualise his potential, both material and spiritual, which are the obverse and the reverse of the
same coin of Life !

Amavasi Yoga - This Yoga manifests when the Moon is proximate to the Sun. All planets when they
near the Sun, lose their virility and become combust. The conjunction of Luna and Sol is known as
Amavasi or New Moon. ( Its opposite phenomenon is the Luni-Solar opposition, Pournami or Full
Moon ). The native born under Amavasi Yoga becomes weak mentally, as mental strength can only be
bestowed by a powerful ( powerful in digit strength ) Moon ! If Moon comes within 72 degrees of the
Sun, she is said to be devoid of digit strength. All the significations associated with the Moon suffer as
Moon comes within 72 degrees of the Sun. The Moon signifies Mother & Mind ( Mano Matharo
Sheetharashmi ). If the Moon is afflicted, there is danger to the native’s mother as well. ( Of course, the
4 H also should be taken into consideration ). An afflicted Moon can also mean that the native will not
rise high in the political sphere, as Moon is the Queen in the Celestial Government ( Rajanou Ravi
Sheethagu ) ! Amavasi means that the Moon is afflicted by the Sun, who is considered as a natural
malefic in VA. Mind will go through depressive Black Holes for the native. Remedial Astrology has it
that such natives should fast on Mondays ( Monday being Dies Luna or Day of Moon ) & consecrate to
the Divine Mother on Mondays ( The Divine Mother being the Deity of the Moon ), wear Moonstone or
Coral, wear the Soma Talisman & perform Soma Homa ( Soma being the name of Luna ), with the
Soma Mantra !

Nisva Yoga - This Yoga manifests when the 2 L ( 2nd lord ) is in the adverse 6,8,12 houses. Sva means
Wealth and Nisva means one devoid of wealth, as 2 H is the House of Wealth !. This is a problematic
Yoga, as Wealth is something highly fancied by this world ! ( This world is a Vanity Fair ). Remedies
are propitiating the 2 L (Second Lord) with his Mantra, Yantra & Homa, fasting on his Day ( Sunday -
Sun;Monday - Moon; : Tuesday - Mars; Wednesday - Mercury; Thursday - Jove; Friday - Venus &
Saturday - Saturn ).

Nirbhaya Yoga - This Yoga manifests when the 9 L is in the adverse 6,8,12 houses. This is another
problematic Yoga as 9 H rules Fortune. Luck or Fortune is said to be the greatest quality ( Bhagyanvitha
Sarva Gunair Upetha ) and lack of it can lead to a chaotic life. Remedies for this are propitiation of the 9
L on his Day with his Mantra, Yantra & Homa, fasting on his Day and consecrating to the Lord on his
Day. Bhagya Sooktha Mantra can be used to counteract this malefic Yoga.

Daridra Yoga - When the 11 L is in the adverse 6, 8, 12 houses, this Yoga manifests. The 11 H is said to
be the House of Gains and House for the fulfillment of all desires. ( Abheeshta Labham Khalu
Sarvamethath ). Remedies for this are propitiation of the 11 L on his Day with his Mantra, Yantra &
Homa, fasting on his Day and consecrating to the Divine on his Day. Lakshmi Mantra can be used to
counteract this Yoga.

Dur Yoga - When the 10 L is in the adverse 6, 8, 12 houses, this Yoga manifests. The 10 H is the most
important House as it rules Profession. This destructive Yoga can be a formidable block as the native
works hard and finds no result ! Remedies for this are propitiation of the 10 L on his Day with his
Mantra, Yantra & Homa, fasting on his Day and consecrating to the Divine on his Day.

Sakata Yoga - This Yoga manifests when Jupiter and Moon are in 6/8 or 2/12 from each other. Sakata
means a wheel in Sanskrit and the native’s fortunes will fluctuate like a wheel. He will be led through
dire vicissitudes. Jupiter angular to the Moon is Kesari Yoga, a yoga which is diametrically opposite to
this Yoga. Sakata Yoga can create financial stringency. Remedies for this are propitiation of Jupiter on
his Day with his Mantra, Yantra & Homa & fasting on his Day. Sree Sooktha Mantra can be used to
counteract this Yoga. Cancellational factor is an angular Jupiter, angular to the Asc and if so, the native
becomes a regal person !

Kalasarpa Yoga - When all planets are hemmed in between the North Node & South Node, this Yoga
manifests. Till 34, the native struggles hard in life and in Life there will be occasional dips. Even though
some scholars opine that K Y is valid only in Mundane Astrology, this Yoga is found to be destructive in
Natal Astrology as well. Remedies include performing a Kalasarpa Homa and wearing the Kalasarpa
Talisman and chanting the mantras of both Rahu & Ketu
Asura Yoga - When benefics occupy the 8 H, this Yoga manifests. Asu means the sensory organs and
one born in A Y will have sufficient sensory enjoyments. Fate has given the native all the resources to
enjoy life fully. For a hedonist, this Yoga is Heaven but for a spiritual aspirant, this Yoga is a big block
as it can hinder his spiritual progress, his goal being Self Actualisation ! Only from a spiritual
perspective have we included this Yoga as a Negative Yoga.

Kemadruma Yoga - This Yoga manifests when the Signs on either sides of Luna are unoccupied. The
person born under this Yoga is dirty, sorrowful, low-minded and devoid of wealth ( Kemadrume Malina
Dukhitha Neecha Nisva ). Tripura Mantra can be used to counteract this Yoga. Soma Homa & Yantra
can be useful in nullifying this Yoga.

Papa Karthari Yoga - This Yoga manifests when a house or a planet is hemmed in between 2 malefics. If
the Ascendant ( Personality, Fame ) is hemmed in between malefics , in a P K Y, there may be even
suicidal tendencies. Same is the case if the Moon is in P K Y. If Sun is in P K Y, father’s health physical
& mental becomes a problem. If Moon is so positioned, mother’s. If a House or Bhava is in PKY, then
the significations of that House or Bhava suffer. If the 2 H is in P K Y, then the native will have dire
vicissitudes. If the Asc is in PKY, then the native’s health becomes a problem. Remedial Astrology has
it that the afflicted planet or house lord should be propitiated with the respective ( the planet’s or the
House lord’s ) Mantra, Yantra & Homa.
Malefics in Houses

Malefics vitiate the House they tenant. Natural benefics are Jupiter, Venus, Moon & Mercury. Moon
waning is malefic and so is a malefic associated Mercury. Jupiter & Venus become malefics when
afflicted by angular ownership ( Kendradhipatya Dosha ).

If the Ascendant is vitiated by a malefic, the native suffers from the hallucination of defeat ( Lagne
Papagathe Parajaya Bhaya Siroruja ). There may be affliction to the head. If 2 H, wealth will be
afflicted. If 3 H, younger coborns become inimical. If 4 H, mother and conveyances. If 5 H, children. If
6 H, enemies attack the native. If 7 H, life partner creates problems. If 8 H, hindrances and obstacles on
the way. If 9 H, Luck will be found wanting. If 10 H, problems in the professional sphere. If 11 H, gains
will be difficult to come by. If 12 H, hidden enemies attack the native. There may be even incarceration.
Remedial Astrology has it that the afflicted house lord should be propitiated with the respective Mantra,
Yantra & Homa.

While evaluating the Yogas, one should check whether cancellational factors are there or not.
Cancellation of Kemadruma Yoga goes under the name Kemadruma Bhanga Yoga and a person born
under this Yoga becomes a royal personage , like one born in Neecha Bhanga Raja Yoga ( Kemadrume
Bhavathi Mangala Suprasiddhi ). A powerful Jupiterian aspect can also destroy negativity. Jupiter in the
Ascendant or an angular Jupiter can also remove a lot of negativity. Great care must be taken before
predicting the effects of negative yogas, as cancellation of a Negative Yoga becomes a Positive Yoga !
Posted 4th February 2013 by Anonymous


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4.Understanding some common misconceptions about Hinduism

Ramakrishna Paramahamsa who said "As many faiths, so many paths"

Hinduism is a vast religion with multiple facets. It is one of the oldest religions in the world. For the less informed,
Hinduism may look too confusing, too complicated to understand, and too contradictory in its precepts and practices.
Even many Hindus do not know the exalted philosophies of the religion. Naturally, there are many misconceptions
commonly prevalent about Hinduism, some propagated by vested interests, some by ill-informed westerners and some
by self-doubting Hindus. Here is an attempt to clear up some of those misconceptions.
1. Know that Hinduism does not have 330 million Gods.
As per Hindu mythology, this count actually refers to Devas - celestial beings - but not Gods. Deva is a
Sanskrit term that at times is used to glorify Gods, but not to represent Gods. This usage has led to the
mischievous misinterpretation by westerners to denounce Hinduism as a religion of 330 million gods.
Unfortunately, many ill-informed Hindus, too, have taken to believe in this misperception.

Devas, according to mythology, live in Indralokha (or Devalokha, an equivalent of Heaven) and they
are none other than human beings in earlier births who did extraordinarily good deeds with a desire to
enjoy the fruits of such deeds. They enjoy the fruits of those deeds in Deva Lokha, and once exhausted,
they have to take birth again in this world. According to the mythology, this cycle is an ongoing
2. Know that Hinduism, in its essence, is not a religion of multiple Gods.

Hinduism permits worship of multiple God forms, endowed with different looks, powers, and attributes,
who, in reality, represent the One God, known as Brahman,
or Parabrahman, Paramatma or Satchidananda. Hinduism accepts the basic differences in every person
in taste, temperament and capacity of intake in the matter of religion. A woman found distasteful to one
person can be the soul-stirring sweetheart of another person. When such a difference in taste can exist,
why not allow different tastes in the worshiping of God?

Thus Hinduism permits you to choose a specific God form most appealing and lovable to you; it
encourages you to believe wholeheartedly that that particular God form indeed is the one supreme God.
A chaste woman considers her husband alone to be the most handsome and most wonderful person;
likewise, at the lower echelons of religion, a believer's conviction that his personal God alone is the
most powerful and the "only true God" is also encouraged.

As a person matures in his religious progress, he surpasses his narrow convictions. He understands by
experience that one supreme lord has, by His grace, adapted to come in the form of his personal God
and that He presents Himself in other forms to satisfy other sects of believers. At the ultimate level of
experience, the seeker perceives that the whole universe is simply nothing other than God and it
includes his own soul, too.
3. Know that Hinduism has not ordained that the society should be caste-based with all the concomitant

Hinduism had accepted the practical fact that there will always be differences among persons in
intellectual, physical and mental capabilities. For the society to run smoothly like well-oiled machinery,
there has to be a well-defined division of labor. The society needs all sorts of people who do their jobs
to the best of their ability doing those activities best suited to them.

The society needs peasants and artisans (‘Shudra'), traders (‘Vysya'), intellectuals and teachers
(‘Brahmin'), and warriors (‘Kshatriya'). Each class requires its own skill sets, physical and mental
capabilities, food habits, ethical and moral codes of conduct and the Hindu Dharma has provided these
guidelines. What is best suited to one class need not be a benchmark for another.

In ancient days, the society at large accepted these classifications as matters of fact (without acrimony).
It is also said that such a division of labor was not originally based on family lineage. But when
followed over generations, it gradually turned into a caste system and further degenerated into upper
and lower classes with discrimination and acrimony between them. This is actually a sociological
phenomenon and it is incorrect to blame the religion for it.
4. Know that Hinduism, by its Karma theory and the concept of rebirth, does not say that one has to
gradually take birth "from lower to upper class" before attaining Moksha.

Hinduism says that as long as one has desires, one has to take rebirth. The rebirth can be in any class of
the society and even a rebirth as an animal is not ruled out. Even a highly spiritually oriented Brahmin
may get a rebirth in the form of an animal just to satiate some odd, unquenched desires of the previous
5. Know that Hinduism does not say that the experience of God is reserved for Brahmins (the so called
upper class/priest class) only.

Traditionally, Brahmins, by virtue of their social status, had the exclusive access to the highest scriptural
knowledge (of Vedas) in olden days. That way, they were better informed of the nuances of the highest
religious facts. But that never made them exclusively able to attain the vision of God. The knowledge
about swimming acquired by a person by reading books, but without any exposure to water, is useless.
Likewise, in Hinduism, the personal experience of God is what really matters (and not the scriptural
6. There are countless great masters in Hinduism who have experienced God without any theoretical
knowledge of scriptures. Traditionally, even great pundits and Brahmin scholars kneel before these
unlettered divine souls, many of whom are not Brahmins by birth, to learn about the true experience of
God from them. Umpteen examples are available in Indian history on this count. The phenomenon of
Brahmins dominating the religious scenario and showing discrimination towards other castes is again a
sociological development and not a religiously ordained one.
7. Know that Hinduism is not totally anti-materialistic and does not totally discourage enjoyment.

What Hinduism says is that materialistic pursuits or running behind sensual pleasures is not going to
fetch you everlasting happiness. It only says that behind any unbridled searching for enjoyment, there is
always a pain lurking behind. Hinduism advises one to practice moderation, to be watchful, and not to
get carried away.

Hinduism does place liberation - ‘Moksha' as the ultimate goal of life. But, for for the majority, the path
of progress towards the goal (Moksha) includes Dharma (righteousness), Artha (materialism)
and Kama (sensual enjoyments). The important point is that the materialistic and sensual enjoyments
(Artha and Kama) must always be guided by righteousness (Dharma). Leading a life this way, one can
gradually understand the transient nature of worldly life, acquire dispassion (‘Vairagya') and the mind
then yearns for liberation (Moksha), the ultimate goal.

It is no doubt that Hinduism gives the highest regard to renunciation. But again, for the society at large,
the recommended way of living so as to attain the supreme goal starts at ‘Brahmacharya' (celibacy at a
young age while acquiring education), followed by ‘Grihasta' (married life of a householder),
‘Vanaprasta' (living frugally in a secluded way at the forest, once the couple has completed their duty
toward their offspring) and finally ‘Sanyasa' (total renunciation).

When an earnest seeker is mature enough to comprehend the transient nature of worldly life, has a high
degree of discrimination and dispassion and yearns for God, he can opt to renounce much earlier,
without going through all these stages one by one.
8. Know that Hinduism does not preach fatalism and does not negate self-effort.

It is wrong to think that by advocating Karma theory (which says that for every action in the past, one
has to face the reaction inescapably in the future and this cycle transcends births over births), Hinduism
encourages a fatalistic attitude. What Hinduism says is that one cannot have freedom of choice in facing
the repercussions of past actions, but one does have the free will to choose his present actions. It is quite
obvious that only because we have the freedom of choice of action, we have accumulated our
past KarmThe essence of Hinduism on this matter of Karma or fate is two-fold.

One: The reactions to our past actions are not entirely self-propelling; they are indeed executed by the
will of God; the more one surrenders to God and the more one accepts with humility the divine
dispensation, the more one gets relief from the impinging effects of Karma.

Two: By carefully choosing one's present actions based on Dharma, by doing acts with dispassion and a
sense of surrender to the supreme, one paves the way for escaping from the evil effects of his present
actions in the future.
9. Know that Hinduism does not say that faith and surrender to a Hindu God alone are the way to

Hinduism has two major approaches to the concept of God. One starts by negating "I" and the other
starts and ends with "I".

In the first school (Bhakti Yoga - the path of love), the whole universe is God; It is God who creates,
preserves and destroys. He is omnipresent and omnipotent. In front of him, "I" am nothing. I have no
individuality. I, too, am part of him. He, the Paramatman, is the true existence. I, the Atman, am part
and parcel of (and subservient to) Him.
10.In the second school (Gnyana Yoga - the path of Wisdom), the seeker thinks "I don't know whether a
God exists; whether he is with form or without form; I don't know whether the world is his creation; But
one thing I know; I exist. In waking, dreaming or deep sleep, I am aware of my existence. When I think,
"I am," at that moment, everything else also comes into existence. When my mind ceases to function (as
in deep sleep), the whole world, the entire creation vanishes. Everything - the world, the cosmos, the
personal God of worship - everything is a product of the mind. When the seeker inquires to find ‘Who
am I?" and truly experiences this reality in a truly "mindless" state, he grasps the fact that his soul,
Atman, is none other than the Brahman, the supreme soul.
11.Hinduism does not say that possession of occult powers is an indication that one has attained God
Occult powers (Siddhi) may develop in a person who is deeply involved in spiritual practices with
single-pointed concentration. But it has to be understood that presence of Siddhi is not an indication of a
person's attainment of true spiritual wisdom. The highest goal being God realization in Hinduism,
obtaining Siddhis in fact can distract a person from his goal and cause spiritual downfall.

This is the warning given by all great spiritual masters of Hinduism. But a person who has reached his
goal, may still have Siddhis in him but he cares the least about them. It is up to him to use them for the
good of others or not.
12.Know that Hinduism does not say that one should blindly believe his Guru to attain salvation.

For an earnest seeker who is convinced that attaining Moksha - salvation/God realization/self-

realization - is the goal of life, Hinduism emphasizes the need for surrendering to a Guru (rather to a
Satguru - a Guru of the highest order who has personally experienced the Supreme Truth). Hinduism
encourages one to do all the questioning and doubting before selecting a Guru; After surrendering to a
Guru, asking probing questions of the Guru until getting convincing answers is also encouraged.
At the same time, Hinduism is very clear that egotism is one of the greatest impediments to attaining the
supreme truth. That's why great masters say that unconditional surrender (rather than egotistic
arguments and doubting) is the best option to receive the grace of the Satguru.
Other than the above, there are always differences of opinions among various schools of philosophies in
Hinduism about the interpretation of scripture. But these are quite normal and acceptable in a vast
religion like Hinduism. Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa used to say, "Until one gets the vision of God,
there will always be lurking doubts; Once divine vision is had, all doubts will vanish once for all."
Posted 4th February 2013 by Anonymous


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5.Rahu Mantras and Remedies

Rahu Mantras and Remedies

Rahu Mantras and Remedies
According to Hindu Mythology Rahu swallows the Sun or the Moon causing eclipses. The
story of Rahu is quite interesting. According to the Puranas, Swarbhanu, the son born to
the Asura King Viprasithi and a Queen Sinhika, consumed amrut by disguising himself as
a God and sitting in between Sun and Moon. Once Mohini (a Lord Vishnu avatar as
female) who was distributing the holy nectar of immortality noticed the mistake Sharbhanu
was assaulted with the ladle resulting which his head separating from the rest of the body.
As he had already consumed amrut he did not die. Swarbhanu pleaded to Vishnu for
moksha and accordingly a serpent's body was fitted to his face which we call Rahu and the
serpants head with his body became Ketu.

Rahu is normally depicted as a dragon head with no body riding a chariot drawn by eight
black horses. Though not a Planet Rahu is counted as one of the navagrahas. Rahu is
considered as a malefic and its effects are equated with that of Shani by Vedic
Astrologers.The metal representing Rahu is lead. Its element is air and direction is south-
west. Rahu is the ruler of number 4 in Indian numerology. Rahu is also the lord of three
nakshatras : Ardra, Swati and Shatabhisha. The dasha of Rahu normally last for 18 years
out of which the 6th and 8th years are the most troublesome ones. When the Rahu is
afflicted one faces several miseries and obstacles in the way of success and remedies
should be done to reduce the ill effects. Some such remedies are
1. Worshiping Bhairava or lord Shiva.
2. Chanting Rahu Mantras or Stotra
3. Donating Udad dal or coconut on Saturday
4. Fasting on Saturdays
5. Wear An 8 mukhi Rudraksha Bead
6. Wearing Gomedh 
Mantras of Rahu

"Aum rahave namah"

"Aum rang rahave namah aum"
"Om dhum ram rahave namah"
"Om bhraam bhreem bhraum sah rahave namah"
"Om raam rahve namah"
"Ardakayam mahaviryam chandraditya vimardanam singhika garba sambootam tam rahum


I offer my obeisance’s to Rahu who was born from the womb of Simhika and who has only half a body
yet possess great power, being able to subdue the Sun and the Moon.

These mantras are normally chanted on 108 japa beads and may be recited for 18,000 times within 40
days during night and puja should be performed with blue flowers and sandal wood. One can begin the
recitation of the mantra on a Saturday during the bright half of the Moon. Presence of Kali and Durga
yantra at the place of recitation may help one in achieving the desired results faster.

Rahu Gayatri Mantra 

AUM Sookdantaya Vidmahe,

Ugraroopaya Dhimahi,
tanno Rahu Prachodayat.

Rahu Shanti Mantra

"Om Rahuve Devaye Shaantim, Rahuve Kripaaye Karoti, Rahuaaye chamaaye abhilaashat, Om Rahuve
Namoh Namah.”
Rahu Deva, I pray to you. Please forgive my sins and give me your blessings.
If Rahu is affecting your life adversely then the above mantra can be chanted 2 times a day to reduce its
effects one in the morning before breakfast and one in the evening before dinner.


Posted 4th February 2013 by Anonymous
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6.Signifance of Venus in Horoscope, Remedies and Shukra Mantras

Signifance of Venus in Horoscope, Remedies and Shukra Mantras
Significance of Venus in Horoscope and Remedies
The planet Venus is known as Sukra in Vedic astrology. According to Hindu Astrology, Shukra or Venus
is a part of the nine planets or navagrahas and considered a benefic planet. In astrology, the planet of
Venus is considered to be the guru of demons. Hence, Venus is also thought to be associated with
luxuries and materialistic comforts. Venus takes one year to complete the Zodiac cycle staying one
month in each Rasi. Sukra means "white", or "bright" in Sanskrit. Venus rules over the signs Taurus and
Libra. It is exalted in Pisces and in its fall in Virgo. The planets Mercury and Saturn are considered
friendly to Shukra and the Sun and Moon are enemies. In Astrology, Venus is the natural signification of
spouse, happiness, sexual sciences, poetry, flowers, youth, ornaments, silver, vehicles, luxuries and
different forms of emotions among other things. In the body he rules over the reproductive system,
eyes, throat, chin, cheeks and kidneys. An individual with strong Venus in Horoscope is likely to
appreciate nature and enjoy harmonious relationship. Venus is the lord of three Nakshatras or lunar
mansions. Venus also rules number 6 in Indian numerology. Shukra Dasha remains active in a person's
horoscope for 20 years and is believed to give more wealth, fortune and luxury to a person's life if they
have Venus positioned well in their horoscope. Any type of prosperity is the result of Shukra's blessing.
A broken marriage, ill-repute, excess expenditure, kidney problem, diabetics, throat infection are the
results of Venus in a malignant position. Shukra is associated with a month in the Hindu calendar called
Jyeshtha. The metals associated with Venus are copper and silver and gemstone is Diamond. His ruling
day is Friday and he is the guardian of the south-east direction.

As a God Shukra is the Guru of Asuras. According to Hindu scriptures, he is the son Sage Bhrigu and
his wife Usha. Lord Shukra is pictured as a fair god. He has four hands, and is seated on a white lotus.
Shukracharyas chariot is pulled by eight flaming horses. In appearance, He is medium-sized with a
broad chest, powerful shoulders and long hands. His curly hair is dark and short. Shukra overflows with
virility and is intelligent, handsome and sensuous. He holds a stick, beads and a lotus and sometimes a
bow and arrow.He is an expert in every form of learning, including the Sanjivini Vidya which is the
knowledge of resurrecting the dead. Shukracharya is the Lord of the Earth's wealth like metals,
minerals, herbs, sacred and divine knowledge.

Remedies for a Malefic Venus

1. Worship Goddess Durga and recite Shree Sooktam or Devi stuti or Durga chalisa.
2. Donate Silver, gold, rice, ghee, white apparel, white sandalwood, diamonds, white horses, curds, sugar
or cow to a poor young woman on Friday.
3. Bathing the idol of Lakshmi with Panchamrit will please Venus. Worshiping Goddess Lakshmi with
white flowers and sandalwood paste regularly will appease Venus.
4. Keep fast on Fridays especially during Venus transits and major or minor Venus periods.
5. Wear Diamond.
6. Wear a 6 mukhi Rudraksha Bead and 13 Mukhi Rudraksha Bead.
7. Chant the Shukra beeja mantra or stotra 16000 times in 40 days.

Hindu God Venus 

Shukra Mantras
"Om Dram Dreem Draum Sah Shukraya Namah"
"Om Shum Shukraya Namah"

Shukra Gayatri Mantra

Om Aswadhwajaaya Vidmahe
Dhanur hastaaya dheemahi
Tanno shukra prachodayaat

Navagraha Shukra Mantra

"Himkundmrinaalaabham Daityaanam Paramam Gurum

Sarvashastrapravaktaram Bhargavam Pranmaamyaham"

Meaning : I bow down to Shukra who is as white and fair as snow and who is the teacher
of daithyas who are the enemies of Gods and who is knowledged of all scriptures.
Posted 4th February 2013 by Anonymous


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7.Significance of Mars in Horoscope, Remedies and Mangal Mantras

Significance of Mangal in Horoscope and Remedies
According to Astrology, Mars or Mangal is the planet of power, strength, courage and aggression.
Astrologically Mars is seen as a cruel planet. By nature Mangal is energetic and lustful, adventurous,
wrathful and liberal. Mangal is extremely hot-tempered and very sensitive to any arrogance on part of
his devotees. He bestows financial gain and relieves all difficulties, particularly of illness, debt and
enemies of his devotees. It is instrumental in the acquisition of landed properties, affluence in work etc.
In Vedic Astrology, Mars is also known as Mangal, Angaraka, and Kuja. These names in Sanskrit mean,
"auspicious, burning coal, and the fair one". Mars happens to be natural signification of Stamina,
courage, anger, desire, opponents, immovable properties, friends, energy, violence, brother and siblings,
accidents, ambition and enemies among other things. Mars also governs blood-related problems, blood
pressure, muscles and bone marrow in the body so a malefic influence of the planet is likely to affect
the same. Mars plays the role of the protector of Dharma, the sacred path and purpose in life that each
of us follows. A strong Mars in the Horoscope give one the energy, will, confidence and independence
to carry out our endeavors. Mangal rules over the sidereal signs of Aries and Scorpio. Mars exalts in
Capricorn and falls in the sign of Cancer. It is the most comfortable in the 10th House. Mars stays for
1.5 month in each zodiac to complete the cycle in 18 months. The position of Mars is very important in
any horoscope.

