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Overdue Notice

Dear <<borrowers.firstname>> <<borrowers.surname>>,

According to our current records, you have items that are overdue.Your library does not charge late fines, but
please return or renew them at the branch below as soon as possible.



<<branches.branchaddress2>> <<branches.branchaddress3>>

Phone: <<branches.branchphone>>

Fax: <<branches.branchfax>>

Email: <<branches.branchemail>>

If you have registered a password with the library, and you have a renewal available, you may renew online. If
an item becomes more than 30 days overdue, you will be unable to use your library card until the item is

The following item(s) is/are currently overdue:

<item>"<<biblio.title>>" by <<>>, <<items.itemcallnumber>>, Barcode: <<items.barcode>> Fine:


Thank-you for your prompt attention to this matter.

<<branches.branchname>> Staff
Advance Library Reading Materials Due Alert (AII Library)

Greetings from AII Library...!

Dear <<borrowers.title>>. <<borrowers.surname>> <<borrowers.firstname>> (<<borrowers.cardnumber>>)

We would like to inform you that the following reading material (s) borrowed by you from the Library will be
overdue by tomorrow. Please return or renewal this/these borrowed item(s) on or before the due date mentioned
on the book to avoid the late fee.


Title: <<biblio.title>>

Author: <<>>

Barcode: <<items.barcode>>

Issue Date:<<issues.date_due>>

Due Date: <<issues.date_due>>


We appreciate your kind co-operation in this matter.

NOTE: In case, you have already returned the above reading material(s), please let us know this reminder.

You are welcome to contact us at for any quarries relating to this transaction.

Thanks & Regards


Adani Institute of Infrastructure

Shantigram, S. G. Highway, Ahmedabad

Library Reading Material(s) Check-In

Greetings from AII Library...!

Dear <<borrowers.title>>. <<borrowers.surname>> <<borrowers.firstname>> (<<borrowers.cardnumber>>)

Thank you for returning the following reading material(s) to the Library today.


Title: <<biblio.title>>

Author: <<>>

Barcode: <<items.barcode>>


Thank you for using Library resources and services.

NOTE: In case, you have not initiated this transaction, please let us know this alert.

You are welcome to contact us at for any quarries relating to this transaction.

Thanks & Regards


Adani Institute of Infrastructure

Shantigram, S. G. Highway, Ahmedabad

Library Reading Material(s) Check-out

Greetings from AII Library...!

Dear <<borrowers.title>>. <<borrowers.surname>> <<borrowers.firstname>> (<<borrowers.cardnumber>>)

The following reading materials(s) is/are issued on your name from the Library today.


Title: <<biblio.title>>

Author: <<>>

Barcode: <<items.barcode>>

Due Date: <<issues.date_due>>


Thank you for using the Library resources and services.

NOTE: In case, you have already issued the above reading material(s), please let us know this alert.

You are welcome to contact us at for any quarries relating to this transaction.

Thanks & Regards


Adani Institute of Infrastructure

Shantigram, S. G. Highway, Ahmedabad

Library Reading Material(s) Renewals

Greetings from AII Library...!

Dear <<borrowers.title>>. <<borrowers.surname>> <<borrowers.firstname>> (<<borrowers.cardnumber>>)

The following reading materials(s) is/are have been renewed on your name from the Library today.


Title: <<biblio.title>>

Author: <<>>

Barcode: <<items.barcode>>

Due Date: <<issues.date_due>>


Thank you for using the Library resources and services.

NOTE: In case, you have not initiated this transaction, please let us know this alert.

You are welcome to contact us at for any quarries relating to this transaction.

Thanks & Regards


Adani Institute of Infrastructure

Shantigram, S. G. Highway, Ahmedabad

Holding / Reservation of Library Reading Material(s)

Greetings from AII Library...!

Dear <<borrowers.title>>. <<borrowers.surname>> <<borrowers.firstname>> (<<borrowers.cardnumber>>)

The following reading material(s) has been placed hold/reservation by you. We will inform you when the
reading material is available for borrowing in the library.


Title: <<biblio.title>>

Author: <<>>

Barcode: <<items.barcode>>

Due Date: <<issues.date_due>>


Thank you for using the Library resources and services.

You are welcome to contact us at for any quarries relating to this transaction.

Thanks & Regards


Adani Institute of Infrastructure

Shantigram, S. G. Highway, Ahmedabad

Holding / Reservation of Library Reading Material(s) Available for Borrowing

Greetings from AII Library...!

Dear <<borrowers.title>>. <<borrowers.surname>> <<borrowers.firstname>> (<<borrowers.cardnumber>>)

The following book(s) has been reserved by you, now available in the library for borrowing. You may kindly
borrow the same within two days.


Title: <<biblio.title>>

Author: <<>>

Barcode: <<items.barcode>>

Call No.: <<items.itemcallnumber>>

Location: Circulation Desk


Thank you for using the Library resources and services.

NOTE: In case, now you don't required this reading material (s), please let us know.

You are welcome to contact us at for any quarries relating to this transaction.

Thanks & Regards


Adani Institute of Infrastructure

Shantigram, S. G. Highway, Ahmedabad


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