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Marine Pollution Bulletin 63 (2011) 243–248

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Hypoxia in Manila Bay, Philippines during the northeast monsoon

Gil S. Jacinto a,⇑, Lara Patricia A. Sotto a, Maria Isabel S. Senal a, Maria Lourdes San Diego-McGlone a,
Ma. Teresa L. Escobar a, Atsuko Amano b, Todd W. Miller c
Marine Science Institute, University of the Philippines, Diliman, Quezon City 1101, Philippines
Geological Survey of Japan, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, 1-1-1 Higashi, Tsukuba 305-8567, Japan
Center for Marine Environmental Studies, Ehime University, 2-5 Bunkyo-cho, Matsuyama, Ehime 790-8577, Japan

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Keywords: Herein we present results from one of the first extensive bay-wide oceanographic surveys of Manila Bay,
Manila Bay wherein 31 stations were sampled during the northeast monsoon (cold and dry season). A band of hyp-
Hypoxia oxic bottom water (dissolved oxygen <2.8 mg/L) spanned the midsection of the bay from east to west.
Northeast monsoon Bottom nitrate concentrations (5.7–16.8 lM; avg. 11.1 lM) and total organic carbon values in sediments
Organic matter decomposition
(1.7–3.1%; avg. 2.4%) were high in the midsection, which coincided with the band of hypoxic bottom
water. Physical processes and site-specific accumulation of organic material likely lead to hypoxic condi-
tions in Manila Bay, even during the northeast monsoon period when the water column is relatively well
mixed. The results of this study complement the previously reported widespread hypoxia that occurs
during the rainy season. Thus, hypoxia may be pervasive in the bay throughout the year, although it var-
ies in intensity and spatial extent.
Ó 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction organic matter can be attributed to eutrophication or excess nutri-

ent loading (Nixon, 1995). The total load of organic matter in Man-
Hypoxic systems, or ‘‘dead zones,’’ have spread and expanded in ila Bay was estimated at 250,000 tons Biochemical Oxygen
area significantly in coastal systems around the world since the Demand (BOD)/year, and <20% of the sewage discharged into the
1960s (Diaz and Rosenberg, 2008). They affect a total area of more bay is treated (PEMSEA and MBEMP-MBIN, 2007). The effects of
than 245,000 km2 and are primarily associated with populated eutrophication and hypoxia on coastal marine ecosystems can be
areas and watersheds that deliver large quantities of nutrients to dramatic, as low DO levels can result in massive die-offs of fish
coastal waters (Diaz and Rosenberg, 2008). To date, studies on hy- and invertebrates and can cause major shifts in community struc-
poxia have been conducted mostly in North America and Europe ture and production of the entire ecosystem (Diaz and Rosenberg,
and have focused on hypoxic systems found in the Baltic and Katt- 2008). Understanding the dynamics of nutrient loading and hypox-
egat Seas, the northern Gulf of Mexico, and the Chesapeake Bay ia in Manila Bay is therefore critical to establishing and monitoring
(Karlson et al., 2002; Rabalais and Turner, 2001; Kemp et al., management practices for recovery of the ecosystem.
2005). Very few studies have focused on the hypoxic systems in This study builds on previous work conducted in Manila Bay
Southeast Asia, Japan, Hong Kong, and China (Wu, 1982; Kodama and is the only spatially extensive assessment of hypoxia and
et al., 2006; Chen et al., 2007). Prior to our study, only one pub- eutrophication of the system during the northeast monsoon (cold
lished report (Chang et al., 2009) dealt with hypoxia in the Philip- and dry) season. The goal of this study was to obtain a better
pines, although Velasquez et al. (2002) suggested the presence of understanding of the spatial and temporal extent of hypoxia and
this phenomenon in the 1990s. the processes that may bring about these conditions.
Hypoxia refers to very low levels of dissolved oxygen (DO) in
the water column; quantitatively it is defined as <2.8 mg L 1 of
DO (Diaz and Rosenberg, 1995). Hypoxia can develop and subse- 2. Methods
quently be maintained by water column stratification and decom-
position of organic material (Bierman et al., 2001). Increases in 2.1. Study area

⇑ Corresponding author. Address: Marine Science Institute, Velasquez Street, Manila Bay is a semi-enclosed estuary located at the southwest-
University of the Philippines, Diliman, Quezon City, Philippines 1100. Tel.: +63 2 ern part of Luzon Island and facing the South China Sea. It has a
9223944. surface area of 1800 km2 and an average depth of 17 m (Jacinto
E-mail address: (G.S. Jacinto). et al., 2006).