As a God, Mars is often described with a red body exemplifying the natural color of the astronomical
body in the sky. Mangal is also a Kshatriya and sits on a ram. He is a handsome youth having a short
stature and four arms, two of which carry a trident and a mace. His build is slender and appearance
youthful and his blood-red eyes burn fiercely. In terms of Marriage the position of Mars is of supreme
importance as it signifies passion, husband, marital knot, sex etc. Mangal is known for positively or
negatively affecting the chances of Marriage. As per astrology, the placement of Mars in the 4th, 7th,
8th or 12th house from ascendant, Moon and Venus results in the Mangalik Dosha. Mangal Dosha leads
to delay in marriage, dissatisfaction in married life, incompatible sexual preference, inadequate
longevity of spouse, low adjustment potential, lack of satisfaction with own spouse and hence leading to
extra marital affairs. The way out for this is to Marry another having a Manglik Kundali as well.
However the Manglik or Kuja Dosha can get cancelled under certain circumstances. So before
assuming yourself to be a Manglik get your Horoscope examined by a good astrologer.

Remedies for pleasing Mangal

1. Worship Lord Shiva.
2. Fasting on 21 Tuesdays
3. Chanting the Hanuman chalisa
4. Chanting the Planetary Mantras of Mars
5. Wearing Coral Gemstone
6. Wearing Three Mukhi or Eleven Mukhi Rudraksha Bead
7. Donate red silks, knives or swords, foods made out of red dhal or red gemstones on Tuesday.
8. To appease Mars, wear coral ring made of Gold or Copper on the Index or Ring finger on any Tuesday
and continue to wear it thereafter.
9. Conducting Mangal Puja can also liberate one from debts, poverty and skin problems.
Mangal Mantras - Bija, Navagraha and Gayatri
In order to reduce the Malefic Effects of mangal, the planetary mantras also can be chanted.

Mantras of Mangal

‘Om Ang Angarkaaya Namah’

'Aum Kum Kujaaya Namah'
‘Om Krim Kum Kujaya Namah’
"Om Kraam Kreem Kraum sah Bhaumaya Namah"
“Om Agnirmoordhadivah Kakutpati Prithivya Ayam
Apaang Retaang Si Jinvati Bhoumay Namah”

Navagraha Mangal Mantra

‘Dharanee Garbhsambhootam Vidyutkantisamprabham
Kumaram Shaktihastam Cha Mangalam Pranamamyaham"
Meaning : I offer my obeisances to Mangala, who was born from the womb of Goddess Earth. His
brilliant effulgence is like that of lightning, and he appears as a youth carrying a spear in his hand.

Mangal Gayatri Mantras

Aum Angarkaya vidmahe

bhoomipalaya dhimahi
tanno kujah prachodayat.
Aum Chitri Putrayai Vidmahe
Loyhe Tangai dhimahi
Tanno Bhooma Prachodayat

To remove the malefic effects of mars the mantras can be chanted using 108 Beads Rudraksha Rosary
11,000 times within 20 days. Also perform Mangal Puja with red flowers and red sandal wood and
begin the recitation on a Tuesday during the bright half of the Moon. Presence of 'Mangal yantra' at the
place of recitation may help in achieving the desired results faster.
Posted 4th February 2013 by Anonymous


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8.Significance of Saturn in Horoscope, Remedies and Shani Mantras

Significance of Saturn in Horoscope, Remedies and Shani Mantras

Significance of Saturn and Shani Remedies

The planet Saturn is known as Shani in Vedic Astrology. Shani is one of the navagrahas or
9 planets. Saturn is said to teach one to be more responsible and disciplined. Saturn makes
a full round of the zodiacal sign once in 30 years. During the transit when Saturn moves
from one sign to the next after every 2-1/2 years. This movement brings about major
effects in the life of individual. Every person has to go through at least some phases in life
under the influence of Saturn. If the phase is thoughtfully taken as a learning period, it
gives ample of life long advantage. It can be for Good or bad depending on the phase of
life a person is in. A well placed Saturn gives patience, keen observation and ability to
work hard. A bad Saturn, on the other hand, makes a person depressed, an escapist, lazy,
quarrelsome, sorrowful, irresponsible creature, with tendencies towards drug abuse, and
alcohol. Saturn rules bones, teeth, knees and Ears. All long and lingering diseases like
gout, rheumatism, cancer and leprosy come under his portfolio. Saturn rules Capricorn and
Aquarius signs. He is the star lord of pushya, Anuradha and Uttara Bhadra pada stars in
Vedic astrology. Saturn is at its peak in Libra and debilitated in Aries. Mercury, Venus,
Rahu and Ketu are his friendly signs. Sun, Moon and Mars are considered to be his
enemies. Jupiter has a neutral relationship to Saturn. Saturday is the day of Shani and blue
and black are his favorite colors. Neelam or Blue Sapphire is the Gemstone representing
Planet Saturn.

As a God, Saturn is black in color, short in stature and lame because of injured legs. Shani
is the son of Surya and Chhaya, the Shadow Goddess. Manu and Yama are his brothers.
Shani's vehicle is a vulture. Shani is the ruler of our destinies and keeps an eye on our
deeds and depending on our Karmas we will be rewarded or punished by Shani.

Remedies to please Shani

1. Observe fasts on 51 Saturdays and take Khicdi made of rice and black urad daal after the sunset.
2. Wearing Blue Sapphire Gemstone
3. Wearing 14 Mukhi Rudraksha or 7 Mukhi Rudraksha or a Saturn Mala comprising of 36 seven mukhi
beads and one 14 mukhi rudraksha bead.
4. Worship Lord Hanuman by chanting his mantras on Saturday and light ghee lamp in front of the idol.
5. Donate Sesame seeds, urad daal, iron, oil, black apparel, shoes or blue sapphire.
6. Wear Shani Yantra Pendant
7. Wear Shani ring (Available at Shani Shinganapur)
8. Praying to Lord Shiva and chanting the Mahamrityunjaya Mantra
9. Chant Shani Beej Mantra 23000 times starting Saturday evening.


Shani Mantras
"Om Praam Preem Praum Sah Shanaiyshcharaaya Namah"
"Om Sham Shanaiyshcharaaya Namah"
"Om Hlim Sham Shanaye Namah"
"Aum Aing Hring Shring Shung Shanaishcharaye Namah Aum"

Navagraha Shani Mantra

"Neelanjansamaabhaasam Raviputram Yamaagrajam;

Chhaaya maartandsambhootam
Tam Namaamee Shanaiyshcharam".

Meaning : I bow to Shani who is as black as a black collyirum, who is the son of Surya
born through Chaya , whose brother is Yama and who moves slowly.

Shani Gayatri Mantra

"Om Sanaischaraya vidhmahe
Sooryaputraya dhimahi
Tanno manda prachodayat"
Posted 4th February 2013 by Anonymous
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9.Ketu Mantras and Remedies

Ketu Mantras and Remedies

Ketu Mantras
According to Hindu mythology, Ketu is generally referred to as a "shadow" planet. Ketu is
the descending lunar node. The story of Rahu and Ketu is quite interesting. Swarbhanu, the
son born to the Asura King Viprasithi and a Queen Sinhika, consumed amrut by disguising
himself as a God and sitting in between Sun and Moon. Once Mohini (a Lord Vishnu
avatar as female) who was distributing the holy nectar of immortality noticed the mistake
Sharbhanu was assaulted with the ladle resulting which his head separating from the rest of
the body. As he had already consumed amrut he did not die. Swarbhanu pleaded to Vishnu
for moksha and accordingly a serpants body was fitted to his face which we call Rahu and
the serpants head with his body became Ketu. Venus and Rahu are its friends, whereas
Moon and Mars are its enemies. Ketu also causes lunar eclipse when Moon, earth and sun
aligns in the same longitude along with the node. Though it is not a Planet it is counted as
one of the Navagrahas. The effects of Ketu are somewhat similar to that of Mars.

Mantras of Ketu

"Palasha Puspa Sangasham

Tarakagraha Mastakam
Rowdram Rowdratmakam Ghoram
Tam Ketum Pranamamyaham"


I offer my obeisance to the violent and fearsome Ketu who is endowed with the potency of
Lord Shiva and having a complexion resembling the flower of a palasa plant, he serves as
the head of the stars and planets.
More Mantras

"Om prang Preeng Paroung Sah Bhoorbhavah savah. Om Ketum Krivannketava

Yasbomaryaapeshase. Samusdwibharjayathah. Om Swah Bhoovah, Bhoo, Om Sah
Paroong Pareeng Praung Katave Namah"

“Aum Hrim Krum Krura Rupine Ketave Aim Suh Svaha”

"Om Sraam Sreem Sraum Sah Ketave Namah”

"Aum Ketave Namah"

"Om Kem Ketave Namah"

"Om Hum Kem Ketave Namah"

Ketu Gayatri Mantra

"AUM Chitravarnaya Vidhmahe,

 Sarparoopaya Dhimahi,
Tanno Ketu Prachodayat."
Ketu Remedies
According to Vedic astrology Ketu is the representation of karmic collections both good and bad,
spirituality and supernatural influences. Ketu is the lord of three nakshatras :Ashwini, Magha and Mula.
Ketu stays for 18 months or 1.6 year in each Zodiac. The metal representing Ketu is Iron and Gemstone
is Cat's Eye.
Some Remedies of Ketu
1. Donate a cat's eye gemstone, a brown cow with white spots, colored blankets or black mustard seeds on
Thursday or a dog to a poor young man on Thursday.
2. Reciting of Shiva Panchakshari Stotra.
3. Worshiping Lord Ganesh.
4. Keeping a fast on the first Thursday of the waxing moon.
5. Chanting the Ketu Mantras 18000 times on 108 japa beads and performing puja with mixed flowers and
sandal wood within the ascending cycle of the Moon. The recitation should begin on a Tuesday during
the bright half of the Moon. The presence of 'Mahamrityunjaya yantra' at the place of recitation may
help you in achieving the desired results faster.

Posted 4th February 2013 by Anonymous


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10.Significance of Moon in Horoscope, Remedies and Chandra Mantras

Significance of Moon in Horoscope, Remedies and Chandra Mantras
Significance of Moon in Horoscope and Remedies
The Moon is considered to be a softer planet in Astrology and represents mind, emotions, satisfaction,
smell etc. It also governs watery diseases, common cold, cough etc. The Moon rules the zodiac sign of
Cancer. The sign of exaltation of the Moon is Taurus and the sign of debilitation of the Moon is Scorpio.
The Moon in Vedic astrology is called Chandra or Soma. Chandra means 'bright and shining' in
Sanskrit. For those belonging to the Hindu Religion moon sign is more important than the sun sign.
Chandra mahadasha lasts for ten years. The Moon is most comfortable and powerful in the 4th House.
The Moon is particularly beneficial for the water sign Ascendants of Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces. The
gemstone of Moon is Moonstone and Pearls. The metal representing Moon is silver and direction is
northwest. The day representing Moon is Monday. An afflicted Moon may mean personality disorders,
difficulties in relating to other people and emotional disturbances. A strong Moon on the other hand
means emotional maturity, responsibility, sensitivity, receptivity, caring for others and a nurturing
attitude in life.

Chandrama, as a God, is fair and youthful in appearance. He is considered wise, peaceful and
auspicious. He wears white and carries a mace in one hand and is seated on a lotus which is carried by a
shining white chariot pulled by white horses.

Remedies for pleasing Moon

1. Keep fast on Mondays.
2. Wear Pearl, the Gemstone of Moon.
3. Pray to Lord Shiva and Gouri.
4. Donate Rice, white apparels, silver, conch shells, white sandalwood, white flowers, sugar, curd, pearls,
moonstone etc on Monday evenings.
5. Offer honey and similar sweet foods be offered to Chandrama in copper vessels on full moon night
during moon rise.
6. Wear 2 Mukhi Rudraksha Beads.
7. Recite Chandra Stotra and Mantras on Monday evening, especially during major or minor Moon period.

Chandra Mantras
If the planetary deity Chandra is pleased one would be blessed with mental health and
peace of mind. In order to reduce the Chandra Dosha the seed Mantras can be chanted
10000 times in 40 days during the dasa or antardasa of Moon.

‘Om Shraam Shreem Shraum Sah Chandraya Namah’

‘Om Som Somaya Namah’

Navagraha Chandra Mantra

‘Dadhishangkhatushaarabham Ksheerodaarnvasambhavam
Namaami Shashinam Somam Shambhormukutbhooshanam’

Meaning : I bow to the Moon God whose hue resembles the hue of Curds, a conch and the
color of show. I bow down to the one who sprang out from the milky ocean and the one
who beautifies and adorns the crest of Shiva and who is of the form of nectar.

Chandra Gayatri Mantras

‘Om Shirputraya Vidmahe

Amrit Tatvaya Dhimahi
Tanno Chandrah Prachodayat’
‘Om Kshira puthraya Vidhmahe
Amrithathvaya Dheemahe
Thanno Chandra Prachodayath’
‘Om Padmadwajaya Vidhmahe
Hema roopaya Dheemahe
Thanno Chandra Prachodayath’
Posted 4th February 2013 by Anonymous

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11.Significance of Sun in Horoscope, Remedies and Surya Mantras

Significance of Sun in Horoscope and Remedies
Sun is the center of all life, force and energy and the giver of Prana. Sun is considered the father of the
entire Solar System. The Sun is a rajasic Planet and is powerful at day. Sun has a royal status among the
planets. Sun rules over the Zodiac Sign of Leo and is exalted in Aries and is debilitated in Libra. The
Sun is beneficial for those born under the zodiac signs of Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius. Sun is friendly to
Moon, Mars and Jupiter and has enmity with Venus and Saturn. It is neutral to Mercury. His metal is
gold or copper and His gem is ruby. His mahadasha lasts six years. As Surya is the Lord of the bones in
the human body, ailments may arise during his mahadasha period. In the horoscope the position of the
Sun represents the native's life purpose and the style in which they leave their mark in the world. The
Sun represents vitality, leadership, creativity and the nobility of mankind on the positive side. On the
other hand a negative influence can mean weak eye sight, headache, disturbance of blood circulation
bone weaknesses, palpitation of heart and inflammatory conditions etc.
According to Hindu Mythology, Sun is a Kshatriya and born to Sage Kashyap and Aditi who is the
mother of Gods. Her sons were defeated by the demons. Aditi prayed to the sun to be born as her son to
fight and defeat the demons so that the Gods could get back their due. Sun agreed to it and was born as
Aditya. Hindus believe that Sun is ever moving in a chariot drawn by seven horses. Surya, the Sun, is
short in stature and has a prominent, shining appearance, with two arms, a curly mane of hair and
shining, golden-brown eyes that are the exact color of honey. His mind is incisive and His complexion
coppery or golden and He wears clothes of dark saffron. In both His hands, Surya has two red lotuses.
The wheel of Surya's chariot represents the year and its twelve spokes are the twelve months.

Remedies to please Sun

1. Sun Worship and Offering water to the Sun God.
2. Observe fast on Sundays and take salt free food.
3. Wearing a ruby.
4. Donating Wheat, jaggery, copper, gold or red apparels on Sunday
5. Chanting the Beeja Mantras of Sun 7000 times starting on Sunday at Sunrise.
6. Wearing One Mukhi or 12 Mukhi Rudraksha

Surya Mantras
"Om Hram Hreem Hraum Sah Suryaya Namah"
"Om Ghrani Suryaya Namah".
Navagraha Surya Mantra

"Japakusumsankasham Kashypeyam Mahadhyutim

Tamorim Sarvapaapagnam Prantosmi Divakaram"

Meaning : I bow down to the Sun God who is the cause of the day break, who dispels all
darkness, who destroys all sins , who is matchless in brilliance, who is the son of Kashyapa
and who is as red as a Japa Kusuma flower.

Surya Gayatri Mantra

OM Bhaskaraya Vidmahe
Mahadyutikaraya Dhimahi
Tanno Adityah Pracodayat'
Posted 4th February 2013 by Anonymous


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12.Significance of Jupiter or Brihaspati in Horoscope, Remedies and Guru

Significance of Jupiter or Brihaspati in Horoscope, Remedies and Guru Mantras

Significance of Jupiter and Remedies
According to Hindu mythology, Jupiter is considered to be the teacher of gods or Devas. In Vedic
Astrology, the planet Jupiter is known as Guru, Brihaspati and Devagura. Jupiter is a good indicator of
fortune, wealth, fame, luck, devotion, wisdom, compassion, spirituality, religion and morality among
other things. Jupiter rules stomach and liver. Jupiter or Brihaspathi rules over the sidereal signs of
Sagittarius and Pisces. Jupiter is debilitated in the sign of Capricorn and the sign of exaltation of Jupiter
is Cancer. His mahadasha lasts 16 years. Jupiter or Brihaspati is most comfortable in the first house.
Jupiter is a benefice planet and considered to be the most auspicious, helpful and generous among all
Planets.A prominent Brihaspati in one's horoscope can indicate a subtle and keen intellect and a
disciplined mind and senses. Afflictions to Guru or Brihaspathi can mean bad luck, loss in litigation,
skin problems, arthritis, heart troubles, impurity of the blood, liver malfunction, diabetes etc. His day is
Thursday. The metals of Jupiter are Gold and Copper and Gemstone is Yellow Sapphire.

As a God, Brihaspathi is a handsome youth with a big-bellied body and a broad chest. Brihaspati is a
Brahman by birth and son of Sage Angirasa (and grandson of Lord Brahma) and Surupa. He is the
teacher of Gods and knows the Vedas and is an expert in all forms of knowledge. Brihaspathi is four
armed and wears yellow cloths and is very fond of sweets. He sits on a lotus and his chariot is pulled by
eight yellow horses.

Remedies for pleasing Brihaspati

1. Fasting on Thursdays and keep vow of silence. Avoid Salt and Banana in food.
2. Worshiping Lord Vishnu and chant Vishnu Sahasranama.
3. Wear Yellow Sapphire or Yellow Topaz.
4. Wearing 5 mukhi and eleven faced Rudraksha Beads.
5. Donate yellow cloths, gold, turmeric, yellow sweets, yellow gems, books, honey etc on Thursday
morning to Brahmans and teachers.
6. Feeding crows and other bird’s banana and yellow colored sweets.
7. Chant the Mantras of Brihaspati starting from Thursday. Wear yellow cloths.
8. Serving Teachers

Guru (Brihaspathi) Mantras - Bija, Gayatri and
‘Om Brim Brihaspatye Namah’
‘Om Graam Greem Graum Sah Gurve Namah’
‘Om Graam Greem Graum Sah Brihasptaye Namah’
‘Om vrim Brihaspataye Namah’
‘Aum Hreem Kleem Hoom Brihaspataye Namah’

Gayatri Mantras of Guru / Brihaspathi

‘Aum Guru Devaya Vidmahe

Parabrahmane Dheemahi
Tanno Guruh Prachodayat’

‘Om Suraachaarya Vidmahe

Surasreshtaya dheemahi
Tanno Guruh prachodayat’
‘Vrusha Dhwajaaya Vidhmahe
Gruni Hasthaaya Dheemahi
Thanno Guruh Prachodayat’

Brihaspati (Guru) Navagraha Mantra

‘Devaanaam Cha Risheenaam Cha Gurum Kaanchana Sannibham

Buddhibhootam Trilokesham Tam Namaami Brihaspateem’

Meaning : I bow down to Brihaspathi who is the teacher of Gods ans sages, who is
resplendent and lustrous like burnished gold and who is endowed with a lot of wisdom and
who is the lord of the three worlds.

The mantras of Guru can be chanted using 108 Rudraksha Beads Rosary. For best effects
start recitation on a Thursday during the bright half of the Moon. The Mantras should be
chanted 1,25,000 times and Puja should be performed with yellow flowers. The presence
of 'Ganesh yantra' at the place of recitation helps in achieving faster results.
Posted 4th February 2013 by Anonymous
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13.Significance of Mercury or Budh in Horoscope, Remedies and Budha

Significance of Mercury or Budh in Horoscope, Remedies and Budha Mantras

Significance of Mercury and Remedies

According to Indian Astrology, Mercury is the messenger between God and man. Mercury
is referred to as Budh or Buddhi karaka. Mercury is the planet of intelligence and the IQ of
a person depends on the strength of Mercury in the horoscope. The planet of Mercury
represents logic, calculation and mathematics in astrological parlance. Mercury is in charge
of trade commerce, sports, cinema and other artistic pursuits. Your speech patterns,
communication style, sense of humor, quickness of thought etc depends on the position of
Mercury in the Horoscope. Mercury owns the Zodiac Signs of Gemini and Virgo. The sign
of exaltation of Mercury is Virgo and the sign of debilitation of Mercury is Pisces. When
associated benefic planets mercury give honest ways and ideas of making money or
increasing wealth. On the other hand if associated with malefic planets it produces some
one who makes money through wrong ways like gambling, stealing, cheating etc. Qualities
of good communication, intelligence, rationality, wit, shrewdness, judgment and flexibility
are seen when Mercury is well placed. If Mercury is badly placed then health problems
could include gastric problems, psychic diseases, insomnia, nervous breakdown, skin
diseases, loss of memory or speech, deafness, asthma etc. In astrology, the planet of
Mercury is also the natural signification of education, successful relationships, artistic
talents and wealth, among other things. Budh mahadasha lasts for 17 years.

As a God, Budh is the most intelligent of all. He is a Vaishya by caste and has four arms
and his vehicle is lion. He is the son of Som (Moon) and Tara. He is extremely learned and
has a bright appearance. Saturn and Venus are his friends and Jupiter and Moon are
enemies. Wednesday is the day of Budh and the emerald is his Gemstone.
Remedies for pleasing Budh
1. Worship Lord Vishnu and chant his Sahasranama Stotra.
2. Wear Emerald Gemstone.
3. Keep Fast on Wednesdays.
4. Wear 4 Mukhi or 10 mukhi Rudraksha Bead
5. Donate emerald or any green gem, small green lentils, a green pumpkin, or green clothes to a poor
student on Wednesday at noon.
6. Chant Budha Mantra or Stotra 17000 times in 40 days starting Wednesday 2 hours after sun rise
especially during major or minor Mercury periods.

Budha Graha Mantra

Budha Mantras - Beeja, Gayatri and Navagraha
The planetary deity Mercury is pleased when his mantras are chanted and gives the devotee increased
health and intelligence.
The planetary deity Mercury is pleased when his mantras are chanted and gives the
devotee increased health and intelligence.

Budha Beeja mantra

'Om bram breem broum sah Budhaya namah'

'Om bum budhaaya namah'

Budha Gayatri Mantra

'Om Gajadhwajaaya Vidmahae

Sukha Hastaaya Dheemahi
Tanno Budha Prachodayaat'.

Budha Navagraha Mantra

'Priyam gukalikaashyaamam Rupenaam prathimam Budham

Saumyam Saumya gunorpetham tham Budham pranamaamyaham'.
Meaning : I bow down to Buddha who is dark and black like a black tulip, matchless in
form of appearance and extraordinarily intelligent and wise being the son of Soma and
endowed with pleasing and auspicious qualities
Posted 4th February 2013 by Anonymous


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14.The Effect of Drugs and Alcohol on Consciousness and Spiritual

The Effect of Drugs and Alcohol on Consciousness and Spiritual Vehicles

James L. Young III

Director of Drug Education
Free Medical Clinic of Cleveland
June 12, 1982
Cleveland, Ohio
We tend, in day to day conversation, periodically to mention our soul in the sense that we have or
possess this soul, which is attached to or from or behind us somewhere and floats along above or
behind or beside us like some insubstantial balloon. As in so many of our daily conversational
modes, we need to remember that exactly the inverse is true, that man is a soul and has a body. 

We are souls and, in fact, have several bodies through which we manifest specific physiological,
emotional and mental (thinking) functions, transferring from less substantial, finer-structured
mental and desire body structures through the denser physical body structure that we have
assumed for the purposes of learning, growth and the ascension of consciousness.

This multiple body structure presents a major challenge to the evolving physical and spiritual race:
Learning control and understanding of our multiple bodies and their integration to promote our
spiritual growth. The mechanism of communication and of understanding is known in the classic
literature as the chakra structure.

The chakras themselves are vital whirlpools of energy that allow communication between the
Source of our consciousness, which is nonphysical and the responsibility for and projection of our
consciousness on the physical level. The mechanism by which this occurs and the control and
understanding which we possess of that mechanism either enhances or limits the possibilities of
our growth.

The chakras exist within and slightly beyond our dense physical body, interpenetrate it and make a
final connection within the physical structure we know as the spine and the spinal cord. These
structures classically, in inter-plane communication, are seven in number. 

The Etheric Double

Between the lower emotional center, the desire body in which we may leave our physical body to do
work on the "inner," and the dense physical body with which we work on the "outer," there is a
medium of exchange, sealing us in all but specified directions from contact directly with the Desire
Plane. This secondary structure, known in the classic literature as the etheric double, is a physical
structure of neither Desire nor Mental Plane material, finer in its density than the visible physical
body but made, nonetheless, of physical atoms.
Our physical body requires oxygen and glucose for its metabolism, proteins for its building and
maintenance and vitality for its life and consciousness. The intake points for oxygen, glucose and
protein are obvious to us all. The intake point of vitality, whose origin is the sun and its action upon
physical atoms, and the input points for thoughts and emotions that make up our nonphysical
being, occur within the structure of the vital body, the etheric double.

