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Did you have

yet another
rough day?
In times like these, it is
natural to feel frustrated
and cranky after a long
long day. A way to deal
with this pressure can be
revising some of our basic
features as humans!
Chapter 1: Self - worth constantly contributing to the
figure! No matter what you do,
Many of us are not in the mood how less or how much, think of
to be productive and efficient all yourself as a tiny digit that is
the time, and that’s completely still contributing to the whole!
fine. Activity: Google the live You are always doing a great
population of this planet. You job pal!
will see numbers rising and
falling each second, but at every
point in time, your presence is
Chapter 2: Knock, Knock!
Who’s there? Should’nt you ask
before opening
the door?

NO. I let
everyone in.
We are responsible for our
happiness. So decide whom to
let in. Even if you had a tough
day due to misunderstandings
and miscommunications,
remember, at the end of the
Of course you day, you decide what should
won’t get an
insurance. You
affect your mood and what
brought this
upon yourself!
should not. You are in control
of your thoughts.
Chapter 3: Microscope Oftentimes, we seek answers
about the future that lead to
Aww! These cell apprehensions about our “Big
organelles look
so peaceful! Plan” for life. But if there is one
thing, the pandemic has taught
us, it is to focus on what you have
at the moment and appreciate
its worth. What is meant to be,
will be!
Chapter 4: The Chain Have you ever played chain
reaction? Then you know
how if one atom turns red, it
spreads it to its close ones as
well. So remember that your
We are all connected. Even reaction is not the end of
by long distance. It is only the reaction. Be kind, spread
responsible on our part to be kindness! (not the virus)
aware of our emotions when
we pass them on.
To err is to human. To cry is to
human. To laugh is to human.
To have fun is to human. To feel
sad is to human. To feel lost is
Disclaimer: We are Human.
to human. To live is to human.
Do what it takes to embrace
your humanity! And appreciate
others for doing the same!
Take your time, find your way,
do it the way you like to!
Life is not a marked

It’s a Personal Interest Project!


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