0025-326X/$ - see front matter Ó 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
244 G.S. Jacinto et al. / Marine Pollution Bulletin 63 (2011) 243–248

2.2. Sampling was left to dry for ten minutes. This process was repeated several
times to remove the carbonate carbon before completely drying
During the bay-wide sampling of Manila Bay, 31 stations were the sample at 70 °C for 2 h. The dried samples were each wrapped
occupied from February 11–13, 2010 (Fig. 1). Seawater samples in a thin Sn film for combustion and measurement.
were obtained at three depths (0.5 m, mid-depth at the chlorophyll
maximum, and near the bottom) using a 5 L Niskin sampler; and
depth, salinity, temperature, DO, turbidity, and fluorescence data 3. Results
were collected using a YSI Sonde 650 MDS. Surface sediment (the
uppermost 2 cm) was collected using a Bridge–Ekman grab sampler 3.1. Temperature and salinity
during June and November 2008 (Fig. 1). All samples were col-
lected during the day, which also coincided with the flooding phase The average surface temperature during the survey was 26.7 °C,
of the tide. with slight stratification observed in the deeper stations. The aver-
Water samples for nutrient analysis were filtered through a age surface salinity was 32.6 psu, with low salinity near the coast
0.45 lm Sartorius CA membrane filter and kept frozen until analy- due to river influx, especially near the mouth of the Pasig River
sis. Samples for total suspended solids (TSS) were filtered through in the eastern part of the bay.
pre-weighed Whatman GF/F filters, kept in aluminum foil, and fro-
zen until analysis. Sediment samples were kept in a plastic bag and 3.2. DO levels
placed in a freezer until analysis for total organic carbon (TOC)
content. A contour plot of the bottom DO concentrations revealed a band
of hypoxic bottom water that spanned the midsection of the bay
between Bataan on the west and Manila on the east (Fig. 2A). Bot-
2.3. Laboratory analyses
tom DO at the midsection of the bay ranged from 0.79 to
3.76 mg L 1, with an average of 2.50 mg L 1. For the entire bay,
For the seawater samples, ammonium, nitrate, nitrite, phos-
bottom DO levels ranged from 0.79 to 7.25 mg L 1, with an average
phate, and silicate concentrations were determined using methods
of 4.49 mg L 1.
modified from Strickland and Parsons (1972) for use with a SKA-
LAR SANS ++ segmented flow analyzer D5000. TSS content was
determined by drying the samples to a constant weight. 3.3. TOC in surface sediments
TOC content of surface sediments was measured using a Ther-
mo Finnigan Elementary Analyzer Flash EA1112. For pretreatment, The TOC content in surface sediments of Manila Bay ranged
sediment samples were dried in an oven at 50 °C for 24 h and then from 0.9% to 3.1% (avg. 2.1%). A contour plot shows that surface
ground to a fine powder. About 10 mg of dry sample were placed in sediments at the midsection of the bay also had high organic car-
a thin Ag film cup. Next, 1 M HCl was added to the sample then it bon (Fig. 2B).

Fig. 1. Sampling stations in Manila Bay. Open squares show sites occupied in February 2010; filled diamonds show sediment sampling sites in 2008.
G.S. Jacinto et al. / Marine Pollution Bulletin 63 (2011) 243–248 245

Fig. 2. (A) Bottom dissolved oxygen (DO), (B) total organic carbon (TOC) in surface sediments, (C) surface chlorophyll a (Chl a), and (D) total suspended solids (TSS) in Manila
Bay, Philippines.