Vitality, known in the literature as prana, is taken into the body through a mechanism that I will
describe momentarily. This vitality distributes itself through duplicate channels overlying our basic
physiologic nervous system through all cells of the body, releasing vitality, mobilizing and
structuring cells and exiting the body through the extremities, through the pores and bodily orifices
in a fine, nearly invisible spray extending a few inches from the body. This "cupping" effect, this
vital duplicate of our physical body duplicates each organ structure, bone, nerve and vein. It exists
within, around and interpenetrates the actual visible physical structure and forms the vital body
made of prana, born of prana, cupping and holding our physical body, providing it with life and

Location and Appearance of Chakras

The chakras exist within the vital body. When seen in frontal view, as has been traditional in
esoteric works, the chakras seem to overlie particular physiological structures. In fact, the chakras
exist slightly beyond the visible surface of the body. The seven chakras, which lie along the spinal
midline, form the communication network. The eighth chakra, the splenic chakra, lying just to the
heart side of the spinal line, forms the intake port for the physical vitality necessary to maintain the
physical body, to distribute, carry, form and hold the physical body. Within the physical body
structure then, the chakras appear.

In the undeveloped individual, they appear as small, one and a half to two inch circles, hence the
term chakra, meaning "wheel." They have the appearance of a lightly-spoked, round and rotating
object, giving the impression of a wheel.

In the more developed soul, the individual who has begun to understand, control and focus his or
her emotional and mental energies, the chakras begin to grow in size, depth and color. They begin
to rotate more rapidly until changing from the appearance of a wheel, they begin to resemble
nothing so much as a huge and iridescent flower, hence their classical name, the lotus structures.
All communication between the planes of consciousness occurs via the chakras, which are located
in the necessary positions to provide the power of ascension.

[Note: Under sacrifice of self-will and soul conquering of emotions and idle thoughts in soul
ascension, the chakras and lotus structures lose color until they become pale golden to white in
appearance. The development of self-will deeply colors both sets of structures.]

Sacral, Lumbar and Solar Chakras

The primal chakra, the muladhara chakra, called the root or sacral chakra, is located at the base of
the spine. It acts as the intake, control and distribution point of earthly fire [magnetic currents of
earth], the reascending fire of creation that has descended into the physical, reached its lowest
point of structure and now reascends to God. Trapped in the middle of that reascending fire, we
find ourselves with the fire of creation reascending through our spinal channels, waiting only to be
directed and controlled. So, through the root center chakra, the creative fire of earth,
the kundalini , enters our bodies to be used, subject only to our will.

One level of kundalini is active in all living beings; this is the energy that brings the chakras into
rotation. The outer layer of the kundalini forms the rotating vortex of chakra energy that reaches
through the planes to our bodies. Pouring down through the centers of the chakras come the
emotional, sensory and mental impressions that give us consciousness.

The lower two chakras (sacral and lumbar) are concerned primarily with the ascending creative fire
and its structuring to control the two gross-level vehicles beyond the physical, the desire and
mental bodies, which we must create to possess consciousness. The next set of chakras concerns
itself with direct communication to those planes.

The solar chakra, visible in most reasonably developed humans, lies just above the navel, connects
itself directly with the desire body and allows us contact with the emotional structure of the Desire

[Note: This is the chakra governing self-will, the center through which the individual may be
"possessed" by an entity from the lower Astral or the Desire Plane.]

Heart Chakra

The next chakra on the ascending line, located slightly above the heart in the physical, is the heart
chakra. It penetrates the heart and drives its contact into the mid-thoracic spine. The heart chakra
brings us into contact with the Mental Plane and the concrete and illumined thought processes
existing respectively on the lower and upper mental levels.

Throat, Brow and Crown Chakras

We see the next chakra, known in Sanskrit as the vishuddha , the speaking or throat chakra,
physically hovering above the throat and this brings us to the level of communication, of hearing
and speech, physical, desire and mental. The empowering and boosting of this chakra gives us
direct understanding of what is happening on the planes and in realms that we have contacted
through the lower chakras.

The last two chakras exist for our particular evolutionary level within the brain, interpenetrating
the brain tissue and powering the pituitary and pineal glands respectively, the master controlling
glands of our endocrine system.

The brow chakra, the ajna, is the two-petaled lotus seen in the vast majority of Oriental sculptures
and paintings as a visible bulge between the eyes of those who are enlightened and awakened. This
chakra confers the power of sight, again on those planes that we have conquered in the lower
physical, those to which we have access, and gives us an intimate and direct understanding of the
processes necessary for our further growth.

The final chakra is the only one that does not connect through one of our own created bodies but
acts as a final tap beyond the needs of emotion, thought or physical survival, directly to our own
Oversoul and beyond our Oversoul to God. The crown chakra, the sahasarara padme, the
thousand-petaled lotus, gives us direct and intimate knowledge of our necessary paths and acts, not
only in a downward manner but also in an upward fashion.

This is the only chakra or lotus through which we can direct Light to others. The golden crowns of
the twenty-four elders, the crowns that they continually cast down at the feet of God, represent the
up welling of the crown chakra that can be "cast down" or given out repeatedly because its Source is
above, because the crown grows again as rapidly as it can be cast at the feet of God.

So, the thousand-petaled lotus serves as the final tap beyond the physical, vital, desire and mental
bodies directly to our own spiritual being and beyond to the Source of our life and Light. These are
our communications channels to use, misuse, abuse, not to use at all, as we will and desire. The
tools are there for our use, if we choose to pick them up.

How to Open the Chakras

The prana, the vital energy that structures and controls our physical body, is the tool by which we
activate the chakras, one at a time. The prana is our key; it exists everywhere and can be drawn
upon for our use. The prana gives us the key to kundalini, the sacred Creative Fire.

By focusing our pranic awareness on the sacral chakra, by opening our channels and by lifting
ourselves, we bring up the kundalini, one level at a time, through each of our chakras. [Note: There
should be no force of self-will used in this. The ideal method is to invoke and "let" the Light melt,
dissolve and absorb all blockages or crystallization.] This opens communication, increases Light,
the rotational velocity and the capacity, the size of each chakra in turn.

The structure of the chakras, lying at the surface of the vital body just beyond the physical, requires
that a web be maintained between the very rarified, not quite visible in most people, etheric vital
body and the entirely different desire body. The difference between the physical and the vital is
merely one of degree of tenuousness, the difference between the vital and desire level is a difference
of kind.

To prevent interpenetration of those planes prior to the ability of the individual involved to control
and focus the information flowing from the Desire Plane, a web of mon-atomic, virtually
impenetrable structure forms the "skin" of the vital body, penetrated only by the seven lotuses, the
Temple of Seven Gates, sealed behind the Veil. This web is impenetrable save by terrible accident
or deliberate abuse. The web itself is strong but only in the sense of being a semipermeable
membrane that allows passage of specifically attuned vibrations and no other.

No energy not capable of using the atomic structure of both the physical plane and the Desire Plane
may freely penetrate the vital web. The only penetration of the web that can occur is from the
physical across to the Desire Plane. Nothing coming down can penetrate except through the lotus
and chakra structures, the channel that has been deliberately left open for communication with
those planes and realms.

Many are the individuals who through karma, through previous misuse, through loss of soul
substance have created for themselves physical and vital body structures incapable of reaching
what they know in their consciousness to be available to them. They are generally of an emotional
nature incapable of the work, concentration, devotion and prayer necessary to reascend. Thus, the
temptation is great and always present, for the forcible opening of that to which they no longer
possess the key, to batter at the doors of the planes and realms begging for admittance. They know
something is there that they cannot see, something they should have but do not.

They do not possess the mental qualities and emotional calm to take the time and work necessary
to reacquire that key. Instead, such an individual takes a hammer and chisel and cuts his way
through to the Desire and Mental Planes. These practices " the left-hand path of magic, the dark
path, the use of so-called psychoactive chemicals " force a temporary gate into the lower Astral
Plane [the area immediately surrounding earth], releasing tremendous emotional energies.

Depending upon the depth of the penetration into the lower astral, these energies affect the
physical senses of perception, creating those phenomena known on the outer as visual and auditory
hallucination, "seeing" and "hearing" things which simply have no physical being. But this still
leaves the individual, when dropped back into the physical by termination of the action of his
particular forcible hammer and chisel, without the key. Now, having been, if only in a gross sense at
a low vibratory level, to the place he had previously known to exist, the desire to reactivate that
opening becomes one of the predominating motivating factors in his life - to reaccess this place
from which he seems to be sealed away.

Psychoactive Drugs

The psychoactive drugs include a wide range of chemicals causing temporary alteration of mood, of
perception and of affect, temporary alterations of personality via access to channels not normally
available to him at his stage of development. The psychoactive drugs act directly through the lotus
and chakra structures. The reason these drugs can be classified into a subcategory in general - that
is, those chemicals capable of effecting alteration within the physical body -is that they act directly
upon the underlying physiologic nervous system, which is supported and driven by the input of the

What we're establishing here is a sort of inverse feedback. There are two ways of opening chakra
function. One may activate the chakras by in-drawing greater Light, power, clarity and volume of
information down from, for example our desire body - that body which exists upon the Desire Plane
and which gives us the necessary information concerning our own emotional nature, emotional
needs and the requirements of others, which process stimulates development of the faculty of

Or, one may chemically stimulate the denser physical structure [nerve plexus], which is wrapped
around the stalk of the chakra between its bell-like opening and its spinal contact. This brings the
chakra to a higher level of rotation, forcing vital material out through the bell, across the web into
the Desire Plane. This forces a gate and one may push his way into a plane of material structure not
normally available. That contact is held open for such time as the chemical involved can maintain
the abnormal action of the nerve plexus surrounding the chakra.

As the drug itself is extracted from the bloodstream, broken down, detoxified and eliminated from
the physical system, the physiologic nervous system returns to its normal level of function. The
rotational velocity of the chakra slows to its normal pace, again sealing the barrier. Dependent
upon the type of chemical structure and its vital components, the specific chakra which is boosted
into rotation varies.

The psychoactive drugs can be subdivided for purposes of study into functional groupings rather
than pharmacologic or toxicologic groups which share chemical structures. What we're looking for
here are functional groups, not what the chemicals are, but which chakras they affect.

Stimulants: Amphetamines and Cocaine

Despite a wide variance in their atomic and molecular structure, the group of central nervous
system stimulants includes amphetamines , commonly called "speed," the wide range of
substances, related functionally though not structurally, known as amphetamine cogenors and the
non-amphetamine stimulant cocaine . [Other central nervous system stimulants include "crystal
meth," methylphenidate, phenmetrazine and strychnine.]

These drugs are sympathomimetic boosters, drugs which activate and bring the physical body's
sympathetic nervous system to a higher level of operation. The primary plexus and external input
point of the sympathetic nervous system lies within the solar chakra, the gate to the desire body
and the Desire Plane.

So with the chronic consumption of stimulant substances, we find an individual who does
seemingly - and "seem" is the most important part of all of this - to gain an incredible sensitivity to
emotion, who becomes sensitized to the unspoken feelings of others, who begins to draw
information from sources that don't appear to exist on the physical. Because this information is
channeled through the lower astral, the structuring of this emotional input tends to be negative.
The primary source and nature of input from the lower Astral Plane is that of threat, and the
response is self-protection.

This is an early chakra, only the third up. We are talking about an early mammalian structure, one
we share with all animals on the earth. It is a sympathetic structure, mammalian in characteristic,
owing its pattern to the second part of the triune brain structure, the limbic system, the seat of
emotion. This operational system of protection is the one which alerts us to danger.

Information forced backward through this system, including all the emotions which we tend to
gather from those around us and funneled through this particular mechanism, is interpreted in the
sense of threat. The maximum negative connotation is placed on each thought, emotion and
contact made on the lower Astral and Desire Planes.

As a result, after a short period of time, we begin to watch the stimulant abuser alter in his affectual
performance, in the way in which he relates to those people from whom he draws these emotional
messages. We begin to see the development of the classic paranoid psychotic personality, beginning
with suspicion and hostility -over a period of time, growing more and more defensive in his
reaction to any sort of emotional stimulus.

But the emotional stimulus remains invariable. The stimulant user cannot cut off the emotional
stimulus without discontinuing use of the drug and as long as emotional stimulus continues, it
must be interpreted in the sense of a physiologic threat. There is no other interpretational
mechanism available to this person, who has not opened the chakra to receive information but has
torn the veil to grasp information.

During the early portion of this developing personality change, the gate can be closed; at the cost of
emotional stress, yes, but closed nonetheless. Discontinuance of the stimulant substance will seal
the chakra because the individual's developmental level is insufficient to enable him to open that
chakra of his own self-will. As the process continues, as the dosage increases due to the effect of
physiologic tolerance, more and more of the substance is required to boost the sympathetic nervous
system to that level of activity that will open and rotate the solar chakra.

As more of the drug is taken, more volatized material is forced through the vital web and a point is
reached where the process is no longer reversible. Remember, the vital web is a semipermeable
membrane, and like all such membranes, it is incredibly effective in its task, very powerful in the
one function for which it was designed and very weak everywhere else. All of its structure and its
physical interconnection is designed for one purpose, the passage of specifically attuned energies
in one direction. To all other stresses it is a very delicate, tissue-like membrane.

With sufficient dosage over a sufficient period of time, the vital web itself will be breached; a hole
will be torn in the vital web directly above the solar chakra in the barrier between the physical and
the lower Astral and Desire Planes. At this point, we have an individual of relatively low
development, poor discipline, inadequate emotional and mental structuring, who is exposed to an
unceasing and unstoppable flow of emotional and apparently very threatening, threatening,
threatening data, one who is incapable of shutting off the flow of information from the lower astral
through the solar chakra and the flow is pouring into an undefended nervous system.

The individual has ceased to be sane in the outer sense of the term. He is no longer in control of or
even protected by his own vehicles.

This is the condition which we refer to on the outer as chronic stimulant psychosis. The effect of
constantly maintained and increased quantities of stimulant drugs being poured into the physical
results in a tear, a breach in the vital web, leaving this particular individual undefended against

There is no mentation; the input is never clearly understood because the individual is still two
chakras below the possibility of understanding. But there is impression, feeling, emotion in the
rawest sense without capability of understanding, fear, the "fight or flight" reflex toward that which
cannot be understood. An individual who has become, for all intents and purposes, insane.

There is frequently an irreparable breach in this individual's personality. The possibility of

reestablishing a secure web over the solar chakra is minuscule. So, this individual has taken this
incarnation and dropped it somewhere. Previous development is lost in an overwhelming flood of
emotional impressions beyond the control of this drug-abusing individual. The personality, the
mind is swamped in a flood of emotional impressions over which he no longer has control.

We see an individual who is literally leaking vitality, whose vitality being taken in through the
splenic chakra and distributed to the body in normal fashion, is now venting through a rent in the
vital web. We watch his physical health and vitality decline for no apparent reason, since his body
may still seem to be in fine shape.
He is breathing, eating and doing all the things one is supposed to do but he's missing the other
component; his vitality is pouring out through the rent in the web. We watch his physical health
begin to slide downhill as his perceptual distortion increases. The greater the degree of distortion,
the more leakage through the web, the more extreme becomes the loss of health. Physical
structures begin to fail for no apparent reason.

The most common problem for this individual in terms of his long-term health is, of course, seated
in the next chakra up; this is where the drain occurs. What we see is a very rapid degradation of the
physiologic circulatory system, which is innervated and structured by the heart chakra. As energy is
drained, the cardiovascular system begins to collapse. So this very rapid degradation of physical
health, centered in the cardiovascular system, drains the vitality as the rent in the web itself drains
the vital structures.

We now have an individual who is, to all intents and purposes, capable of no further development
within this incarnation. The web which constructs and holds the vital body has been damaged
beyond repair.

Depressants: Alcohol, Tranquilizers and Sedatives

The central nervous system depressant drugs are the next primary grouping of psychoactive
substances. They include alcohol, the rather wide range of miscellaneous chemical lumped together
by the media under the generic concept of "glue-sniffing" (amyl nitrate butyl nitrate and spray
paint), the inhalation of various solvent products (glue, toluene, etc.), tranquilizers, calmatives,
sedative hypnotics (alcohol, barbiturates, chloral hydrate, meprobamate and methaqualone) and
narcotics (codeine, heroin, methadone and morphine). This particular series of drugs holds its
fascination for the human race because of the fact that they are cerebral drugs affecting primarily
the cerebrospinal system.

Primary effects here are within the throat and brow chakras, sealing off the lower chakras from the
upper, leaving the desire body and the mental body isolated from the physiologic brain. Because of
this shut-off, we find the user of central nervous system depressants to demonstrate a widely
variable affect during early periods of intoxication. The mental and emotional natures slide out of
sync with one another, no longer driven from above, still being powered from below but without
the direction and control necessary for their equal and coordinate function.

As the solar and heart chakras slide out of synchronization with the initial dosages of these drugs,
we see the pattern known as successive central nervous system intoxication. The pattern of
intoxication with these drugs descends from the cerebrum to the vital functions provided by the
lower central nervous system, the medulla, the pons and the spinal cord itself.

Physiologically, this brings about the very real possibility of death as the actual physiologic
functions are suppressed. On the outer level though, what we're looking at is a lack of coordination
and a loss of synchronization between and among the physical, desire and mental bodies as their
inputs begin to enter the central nervous system out of phase and out of coordination. This process
very frequently results in a partial dislocation of the vital body. As the energy structure, the pranic
structure that forms the vital body and the chakras themselves are forced out of synchronization,
the vital body is shifted and begins to lose synchronization with its denser physical substrate.
With both throat and brow chakras affected, hallucinosis is a common and very easily repeatable
phenomenon with this type of intoxication. The functions of "seeing" and "hearing" at all levels
begin to lose their coordination and the individual slides in and out of sync at both the desire and
mental levels. He is able to see and hear upon occasion at both or one or the other levels and
moments later is unable to see or hear at either, losing track of his physiologic position as the vital
body periodically dis-coordinates with his physical, losing track not only of what room he's in but of
what plane he is occupying at any given moment.

So the individual becomes acutely uncoordinated, begins to lose track of mentational processes and
then is abruptly in a state of crystalline clarity, is at one moment laughing and at the next moment
weeping, at one moment elated and the next moment depressed as he slides in and out of
synchronization with himself and his own other vehicles.

The messages through the solar and heart chakras are losing coordination, losing synchronicity
and, most importantly, losing the drive and control represented by the throat and brow chakras.
This presents the individual with a constantly changing spectrum of physical input, none of which
can be either coordinated or reconciled with the physical knowledge of who he is, where he is or
what he's doing.

This slippage in and out of the lower planes of consciousness is similar to what we saw with the
stimulant abuser. It is for this reason that many people consider alcohol to be a stimulant. It's been
written up in much literature as being a stimulating drug when, in fact, it is a physiological
depressant and a depressant only. It has no stimulating physical effect; the stimulating effect is on
the desire body.

The use of alcohol, of course, predates the use and, in fact, the availability of the vast majority of
psychoactive drugs. Alcohol has been used as a tool of consciousness manipulation since long
before we established any written records. If we look back along the akasha (the etheric record of
all events occurring within the time-space continuum), it's very difficult to find a time when alcohol
was not a predominant technique for opening the channels to the planes. Alcohol in itself being a
rapidly vocalized chemical, presents us with access to the lower astral with relative ease.

Because of the dual function of depressant drugs, affecting two chakras and cutting off two,
throwing them out of sync, the possible set of physiologic and vital interactive chakra reactions is
much wider than that which we see with the stimulant drugs, which is a limited process affecting
primarily one chakra and affecting it basically in only one direction.

Here we have an interplay of four chakras being affected, two isolated and two intoxicated, with a
"playing" reaction moving back and forth across the lower planes. This opens a much wider range
of possible damage to the structures involved. And so we see an unpredictable but clearly toxic
response in the chronic abuser of these substances.

It is literally impossible to know which of these four affected chakras is going to give out first. All
we know is that if the abuse isn't stopped, one of them is going to give out sooner or later. Again,
this places an abnormal strain on the vital web, not boosting the action of any of the nerve plexuses
and, therefore, not placing the individual in the same danger of tearing the web but placing an
abnormal strain upon it, forcing the chakras to attempt rotational velocity in the absence of any

There is a possibility of a tear in the web similar to what we saw in the stimulant abuser. It's not the
invariable kind of process where if you don't stop it's going to happen but there is a distinct
possibility of this occurrence. The condition of delirium tremens (ITS), with its associated visual
and auditory hallucinations is one possible outcome of this process.

Far more likely and the more usual result of chronic overindulgence in depressant drugs, is a
stiffening, a deadening, a thickening of the vital web. This apparently results from a kind of defense
mechanism against the possibility of rupture. The vital web barrier begins to thicken, to become
denser, to attempt to shut down this flow of uncoordinated, unstructured impulses. So, in the
majority of cases, we see the chronic depressant abuser slowly becoming less and less sensitive to
the normal message flow from his alternate vehicles, a slow deadening of the emotional processes,
a loss of empathy, sympathy and desire to aid or help other beings as the web over the solar chakra
begins to cut off the individual, over a period of months or years, from his own emotional nature. It
becomes more and more difficult for him to feel anything.

As the depressant drug is withdrawn and coordination reestablishes itself, suddenly a burst of pent-
up emotionality, all of the clouds of emotional structure that have built up within his desire body
unfelt and unacted upon, pour through the chakra into the physical. The withdrawing depressant
abuser is flooded with feelings of remorse, terror and anger as he is overwhelmed by these massive
clouds of emotion that have built up within the desire body, incapable of venting, with nowhere to
go. This may itself trigger periods of physiologic collapse, loss of actual structuring abilities within
the physical.

At this point, we frequently see episodes of convulsions of near epileptic nature along with the
flooding of emotion, the flooding of both sight and hearing from the Mental and lower planes. The
individual is swamped in a sea of hallucinosis, guilt, fear and the loss of physiologic function we see
in convulsion, This overall breakdown of structure is what we refer to as DTs, the classic symptom
of alcohol and barbiturate withdrawal as the physical body is flooded with previously
uncoordinated and unutilized information. 

Depressants: Narcotics

With the narcotics (codeine, heroin, methadone and morphine), more so than with the other
depressants, we tend to see a far more specific kind of picture. Having much more clearly specified
areas of involvement within the central nervous system and having nowhere near the broad,
general intoxicating properties of other depressant drugs, we see an individual who seals himself
off at the level of the solar chakra.

There is very little effect within the mentational area except during the intoxication itself and then
generally a slowing rather than a boosting of activity. So, during the period of intoxication, there is
little or no mental capability because there is little or no communication with the mental body, very
little cerebration at all. There are limited flows of emotion, which do not tend to reawaken
themselves upon withdrawal, a very slow but steady accretion of material at the opening of the
solar chakra resulting in a slow, steady diminution of emotional input.
The individual becomes isolated emotionally, though not mentally, loses contact with one of his
vehicles and finds himself completely sealed off from any possibility of emotional empathetic
interaction with others. He is still in full possession of a physical, vital and mental body but lacks all
contact with his desire body.

This process leaves the individual, as we mentioned in the beginning, intensely frustrated because
the knowledge of what 'should be there- cannot be eradicated but the contact is lost and he has no
way of reacquiring that contact. Here, it is not because of a sealed chakra, which he does not have
the ability to open, but because of a sealed off chakra which cannot be opened, one that not longer
has the possibility of communicating informational flow back and forth between the Desire Plane
and the physical.

This individual is now, to all intents and purposes, permanently sealed off from his own emotional
nature and finds himself incapable of that one thing which most clearly separates us from all other
life, which is empathy. This literally leaves a shell of a human being.

The interaction of the forebrain with the cerebrum results in judgments such as "that's not nice,
that is nice, that's wrong." For the narcotics abuser, "that's wrong" is gone. For this individual there
is only "that's right." There is no longer proper, loving or caring - simply right. So the individual
becomes, in the truest sense of the word, egocentric, locked within his own mind, incapable of
extending his feelings toward other people, not unwilling but, in fact, incapable of reaching through
to understand what another human being needs.

Beyond the possibility of complete divorcement of the vital body from the physical, the intense
likelihood of damage that we see with stimulants abuse does not frequently occur with depressants
abuse. What we do see is the slow sinking into unfeeling and loss of emotion.

Death occurs from depressant abuse due to the depression of the vital physical centers and the
dislocation of the vital body from the physical. When the vital body breaks down completely, when
the chakras lose their integration from the nervous centers they empower, you have a lump of clay.
It has all the cells, chemicals, oxygen and glucose and none of the life. And this shell just falls to the
floor, lacking now the driving principle of life.

The abrupt overdose sort of death is the eventual end result of overindulgence in this particular
group of drugs, rather than the intensely aware, in fact, too aware result of the chronic abuse of
stimulants. The dislocation of the vital body from the physical results in death. With the chronic
abuser of depressants, there is a slow loss of function resulting in an individual no longer fully in
contact with the rest of reality, no longer fully in contact with the remainder of his race.

Dependant again upon dosage, frequency and duration of abuse, mental function may be slowly
lost. It's a much slower process than sealing off the solar chakra but the heart chakra will eventually
be affected in much the same fashion. Then we see the slow, steady loss of mental function that we
find in the "wino" or "drunk," the individual who has now most the mental contact, who now exists
in a body that has neither mind nor emotion but simply exists.

