Reflection Paper On Data Analysis and Use

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Ma. Charisse B.

Luares September 18, 2020

PAf 203

Reflection paper on Data Analysis and use

Data analysis is used by health organizations to discover useful information
by taking raw data and insights relevant to their policies and goals. The process of
data analysis uses logical and analytical reasoning. Health organizations need to
have an effective strategic decisions, programs and protocols that will greatly benefit
thus improve the quality and policies of health care especially in this time of
pandemic. However, without the expertise on data analytics will negatively affect an
organization. Data should be timely and accurate before being fed back to other
stakeholders to make sure its credibility to help data users understand issues and
goals of health organization. This will also help the community or data users to
respond according to the policies made by health organizations. Though
communication and dissemination of information is often necessary to facilitate data
use as said in the article, it can also create confusion and alarm to people that do not
understand the process of data analyzing. Every individual and organization should
practice in gathering, analyzing, interpreting, sharing, storing, and using data. Once
an organization or an individual has the capacity of using data at the highest
performance level, they may prioritize upcoming decisions and questions by different
stakeholders will be answered with concrete evidences as the answer.

As a teacher and also an entrepreneur, correct data analyzing would help me

improve my work and decision making. For instance, my small business requires
updated report of sales and even returns of products. Whether it is for marketing or
customer reviews or any that requires data analyzing will provide me of insights that
my small business need in order to make the right choices for a chance to boost and
improve it. Though gathering data may sound simple, it actually requires a lot of
work. I experienced preparing data for analyzing my sales which requires too many
steps that take a long time to finish especially if it’s done manually. But as soon as I
finished interpreting, it is not as recent and new data was out there.

We can say that gathering data is used everywhere. In education we teachers

are using data to know our students well, to come up with better programs or
intervention for the welfare of the students. We also gather data to know parents’
opinion about the school policies that provides us information for revisions for
improvement. We also use basic data gathering and analyzing tools such as
Microsoft Excel to help us interpret information faster. Updated data helps our
organization in revising our policies, programs and intervention in school. We are
reflecting past decisions and deciding for revisions using the updated data gathered.
Our school is a data driven organization that makes decisions based on data. The
reason why we are more confident in our plans to be a success is because there are
concrete evidences in a form of data that supports whatever decision, policies, and
intervention we make.

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