Bible Study: Overview & Purpose

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Bible Study 

Lesson 2 for WOLY 

Prepared by Ps. Caroline 


The origin plan and purpose of God ( Gen 1-3). 


The creation of man and his role in God's Kingdom.  

Read Gen 1: 26-28, Gen 2:7 

1. Man's composition. 
● He's made of dust,  
● made in the image of God and the Holy Spirit in him ( breathe of life), in order to 
fulfill God's purpose for Him on earth. 
● Has a nature ( good & evil or life) that controls him.  

2. Man's limited. 

Read Gen 1:27-29, Gen 2: 18-25 

● We all need to rely on and receive God's protection, provision, and guidance. 

3. Man is subjected to the principle of God'skingdom ( Gen 2:16-17) 

● His word is authority and reality. Obey God at His word. Obey God in action. 
Otherwise, consequences will be separation from God and His kingdom. 


1. Bible 

2. Discord app with internet line. 


Answer the questions below. 

1.What is man's physical body made of? What does it signifies/ means? 


2. God breathe life upon us. Where is the Holy Spirit now? 


3.Which nature controls your being? Good and evil or life? 


4. When Adam & Eve was in the garden, everything was perfect. Do they lack anything?  


5. Fill in the blanks. 

__________ is God.  

Creation is _______________. 

The above is the principle of God's kingdom. His Word is authority and reality. 


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