Hallucinogens and Psychedelics

The psychedelic and hallucinogenic drugs of great publicity and popularity, although of ages old
availability, form the next group of psychoactives. [This group includes antihistamines, belladonna,
cannabis [marijuana, hashish and THC], datura, DET, DMT (bufotenine), DOET, DOM, DOP, DPT,
ditran and analogs, harmines, ibogaine, MDA, MDMA [Ecstasy, 3,4-methylenedioxy-N-
methylamphetamine] , psilocybin and psilocin, nonbarbiturate sedatives and STP.

The hallucinogenic drugs currently available on the street are of two basic types: the tropine
hallucinogens (related to atropine) and the dissociative anesthetics. The atropine hallucinogens are
probably the oldest of the mind manipulators, the ancient shamanistic drugs: deadly nightshade
(belladonna), mandrake, jimpson weed and henbane. The majority of hallucinogenic drugs
available now on the streets are from such plant sources, although there are 80 to 90 synthetic
substitutes that are also hallucinogenic.

At the other end of the spectrum are the most advanced of the synthetics, the dissociative
anesthetics. Science has named them better than it knows, for they are truly dissociative drugs
capable of detaching the consciousness. They include PCP (phencyclidine), moon dust, angel dust,
CK or KJ, etc. PCP was originally developed as an anesthetic then banned form human use because
it caused hallucinations. When you put someone under with PCP, he loses all trace of physical
consciousness because he has been shoved straight off this physical plane.

These drugs differ primarily in plane of exit. Those drugs we call hallucinogenic are drugs which
exit basically on the lower astral. Hallucinogens can bring the vibratory level to that point and no
higher; they may, in fact, reduce perceptual input from the physical to the point of nonexistence by
activating the solar chakra, boosting the activity of the throat chakra to give "sight" and "hearing"
but again, without understanding. If you don't have the key, you break down the door.

Exiting into the lower astral is a terrifying experience. It's frightening when done deliberately for
the purpose of practice. Being catapulted into the lower astral is an experience that few conscious
individuals are capable of tolerating. Almost invariably, a period of severe sensory distortion
follows from such an exit. And even if recovery from the episode is without any major sequelae
(recurrences called "flashbacks"), there is generally a period of perceptual distortion ten days to
two weeks, even if there is no permanent, on-going problem.

This may include an inability to decipher incoming messages, to differentiate material leaking into
the body from the lower astral from those primary perceptions through the physical organs of sense
being routed via normal brain channels. We find sight/vision overlays of lower astral beings and
physical beings without the capability of differentiating them.

The acute sequelae of this kind of experimentation can be permanent and drastic, very similar to
the results of chronic cocaine or amphetamine abuse. A permanent breach is opened onto the lower
astral with, in this sense, the very real possibility of ejection of the higher consciousness from the
body, a complete shut-off of upper mentational channels, leaving a body that breathes but doesn't
think, an individual who has become in Western terminology, catatonic, a person no longer present
on the mental level and flooded with the emotional input, with material from the lower astral.

Basically then, a person who has by his own action become a permanent resident of the lower
astral, no longer capable of expression on the physical, still possessing a physical body but without
the necessary controls to activate or utilize that body. His entire consciousness, his whole
personality is now trapped on the lower astral. All his sensory input is from that plane rather than

These people are permanently locked out of their own physical vehicles. This is a real possibility
with any drug that opens this particular set of channels, that simultaneously opens the lower astral
and the faculties of sight and hearing. Without training and discipline in these areas, this distance
between the physical and the lower astral is zero; you exist simultaneously in both places. Without
the training of crossing in and out of the physical while conscious, while knowingly manipulating
the chakras, it is not possible for this person to find his way back to his own physical.

This same possibility of "getting lost" does exist with the use of the so-called psychedelic drugs,
which differ from the hallucinogens on the basis of opening several more chakras. The true
psychedelic drugs are basically related to the brain chemical serotonin, a neurotransmitter. The
neurotransmitters, serotonin and dopamine, form the physical structure for these drugs, which is
why they maintain mentation-al faculties while exiting the individual onto the planes.

The psychedelics duplicate the brain's own internal neurotransmitters. LSD , the most potent of the
group and one of the most potent drugs known, is capable of affecting the body in microgram
dosages because, again, it is so close to the brain's own neurotransmitters that the body responds to
it as being an internally-generated biochemical. LSD, LSM, the whole series of three-letter
compounds containing "L" are named to indicate that lysergic acid is part of their compound.
Lysergic acid is the central ring-structure of both serotonin and dopamine.

Mescaline forms, by itself, the pure barrier between the stimulants and the psychedelics. Half of its
structure barely mimics brain chemical structure, while the other half looks like amphetamine, so it
has qualities of both. It is a very old shamanistic drug, a vegetable-source mind manipulator.

Another very old drug of much the same qualities as LSD is peyote , the sacred mushroom and the
drugs that contain psilocybin and psilocin - again, very close imitators of brain chemical structure
and primarily of the psychedelic category.

Marijuana is a low-potency psychedelic by functional structure. It's the lowest known potency of
any of these drugs but clearly falls into the category of pure psychedelic substances.

The borderline psychedelic-stimulants are drugs which have undergone tremendous development
over the last few years. These borderline psychedelics - which I generally refer to as psycho-
dysleptics, from the Greek, "to seize the mind roughly" - are drugs that have been developed by
private industry and the Department of Defense for use in military applications.

These are drugs of extremely potent combined stimulant-psychedelic side effects. As fast as Dow
Chemical turned them out in the 60s, they wound up on the streets - these were the drugs that
caused the majority of "bad trips" during the late 60s, drugs like STP and TMA . They are basically
very sophisticated modifications of mescaline. This series of drugs has much greater potential for
adverse reaction than do the classical psychedelics but they do fall into that structural category.

All these drugs access the lower Astral, the Desire and Psychic Planes as well as the Mental, so the
range of perceptual change is greater. Often described in the literature are "tasting colors" and
"seeing sounds" which are physical descriptions of mental body activities. Its complex mental
process is being visualized as the experiences would occur within the mental body. Because the
mental process is still available, it is less likely although distinctly possible, that the consciousness
will be ejected from the body and will no longer be able to reaccess the physical.

Again, the key here is the solar chakra gate to the lower Astral and the Desire and Psychic Planes.
This is the source of fear and terror. If the terror is controllable, then mental process will enable the
individual to reaccess his body as the drug wears off. As the overall activity of the nerve plexus
drops, as the chakra gates begin to close, the body will be drawn back to its original position, once
again safely ensconced within its physical.

If fear overcomes the mental ability, if the individual gives way to the terrifying images found on
the lower astral, then much the same process that is frequently seen with true hallucinogenic drugs
may well occur. The person will become catatonic, will have had a "bad trip" from which he did not
recover, will appear physically as a vegetable, a catatonic patient in a psychiatric facility.

In fact, he has been ejected from his own physical, is no longer capable of controlling his physical.
He has become a permanent resident of the lower astral, locked out of the physical permanently.
The odds of permanent ejection are less, the possibility is lower due to the presence of mental
channels. Therefore the individual may be able to control, direct, avoid, get off the lower astral and
up to a higher plane and stay there until the drug wears off, and then slowly be drawn back into the
physical as we are drawn back each morning by the rebounding silver cord.

As long as the individual can maintain that mental process, we see the possibility of restoring
normal communication channels. But the possibility is still there, access to the lower astral is still
there and of course the primitive fear-threat response of the lower energy centers is still there to
place him in the same kind of trouble. Although we are dealing with a significantly lower risk, we
are still dealing with a risk of exactly the same type.

With these drugs there is the distinct possibility of engendering a more positive outcome. This is
the process known as "talk-down," or to be more precise, "talk-in." Because the mental channels
are open and the individual still has physical sight and hearing, this particular type of intoxication
can be focused and directed from the outside. The individual can be guided back into the physical.

In the case of an adverse experience, the individual beginning to lose contact with who and where
he is and what he's doing, this talk-down process can be instituted. This is the place where we see
the greatest difference between the hallucinogenic and the psychedelic drugs, in the possibility of
drawing the individual back by the action of someone who is willing to take that kind of
responsibility on himself.

The psychoactive drugs have as their primary principle the ability to volatize into matter which is
partially vital in nature and, therefore, to boost or to suppress the activity of a specific chakra via
their interconnected physiologic structures. The possibilities then are the deadening of chakras,
thickening of the web between the physical, emotional and mental and rending of the web through
excessive force being used to push outward through the chakra instead of accepting the natural
flow, an inward spiral of energy from the higher vehicles.
All the possibilities inherent in drug amplification of chakras are inherent in the chakras
themselves. This attempt to grow, to learn, to expand the consciousness via the use of psychoactive
chemicals is a process which can be operated more slowly but far more safely through other
mechanisms. What we see here is not a willful act so much as an act of frustration and hostility. The
individual finds himself lacking in something that he feels should be there, the dread and nameless
fear, the feeling that something is not right, that something beyond "what is" should be.

This is the driver for the black magic, the left-hand path. This is the driver for chronic psychoactive
chemical use, this frustration, a feeling of loss, a feeling of missing qualities. These are issues which
we are going to have to deal with on a more and more frequent basis in this age of ascension. We
are dealing with more and more egos being born into earth life at this time who have previously
placed themselves in a position of loss of contact, who are being brought through on the physical
with incomplete or inadequately structured desire and mental bodies.

The fact that they cannot make those contacts does not change the fact that they know those
contacts should be there. And what they feel is not "nothing," but a sense of loss. How they go
about rectifying that loss is dependant upon the people, the schools, the lessons that are available
to them.

Without support, without guidance, without lifting, these people are inevitably pushed into the use
of force, into at-tempts to break into that to which they no longer have the keys. Our purpose
during this age of ascension must be to give keys to those individuals to open what they have lost,
to what they know they have lost, whether or not they can verbalize that loss. Without those keys,
without our empathy, without our willingness to give, then we stand by and allow our brother to
walk off a cliff.

The search will go on. They will attempt to find their way back through whatever tools they seem to
have available by whatever mechanism they can. If no other mechanism is made available to them,
then these destructive but at least temporarily effective processes will be the route they take. they're
easier to find and implement, they require no study, direction or control and so they are the easiest
paths to be found. Guidance, direction, lifting for all those who are lost, for all those who have lost
contact with their higher vehicles and consciousness-this is what we have to give.

Questions and Answers

Can you mix drugs and ascension of consciousness?

It's obvious that if you're going to ascend, you cannot use crutches like that, or you block the very
path you're climbing.

You said that once the vital web is torn, it's almost impossible to repair but what you said at the
end - guidance, direction, lifting - is the way, yes?

Yes. Healing, what we call lifting, healing or restructuring. This kind of thing is an even greater
drain on those who would do it than the lifting of emotion and thought. To bring someone back,
they must patch a hole that has been torn but it is a tremendous drain. That's why I said "almost
impossible." Nothing is fully impossible, but it is very difficult, a very draining process to achieve.
You must literally "knit" a patch of very dense, very highly structured material made of very, very
fine substance. It takes not only an energy flow as one would do in healing a physical disease, to
clear a congested chakra or untangle a chakratic structure but to actually create a new patch, not
only of the vital body itself, which is relatively tenuous but of that outer skin, which although of the
same material, is knitted to an incredible density to shield between the two planes - this requires a
tremendous amount of Power.

If you could lift these people to that point where the lifesparks from the Oversoul are available,
could that substance be descended to fill the breach?

Yes. It takes a tremendous amount of holding on a situation like this, but if we could stand and hold
long enough, it could be done, even here. It would be hard, but nothing is fully impossible.

What about when they cross over? What happens to them? How do they work it from that side? If
they come back, will they still come back with a deficiency?

They do come back with a deficiency. What we see again is the same kind of pattern. So, it's a
repetitive thing until someone takes the time, the strength and the effort to hold, to patch what's
been done so they may come back at least "even," with a set of intact vehicles in the next

What role do nutrients play in reducing the problem?

At this level, none. Nutrients do provide a little more rapid repair on the physical side of the
damage done to physical nervature - particularly sodium, potassium and calcium, the vital nerve
nutrients - but the damage that's done to the vital web itself, as it becomes strained and thickened,
is relatively unresponsive to physical nutrition. This must and can be cleared only by a "Power
transfusion," a lift. The Light must be supplied to repair the vital structure.

Physical nutrition will slow the loss of function and damage to the dense physical body, but it has
relatively little effect on the vital body. The vital body is composed almost entirely of vitality
globules, the prana that has previously been drawn into the body, utilized, and then expelled to
create the vital body hovering over the physical. This pranic structure is what's in need of repair.

Is it worthwhile to repair the physical to buy time until Light does the work?

Certainly. Maintaining the physical is required if you're going to hold the person on earth. You
must keep them physically alive while working on the other damage. The loss of vitality,
particularly if the web is rent, is like watching the person drain, like punching a hole in a can of

Is this web physical matter?

Yes, physical, but very tenuous. It's physical matter drawn into a very tight, multiply-bonded

Will the same process that originally built the web then repair it?


And that process is always available?

Yes. But again, the individual is losing vitality through the rent and this makes it very difficult for
him to change once the damage has been done, because he's losing prana as fast as he can inhale it.
The healing process must be started for him, from the outside, because it is very difficult for one
who is losing vitality from every orifice to do any restructuring. He just doesn't have the reserve to
build anything. Everything he brings in is going to maintain the current physical status, and he's
slowly losing ground even at that.

Why are some people very sensitive to these drugs?

Drug sensitivity goes with physical evolvement. As you ascend, you become sensitized to many
kinds of chemicals. The greater the input from your other body vehicles and the more consciously
you draw on them for information and ascension, the more sensitive you become to potential toxins
within your own physical body.

Posted 4th February 2013 by Anonymous


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15.Graha (Planetary) Mantras of all 9 Planets

Graha (Planetary) Mantras of all 9 Planets

I am going to mention Graha Mantras of all nine planets in this post. 

You must be wondering what is the use of these mantras. These
mantras can be used to strengthen or propitiate planets. If you can not
afford to buy a gemstone, don't worry, reciting the corresponding
mantra of the planet every day will give you the same effect as of
Gemstone. In my practical experience, I have found mantra
recitation and worship more powerful than gemstones provided,
it is done by you and not by a hired person. 
You can also recite these mantras on the gemstones before wearing
them. For example, if you are going to wear a yellow sapphire, recite
the mantra of Jupiter for at least 108 times, if you are going to wear
emerald, recite the mantra of Mercury and so on.
Here are the mantras:
Planet Mantra How Many Times
Sun Om Hraam Hreem Hraum 7,000 times within 40 days
Sah Suryaaye Namaha
Moon Om Shraam Shreem Shraum 11,000 times within 40 days
Sah Chandraaye Namaha
Mars Om Kraam Kreem Kraum 11,000 times within 40 days
Sah Bhaumaaye Namaha
Mercury Om Braam Breem Braum 17,000 times within 40 days
Sah Budhaaye Namaha
Jupiter Om Graam Greem Graum 19,000 times within 40 days
Sah Gurve Namaha
Venus Om Draam Dreem Draum 20,000 times within 40 days
Sah Shukraaye Namaha
Saturn Om Praam Preem Praum 23,000 times within 40 days
Sah Shanish charaaye
Rahu Om Bhraam Bhreem 18,000 times within 40 days
Bhraum Sah Rahve Namaha
Ketu Om Traam Treem Traum 17,000 times within 40 days
Sah Ketve Namaha
Om Shraam Shreem Shraum
Sah Ketve Namaha

Posted 4th February 2013 by Anonymous


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16.Vedic Mantras and Astrological Remedies

Vedic Mantras and Astrological Remedies

Significance  and utility of mantras for propiation of planets

Mantras are energy-based sounds. Saying any word produces an actual physical vibration. Where there
is vibration there is bound to be a sound.  The activity which is called (vibration) in Vedas and shastras
has been described by the modern scientists as “Wave Theory”. Einstein has proved that what we see in
the world in the shape of trees and mountains etc, are just another form of energy. Einstein had also
prepared a formula for converting these into energy. The truth is that the making of powerful atom
bombs is based on this formula.  Thus, the whole existence is nothing but sound.  Mantras also contain
sound.  When uttered repeatedly with devotion, they become the source of enormous vibrations and
infinite power. Speech is the essence of humanity. All of what humanity thinks and ultimately happens
is determined by the expression of ideas and actions through speech and its derivative, writing.
Everything, the Vedas maintain, comes into being through speech. Ideas remain unutilized until they are
created through the power of speech.
Mantras are a combination of words. Mantras are considered to be divine rhymes composed by the
ancient Indian saints in the divine language of Sanskrit. When recited properly they protect human from
different malefic effects of other evil elements. Similarly mantras corresponding to different planets
when recited properly are considered to protect the person from the bad effect of that planet .When
spoken or uttered rhythmically and repeatedly, the mantras create a positive vibration which leads to
ultimate well- being of a person.  Mind can be controlled by devotedly worshipping of God or by
constantly praying in the language of God.  Then when we claim that the human miseries can be
removed or minimized by the power of words in the shape of mantras, why it should be disbelieved or
termed as superstition. When it is said that there is energy in magnetism and electricity, there is no
reason to believe that there is power in our mantras which are formulated from words.

Almost all Vedic Mantras start with the basic mantra “OM”, which is the expressive sound- symbol of
the Supreme, Brahma or God.  “OM” is a word which is very comprensive and represents Brahma.   In
a mantra the first “Bija word is OM and then come the other bija words. These mantras are very
powerful and when uttered repeatedly with devotion, they become the source of infinite power. Our
ancient sages saw these words and their meaning in their divine vision and bequeathed them to us for
our use and benefit. In Vedic practices, most ancient techniques and classical Hinduism, mantra
symbolizes as a necessity for spiritual advancement and high attainment. Over time, if we know what
the effect of that vibration is, then the word may come to have meaning associated with the effect of
saying that vibration or word. This is one level of energy basis for words. Another level is intent. Actual
physical vibration when coupled with a mental intention, the vibration then contains an additional
mental component, which influences the result of saying it. The intent when overlaid upon the
waveform of the sound as the carrier wave gives results. . Although there is a general meaning, which
comes to be associated with mantras, the only lasting definition is the result or effect of saying the
There is a story that once, jnana yogi, who had disdain for devotees chanting Mantras, went to Lord
Shiva and said, “All your devotees keep chanting mantras. While doing so they are just adding to noise
pollution.  What good the mantras can do to them?  Just by shouting mantras where will they go? Why
do you to tell them to stop this nonsense?  Pointing to a worm crawling on the floor Lord Shiva said,
“Just get close to that worm and uttered “Om Namah Shivaye”.  The worm died.  The jnana yogi was
shocked.  He said, “What’s this? I just uttered the mantras and the worm died.”

Lord Shiva smiled and pointing to a butterfly said.   “Get near to that butterfly and say, Om Namah
Shivaye.”  The jnana yogi said, “No I do not want to kill the butterfly.”  Shiva commanded him to just
do that.  The jnana yogi looked at the butterfly and said, “Om Namah Shivaye”.   The butterfly too
died.  The yogi was taken aback and said, “if this is what the mantra does, why would anyone want to
utter it?”

Lord Shiva continued to smile and again pointing to a spotted deer romping around said, “Go close to
the deer and say Om Namah Shivaye.” The jnana yogi said, “No, I do not want to kill the deer”.  Shiva
said, “It does not matter.  Utter the mantra. ” So the yogi said,  “Om Namah Shivaye” the deer too died. 
Aghast the jnana yogi asked: “What is the purpose of this mantra?  It is just killing every being.”  Soon
after, a mother came with her newborn child seeking Shiva’s blessings.  Shiva looked at the jnana yogi
and said.  “Why do not you utter the mantra for this child?”  He replied, “No I do not want to kill the
child”.  Shiva commanded him again to utter the mantra.  The jnana yogi with great apprehension,
approached the child and said, “Om Namah Shivaye”.  And behold the child sat up and said, “I was just
a worm, with one mantra you transformed me into a butterfly.  With another mantra you made me into a
deer.  With yet another mantra you made me into a deer.  With y et another mantra you made me into a
human being.  Just utter the mantra once more.  I want to attain divinity Godhood. ” Such is he Power
of a Mantra.  However only chanting the mantra mechanically will to benefit.  One must do it with
complete devotion and have faith in the deity, to whom the particular mantra is supposed to propitiate. 
Your faith in the Lord has to be Total.

Generally there are many mantras which can be recited by all, like mantras for sun, moon etc. problems
Besides other parameters of life Afflicted planets also cause health problems relating to the parts of the
body ruled by that planet. Now we give below the mantras to propitiate various planets. They may be
recited 1008, 108 or 28 times, as may be possible, in a day.

When the Sun is afflicted in a horoscope it can give health problems. Sun is the significator of heart,
eyesight, bones, mouth, spleen, throat and brain. etc. Afflicted sun can cause trouble in these parts. Sun
when afflicted can cause defects in the heart, cerebral meningitis, eruptions, sharp fevers, bile
complaints, sun-stroke, scorches and diseases in the head. It is advisable to recite Surya Mantra. Recite
the following Mantra everyday in the morning.
Om hram hrim hraum sah suryaya namah

The Moon or Chandra governs chest, breast, water, blood, veins, eye, generative system etc. Moon is a
cold planet. Afflicted moon causes cold and fever. When the Moon is afflicted one suffers from urinary
infection, epilepsy, colitis, bronchitis, varicose, dysentery, lunacy, paralysis and general abdominal
problems. Under such circumstances apart from your regular medical treatment it is believed that
reciting Chandra Mantra will improve your health. Recite the following Mantra everyday in the
Om shram shrim shraum sah chandraya namah

The planets Mars or Mangal control the muscular system of human body. It also rules over face, head,
nose, sense of taste, prostrate gland, rectum and bone marrow. When the planet Mars is afflicted in your
birth chart it can cause problems like blood clot, brain fever, inflammation of the lungs, mumps,
wounds, hernia, appendicitis , muscular rheumatism, typhoid, and most of the diseases related to the
blood. Under such circumstances apart from medication, one must recite the following Mangal Mantra,
to propitiate the red planet. Recite the following Mantra every day in the morning.
Om kram krim kraum sah bhaumaya namah

The planet Budh or Mercury governs solar plexus and the central nervous system. If this planet is weak
and afflicted in one's birth chart, it can cause problems like nasal disorders, impediments in speech,
stammering, defects of memory, dry coughs, leprosy, and nervous disorders. Apart from regular
medication one must recite the following Budh Mantra to minimize the evil influence of afflicted
Om bram brim braum sah budhaya namah

The planet Jupiter or guru rules thighs, flesh, fat, kidney, liver and arterial system. If Jupiter is afflicted
in birth chart, it can cause problems like jaundice, dropsy, diabetes, dyspepsia, hernia, blood cancer,
liver malfunction, palpitations and even gout. In such case apart from medical attention the patient can
recite the following Guru Mantra, to reduce the ill effects of the afflicted Jupiter in one's birth chart.
Om gram grim graum sah gurave namah

The planet Venus or Shukra governs skin, checks, complexion, eyes, generative system, semen and
digestive system. If Venus is afflicted in one's birth chart one is likely to suffer from eye diseases,
diseases of the ovary, anemia, rashes on the skin, pimples, impotency, and loss of appetite. Venus may
also be the cause of injuries by an accident through any vehicle. Apart from medical attention the person
should recite the following Shukra Mantra to remove the adverse or malefic influence of an afflicted
Venus in one's birth chart
Om dram drim draum sah shukraya namah

The planet Saturn rules knees, feet, secretive system, spleen, ribs, hair, nails, If Saturn is afflicted in
your chart it could lead to problems like arthritis, rheumatism, deafness, gout,  fungus in the nails, loss
of hair, impotency. T.B. of the bones. All chronic ailments are attributable to Saturn. Under such
circumstance one is advised to recite. Shani Mantra to minimize the evil influence of afflicted Saturn in
one's birth chart. Proper medical attention should also be followed
Om pram prim praum sah shanaisharaya namah

Rahu and Ketu like other planets are not substantial heavenly bodies with an observable body, shape or
mass. These should be treated as evil planets and are expected only to give evil results. The disease
caused by rahu are rheumatism, cholera, dysentry and nasty diseases of mind and body, tendency to
commit suicide. Sometimes the diseases are difficult to diagnose. The diseases ascribed to ketu are skin
diseases, colic pains, dropsy, paralysis , ring worm, burns, apoplexy and small pox.  Mantras of these
planets should be recited  everyday if these are badly placed in your horoscope to minimise their evil
Om bhram bhrim bhraum sah rahave namah

Om sram srim sraum sah ketave namah

Chanting of Mantras of these planets certainly gives good effects. To  determine afflicted planets
requires the study of astrology and a lay reader must consult an astrologer to find out which planets are
afflicted in his/her birth chart that need propitiation.
Posted 4th February 2013 by Anonymous


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17.The effects of SATURN & remedies to nullify them

The effects of SATURN & remedies to nullify them
Saturn, commonly known as ‘Shani’ is the slowest moving planet in space, but has quite strong effects
on kundalis. It gives good as well as bad effects according to your job. Its presence is considered
auspicious in 2nd, 7th, 3rd, 10th and 11th House, but inauspicious in 4th, 5th and 8th House. It controls
life, death, wealth, home, children, results of legal suit, theft, illness related to intestines, etc. It can do
wonders if it is favourable, but can be very evil if inauspicious.

In case of benefic Saturn, a person becomes a great scholar with a good command over language.
Saturn is capable of turning gold into ashes, but when it is benevolent it gives immense profit. The
people whom Saturn favours have high possibilities of engaging into the trade of machinery, furnace,
leather, cement, wood, iron, oil, transport, astrology, rubber, etc.

However, if Saturn is malefic, the person has to face struggles in life. He may suffer from diseases
related to stomach. There are high chances that he may also lose wealth or fall prey to imprisonment.

Some Effects of Saturn in Different Yogas And Combinations:-

1. As Saturn is the Lord of the 8th House, it shall adversely affect any other House, regardless of  where it
is placed.
2. Drinking, gambling, telling lies or indulging into frivolities suppress the positive effects of Saturn.
3. If Saturn is placed with Rahu and Ketu, it becomes insignificant.
4. If Saturn comes under the aspect of Sun, it brings harm to Venus.
5. If Saturn is under the effect of Venus, then the native may experience financial loss. But, on the
contrary, if Venus is under the aspect of Saturn, it may prove beneficial.
6. If Saturn is debilitated at the time of birth and comes in the debilitated Houses in the annual horoscope,
then it causes great loss in 9th, 18th, 27th and 36th year of life.
7. The beneficial effects of Saturn normally begin after the 36th year of birth.
8. Saturn gives evil impact when it is alone, or placed with Moon or it is placed with Rahu in the 12th
House of Horoscope. If there is a friendly planet in 2nd House and Mars, Venus is established. In such a
situation, a person may overcome a prolonged illness and live a healthy life.
9. Saturn never gives debilitated effects in the Houses of Saturn viz.  2nd,9th,12th, but when it is placed in
the 3rd or the 8th House, the person becomes mangalik. It hurts the Moon in the 4th House and causes
accident in 8th House.
10.Saturn gives very beneficial effects when placed in the 9th House provided there is a friendly planet in
the 2nd House.
11. A person may have to go for an eye surgery when Saturn and Moon clash with each other.
12.When Sun and Venus are in each others’ aspect, it indicates loss of wealth and the wife may have to

Remedies for the adverse effects of Saturn in all the Houses as per Red Book / Lal Kitab:

1st House:-
(a) Abstinence from consuming alcohol and non vegetarian food.
(b) Burying surma in the ground will be beneficial for promotion at work.
(c) Feeding monkey will lead to prosperity.
(d)Offering sweet milk to the roots of a banyan tree will give good results in education and health.

2nd House:-
(a) Going barefoot to temple for forty-three days.
(b) Putting a tilak of curd or milk on the forehead
(c) Offering milk to snake.

3rd House:-
(a) Feeding three dogs.
(b) Donating medicines for eyes or distributing free medications for eyes.  
(c) Keeping a dark room in the house may prove beneficial.

4th House:-
(a) Offering milk to snake and offering milk or rice to crow or buffalo.
(b) Pouring milk in the well.
(c) Pouring rum in running water.
5th House:-
(a) Distributing salty things while celebrating son’s birthday.
(b) Offering almonds in the temple and keeping half of it in the house.

6th House:-
(a) Offering food to a black dog.
(b) Putting coconut and almonds in flowing water.
(c) Feeding snakes will prove advantageous for the welfare of children.

7th House:-
(a) Bury a flute filled with sugar in a deserted place.
(b) Feeding a black cow.

8th House:-
(a) Keeping a square piece of silver.
(b) Putting milk in bathing water; sitting on a stone or wooden plank while taking bath.

9th House:-
(a) Putting rice or almonds in flowing water.
(b) Donating gold and kesar for work associated with Jupiter, and donating silver and clothes for work
associated with Moon; all these for good results.

10th House:-
(a) Going to temple.
(b) Abstinence from meat, wine and eggs.
(c) Offering food to ten visually-impaired people.

11th House:-
(a) Before going for an important work, place a vessel filled with water on the ground and pour few
drops of oil or wine for forty-three days.
(b) Abstinence from consuming alcohol; try maintaining good moral character.

12th House:-
(a) Trying twelve almonds in a black cloth and placing it in an iron pot and keeping it in a dark room
will give good results.
Posted 3rd February 2013 by Anonymous


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18.Effects of 6th,7th and 8th house Lord in Various Houses

Effects of 6th,7th and 8th house Lord in Various Houses
Effects of 6ths Lord in Various Houses (up to Sloka 72).

If 6ths Lord is in 1st House, the native will be sickly, famous, inimical to his own men, rich,
honourable, adventurous and virtuous.
62. If 6ths Lord is in 2nd House, the native will be adventurous, famous among his people, will
live in alien countries, be happy, be a skilful speaker and be always interested in his own work.
63. If 6ths Lord is in 3rd House, the native will be given to anger, be bereft of courage, inimical
to all of his co-born and will have disobedient servants.
64. If 6ths Lord is in 4th House, the native will be devoid maternal happiness, be intelligent, be a
tale bearer, be jealous, evil-minded and very rich.
65. If 6ths Lord is in 5th House, the native will have fluctuating finances. He will incur enmity
with his sons and friends. He will be happy, selfish and kind.
66. If 6ths Lord is in 6th House, the native will have enmity with the group of his kinsmen, but
be friendly to others and will enjoy mediocre happiness in matters, like wealth.
67. If 6ths Lord is in 7th House, the native will be deprived of happiness through wedlock. He
will be famous, virtuous, honourable, adventurous and wealthy.
68. If 6ths Lord is in 8th House, the native will be sickly, inimical, will desire others wealth, be
interested in others wives and be impure.
69. If 6ths Lord is in 9th House, the native will trade in wood and stones (Pashan also means
poison) and will have fluctuating professional fortunes.
70. If 6ths Lord is in 10th House, the native will be well known among his men, will not be
respectfully disposed to his father and will be happy in foreign countries. He will be a gifted
71. If 6ths Lord is in 11th House, the native will gain wealth through his enemies, be virtuous,
adventurous and will be somewhat bereft of progenic happiness.
72. If 6ths Lord is in 12th House, the native will always spend on vices, be hostile to learned
people and will torture living beings.

73. Effects of 7ths Lord in Various Houses (up to Sloka 84).

If 7ths Lord is in 1st House, the native will go to others wives, be wicked, skilful, devoid of
courage and afflicted by windy diseases.
74. If 7ths Lord is in 2nd House, the native will have many wives, will gain wealth through his
wife and be procrastinating in nature.
75. If 7ths Lord is in 3rd House, the native will face loss of children and sometimes with great
difficulty there will exist a living son. There is also the possibility of birth of a daughter.
76. If 7ths Lord is in 4th House, the wife of the native will not be under his control. He will be
fond of truth, intelligent and religious. He will suffer from dental diseases.
77. If 7ths Lord is in 5th House, the native will be honourable, endowed with all (i.e. seven
principal) virtues, always delighted and endowed with all kinds of wealth.
78. If 7ths Lord is in 6th House, the native will beget a sickly wife and he will be inimical to her.
He will be given to anger and will be devoid of happiness.
79. If 7ths Lord is in 7th House, the native will be endowed with happiness through wife, be
courageous, skilful and intelligent, but only afflicted by windy diseases.
80. If 7ths Lord is in 8th House, the native will be deprived of m6thtal happiness. His wife will
be troubled by diseases, be devoid of good disposition and will not obey the native.
81. If 7ths Lord is in 9th House, the native will have union with many women, be well disposed
to his own wife and will have many undertakings.
82. If 7ths Lord is in 10th House, the native will beget a disobedient wife, will be religious and
endowed with wealth, sons etc.
83. If 7ths Lord is in 11th House, the native will gain wealth through his wife, be endowed with
less happiness from sons etc. and will have daughters.
84. If 7ths Lord is in 12th House, the native will incur penury, be a miser and his livelihood will
be related to clothes. His wife will be a spendthrift.

85. Effects of 8ths Lord in Various Houses (up to Sloka 96).

If 8ths Lord is in 1st House, the native will be devoid of physical felicity and will suffer from
wounds. He will be hostile to gods and Brahmins.
86. If 8ths Lord is in 2nd House, the native will be devoid of bodily vigor, will enjoy a little
wealth and will not regain lost wealth.
87. If 8ths Lord is in 3rd House, the native will be devoid of fraternal happiness, be indolent and
devoid of servants and strength.
88. If 8ths Lord is in 4th House, the child will be deprived of its mother. He will be devoid of a
house, lands and happiness and will doubtlessly betray his friends.
89. If 8ths Lord is in 5th House, the native will be dull witted, will have limited number of
children, be long-lived and wealthy.
90. If 8ths Lord is in 6th House, the native will win over his enemies, be afflicted by diseases
and during childhood will incur danger through snakes and water.
91. If 8ths Lord is in 7th House, the native will have two wives. If 8ths Lord is conjunct with a
malefic in 7th House, there will surely be downfall in his business.
92. If 8ths Lord is in 8th House, the native will be long-lived. If the said Planet is weak, being in
8th House, the longevity will be medium, while the native will be a thief, be blameworthy and
will blame others as well.
93. If 8ths Lord is in 9th House, the native will betray his religion, be a heterodox, will beget a
wicked wife and will steal others wealth.
94. If 8ths Lord is in 10th House, the native will be devoid of paternal bliss, be a talebearer and
be bereft of livelihood. If there is a Aspect in the process from a benefic, then these evils will not
95. If 8ths Lord along with a malefic is in 11th House, the native will be devoid of wealth and
will be miserable in boyhood, but happy later on. Should 8ths Lord be conjunct with a benefic
and be in 11th House, the native will be long-lived.
96. If 8ths Lord is in 12th House, the native will spend on evil deeds and will incur a short life.
More so, if there be additionally a malefic in the said House.
Posted 3rd February 2013 by Anonymous


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19.Effects of 6th House by Lord Parashara in BPHS

Effects of 6th House by Lord Parashara in BPHS

1. O brahmin, following are the effects produced by the 6th house, relating to diseases, ulcers, etc..
Listen to the same attentively.

Should the 6th lord be in the 6th itself or in the ascendant/8th, there will be ulcers or bruises on the
body. The sign becoming the 6th house will lead to the knowledge of the concerned limb.


The Karaka or a relative or the lord of such a house joining the 6th lord or being in the 6th/8th
house indicated ulcers/bruises to such a relative like father. The Sun with such lordship and in such
a house denoted such affectation of head, the Moon face, Mars neck, Mercury navel, Jupiter nose,
Venus eyes, Saturn feet, and the nodes abdomen.

Should the lord of the ascendant be in a sign of Mars or of Mercury and be aspected Mercury,
there will be diseases of the face.

7-8 1/2. LEPROSY:

Mars or mercury having ownership of the ascending sign and joining the Moon, Rahu, and Saturn,
will cause leprosy. If the Moon is in the ascendant which is not however Cancer and be with Rahu,
there will occur white leprosy. Saturn in place of Rahu will cause black leprosy while Mars similarly
will afflict one with blood-leprosy.


If the ascendant is occupied by the lords of the 6th and 8th along with the Sun, the native will be
afflicted by fever and tumors. Mars replacing the Sun will cause swelling and hardening of the
blood vessels and wounds and hits by weapons. Mercury so featuring will bring in billious diseases
while Jupiter in similar case will destroy any disease. Similarly Venus will cause diseases through
female, Saturn windy diseases, Rahu danger through low-castemen, and Ketu navel diseases, the
Moon in such a conjunction will inflict dangers through water and phlegmatic disorders. Similar
estimates be made from the respective significators and Bhavas for relatives like father.


The native will be afflicted by illness throughout life if Saturn is with Rahu while the 6th lord and 6th
house are conjunct malefics.
One will suffer from (severe) fever at the age of 6 and at the age of 12 if Mars is in the 6th while the
6th lord is in the 8th.
If the Moon is in Sagittarius/Pisces while Jupiter is in the 6th from the ascendant, one will suffer
from leprosy at the age of 19 and 22.
If Rahu is in the 6th, ascendant lord is in the 8th and Mandi is in an angle, consumption will trouble
the native at the age of 26.
Spleenary disorders will be experienced at the age of 29 and 30 if the lords of the 6th and 12th are
in exchange of their signs.
Saturn and the Moon together in the 6th will inflict blood-leprosy at the age of 45.
If Saturn is with an inimical planet while the ascendant lord is in the ascendant itself windy
disorders (like rheumatism) will trouble the native at the age of 59.


Should the Moon be conjunct the 6th lord while the 8th lord is in the 6th and the 12th lord is in the
ascendant, the native will be troubled by animals at the age of eight. O Brahmin, if Rahu is in the
6th while Saturn is in the 8th from the said Rahu, the child will have danger through fire at the age
1 and 2 while in the 3rd year birds will bring some evils.

23-25. UNFORTUNATE YEARS (continued): Danger through water will have to be feared during
the 5th and the 9th years if the Sun is in the 6th or 8th while the Moon is in the 12th from the said
Sun. Saturn in the 8th as Mars is in the 7th will cause smallpox, in the 10th year and 30th year of
age. If 8th lord joins Rahu in an angle/trine from the 8th house and be in the 8th Navamsa, the
subject will be troubled by swelling of blood vessels, urinary disorders, etc. during the 18th year
and the 22nd year.


Loss of wealth will come to pass during the 31st year if the 11th and 6th lords exchange their


One's own sons will be his enemies if the 5th lord is in the 6th while the 6th lord is with Jupiter.
Simultaneously the 12th lord should be in the ascendant.


There will be fear from dogs during the 10th and 19th year if the ascendant lord and the 6th lord
are in exchange.
Posted 3rd February 2013 by Anonymous


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We may define Esoteric Astrology as that side of the subject which views all stellar
phenomena from the standpoint of unity; whilst Exoteric Astrology begins its study from
the side of diversity and separateness. The Esoteric Astrologer looks upon the whole
expression of life as proceeding from one central and primal source, and therefore seeks to
understand the subject from the point of view of the One flowing forth into the many.
--Alan Leo, Esoteric Astrology

In my previous articles on “Soul-Centered Astrology”, we presented a great deal of information

regarding the “alphabet” of esoteric astrology: the nature and structure of the Soul and the personality,
the Seven Rays, and the esoteric planetary rulers of the twelve signs of the zodiac. We continue now
with a view of the Houses as seen from the perspective of the Ancient Wisdom Teachings. This will
require some degree of explanation of esoteric terminology used and the perspective one needs to take.
A deeper grasp of the types of activities and the levels of consciousness that are avaialble to a Soul-
centered individual will then be possible. In future articles in this series, I will delineate several
horoscopes esoterically, thus giving the reader some practical applications and methods of using this
information more completely. As we shall soon discover, the scope of both our life expression and our
creative potentials are greatly expanded when the Soul-centered perspective is added to our
understanding of the horoscope. These possibilities, talents, and circumstances are not only different
from those we encounter in our ordinary, daily life, but most importantly, add enormously to our sense
of the Divine Center alive and well within each of us.

All of life is energy, energy in manifestation and energy in form. The planets in the horoscope indicate
the “WHAT” of the chart: what type of energy is at work, and in terms of the esoteric chart, what is the
nature of the Ray which is operating through that planet? The signs of the chart tell us about the
“HOW” of things: how is that energy and Ray field modifying the expression of the planet? The houses
of the chart tell us about the “WHERE” of things: where, in which areas of personality and/or Soul life
is this planet, house, and Ray combination expressing itself? 

In Soul-centered astrology, we have yet another factor, a “fourth dimentional” one. This is the
LEVEL: what is the level of consciousness of the expression of this particular aspect of a person’s life
force? The answer to this particular facet of esoteric astrology is perhaps the most challenging to
determine as it cannot be so easily handled from an intellectual and informational point of view. The
determination of the level has to be ascertained through the intuition of the astrologer and this takes a
great deal of time to develop. In fact, without intuition, there can be no accurate sense and assessment
of the level of consciousness at all. The development of this intuitional gift is the reward that comes to
the student of the Ancient Wisdom Teachings, but it is a reward that requires patience, consistency and

The subject matter presented in these articles as well as in my books and the books of other esoterically
oriented astrologers and teachers, will help structure the lower mind so that the student may have a firm
foundation for the continued development of his or her intuitive nature. It is through the fields of
activity indicated by the houses of the natal chart that the life force of both the lower and Higher selves
meet, blend, and sometimes conflict in the present incarnation. I am assuming that the reader has
already studied traditional astrology and is therefore familiar with the nature and contents of the houses
from the exoteric, humanistic, and psychological perspective of astrology. This will make things much
easier and far more interesting!

The meanings of the houses is a very fluid area in Soul-centered astrology. The traditional significances
of each house remains the same. This is because the vast majority of us spend a great deal of time
dealing with the nature of our ordinary (and often extraordinary!) lives: family, work, emotional nature,
creative aspirations, health, etc. The additional Soul-centered factors are gradually integrated into one’s
life as we encounter them on our spiritual Path. Those not on a Path, those not concerned with or
conscious of the life of the Soul, will never have to deal with the additional factors presented on the
following pages. This will be a relief for some and a loss of opportunity for others. Perhaps the easiest
approach to the esoteric meanings of the twelve houses is by comparison.


Traditional meaning Soul-Centered meaning
The physical body The Body of the Soul
The physical
The aura
Activities of the Emergence of the Soul
personality purpose
Characteristics of the
Qualities of the Ray type
Brain and head Head chakras
Urge for “personal Expression of the
space” manifested will
The ego in action Activities of the Soul

The ego (personality, lower self) is very connected to its appearance and the nature of its effects on and
acceptance by, the immediate environment (this is most obvious when Aries, Leo, or Sagittarius is
rising). The Soul is not the body, the body is an extension of the Soul. When consciousness is aligned,
the individual relates to the environment from the inside out and no longer sees him or herself as a
victim (or a predator) of the environment. The qualities of the Ray type of the Soul and personality
blend and this, rather than the clothes one wears or one’s physical beauty, becomes the nature of the
effect the person has on the world of appearances. The head centers radiate consciousness and the
environment is illuminated by that special type (Ray expression) of Love. In a future article, we will
explore how Soul purpose is determined form the Ascendant.


Traditional meaning Soul-Centered meaning
Finances, personal Spiritual resources and
resources and values values; prana
Personal uses of material Uses of material forms for
reources Soul purposes
Attitudes about money The shaping of matter as an
expression of Soul purpose
Losses resulting from Gains resulting from the
incorrect values right use of resources
Gains resulting from the Increase in the ability to
right use of resources manifest form
Money and our financial resources are the vehicles of exchange in the expression of our sense of self-
worth (and they way we are often assessed) in most western, and especially in American, culture. Prana
is the vitality of the life force contained within the Sun. It is the source of all form and thus of all
wealth. The personality tends to identify with form; the Soul with prana. The more our sense of self-
worth is dependant upon form, the more we fear its loss and the more we stand to lose. Centering in the
Soul increases the ability to create any amount of money, or any form of material substance for that
matter, as we are then identifying ourself much more with the limitless energy of the Sun. It is then that
the form loses control over consciousness and our consciousness gains control over the form. The result
is freedom and much greater possibilities of abundance on all levels.


Traditional meaning Soul-Centered meaning
Rational mind and mental Mind substance energy,
processes manas
Communication; spoken Mental telepathy
and written word
Search for knowledge The Path to Wisdom
Short journeys Developing the Rainbow
Gains resulting from the Steps along the Path
right use of resources
Brothers and sisters Soul brothers and sisters;
companions along the Way

The personality is often the server of the lower mind. It obeys its thoughts and has no idea that it creates
those thoughts. These thoughts and ideas are more often than not, mental programs inherited from one’s
family and society. They are not indiviudalized at all, merely repeated by us in our own particular way,
depending on our psychological state and level of intelligence, From the perspective of the Soul, the
Third House is the field of mental matter from which we may create the thoughts we use in order to
communicate our creative intent and our Soul’s purpose. Our journeys through life are interpreted by
the personality as experiences which fulfill or inhibit the fulfillment of personal desires. From the level
of the Soul, each experience is a lesson in the right use of energy. As the Soul increases its control over
the mind, our short journeys become more meaningful as we see a logical Path to Light unfolding
before us. Along the Way, we meet our Soul brothers and sisters who hear and help us as we do the
same for them.

Traditional meaning Soul-Centered meaning

Biological inheritance Biological karma
Mother and immediate The World Mother, the
family Group Soul (source of our
Soul brothers and sisters)
Psychological Foundation for the building
foundations of self-consciousness
Endings Karmic conclusions to life
Home Ashram of the Master,
spiritual home of the

The personality is totally shaped by the influences of the first seven years of life. These factors
(especially the relationship with one’s mother), condition the behavioral factors of one’s life to a very
large degree. Added to this are inherited, biological dynamics found in our genes and chromosomes. As
long as we consciously and unconsciously identify with these factors as the sum total of our being, we
are never, ever free to individualize our natures as conscious co-creators. In terms of the Soul, the
Fourth House connects the individual to the Mother Principle of life. We are then linked by an
“umbilical chord of consciousness” to the Family of (Wo) Man. We see no separation between the races,
hold no tribal prejudices, fear no lack of personal nourishment, have no sense of rejection. We approach
The Mother as Anima Mundi (“The Soul of the World”). She is the home of the Master. Once we are
safe and secure, anchored in our foundation of Mother’s Love, we may then proceed towards our Path
of self-actualization and individualization.


Traditional meaning Soul-Centered meaning
Personal creative will Expression of the Spiritual
Creative activities Actualization of the Higher
Romance, love affairs Willl expressing as Love
Children The Soul as Parent
Hobbies, favorite The Will to serve

The will of the personality is most often concerned with the protection and expression of that which is
closest to us: our children (whom we often see as extensions of ourself), our emotions (in terms of our
romantic need for fulfillment), and our talents. We interpret love in terms of these attachments. The
Soul sees creativity as an expression of the will to serve. It experiences love as a parent to all the
world’s children. It engages in those activities which work to refine the will aspect of our being as an
extension of Soul purpose.


Traditional meaning Soul-Centered meaning
Servants Servers
Health Synthesis of the lower
vehicles; wholeness
Employees Those who are served
Pets Service to the Animal
Work Service to Humanity
Techniques and skills The knowledge to build the

From the esoteric standpoint, the Sixth House brings us to those experiences which help to create a
greater sense of wholeness both in ourself and in the world around us. It is the Soul which creates those
organizations that serve and protect the environment, its minerals, plants, and animals. It is the Soul
who seeks to acquire those techniques, processes, and skills that further the unification of the lower and
Higher selves. The work that we do ceases to become “our job” and instead becomes our part in the One
Work that has service to humanity as its objective, thus reducing the sense of separation (and the
violence that ensues) from self-serving activities. We are then in a position to serve the Self.


Traditional meaning Soul-Centered meaning
Open enemies The Dweller on the
Partners Soul mate and/or special
Marriage The Path of Union

The Dweller on the Threshold consists of all the illusions, glamors, and maya which create the war
within ourself. In psychological terms, it is “the shadow self”, “the not-self”, and the “other” (which is
often the reflection of ourself we see in our partners). The idealized urge of Libra and the Seventh
House of the ordinary horoscope is to find one’s Soul Mate. This is, more often than not, the Personality
Mate as our objective to to fulfill ourself through relationship. From the Soul’s perspective, it is the
union of the Higher and lower self that creates the true marriage. What we perceive as our “enemy” is
merely an aspect of our own nature that has not been redeemed by Love and allowed to become an
integrate part of ourself. In spiritual work, the Soul Mate is a reality, but is most often found in
connection with our Group of co-workers and is of a much more impersonal than personal expression of
Love. The sign on the cusp of the Seventh House tells us much about our shadow as well as our Soul


Traditional meaning Soul-Centered meaning
Transformation and The Path of Discipleship
Sexuality Vehicle of rebirth into the
consciousness of the Soul
Transmutation of values Transmutation of personal
desires into the needs of the
Other people’s resources Resources needed by the
Death Transformation of form

The Path of Discipleship IS the path of transformation and regeneration. It requires the reorientation of
personal desires into the fulfillment of the “desires” of the Soul. The Soul desires consciousness and
requires an ever increasing quality of inclusivity in love. Thus emotion, passion, and sexuality on a
personal level have to be transmuted into intuition, compassion, and union. Not such an easy task! It is
always through Scorpio and the eighth house that the most important and complex tests and trials of the
personality take place. One of the rewards for all of this intense effort is the awareness that there is no
such thing as death. Life is immortal and immortality is perceived by the Soul-centered individual as
unconditional love. Another great gift achieved through walking the Path is freedom from personal
desires and one’s attachment to form. Thus life is lead without the pressures of emotional needs
(fulfilled or unfulfilled!), and the insecurities which come from the fear of loss. The eighth house in the
Soul-centered chart reveals the manner in which the individual confronts these transformational tests.


Traditional meaning Soul-Centered meaning
Long journeys The Path
Religion and philosophy The repository of Universal
Differing orthodoxies The synthesis of all beliefs
Higher Education Higher Mind
Legal activities Cosmic Law

The personality tends to believe that its religion and life philosophy is the only one containing any truth.
Religious wars are always fought on the personality level, often led by fanatic leaders crying out and
killing others in the name of (their) god. The Soul has no such philosophical or spiritual divisions. The
Soul-centered person sees a world united by Cosmic Law. Disciples with strong ninth house horoscopes
are usually involved in establishing methods of education which encourage the synthesis of all belief
systems. In terms of travel, the Path is the longest journey we can make as It leads us everywhere and
never ends.


Traditional meaning Soul-Centered meaning
The father Spiritual Will expressed as
Authority figures The Masters, Hierarchy,
your Teacher
Honor and status in the Opportunities for spiritual
world advancement
Social responsibility Enforcing the Will of the
Career and profession Externalized field of
MC: point of material MC: point of initiation

The personality seeks to establish itself in the world through its professional contributions. In this way it
achieves status and position, purpose and life direction. Our (extra)ordinary life requires that we take on
a certain degree of social responsibility: pay our taxes, educate our children, obey the common laws of
our land. We are rewarded if we do by social approval and social security and we are punished if we do
not by social ostracism and loss of esteem. The Soul-centered person seeks to establish a “field of
service” as his or her career objective. In this way, he or she may fulfill the needs of Higher Authority
while at the same time serving others. Status is measured by the level of consciousness (love) achieved
and culminates through spiritual initiation.

Traditional meaning Soul-Centered meaning

Friends Members of your group of
Hopes and wishes Spiritual visions and
Organizations and clubs The New Group of World
Political activities Service to Humanity

The hopes and wishes of the personality is usually geared for the fulfillment of personal desires. They
are conditioned through a sense of identification with one’s particular society and its collective values
and ideals. One usually is attracted to friends who share these goals and with whom one has common
social roots. The Soul-centered individual is one who is naturally attracted to the energies expressed by
other people’s Souls. Physical appearances, social affiliations and economic class mean very little or
nothing at all. The urge to for a common orientation of service. The need for friendship is conditions by
the need to express one’s individual part in the Plan of the Path. Aspirations and visions lead to greater
inclusivity and increased methods to share those doctrines of universal life values which apply to all
societies, everywhere. The eleventh house in the Soul-centered chart thus speaks about the nature of
one’s companions along the Way.


Traditional meaning Soul-Centered meaning
Hidden enemies Unredeemed past karma
Self-undoing Inversion of the Soul force
Prisons and institutions Bondage to the personality
Secret activities Selfless service to
Hidden resources Awareness of past lives
Crucifixion of the Service to the World Savior

The twelfth house is a fascinating part of the natal horoscope. It contains a very special duality and
more power over our lives than most students of astrology realize. It is through the conditions of the
twelfth house that the personality remains in bondage to the past.. It is the house of unredeemed karma,
energetic situations which create patterns of activities which do not further the advancement of life. It is
these patterns and blocks which manifest as our “hidden enemies”. Yet both for the personality and the
Soul, the twelfth house is rich in resources, if we only know how to unlock them. The “key” to this part
of the horoscope, like everything else in life, is consciousness (love). Once the door to the twlefth house
is opened by the Soul, the individual is aware of the karma of past lives as well as the path of service
required to be both self-forgiving as well as self-actualizing.
Posted 3rd February 2013 by Anonymous


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21.The Soul Purpose of your Ascendant / Rising sign

Light is undiminishable, eternal and omni-present. In every religion that existed
these qualities have been recognized as divine. So that we are forced to the conclusion
that light—actual sensible light—is indeed the direct vehicle of divinity: it is the
consciousness of God.
--Rodney Collin, The Theory of Celestial Influence
One of the major differences between traditional astrology and soul-centered astrology is the focus on
the ascendant or rising sign of the natal chart. The emphasis in traditional astrology is usually placed on
the sun sign and the position of the sun by house, sign, and aspect in the horoscope. The sun is seen as
representing the life principle, our major creative impulse, and our fundamental sense of individuality.
All of this is true—from the level of the personality. In soul-centered astrology, we consider the rising
sign as the incarnating point of the Presence of the Soul. We look to the rising sign to give us hints as to
the reason for the present incarnation. In this respect, we judge the rising sign astrologically from the
perspective of its Ray quality, applying this understanding of the Rays (as we have discussed in
numerous previous articles in this series), to the essential esoteric meaning of the sign on the ascendant.
In soul-centered astrology therefore, the rising sign tells us a lot about the future: why we are here, what
we came to so, and the nature of our Soul’s purpose. We are helped further along in our assessment of
this essential purpose by judging the placement of that particular rising sign’s esoteric planetary ruler in
the natal horoscope.

And what of the Sun? In soul-centered astrology, we can say that the Sun in its sign has four primary
1. It reveals the energies, temperament, and characteristics of the present incarnation.
2. It speaks about the nature of the personality life and the tools and talents, our “equipment”, brought
over from previous lifetimes in order to be used for the present.
3. It is the force field through which the personality expresses itself and thus comes into its own self-
4. It reveals certain indications about the Ray makeup of the personality.
Let´s now begin our exploration of each of the twelve signs of the zodiac, taken as the rising sign in the
soul-centered chart. I will also mention the esoteric ruler of each of the signs and make a few comments
about this planet in order to help further your own investigation and study of your horoscope.


This is the dim point of light found at the center of the cycle of manifestation, faint and flickering. It is
the “searchlight of the Logos, seeking that which can be used” for divine expression.
People born with Aries rising are here to teach and learn about the Right Use of Will. Aries is the
initiating expressing of the Will-to-Be. It is the ever pulsating Force of Life that emerges through the
creative, fiery ethers, traveling through all the various planes of the involutionary and evolutionary
schemes of life, until it anchors itself in the world of forms. Aries seeks to manifest: “Let there be 
Light!” he says, “And let Light stimulate Form into self-awareness!”

As an expression of the Will/Power of Divinity, Aries is the personification of the First Ray. As the
directing and controlling urge for the expression of willpower in the outer world of forms, Aries is also
endowed with the energies of the Seventh Ray of Order. As the “Light of Life Itself”, the Ram is a pure
emanation from the Mind of God—that place, as it states in the Great Invocation “where the Will of
God is known”. This makes Aries the initiating force for the birthplace of ideas. The Ancient Wisdom
tells us that the energy of Life follows thought. As we think a thing into manifestation, so it becomes.
You therefore should take a look at Mercury in your chart, for this planet is the esoteric ruler of Aries.
The position of Mercury in your horoscope will tell you much about how you are to use your will to be
the messenger of your Soul’s purpose in the present incarnation. The Soul-centered, Mercury-ruled
individual with Aries on the ascendant is able to arouse, stimulate and infuse a new focus of awareness
into any activity. This focus is based on the realization that all ideas coming from the Soul are to be of
benefit to humanity. It is this perceptive, penetrating, and intuitively based mind that is the real
“weapon” of the Aries spiritual warrior. Aries is thus the fiery channel of expression for the birthing of
those ideas that further our individual as well as our collective evolution.


This is a beam of light, streaming forth from the point in Aries, and revealing the area of light control.
The Soul purpose for a person who has Taurus rising in their chart has a great deal to do with the
principle of illumination. His or her task is to irradiate the physical world with consciousness and by so
doing, uplift the material plane. Quite a job! This is done by allowing the Light of the Divine Will
(Aries) to penetrate all solidified forms. The testing ground and the primary challenge for the person
with a Taurus ascendant has to do with not becoming attached to and trapped within the very same
physical plane that Taurus seeks to enlighten. Taurus is primarily a sign of desire, desire in form. We
have to remember that on the personality level, Taurus’ motto is: “I have therefore I am”.

The life of a person attempting to walk the Path of Light is required to transform the desire for material
things into spiritual aspiration. This often surfaces in the urge to liberate oneself as well as others from
the attachment to matter. One of the world’s greatest Teachers and Initiates was the Buddha. He is said
to have been born, reached enlightenment, and died in the sign of Taurus. The Buddha taught that the
path of detachment from desire is the vehicle for the entrance of Light, i.e. the entrance of Creative
Will. This tension of transmutation is embodied in the Fourth Ray which is the Ray of the Bull. As you
may recall from previous articles, the Fourth stands as the intermediary between the three higher Rays
of Spirit and the three lesser Rays of form.
The Soul purpose of a Taurus ascendant not only involves freeing oneself from attachments to material
forms. It also has to do with helping to break such attachments in other people’s lives so that the bounty
of the Earth can be distributed fairly to all the world’s children. Taurus is helped in this task through its
esoteric ruling planet, Vulcan. Vulcan is the “Blacksmith of the Gods” and through his fires he
transforms and refines all forms so that they may be made more useful to the Soul. Vulcan is found
within 8 degrees of the position of your Sun.
This is a line of light beams, revealing that which opposes or the basic duality of manifestation, the
relationship of spirit and of form. It is the conscious light of that relationship.
The primary function of the mutable signs (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces) is to produce a
constant flux, a never-ending sense of movement, in order to provide a wide field of expression for the
life of the Soul. It is in the gathering of life experiences, based on the movement of relatedness and
relationship that is the Soul purpose of a Gemini ascendant. Gemini relates, that is its job. The Soul also
relates. It is primarily concerned with connectedness. In its most essential capacity, the Soul is the Way
through which Spirit connects to Matter and Matter to Spirit. The Soul stands in the middle; the Soul is
the Middle Way .

As the sign most significant of relatedness, Gemini functions as a vehicle for the Second Ray of
Love/Wisdom. It has as its Soul ruler, the planet Venus which is considered by esoteric astrologers to be
the most highly evolved planet in the solar system. Like the Soul, Venus embodies the “urge to merge”.
Venus seeks to unite and blend and by so doing, birth into life a greater refinement than existed
beforehand. On the Soul level, the person with Gemini rising is not an expression of duality but an
agent of harmony. Venus is the planetary Lord of the Fifth Ray, the Ray of the Concrete Mind. It is
through Gemini (and its exoteric relationship to Mercury), that Venus may express her focus of union
and communion. If Gemini is on your ascendant, look to the position of Venus in your natal chart to see
how you may more impersonally bring love into other people’s lives and thus fulfill your Soul purpose.
This will be achieved through some form of service that involves bringing together and harmonizing
individuals and groups of people. In this way, you may be an effective agent of communication, sharing
with others Venus’s Law, the Law of Right Human Relationships.
This is the diffused light of substance itself, the “dark light” of matter…It is the light awaiting the
stimulation coming from the soul light.
The Ancient Wisdom Teachings tell us that Cancer is “the Gate in”. It is the place where the Soul takes
its first physical incarnation for a particular cycle of evolutionary unfoldment. This is one reason why
Cancers are always so concerned with their home, and are constantly seeking a secure place in which to
roost. The purpose of an incarnation taken with Cancer rising has a great deal to do with the anchoring
of foundations,  a firm base upon which future incarnations may be built. Eventually the experiences of
these incarnations synthesize and culminate when we reach “the Gate out” through Cancer’s polarity
sign, Capricorn. When highly developed, Cancer not only has created this firm sense of spiritual
foundation (anchored through impersonal love), but also provides the opportunity for giving out a
special type of nourishment, one which helps and supports others to come to the realization of their own
Soul’s purpose.

Rays Three and Seven work through Cancer. Ray Three is called “the Mother Ray” as it is the Ray of
Active Intelligence. It is from mind that all manifestation emerges and Cancer is without doubt the
“Mother Sign”. On the level of the Soul, this birthing, nurturing, and mothering is not done through the
emotions of the personality. The source of personality centered emotions is rooted in the solar plexus
and is thus prejudiced by personal concerns of loss or gain, victory or defeat. These very personal
conditions and the survival fears so connected with them are all under the influence of the Moon and the
individual’s “biological karma”. It is not the Moon who rules Cancer on the Soul level, it is Neptune .
Cancer’s other Ray energy is Seven. The Seventh Ray is concerned with the interconnectedness existing
in all forms of nature. The universally loving vibrations of Neptune endow the soul-centered Cancer
with the ability to nurture and protect all of the world’s forms: mineral, vegetable, animal, and human.
Neptune bathes the Soul purpose of a person with Cancer rising in the universal waters of transpersonal
love. This then becomes the power of love, the Soul, as healer. Look to the position of Neptune in your
chart to see where this potential for healing is in your chart.
A reflected point of light logoic or divine. The light diffused in Cancer focuses and reveals eventually a
As Leo is ruled by the Sun, the Soul purpose of a person with Leo on the ascendant is intimately related
to the Spiritual purpose for the solar system. This is first and foremost, the evolution of consciousness.
In human life in general and in a Leo-ascendant’s life in particular, this translates as the activation of
self-consciousness. Once we know that we are indeed an individual self—self-demonstrating and self-
creating—we then come to know ourselves as an extension of universal creativity. This awareness
unfolds within us the quality of unconditional love. It is in this process that the Soul-centered, Leo-
ascendant has his or her task and reward. In order to experience the nature of such transpersonal love as
it may operate through us in an individual way, human evolution must pass out of the mass
consciousness found in the sign Cancer, and into the intense self-consciousness of Leo.

Leo is found on the First and Fifth Rays of manifestation. The First Ray relates to the intense, purifying
action of fire and the physical form of the sun. The Soul purpose of these flames as well as Leo’s path,
is to burn and destroy anything which hinders the progress of the Creative Will. This Will is in reality,
the Will-to-Love as the Sun, Leo’s ruler both traditionally and esoterically, is a star of the Second Ray
of Love/Wisdom. Leo is also found on the Fifth Ray of the Concrete Mind. Thus Leo is also very
strongly related to Venus, the planetary ruler of that Ray. Look to the placement of the Sun in your
horoscope and you will find where the shadow of the personality has to be burned in order to reveal the
Light of the Soul. Venus will give you a hint as to what techniques of communication you may use in
order to concretize your creative impulses into the practical world of your human relationships.


Two lights are seen—one bright and strong, the light of form; one faint and dim, the light of God. This
light is distinguished by a waxing of one and the waning of the other. It differs from the light in Gemini.
Virgo represents the inner gestation and growth of the Soul force within each of us. This is the sign of
pregnancy and on an esoteric level, Virgo is ruled by the Moon, Mother of all Forms. These forms of
life and the Mother Principle which creates them, both shield and nurture, protect and prepare the Inner
Light. The Mother gathers all the nutrients necessary to feed her unborn child and then, at the right
moment in the cycle of evolution, the Child is born into the world. The Soul purpose of a person with
Virgo rising is to choose with profound discrimination the right methods, processes, techniques, that
will allow his or her “Inner Child” (the Soul) to be born. The evolutionary stage of human development
indicated by having Virgo on the ascendant is the awakening of our inner, subjective life. This is the
quickening of the Soul’s Presence, but the consciousness of the Soul is yet to be born. This is the Virgo
rising person’s real job! It will be then that Virgo’s may take his or her true place in the world and create
a real sense of self-fulfillment be achieved. Look to the position of the Moon in your chart in order to
find where such opportunities for nurturing and growth appear in your horoscope. 

Two of the Rays work through Virgo: the Second and the Sixth. It is through the Second Ray that Virgo
develops its orientation to Love and the necessary Wisdom which may carry that subjective life and its
loving consciousness into the practical world of forms. The Sixth Ray of Devotion leads a person with
Virgo rising to the Path by which he or she may cultivate the type of personal service to humanity which
allows Soul purpose to flourish.


This is the light that oscillates until a point of balance is achieved. It is the light which is distinguished
by a moving up and down.
From the Soul-centered perspective, Libra on the Ascendant of the chart represents a pause, an
interlude, a time of assessment and a point of contemplation within a series of incarnations. People
incarnating with Libra rising may use this “karmic hiatus” as they prepare, along with the rest of us, for
the greater conflict awaiting them when the wheel of life moves one notch to Scorpio. The particular
tension and duality of Libra rising is often expressed by a person who has experienced the Presence of
the Soul to one degree or another, but who has not fully anchored this Presence in his or her
This individual is thus quite polarized, tending to waver back and forth between the desires of the
personality and the transpersonal nature of the Soul. This rhythm alternates, for at certain times the
lower self may predominate while at other times, the Soul is very much the predominant factor. This
conflict is present for Libra rising for a very good reason. The individual is to learn to recognize and
differentiate between the energy fields of these two fundamental poles of human nature. It is then that
the Libra rising person will be in a position to harmonize these two currents into a greater focus of
awareness. We should remember that Venus is the exoteric ruler of Libra and the esoteric ruler of
Gemini. In this respect, Venus serves to relate and balance all opposites and dualities until they are
fused into a more harmonious synthesis. Our primary duality (and the one which Venus handles with
expert grace) is the conflict between the lesser ego and the greater Self. Uranus is the esoteric ruler of
this rising sign as well as the exoteric ruler of Aquarius, sign of human relationships in general and
group relationships in particular. Thus the Soul-purpose of a person with Libra rising is to reorient the
focus of his or her relationships. This means gradually releasing one’s emphasis on the personal,
idealistic, romantic aspects of life in order to integrate those relationships with a greater focus of
impersonal service and a collective, group orientation. The magnetic charm of Venus and the “urge to
merge” of this planetary ruler can then be used for the more transpersonal use of the Soul through
Uranus and group relationships.

This is the place where three lights meet—the light of form, the light of soul, and the light of life. THey
meet; they blend; they rise.

Scorpio rising reveals one of the most difficult and important tests. It is the sign through which an
individual must pass in order to come into those transformative crises which turn desire into love and
personal will into the Will-to-Good of the Soul. Scorpio can be called the “sign of the Disciple” for it is
through the path of discipleship the we eventually learn how to effectuate these necessary
transmutations of our lower self. It is through Scorpio that the personality enters into battle with the
Soul and eventually emerges as the “Victorious One”—the Soul-infused personality.

When an individual is born with Scorpio rising, she has committed herself to this battle in the present
incarnation. The lower self has to be redeemed by the Higher (the awareness of the relationship between
the two having been established in Libra). A choice has been made to fight and the war must take place.
The purpose and the path of Scorpio rising is not just to do battle. It is not enough that the personality
and the Soul meet in an intense urge to unite. Scorpio embodies the Fourth Ray of Harmony through
Conflict, and conflict there must be! It is through such conflict that the real task of Scorpio rising takes
place—transformation! And while Scorpio is transforming herself, she is also encountering those life
experiences which bring her into contact with the opportunities to be an agent of transformation and
renewal for others.

Scorpio is a fixed, watery sign. As such the current is determined, the will is set, the waters of the
personality (the emotions and desires of the lower self) will be irradiated by the fire of Spirit and
blended into the loving consciousness of the Soul. Scorpio rising shows us that the individual is
preparing to open the way out of the entrapments of the lower life. This is why Scorpio is called the
sign of the “reversing impulse”, for it is through Scorpio that the Path and Purpose of the Disciple is
Mars is the ruling planet for Scorpio rising on both exoteric and esoteric levels. In terms of the former,
Mars increases the desire nature and the sense of personal separation. It therefore can “kill off” that
more sensitive part of ourself which seeks to unite with its higher principle. When Mars is acting as the
exoteric ruler of this sign however, it sees to the death of such separative feelings and desires so that
there are no impediments remaining to soul-infusion.

In this the point of light becomes the beam, revealing a greater light ahead and illuminating the way to
the center of the light.

When Sagittarius rises in the natal chart, a person has reached the stage or preparation through which a
new vision of oneself emerges out of the conflicts of Scorpio. The mountain peak of initiation in
Capricorn has been sighted, but the mountain has yet to be climbed. It is through Sagittarius that we
find the Path up that mountain into the Light of the Soul. Sagittarius exemplifies the struggle each
person has to undergo in order to free himself from the limitations of the personal life, and thus
encounter the more expansive, spiritual reality of the Higher Self. One of the fundamental purposes of
an incarnation with Sagittarius rising is for the individual to orient himself to some lofty objective, one
which will unfold a higher goal and a consciously directed life orientation towards its achievement. This
is the real meaning of the arrow, the glyph that is used to represent this sign. The arrow points to the
target and that target is the unity of a Soul-centered life.

A person with Sagittarius rising is devoted to his aims and to the realization of his inner truth. He
undertakes his journeys and adventures in order that these subjective realities may be fulfilled in his
outer life through a concrete form of expression. Jupiter, the traditional ruler of this sign gives
Sagittarius the urge for expansive experiences but it is the Earth, the esoteric ruler of this sign that
commands. The Earth requires that one’s ideals and dreams be concretized and made practical. Service
is not only an idealistic vision. On the Path of soul-influsion, service has to be anchored in one’s daily
life. Sagittarius rising has as its purpose the need to find and formulate a “field of service”, through
which one’s abundant creative fires of mind may take root and flourish. In this respect, Sagittarius rising
becomes a Knight who holds on to his quest and purpose no matter what obstacles may assail him. His
“shining armor” is the Light of the Soul and his purpose is to find the Hold Grail. This is the cup which
holds the waters of enlightenment for all to drink. These are the same waters found in the jar atop the
shoulders of Aquarius.

This is the light which clears the way to the mountaintop, and produces transfiguration, thus revealing
the rising sun.

When Capricorn rises it brings with it the importance of its ruling planet, Saturn—Lord of Karma.
Saturn is both the traditional as well as the esoteric ruler of this sign. Together, this sign/planet
combination teaches a person how to break free of attachment to materiality, so that one is left free to be
the conscious co-creator of material forms in accordance to the will of the Soul. This is not an easy task
to be sure, but it is one of the main Soul purposes of a person with Capricorn rising!

Saturn is not only connected to the deepest karmic dynamics in our life, he is also what we call, “The
Dweller on the Threshold”. The “Dweller” is the crystallization of our karma that inhibits a person to
grow beyond present limitations. Saturn (our personal “Dweller") is the sum total of those habit patterns
that do not permit correct circulation of our vital energy. It is this sense of confinement that is so typical
to one with Capricorn on the ascendant. We confront the boundaries of Saturn whenever we wish to
start a new cycle of creative self-expression. We cannot move on to a higher turn of the evolutionary
spiral until such a confrontation is encountered and successfully accomplished.

Saturn ceases being the ruler of the personality structure and releases its hold upon Capricorn rising
when the individual has oriented herself to the nature and structure of the Soul. This is done through the
Third Ray nature of this planet and sign. The Third is the Ray of Active Intelligence and is closely
aligned with another important planet to us, the Earth. Thus the purpose, the real work and
responsibility of Capricorn rising has a great deal to do with making correct choices of a practical,
earthy nature. To accomplish this properly so that other people may benefit (Soul-centeredness requires
group awareness), requires a great deal of objective, mental effort. It also requires that one’s attitude
shifts so that a person becomes unfettered by the urge for personal gain and self-aggrandizement. It
should also be pointed out that the Third is the Ray of money and thus many of the life lessons
connected to people with Capricorn rising have to do with the right use of financial resources.
This is the light which ever shines within the dark, and cleansing with its healing rays that which must
be purified until the dark has gone.

The urge to be all things to all people is a very strong one with people who have Aquarius rising. They
seek to be of service because they enjoy people but for an Aquarian rising person is not Soul-centered,
this service is primarily geared to the aims and goals of the personality. In this respect, Aquarius is
saying: “Notice me! Pay attention to how different I am! I am everything but no one thing!” Yet the
Soul purpose of Aquarius rising is to transform these superficial, egocentric actions into a profoundly
capable person eager and ready for World Service.

The awakening to the Soul’s reality in this rising sign occurs through its esoteric ruler, Jupiter and the
Second Ray of Love/Wisdom. The nature of the love which Jupiter expresses on the Soul level through
Aquarius is not of the romantic, personal kind. It is much more the impersonal love of humanity in
general and is accompanied by a distinct sense of loving detachment. It is actually the Soul-centered
individual with Aquarius rising who is able to express the purest form of love in terms of its usefulness
to society. It is pure and potent because it emanates from the benevolent energy of Jupiter and extends
in ever more expansive circles through group orientation and group consciousness.

Aquarius itself is a sign of the Fifth Ray of Concrete Knowledge, Science and Technology. It is from
this center of applied intelligence that Aquarius rising will anchor his or her true life purpose. Aquarius
is connected to the circulatory system while its polar opposite, Leo is the ruler of the heart. The Soul-
centered Aquarian has learned how to be heart-centered. It is from the heart through his mind and social
networking capabilities, that Aquarius rising is be able to disseminate his inner vision for the benefit of
humanity. This can be most easily accomplished through the circumstances and natural forms of
expression of his exoteric ruler, Uranus. Thus Aquarius rising will be most naturally attracted to those
devices and processes that place as much information as possible in the hands and minds of as many
people as possible. Experiment, create the new, but stay centered in the heart!

This is the light, revealing the light of life itself. It ends forever the darkness of matter.
It is in Pisces that the Victory of Love is achieved. This is due to the action of the esoteric ruler of the
Fish, Pluto. In effect Pisces is like Scorpio, a sign of transmutation and death. This connection between
the Fish and the Scorpion is quite profound, linked as they are through their mutual rulership by Pluto.
It is through the “death” which occurs in the purifying waters of Pisces that one dies to all the desires
that keep a person bound on the wheel of rebirth. Indeed, we can say that the waters of Pisces signify
baptism, cleansing a person for “a new chance” at life. 
The Soul purpose of a person with Pisces rising can be seen in two stages. The first is very definitely
the cleansing process itself. This has to do with the work of transforming the personality from any
vestiges of itself that can inhibit true Soul-centeredness. This is self-undoing, self-destruction in its most
positive form. It is through the Will (Pluto and the First Ray) acting through Love (Pisces and the
Second Ray) that the Pisces rising person learns how to make a clean severance from those past
activities and karmic patterns that have inhibited Soul growth. It will be through the qualities of
devotion and selflessness (aspects of Pisces’ other Ray, the Sixth) that the Fish come to swim in the holy
waters of the Higher Self.
The second stage involves the creation of a path of service. This comes as a result of the resolution of
Pisces sense of their essential state of duality, a state in which they experience the constant pain of the
illusion of separation existing between the Soul and the personality. This process of linkage having
taken place through the redemptive work of Pluto, Pisces rising is now a fluid channel allowing the
individual to become a consistent vehicle for the Soul´s urge to heal and make whole. Attachments to
the past have been washed clean and what remains is a profound sense of compassion for the efforts of
others. The Light of Life has come full circle and is ready to be born again in Aries.
Posted 3rd February 2013 by Anonymous


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22.Your Sun Sign: The Three Crosses of the Zodiac and Consciousness
What we are witnessing today is the gradual emergence of a picture of the universe which
presents us with a special problem, for it demands the acceptance of a new dimension of
reality. This “fourth dimension” can be defined by the elusive, yet revealing word:
Interpenetration. What is implied by it is that the universe and our total beings
interpenetrate. The era of isolated, irreducible, and quasi-absolute indivi- dualities…is
passing away.
--Dane Rudhyar, The Sun is Also a Star
Astrology is the language of consciousness. It is through its signs and symbols that we can observe how
the complexities of human evolution take place. It is for this reason that the Tibetan Master, D.K., has
called astrology “the science of effective energies”. This nomenclature is especially appropriate, for
what is astrology if it is not a science whose energies express and effect the nature of our individual and
collective destiny?

One of our major tasks in terms of the unfolding of our consciousness and the expression of our destiny,
is to build a “landing base” for the Soul to anchor on the Earth. When this happens on an individual
basis, we have what is known as “personal enlightenment” or “Soul-infusion”. When this occurs on a
collective level and a Mahatma (Great Soul) appears, we have the externalization of a Messiah, and the
Christ comes forth once again to walk among us.

In Soul-Centered astrology, we can use the symbology of the signs to diagram the unfolding of the
stages of human consciousness. It can be said that humanity falls into three broad groups of beings,
groups which correspond to the three cross of the zodiac. The first group, the Mutable, is by far the
most numerous. This is the great, unconscious, unindividualized mass of brothers and sisters who
inhabit our planet and live primarily through the instinctual awareness of their biological karma.

The second group, the Fixed, is a bit more advanced along the spiritual Path and are to be found hard at
work shaping their physical, emotional, and mental vehicles for a purpose which they sense but in many
cases cannot see in its entirety. This is the stage in which many of us reading this article currently find
ourselves. It is at this stage in our development when we take on certain disciplines of diet, exercise,
study, and service in order to love ourself and others in ways that may be new but are of great
importance to us. We often do not know the reasons for our choices or the focus of our direction, but we
have learned to listen to our inner voice, our intuitive self. As evolution takes place on the Fixed Cross,
people emerge to take their place as members of the New Group of World Servers. This group currently
numbers in the millions is growing. It consists of men and women of goodwill from all nations, races,
and social levels. These are individuals who in one degree or another, have evolved to a point whereby
the link between the Soul and the personality is an increasingly conscious one. Each of these people has
his own particular field of creative expression—always connected to a field of service—through which
a contribution to humanity is being made. In esoteric terminology, such people are known as “aspirants
to the Path” at the outset, and “Disciples of the Path” when a little further along the way. Although each
of the steps along the Path gives greater Light, the Path requires the continuous crises of transformation
and transmutation of the lower self.

The third group, the Cardinal, is by far the least numerous. It consists of individuals who are the most
advanced of all members of humanity. They hold the most Light and also undertake tasks with the
greatest responsibility. These Brothers and Sisters are known as the “Initiates of the Path”, and work to
benefit all of our lives through their selfless service.

In terms of astrological symbology, we can say that the first group is represented by Mutable Cross of
the signs Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces. The focus for awareness when one’s consciousness is
on the mutual cross is desire for experience. This desire assumes four different forms relative to the
astrological elements. In the earth signs, desire manifests as the urge for material possessions and the
achievement of social prestige for its own sake. The desire for communication, for being with many
people in many different places and for what we could term, “social stimulation”, takes place through
the air signs. The desire for sensual response, pleasure and emotional stimulation characterize the water
signs at this level. Personal recognition—“Look at me, I’m here!”—is the underlining desire of the fire
signs at this stage of evolution. Consciousness on the mutual cross may be called “unconscious unity”.
The individual is so attached to his or her desire nature that he or she sees no separation between desire
and consciousness: consciousness IS desire. The purpose for incarnating on the Mutable Cross is to
awaken intelligence and knowledge through the multifarious life experiences we encounter during such
lifetimes. As it relates to the Seven Rays of manifestation, the Mutable Cross is connected to the Third
Ray of Active Intelligence.

The second group of people are incarnating on the Fixed Cross of the signs Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and
Aquarius. This cross is characterized by a movement of consciousness in which an individual becomes
more refined and defined in the use of his or her life energy. We could call this transition from the
Mutable to the Fixed Crosses, a mutation from indiscriminate or instinctual experience to an
increasingly clearer orientationof life expression. Desire ceases to become the prime motivation in life
and is replaced by aspiration. The Fixed Cross experience brings into life a very certain tension, the
tension of conscious duality. It is through the incarnations taken in the Fixed Cross that we come to
understand the relationship between the Soul and the personality and our aspiration becomes the urge to
unite the two.
The purpose for incarnating on the Fixed Cross is to reveal the true nature of Love, i.e. the
consciousness of the Soul. When the earth signs predominate, aspiration takes the form of the
experiences found through the professions, business, and the arts. When the air signs predominate,
aspiration expresses itself as the need to communicate some unifying message between individuals and
groups of individuals in order to benefit humanity. The watery signs aspire through altruistic ideals that
are often taught through philosophy, religion, and unselfish acts of charity. The fiery signs focus their
aspirations through those creative projects which serve to stimulate aspiration in others. The Fixed
Cross is most closely associated with the Second Ray of Love/Wisdom.

The third group of people are incarnating on the Cardinal Cross of the signs Aries, Cancer, Libra, and
Capricorn. This occurs when a person becomes fully anchored in the orientation of the Soul’s purpose
and Love has merged with knowledge and emerged as Love/Wisdom. One has thus achieved the one-
pointed, non-dualistic state of consciousness which can be termed “conscious unity”. Here there is no
separation between the desires and aspirations of the personality and the Will-To-Good of the Soul. Life
is motivated by pure Spiritual Attraction and intent. The tests and trials of the Fixed Cross of
transmutation have been passed and one is ready to get “an advanced job” in terms of planetary service.
The personality has become the total instrument for the Soul and life has become decidedly and
lovingly impersonal. Mounting the Cardinal Cross is called in the Ancient Wisdom Teachings, taking
the “Path of Sacrifice.” Please note, that the word “sacrifice” comes from two Latin roots meaning, “to
make holy”.
This Path leads to one of four directions: greater responsibilities for the creation of the right structures
of government, economics, and the use of material resources (Capricorn and the earth signs); the
organization and participation in groups dedicated to serving humanity (Libra and the airy signs);
increasing compassion and human understanding (Cancer and the watery signs); the Right Use of Will
to further the Plan of Creation (Aries and the fiery signs).
The Cardinal Cross is under the direction of the First Ray of Will/Power.

Before we examine the crosses and their signs any further, it is very important to clarify our perspective.
It is not the sign which qualifies your level of consciousness—it is your level of consciousness that
gives conscious direction to your sign. Please note this very carefully. A person is not necessarily on the
Mutable Cross for example, if his or her Sun or rising sign is so placed. A person may be incarnating on
the Fixed Cross of consciousness and using a mutable sign as a vehicle of expression of their field of
aspiration. In other words, I may have very definitely anchored my sense of orientation to the Plan and
have thus established my consciousness (my expression of Love/Wisdom) on the Fixed Cross. But in
the current incarnation, nothing but a Gemini ascendant will do in order to give me the flexibility I
require to relate that consciousness to as many different people under as many different kinds of life
circumstances as possible. It is vital to keep in mind that in esoteric, Soul-centered astrology, we are
using the signs as fields of “effective energies”. The Soul determines which of these energy fields will
have the greatest and best effect for our contribution to life. I think that the following explanations will
make this concept clear.

On the Mutable Cross of consciousness (totally personality-centered awareness), Gemini and Sagittarius
are signs that often point to those expansive activities that are completely involved with self-interest.
The gaining of additional knowledge through education, the urge for limitless life experiences, the urge
to communicate information, are all used for the expression of the lower mind and the dominance of the
personality in the immediate environment. Such individuals all too frequently believe that everyone
should hold the same religious, philosophical, or intellectual beliefs as they do. This gives rise to
prejudice and exclusivity, qualities that are not facets of the Soul’s expression.

When Gemini and Sagittarius are expressed in the life of someone who is on the Fixed Cross, all mental
activities are geared with ever growing awareness and orientation to the expansion and evolution of
consciousness. Such individuals usually create those communicative directions in the educational
systems of their societies that serve to transform the separative concepts of the majority of people into
more inclusive world views. An individual whose consciousness was on the Cardinal Cross born with
the Sun or rising sign on one of the two above signs, would be known on earth as a Great Teacher,
incarnating to communicate Divine Truth.

The activities of the Virgo-Pisces arm of the Mutable Cross when manifesting through primary instincts
and a lack of individualized consciousness, produce individuals with a distinct tendency towards
diffusion and lack of discrimination in their activities. The relationship between Soul and substance is
not perceived as this comes about only later through the crises of polarity of the Fixed Cross. It would
thus not be possible for a Mutable Cross Virgo or Pisces to be able to perceive the Life Force contained
within the form aspect of any object, or perceive the Soul quality within another person. They would
only experience the sensation for the desire for that object or their particular need for that other person.
Furthermore, the tendency for the Virgo individual would be to diffuse their skills and physical
resources while the Pisces person would be more involved with indiscriminate emotional involvements.
If one’s consciousness, manifesting through Virgo or Pisces, were focused on the Fixed Cross, the
nurturing dynamics of this sign would come forth very potently. The individual would stand ready to
bring such care and carry her resources to all forms of life—the more expanded the consciousness, the
more inclusive would be the direction of this service. Yet the inherent quality of the Fixed Cross of
consciousness would hold this Virgo individual firmly in place, attaching her to her purpose and
inhibiting the diffusion of her energy. This would occur through Pisces on the Fixed Cross through a
kind of life orientation that would seek greater unity between people. In this respect, a disciple of the
Path with the Sun or rising sign in the Fish, would be very open to dissolving those beliefs, philosophies
and creeds which separate people. An Initiate of the Cardinal Cross born in Virgo or Pisces would
embody the energies of the Divine Mother or the World Savior and serve humanity accordingly.

In a similar way we can take a brief look at the Fixed and Cardinal Crosses. For the personality-
centered Leo or Aquarius, the world is a place where the desire to extend personal influence over others
is very strong. The Leo individual manifesting through the Mutable Cross of consciousness will have a
profound urge to dominate the environment and rule. The Aquarian on the Mutable Cross would work
to assure himself that his system of values is the dominant way of thinking in his little (and all too often,
it is too big), world. Taurus on the Mutable Cross will fear the loss of material substance and strive to
create abundance no matter what the cost to others. And Scorpio on this Cross is very eager to take
Taurus’ money away from him!

When on the Fixed Cross, the fixed signs will tend to reorient their values and resources to the benefit
of others. Taurus will become increasingly more generous (and magnetic) as her attachment to matter is
transformed into an understanding of real value. Scorpio on the Fixed Cross is a most potent influence
and requires great faith and patience. It is here that an individual goes through one of the most
important of incarnations: the test of transmutation and transformation of live direction. An Cardinal
Cross Initiate born on the Fixed Cross may likely appear as a Great Healer (Taurus), an Enlightened
Ruler (Leo), a White Magician (Scorpio), or an Enlightened Communicator (Aquarius).

In terms of the cardinal signs, an Aries or Libra born with his consciousness on the Mutable Cross will
create relationships that are very egocentric in orientation. The urge will be to create response in others
to the desire’s of the personality (Aries) or to be a manipulative “everything to everyone” kind of Libra.
Cancer and Capricorn on this level usually demonstrate as emotionally needy and grasping (Cancer) or
very usurious and opportunistic (Capricorn). When operating on the Fixed Cross, the cardinal signs
begin to orient themselves as follows: Aries will tend to open new pathways for his own creative
expression and stimulate the latent creativity in others. The purpose of this direction will be to increase
the possibility for the externalization of Love/Wisdom. Libra will use her magnetism to join people
together for purposes of greater social welfare. Cancer will create many opportunities to spread and
share the abundant resources of her nourishing nature unselfishly. And Capricorn on the Fixed Cross
develops the objectivity necessary to create the proper structures and boundaries for the expression of
the Soul in the practical world.

As one would imagine, a cardinal sign Initiate born through the Cardinal Cross is a very powerful
Being. In Aries this might manifest as a Great Leader; in Cancer as a Holy Mother; in Libra as an
Inspired Peacemaker; and in Capricorn as a Spiritual Liberator.
Posted 3rd February 2013 by Anonymous


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23.The Soul Purpose of your Moon sign

The Moon is the storehouse of what I like to call out “biological karma”. On exoteric and psychological
levels, she is literally and figuratively our mother. She thus represents the nature of the most basic of all
of our relationship. The Moon in our natal horoscope therefore speaks to us of our primary needs: food,
shelter, material and emotional security. The position of the Moon by sign, house, and aspects to the
other planets in our chart, tells us a great deal about our instinctual relationship to such needs. How do
we fulfill these primary urges? What constitutes for each of us our instinctual pattern of response when
deprived of these basic elements of personal security? In a man´s horoscope, the Moon indicates our
relationship to women and to our own inner feminine nature. The lunar position will often indicate the
kind of women we seek out for relationship and the nature of the emotional dynamics within such
relationship. In a woman´s chart, the placement of the Moon is fundamental. It indicates a woman´s
basic health as the Moon regulates her 28-day cycle as well as her ability to express her urge to nurture,
to be supportive, and literally, to mother. In the horoscope of both men and women, the Moon reveals
the scope and quality of our primary emotional nature, its drives and instinctual patterns.

The Moon has two other major functions in the exoteric horoscope of the personality life. She is first
and foremost the representative of the past. With her is locked the memories of all of our biological
ancestors, and thus in this way holds an important key to our past lives. Who and what we are has a
great deal to do with the biological matrix out of which we came. In this respect, all of our ancestors can
be said to still be “alive” through each one of us and we pass on that life (and those racial/family
memories) to our children. It will be your Cancer (ruled by the Moon) grandmother or grandfather who
will have the deepest and clearest memories of the family tree and its history!

The memories of your forgotten ancestors do indeed live through you, only we do not remember their
experiences. What we do have within us is the second major lunar factor, instinct. So many of our
patterns of behavior, our likes and dislikes, our tastes in food and home environments, are conditioned
not only by our parental background but by the collective history of earthly experience of our
progenitors! The Moon therefore governs the entire scope of this biological history (firmly locked
within the molecules of DNA in our genes and chromosomes) and is thus the source of our instinctual
responses to life.
The process of spiritual evolution requires that we move from instinct to intuition; from unconscious
patterns of response based on the biological past to a conscious participation in the creation of Life.
This is not such an easy task as it requires us to leave the womb of our mother and be born again
through the Heart of the Mother. And leaving home can be a very fearful process! As we examine the
more esoteric dynamics of the “lunar landscape”, we will see how this process unfolds. Please
remember that the nature of Soul unfoldment, i.e. the awakening of consciousness, is accomplished
through synthesis, Thus we do not abandon our mother (nor any of our ancestors for that matter), we
take the entire family with us as we journey to the Heart.

The nature of the Soul-centered, esoteric energies of the planets does not negate their personality-
centered, exoteric meanings. A blending is taking place—one which gives rise to an ever-increasing
inclusivity. It is the path to inclusivity which is also the Path to the Mother. The Soul-centered
individual has neither forgotten nor abandoned the past nor is one forgetful of the responsibilities we
have in our ordinary, daily life. The effects of the Moon and its sign placement, as we understand them
to be from the angle of traditional, psychologically oriented astrology, are still valid. But there are other,
more refined or highly evolved lunar influences which the Moon “veils”.

We can start our own voyage to the Moon by first examining ourselves. Where is the Moon placed in
our horoscope? Where are we still attached to its influence as a storage place of past karmic imprinting?
Where does the focus of our own attachment reside and most importantly, were is our resistance to its
release? Once we enter the Path, we will be continuously confronted by such situations until we are able
to break through the “lunar maya” which holds us enthralled in illusion. We struggle with the past,
bringing our instinctual memory patterns to the surface of consciousness. The battle then ceases to be
one of subjective, unfocussed inner, emotional turbulence. The battle becomes more objective and we
face our own shadows as we set forth to break free into the higher life.

Esoteric astrology tells us that the Moon at this point is loosening its hold on our emotions. In its place
another planetary force appears. This is the energy of Vulcan, esoteric ruler of the sign Taurus, and the
planetary energy which helps us break free from the past. (For a full explanation of the effects and
nature of Vulcan, please refer to Article V of this series in the April, 1996 edition of Dell Horoscope
Magazine). It is energy of Vulcan, now working through the position of the Moon in your horoscope,
that severs these ties with your biological karma. A greater inclusivity begins to appear in your attitude
towards life and those emotions connected to the instinctual nature of the personality are replaced by
feelings and urges more in keeping with the loving will of the Soul. You have entered the battle for
emotional freedom leading to our release from those compulsions and attachments which no longer
serve our higher good.

The next step along the evolutionary road Home to the Mother involves the planet Uranus. After Vulcan
(who as we may recall was the “Blacksmith of the Gods”) has forged those tools of greater awareness in
his fiery oven (signified by our emotional battles!), we may now step forward with a greater sense of
our individuality and a firm hand on our creative will. In this respect, Uranus begins to work through
the position of the Moon in our horoscope. Uranus, the planetary revolutionary seeks to replace outworn
ideas and doctrines with new concepts, thoughts, and structures, that permit our participation in the
larger, collective life of humanity. Whenever we are actively engaged in service to humanity in general,
we can be sure that our connection to the Soul is secured. This is one of the greatest blessings that
Uranus may only reveal when acting through the Higher Self as the esoteric ruler of Libra.

Finally we come to that stage in life when the real “higher octave” of the Moon appears. This is
Neptune, the bringer of the veil of emotional illusion on the personality level but the Initiator into the
Mysteries of the Heart on the level of the Soul. Neptune is the Soul-centered ruler of the sign Cancer.
When Neptune removes the lunar veil we stand before the Mother. Our lesson is complete. Whether we
are a man or a woman in the present incarnation, we have learned how to nurture all and everyone. Our
love is boundless, totally inclusive, and unconditional. We have come Home.

Let us now examine the position of the Moon from an esoteric perspective in each of the twelve signs
and determine its Soul-Level Purpose:

Moon in Aries: Mercury, the esoteric ruler of Aries is on the same Ray of Manifestation as the Moon—
the Fourth—and greatly influences the Moon when in this sign. In this case, Mercury helps to reorient
the emotional nature of the Moon in this so that a greater contact is made possible to the mental body.
Thus our feelings and emotions will become a better vehicle for “the birthplace of ideas”. Aries gives a
fiery impulse to our emotional nature. From the level of the personality, this means that an individual is
apt to be very impulsive in their self-expression, increasing the intensity of feelings into fiery outbursts
of passion. On the Soul level, such fire is the fire of mind, allowing the person a much greater scope of
creative self-expression.

Moon in Taurus: A very potent placement usually indicating a struggle between the creation of forms
for one´s own pleasure and personal security or allowing oneself to be a vehicle for the collective well
being of all. Abundance is the keyword to this position as the individual on the Path with the Moon in
Taurus will lack nothing in the way of material substance, providing that the use of that substance is for
the service of others. The Moon in Taurus need not worry about not having herself, but true happiness
connected with material flow is only possible through the transcendence of personal desire. Vulcan is
the ruler here and its First Ray energy brings out the Will-to-Good which can be expressed through the
Law of Right Human Relationships, embodied by Venus, exoteric ruler of the Bull.

Moon in Gemini: This combination provides a tremendous potential for the communication of harmony
and Right Human Relations through the written or spoken word. Venus is the esoteric ruler of the sign
and joins with Mercury the ruler of Gemini on the personality level. Gemini is a Second Ray sign
(Love/Wisdom) while Venus activates the Fifth Ray of the Concrete Mind (science and technology).
The Soul-level purpose of this position is very much involved with the creating of patterns of
relationship and communication which break down outworn models of social interchange so that new
ways of relating may be brought forth for the greater good of humanity.

Moon in Cancer: On the personality level, this position indicates the strongest link a person may have to
the past. It certainly allows an individual to be very nurturing but it does not necessarily provide an
opportunity for evolutionary growth if the level of personal attachment to the familiar is too strong. On
the esoteric level, Neptune emerges as a power of real opportunity as it is the Soul-centered ruler of this
sign and is energetically connected with it. The Sixth Ray of Devotion acts through Neptune and
combines with the Third (Active Intelligence) and Seventh (Synthesis, Order) Ray influences of Cancer.
This allows the individual to create those environments that sustain a strong level of support for the
collective. Such a person would be very willing to foster those social circumstances that serve to
support any and all humanitarian efforts that nurture and sustain.

Moon in Leo: On the personality level, the Moon in this sign may birth an individual who is the epitome
of emotional egocentricity. On a higher level of exoteric expression, this position can result in a highly
gifted and abundantly creative person. The difficulty comes with one´s attachment to this gifts and the
compulsion to be recognized for them. The test coming through Vulcan in this position will require the
individual to reorient their fiery feelings and natural talents for the good of the collective, thus bringing
in Leo´s opposite sign, Aquarius into play. Leo and Aquarius are both signs of the Fifth Ray, making
this one of the easiest polarities to handle on esoteric levels. Thus the Moon in Leo gives one amble
opportunity to invoke that great Fifth Ray lesson—the Law of Right Human Relationships—and the
beautiful energies of the Fifth Ray planet, Venus.

Moon in Virgo: As the Moon is the esoteric ruler of this sign, its placement herein gives an individual a
strong potential for world service work. The Soul-level purpose is to reveal the indwelling purpose
within the various forms of life. This is of course, Love. The Virgin is the Holy Mother who births the
Christ, symbol for the Soul of Humanity. The Second and Sixth Rays are very potent in this sign and
lead to a deep sense of devotion to those life pursuits that evoke and increase consciousness. The effects
of Vulcan when acting through the Moon in this sign would serve to break down patterns of selfishness
and the manipulation of matter towards one´s own, personal ends.

Moon in Libra: This combination is very geared to the expansion of human relations from the more
personal dynamics of Venus (exoteric ruler of the sign) into the more collective an impersonal realms of
Uranus (esoteric ruler). The lunar focus for the creation of forms is centered on the harmonious
blending of all human resources. Uranus, the Seventh Ray planetary expression is very much involved
with the principle of synthesis. Thus when the Moon is in Libra and brings into play the energies of
Uranus, the individual is very much oriented to the principle of “unity in diversity”. When this
combines with the energies of Venus and Right Human Relations, we see that a Moon in Libra person
can be very instrumental for the working out of many types of humanistic plans and projects.

Moon in Scorpio: Whenever a planet is in Scorpio there is always a sense of tension. Scorpio and the
Moon are both connected to the Fourth Ray (Harmony Through Conflict). The Fourth stands as the
transforming gate between the energies of the ego-self and the Soul. On the personality level, a person
with the Moon is Scorpio is always required to transmute the energy of the lower emotions of selfish
desires into a more refined feeling nature. The Moon is said to “fall “ in Scorpio as the nourishing
qualities of the Moon are often severely restricted in this sign. But from the Soul-centered perspective,
this “fall” relates to the death of the personality which is “felled” by the energies of the Soul. Thus the
Soul-level purpose for this position is to use one´s outer, form life as a total expression for the healing
properties and unifying qualities of the Higher Self. The tests are often severe (Scorpio is not a light-
weight sign!), but the rewards are very lofty.

Moon in Sagittarius: The duality of this sign on the personality level often manifests as the struggle
between personal desires and one´s more altruistic ideals. This duality is resolved esoterically when the
Earth and the Third Ray dominate this position from the esoteric perspective, and one seeks to bring
practical solutions to humanity’s needs. Idealism merges with realism, personal desires are geared for
the release of people into a wider understanding of life. Once again the Fourth Ray is a very potent
influence, yet the Moon in Sagittarius Soul-centered individual is ready to ride forth into the battle for
the good of the collective. Vulcan´s work through the Moon in this sign involves the break down of the
belief, so common to personality.centered Sagittarians, that their understanding of life represents
universal truth. Once this humility is achieved, the Moon in Sagittarius may nurture through her

Moon in Capricorn: The restrictive energy of Saturn, ruler of Capricorn lessons on the Soul level so that
the individual, instead of feeling emotionally constrained, experiences the joy of true emotional
responsibility. This means that the Soul-centered Moon in Capricorn person has come to the realization
of where their real work resides. He or she may embrace this task as it has been well earned! The urge
to control others (so very present with the Moon in Capricorn on the personality level) has given way to
the awareness stated in this line from the Mantra of Unification: “Let the Soul Control the outer form
and life and all events, and bring to life the love which underlies the happenings of the times.” The
ability to structure the form side of life is then used by the person with the Moon in Capricorn in order
to harness personal and collective resources for the benefit of group purposes.

Moon in Aquarius: From the level of personal emotions, this is not the warmest nor the most nourishing
of lunar positions. It brings forth a tendency for a sense of impersonality which may not be necessarily
very loving, just detached. Yet the quality of detachment is absolutely essential to the Soul-centered
individual. Such coolness however does not indicate a lack of feeling nor the absence of love. On the
contrary! Passion is replaced by compassion, self-absorption is transformed through absorption into the
Self, and detachment from personal desires becomes a vehicle for world service. Uranus’ natural
association with this sign allows it to function on the Soul level as an instrument for the invention of
new processes of social interaction and communication so that the sense of the unity of humanity may
be expressed to others. It should be remembered that Aquarius is a Fifth Ray sign and is thus intimately
connected to Venus (Uranus is the esoteric ruler of Libra) and the Law of Right Human Relations.

Moon in Pisces: On the personality level, the mutable nature of this sign and the unstable quality of
water may lead to an unending mutation of desire, thus perpetuating a life of hungering after something
that can never be achieved. Yet this very same lack of fixity and the connection which Pisces has to the
ocean of all human experience, makes it the sign with the easiest entry into the universal truth of love.
The Fish function through the same two Rays (II and VI) as its polarity, Virgo. The First Ray quality of
Vulcan when working through this matrix serves to harness the Will (Ray I) of the Pisces individual
towards devotion (Ray VI) to the Plan of Love/Wisdom (Ray II). This occurs through the gradual
release of Pisces from his or her attachments to the sensation of emotion on the personal level so that he
or she may sense the Presence of the Soul. Once achieved, the First Ray will point to the Way Home.
Posted 3rd February 2013 by Anonymous


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24.The Soul Purpose of your Sun sign

I cannot too strongly reiterate the constant necessity for you to think in terms of energies and forces, of
lines of force, and energy relationships…The whole story of astrology is, in reality, one of magnetic and
magical interplay for the production of externalization of the inner reality…
--Alice Bailey, Esoteric Astrology

The Sun has a triple function. On the physical level, the Sun energizes the life potential within each cell
and atom; it is the “Breath of Life”. On the spiritual level, the Sun is Life Itself, the divine expression of
the “Will to Be”. On the soul level, the Sun is the source of consciousness. In esoteric terminology, this
facet of the Sun´s function is called the “Heart of the Sun”. It is through the Heart (both in human and
solar expressions), that soul awareness and the consciousness of love is stimulated. 

In Soul-centered astrology, the Sun´s purpose is to act as a vehicle for the externalization of the Second
Ray of Love/Wisdom. When we delineate the Soul-centered chart, the position of the Sun has four
primary indications:
1. It reveals the nature of the present incarnation from the point of view of temperament, characteristics
and way of expression one’s life energies.
2. It speaks about the nature of the personality life and the “equipment” brought in from previous lifetimes
in order to live out the current incarnation.
3. It is the force field through which the personality becomes self-actualized so that an individual becomes
aware of him or herself as a Self-conscious, creative being.
4. It reveals those indications which point to the Ray makeup of the personality.
Let us now briefly examine the Sun and its Soul Level Purpose in each of the twelve signs. You may
wish to refer to other articles on this site in order to review the properties and characteristics of each of
the Seven Rays as this information will expand your understanding of the esoteric nature of the

Sun in Aries: It is through Aries’ expression on the First (Will/Power) and Seventh (Order/Ceremonial
Magic) Rays, that the Second Ray (Love/Wisdom) quality of the Sun´s nature has the opportunity to
manifest in our daily life. It is the Ram that permits the consciousness of Love to descend from the
source of the spiritual Will-To-Be down through all the lower planes so that it may finally externalize in
the physical realm. As the “Light of Life Itself”, Aries is a pure emanation of Divine Mind—the place
“where the Will of God is known”. This initiating force of life makes Aries the birthplace of ideas.
According to the Teachings of the Ancient Wisdom Teachings, all manifestation has its beginnings as
Divine Ideas. It is through Aries that the Plan of Divine Will is revealed to us through the loving
consciousness of the Soul.

Soul Level Purpose: An incarnation taken with the Sun in Aries is to serve as a fertile field of fire,
clearing and cleaning the mind. It is in this way that Soul-centered Aries individuals allow new ideas to
take root, ideas which further the Divine Plan both for themselves and for the people they serve.

Sun in Taurus: Self consciousness takes root through attachment to form and in the desire nature itself,
which stimulates the urge for physical contact. Thus the major life lessons learned and taught by a Soul-
centered Taurus have to do with detachment and transcendence. The Second Ray nature of the Sun is
working through the Fourth Ray (Harmony through Conflict) force field of this sign. The Soul-centered
Taurus seeks to express the beauty of the Soul in the forms of daily life. Taurus must encounter and then
transform into balance and beauty those conflicts which arise when we attempt to anchor the Light of
love in matter. Taurus is especially connected to the Buddha, for just as the passion of the Christ takes
place through Pisces, the Buddha is said to have been born, reached enlightenment, and died in the sign
of the Bull. The Buddha taught that the path of detachment from desire is the vehicle for the entrance of

Soul Level Purpose: An incarnation taken with the Sun in Taurus has a great deal to do with the right
use of magnetism. Taurus can add its tremendous magnetic qualities to attract the correct form around
any inspirational idea. In this way, the fire of mind is cloaked in the substance necessary for life on
Earth. We can see in this relationship the esoteric quality of compatibility existing between Aries and
Taurus, fire and earth.

Sun in Gemini: The Twins speak about relating and the blending of diverse elements through the correct
resolution of duality. Gemini and the Sun create a pure Second Ray energy field, one that permits the
unification of Will and Form through intelligently applied Love. You will recall that Venus is the ruler
of Gemini on the Soul level. Thus the Sun in Gemini brings in the harmonizing effects of this planet,
considered by esoteric astrologers to be the most highly evolved in the solar system. Gemini changes,
mutates, adjusts, and relates everything that is necessary for the evolution of the Soul. This
communicative ability is at its strongest when the Sun in Gemini modulates the relationship between the
Soul and the personality. It is through the harmonious blending of the energies of this essential polarity
that true spiritual evolution takes place in life.

Soul Level Purpose: To be an agent for Venus on the subjective level of life and use the power of
Mercury objectively. In this way, the Sun in Gemini serves as a vehicle for communicating the Law of
Right Human Relationships: Peace on Earth and Goodwill to (Wo)Men.

Sun in Cancer: This placement of the Sun focuses one´s activities around the creation of an environment
for nurturing and support. Substance is added to Will, purpose is added to Form. It is through Cancer
that the Second Ray energy of the Sun expresses itself through the Third (Active Intelligence) and
Seventh Rays. Thus Love combines with Intelligence to produce a fertile matrix for the birthing of
whatever may be needed by the individual on the Path. This substance may then be distributed wherever
and however it is required to fulfill the Soul´s purpose. The Sun in Cancer on the Soul level knows that
nothing is ever lacking on any level of manifestation. The emotional waters of the Soul-centered Cancer
expand from that protective and nurturing liquid found in the embryonic sac and become the inclusive
ocean of Life Itself, nurturing all and everyone.

Soul Level Purpose: To create foundations: a foundation for future incarnations based on the intelligent
blending of Will and Love, and the anchoring of a foundation of inner and outer resources to bring the
nurturing Love of the Soul to others.
Sun in Leo: The Second Ray of Love/Wisdom of the Sun becomes expressed as dynamic force and
power through the First Ray orientation of the fixed sign quality of Leo. The Sun rules supreme in this
sign, allowing the Purpose of Life in our solar system (which is the unfolding of consciousness), to
proceed in a direct fashion from the Mind of God into the minds of humanity. The unfolding of
consciousness translates as the activation of self-awareness. Once we know that we are a self, self-
demonstrating and self-creating, we then come to know ourselves as an extension of universal
creativity. The quality of this revelation comes to us as unconditional love. An incarnation taken in Leo
has the potential to express the Love and Wisdom of the Sun in its most potently creative fashion, What
must be encountered along the Way is the almost equally potent self-centeredness of a Leo ego!

Soul Level Purpose: To create opportunities for the expression of consciousness, both individually and
collectively. The latter is achieved through Leo´s creative processes and are often worked out through
the group dynamics available in Aquarius.

Sun in Virgo: A very love-filled state of being! The Second Ray energies of the Sun work through the
Second and Sixth Ray (Devotion) force field of this sign. The potential of the Sun in this sign is
tremendous for the work of unification and healing. The aim of life is to become ever more one-pointed
in reaching the loving inclusivity which is a primary spiritual goal. At the same time, Virgo endeavors to
gain the necessary tools in order to serve others also struggling along the Path. Virgo is always at work,
accumulating the required methods, processes and practices which bring about the perfection of the
lower self. The lesson which the Sun in Virgo learns and teaches is discrimination in form. This quality
of perception gives a Soul-centered Virgo the ability to identify what must be done to support one’s
direction for spiritual growth while at the same time creating practical opportunities for the expression
of the Soul on planet earth.

Soul Level Purpose: To provide the necessary forms through which consciousness (Love) may do the
work of the inner Healer, thus bringing about a greater sense of wholeness into manifestation.

Sun in Libra: An incarnation taken with the Sun in Libra represents a pause or an interlude along the
Way. It becomes very necessary to sense and test the relationship between the Higher and lower selves.
The “Law of Polarity” is activated to the extreme with one foot standing firmly in the realm of the Soul
and the other holding on to the personality nature with equal strength. A time has come to balance,
consider, and choose the focus of one´s direction for the future. Life brings these opportunities through
human relationships, relationships which often test personal, spiritual orientation. This tension is
resolved through the creation of a focus of synthesis—the ability to merge opposing forces into greater
creative potential for the externalization of consciousness.
Soul Level Purpose: To hold opposing forces in check so that greater awareness of both the Soul and the
personality is achieved. This is accomplished through the expression and activation of those ideas
(Libra is placed on the Third Ray of Active Intelligence) which bring about greater, collective peace and

Sun in Scorpio: As a Fourth Ray sign, an incarnation taken in Scorpio always is involved with some
form of deep conflict, almost always expressed on the emotional level. Such a battle provides the
individual with the needed opportunity to observe and express his or her own inner struggle for the
domination of the lower self by the love of the Soul. The interlude of Balance is over; the true adversary
appears in the form of the desire nature of the lower self. It is through the reorientation of desire that
release from the attachment to the personality structure is achieved. “Death” becomes a continuous
process, even an essential aim of life, as the release from (emotional) illusions is followed by awareness
of a higher state of reality.

Soul Level Purpose: The transformational lessons learned through the Sun in Scorpio help to focus the
individual as a catalyst for the healing of others. The ego, the lower self, becomes an extension of the
Soul force. Strength and determination is gathered in as the rewards for the intense battles that have
been fought and won. Scorpio is then ready to walk the Path in earnestness.

Sun in Sagittarius: As a sign found on three of the Rays (IV-V-VI), the duality and mutability of this
sign is strongly emphasized. The Fourth Ray emphasizes Sagittarius´ role as the philosophical knight,
ready to restore (or create) harmony out of the chaos of religious or intellectual differences. He rides
forth out into battle, armed with the sense of devotion and self-sacrifice of his Sixth Ray component. On
his shield he carries the standard “The Law of Right Human Relations”, placed there by Venus, ruler of
the Fifth Ray. Sagittarius is the new vision of self, emerging as the “accepted disciple” from the ashes of
ego-death in Scorpio. When anchored in the Soul, the Sun in Sagittarius brings fire to its abundant,
creative center, allowing for the integration of and adding strength to his or her many contrasting
tendencies and elements.

Soul Level Purpose: Sagittarius is the personification of the word “purpose”! It´s motto is: “I see the
goal, I reach that goal, and then I see another.” Sagittarius must use its well earned one-pointed focus to
orient the life to some lofty objective, one which allows him or her to be a teacher of the ways of the
Path. Vision and insight combined with practical awareness are definite qualities to be achieved and

Sun in Capricorn: The Second Ray qualities of the Sun must express themselves through three quite
different Rays (I-III-VII) of the sign Capricorn. An incarnation taken in this sign has a very profound
struggle but an equally great reward. Capricorn has to be able to express Love/Wisdom through the
intense need for the expression of Will and Power (Ray I). This requires the total acceptance of the
biblical phrase, “Let Thy Will be done.” Capricorn has to modify and direct his or her creative and
active intelligence (Ray III), so that the mind is used for the goals of the Soul. Furthermore, Capricorn´s
incredible urge for control, structure, and order (Ray VII) have to be transformed and totally redirected.
Instead of being qualities which are used to manipulates the outer circumstances of life in order to fulfill
the desires of the personality, these very same characteristics have to come under the directed will of the
Soul. Once all of this is achieved, then the Soul level purpose becomes a reality.

Soul Level Purpose: Initiation. Capricorn represents that stage in spiritual growth in which all the
efforts at spiritual growth culminate in advanced spiritual awareness. This entails even more
responsibility as Capricorn takes his or her place in the structure of the Human Hierarchy, that group of
men and women of Goodwill who have achieved the skills necessary to serve.

Sun in Aquarius: The search for individuality has shifted from one based on the need to be different to
one based on a distinct sense of unification with all of humanity. In this respect, the Soul-centered
Aquarian is personifying less of what it means to be him or herself (in terms of the personality), but
more of what it is like to be a human being in service to other human beings. The emotional
compulsions of the astral body have become transformed by the action of the Fifth Ray of Concrete
Knowledge. Yet it is not with cold indifference that the Sun in Aquarius shines his or her light into the
world. As a result of the blending of the emotional nature with the mental, Aquarius has produced pure
intuition (Uranus). Thus the Soul-centered Aquarian embodies what was said in the opening quotation
at the beginning of this article: “…the constant necessity …to think in terms of energies and forces, of
lines of force, and energy relationships…”

Soul Level Purpose: To create those links and contacts that allow the distribution of Love/Wisdom
through humanitarian efforts. Ideals and aspirations become reality. This is to be done in our times
through group work and the formation of collective enterprises.

Sun in Pisces: The Second and Sixth Ray qualities are very strong in an incarnation birthed in the Fish.
There is a need to dissolve all separatist thoughts, feelings, and actions so that the reality of
unconditional love may emerge into the world. Yet this has to be done with a stronger sense of self
rather than through the denial of individuality. Success in this respect depends on identification with the
Soul. The personality structure of the Sun in Pisces usually seeks a lack of precise identity and an
orientation which often thwarts firmness in direction and intent. As the Soul force emerges through the
Sun in this sign, it brings with it the First Ray focus of Pluto. Thus concerted Will to bring about the
expression of Love/Wisdom in the world becomes the basis for life. The Sun in Pisces then has the
power to destroy all that seeks to create disunity and replace this dissonance with devotion to the Love
that “passeth all understanding”.

Soul Level Purpose: To undergo and teach those tests of increased spiritual awareness that create an
identification with the whole of human experience. This is accomplished through an identification with
the Love of the Soul and the practical expression of the Love through service.
Posted 3rd February 2013 by Anonymous


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25.Mars: Lord of Death and Bringer of Life and its Soul-Centered Meaning
in your Chart
Mars requires the entire life of man…to be swung into conflict, leaving no side of human
nature uninvolved; hence again the need for the disciple to carry his physical nature, his
emotional or desire nature, and his mental process up into heaven. This takes place as a
consequence of overcoming form nature by means of the “serpent of wisdom,” which is
the esoteric name oft given to the soul.
--Alice Bailey, Esoteric Astrology
It is said in the Ancient Wisdom Teachings that from the perspective of the Soul, incarnation means
“death” and what we experience as the physical termination of an incarnation is known to the Soul as
the beginning of life. As both the traditional and Soul-Centered ruler of Scorpio, Mars has a very
dualistic expression. But on both levels, Mars is very definitely the planet most closely associated with
the desire nature.

On the Soul level, this is the desire for physical incarnation. It is in this respect that Mars is also
connected to Aries for it is through the “doorway of the Ram” that the fiery impulse for physical life
begins to take form. It is here that Mars reveals itself as the power behind the “Sacrificial Lamb”. A part
of the Soul must be sacrificed, in order to descend into matter and manifest itself through a physical
body on the Earth. It is through this incarnational process that the “death” of an aspect of one’s Higher
Self occurs so that it may be born into the three worlds of the personality: physical, emotional, and
rational. This is called the “mortification of the Soul” and the willing sacrifice of the “Light which is
Love”. The descent into matter is part of our Path and it occurs again and again through the Law of
Rebirth governed by the Law of Karma. Our rebirth into Light requires the redemption of the lower self
and the original form of the desire nature which brought us into physical incarnation in the first place.
The above can be said to be a metaphysical explanation for the Christian doctrine of “original sin”.

Many of us are on this redemptive Path to “Home”. But the desire for the release from continuous
cyclic incarnation is also a function of Mars. The personality seeks its release through death—the
“mortification of the flesh”—so that its inner, spiritual Essence may rejoin with its Parent/Soul after the
experiences in Earthly incarnation. The magnetic force which pulls us through the “tunnel of Light” at
physical death is none other than Mars’ “Soul-Mate”, Venus (Love). Mars is thus the ruler of the death
of the Higher Self as it seeks to birth itself in the personality. It is also the death of the personality so
that reunification with the Soul may take place.

Mars also stimulates one’s physical vitality through its rulership over the bloodstream. We can say that
as long as a person’s consciousness is polarized exclusively in the lower self, Mars is of paramount
importance. This facet of its influence has a great deal to do with the intimate connection Mars has to
sexuality and the reproductive urge. Thus, at least in the biological sense, death is conquered. In Soul-
Centered astrology, Mars is associated with the solar plexus center, the source of the astral/desire body
of the lower self, and is thus thoroughly linked with the passion of the five senses.

Mars is one of two planetary expressions for the Sixth Ray of religion and devotion (the other is
Neptune). As Pisces is also energetically linked to this Ray, Mars is also especially connected to this
sign. It is interesting to note that Pluto, the higher octave of Mars is the esoteric ruler of the Fish. Thus
there is a strong connection between the orientation to death of Mars and the Red Planet acting as the
vehicle for the redemptive, regenerative energies of Pluto. Neptune is the traditional ruler of Pisces but
is also a vehicle from the Soul level of the energy of the Christ. It is through Neptune and its esoteric
rulership over Cancer (and the Moon’s esoteric rulership over Virgo) that the Holy Mother is brought
into the archetypes of the major Piscean Age religion, Christianity. It is when Mars as “God of War” and
Neptune as “God of Illusion” acting through the personality nature and solar plexus of Humanity, that
the so-called “armies of God” are created and go about the planet slaughtering and maiming in the name
of religion and “love”. Religious terrorism notwithstanding, we can look forward to a calming of such
warlike religious expressions as the Sixth Ray Pisces Age recedes and the Seventh Ray Aquarian Age

In the Soul-centered natal horoscope, the position of Mars by sign and house will indicate the
1. Where and how the desires of the flesh have to be transmuted into the desires of the Soul.
2. Where the battle between the Higher Self and the lower is most likely to occur.
3. Where the primary attachment to the lower self exists, giving rise the one’s greatest battle for
personality redemption.
Hint : The resolution to a great deal of this Soul-centered battle, has to do with the relative positions of
Neptune and Pluto both in the natal horoscope and by the transits of these two planets to Mars.
Now let’s take a brief look at the position of Mars in each of the signs:

Aries: Mars is manifesting its energy through a sign that is on the First (Will) and Seventh (Order)
Rays. Thus a battle takes place in the life to reorient the will of the personality to the Will of the Soul.
Once this is accomplished, the external life can be expressive of the Internal Order of the Higher Self.
The sacrifice of the Aries Lamb has a great deal to do with having to undergo those tests in life which
require the transformation of personal desires. It is the task of Soul-centered people with Mars in Aries
to clear a way in the personality life for the expression of the Path. The Soul-centered individual with
Mars in Aries is likely to initiate some phase of group work which furthers the work of the “Fire of

Taurus: The battle which Mars engenders in this sign has to do with one’s attachment to material forms
and possessions. It is also very much connected with the physical forms that our desires may take: that
special look, that particular kind of man or woman, etc. Individuals with this placement may find that
their spiritual path requires them to remain free of those strong magnetic attachments to materiality that
so overwhelm the majority of people. This battle with the form life may also manifest as the incorrect
use of sexual or financial energy. The cultivation of a proper rapport with Venus and the creation of
right relationships with love and money, i.e. the transformation of selfishness, may greatly help the
situation. On the Soul-centered level, the planet Vulcan is involved (as esoteric ruler of Taurus),
bringing in a great deal of spiritual will/power.

Gemini: Mars in this position tends to accentuate the duality of the Twins, adding to the tension
between the lower and Higher Self. This tension serves a very positive purpose in the life of a Soul-
centered individual however, as it gives rise to a clear distinction in the individual’s mind as to the
difference between the desires of the personality and those of the Soul. As the Soul-centered ruler of
Gemini, Venus works to harmonize this tension through a person’s endeavors at right human
relationships. The victory over this battle of duality is assured as Venus promises the eventual marriage
of this or any, pair of opposites. Mars in Gemini is also capable of opening the Path for the loving
energies of the Higher Self as this combination joins a Sixth Ray planet (devotion) to a Second Ray sign
(love/wisdom). It is through the energy of Mercury in the world of the personality that this greater
message may be communicated.

Cancer: As Neptune is the esoteric ruler of Cancer, the Sixth Ray energy of Mars is augmented in this
sign. This creates a tremendous sense of devotion which can be “blind” and illusionary when expressed
through the uninitiated. Thus on the personality level, Mars in this sign may lead an individual to
obsessive devotion based purely on sensual romanticism or desires untempered by reason. On the Soul-
centered level, the Third Ray energy (Active Intelligence) of Cancer predominates. The individual is
very much involved with the right use and proper direction of the mind in order to bring about the
transformation of the lower desire nature. In this way, the personality is helped in its path of conscious
devotion to the will of the Soul. The battle for Mars in Cancer is involved with acquiring detachment
from the obsessive pull of the emotions.
Leo: Fire is the “great liberator”, and with Mars in Leo, it indicates the potential to liberate oneself from
a focus of self-consciousness to one of consciousness to the Self. It is in this aspect of the
transformation process that this particular battle of Mars takes place. The consistent preoccupation with
one’s personality and the need to express the desires of the lower self are very strong when Mars and
the Lion are joined together. The battle that has to be fought is a difficult one, as the vitality and
creativity of the ego must come under the direction of the Soul if spiritual advancement is to come
about. This usually takes place through the Fifth Ray (Concrete Mind) mental qualities of Leo, as fiery
passions for the advancement of oneself give way to enlightening ideas for the benefit of the group.

Virgo: This sign is ruled by the Moon from the level of the Soul and is very closely associated with that
portion of pregnancy known as “the quickening.” This is when the fetus is first felt to be stirring in the
womb. It is at this point that the Soul makes its initial contact with the physical form in preparation to
receive it. When Mars is in Virgo, we can say that the individual is in a process of “quickening the
spiritual Path”. Mars always opens a way; it is after all the ruler of Aries, the pioneer. Mars in this sign
creates the way for the presence of the indwelling Soul to birth itself into objective consciousness. This
is accomplished through the Sixth Ray and the necessary devotion to the selfless service that heals the
wounds and divisions of the personality.

Libra: When Mars is in this sign and expressing through the personality, the individual is constantly at
war with herself through her relationships. On the Soul-centered level, this battle ceases and Mars
comes to a resting place. Instead of being at war with oneself, the individual can now act as an arbitrator
between warring factions, pointing the direction to greater harmony for group purposes. Rays Three
(Active Intelligence) and Seven (Ceremonial Order) are both expressive of the structure and right use of
mental energy. Thus the Sixth Ray devotional energy of Mars when in the Scales, is balanced by
objectivity and the urge to bring about peaceful solutions for the good of the whole. Mars in this
position can thus be seen as a crusader and standard bearer for the Law of Right Human Relations,
governed by Venus, the exoteric ruler of the sign.

Scorpio: This is the strongest position for Mars as Scorpio is the ruled by the Red Planet on both
exoteric and Soul-centered levels. There is no avoiding the battle to transform the desire nature when
Mars is in this sign! The lower self will make its “last stand” and put up a terrific fight in order to keep
its attachments to the desires of the personality. If found in the horoscope of a person who has already
been through the “fiery door” and has thus transmuted the desire nature into the loving expression of the
will of the Soul, Mars in Scorpio can indicate a true healer and light-worker. Mars in Aries indicates the
birth of the personality, while in Scorpio, Mars indicates the personality’s death. As we shall now see,
the next two signs bring the released personality onto the Path (Sagittarius) of Initiation (Capricorn).
Sagittarius: On the personality level, this position often increases the duality and war between the lower
and Higher Self. The Soul-centered Mars in Sagittarius person however, will not let anything stop him
from achieving his spiritual purpose. Sagittarius is also found upon the Sixth Ray, making an individual
with this planet/sign combination very devoted to the Path. As he marches forward, Mars in Sagittarius
opens this Path for others to follow, expressing love and courage, joy and optimism as qualities of the
Soul. The Holy Grail, symbol of the true Goal of life, has been sighted. The house position of Mars in
this sign will indicate the nature of those activities of life undertaken in order to achieve it. Mars in this
placement is the arrow in the bow of the Archer, pointing the way to the Mountain Top of fulfillment.

Capricorn: From the perspective of the personality, Mars in Capricorn can be seen as the culmination or
victory of personal ambitions over the limitations of the material world. Unless Mars is poorly aspected,
the ego has usually become successful in dominating its environment. Quite often, a personality-
centered individual can be found with a very positive placement of Mars in Capricorn but the ambitious
nature of this combination gives no rest, no sense of ultimate achievement. From the Soul-centered
perspective, Mars in Capricorn indicates that the desires of the material plane have been placed under
the total dominance of the Soul, thus achieving victory over the physical world. The individual stands
ready to go forth as a server of Light, using the First Ray qualities of the Goat to establish the Will of
the Soul (which is the Will to Love) in the world.

Aquarius: At an earlier stage of development, Mars in Aquarius may try to bend the collective will of
any group of people into an expression of the will of his personality. He battles with the rules of society
and any established mode of social behavior. The Soul-centered individual with Mars in this position
has matured. Aquarius is on the Fifth Ray, ruled by Venus and the Law of Right Human Relations. Thus
from the level of the Soul, Mars in Aquarius will utilize its energy towards being a vehicle for the
encouragement of group identity and collective purpose. The battle isn’t over, only the battleground has
changed. Aquarius is ruled from the Soul level by Jupiter and the Second Ray. When combined with the
Ray influence of Mars, this combination becomes very idealistic, often leading a person into doing
battle to defend the humanitarian ideals and principles of the group to which he or she belongs.

Pisces: On the personality level, the strong Sixth and Second Ray elements in this planet/sign
combination easily lead to blind devotion to religious, romantic, or political idealism. The focus of the
will is subjugated to the intensity of the emotional nature of these issues. When Mars in Pisces is in the
horoscope of a Soul-centered individual however, the energy of Pluto (esoteric ruler of the Fish) and the
First Ray come into focus. The person is then able to use the will to infuse higher purpose into any set
of circumstances. In addition, Pluto’s transformational energy couples with the loving devotion of the
Second and Sixth Rays, bringing redemption and release not only to one’s own lower self but acting
also as a healing vehicle for others.

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