3.4. Chlorophyll a and total suspended solids west, thus coinciding with the area of hypoxic bottom water. In
this area, bottom nutrient concentrations ranged from 5.57 to
Surface chlorophyll a levels ranged from 0.2 to 25.5 lg L–1 (avg. 16.32 lM (avg. 11.60 lM) for nitrate, 35.03 to 62.53 lM (avg.
5.11 lg L 1) for the whole bay. The distribution of chlorophyll a 50.22 lM) for silicate, and 0.66 to 2.00 lM (avg. 1.23 lM) for phos-
showed high levels (5.7–25.5 lg L 1) in the northwestern and east- phate. Total inorganic nitrogen (TIN) (Fig. 3D) was also elevated at
ern parts of the bay near Pampanga and Manila, respectively the midsection of the bay ranging from 6.96 to 25.9 lM (avg.
(Fig. 2C). TSS for the whole bay ranged from 26.7 to 128.4 mg L 1 15.1 lM) in the area.
(avg. 43.0 mg L 1), with high TSS values also in the northwestern Similar spatial distributions were found for nitrate (Fig. 3C) and
and eastern parts of the bay. TIN (Fig. 3D) indicating the dominance of nitrate among the inor-
ganic nitrogen species.

3.5. Nutrient levels

4. Discussion
Table 1 provides a summary of nutrient concentrations in Man-
ila Bay. Bottom phosphate, silicate, and nitrate concentrations Chang et al. (2009) reported widespread hypoxia in Manila Bay in
(Figs. 3A–C) were high in the midsection of the bay from east to June 2008 during the southwest monsoon (i.e., the rainy season);
246 G.S. Jacinto et al. / Marine Pollution Bulletin 63 (2011) 243–248

Table 1
Summary of dissolved nutrient concentrations in Manila Bay, Philippines.

NH3 (lM) PO4 (lM) NO2 (lM) NO3 (lM) SiO2 (lM)b
ASEAN WQC 5.00 1.45 3.93 4.28 –
Surface range n.d.–2.25 0.24–1.65 n.d.–1.52 n.d.–2.35 n.d.–69.33
Surface average 0.86 ± 0.18 0.69 ± 0.04 0.59 ± 0.01 0.39 ± 0.05 24.68
Bottom range n.d.–13.75 0.25–2.00 n.d.–7.04 n.d.–16.32 n.d.–66.29
Bottom average 1.91 ± 0.13 0.91 ± 0.05 2.23 ± 0.38 6.91 ± 0.09 31.16
ASEAN Water Quality Criteria (ASEAN, 2004).
Duplicate values were not obtained for silicate and no ASEAN criterion is available for silicate.

Fig. 3. Distribution of (A) bottom phosphate concentration, (B) bottom silicate concentration, (C) bottom nitrate concentration, and (D) bottom total inorganic nitrogen
concentration in Manila Bay, Philippines.

bottom DO levels reached 1 mg L 1 at this time. In our study (Febru- hypoxia in the bay is inferred to be a consequence of seasonal differ-
ary 2010, northeast monsoon, dry season), the hypoxic area was con- ences between the northeast and southwest monsoon. The north-
fined to a band located at the midsection of the bay from east to west east monsoon is associated with relatively strong winds and
with DO levels of <2.8 mg L 1. The spatiotemporal variation of limited water column stratification. Aside from this, depth of the
G.S. Jacinto et al. / Marine Pollution Bulletin 63 (2011) 243–248 247

water column and sediment organic carbon distribution also has an of low bottom DO conditions to a band at the midsection of the
effect. bay. Decomposition of organic material, nitrification, and sediment
The hydrography of Manila Bay is characterized by a two gyred oxygen demand are the likely causes of DO depletion when high
circulation pattern, and the gyre in the north and the gyre in the levels of TOC in surface sediments and high nitrate and phosphate
south are separated at the midsection of the bay (de las Alas and concentrations are present at the midsection of the bay. During the
Sodusta, 1985; Villanoy and Martin, 1997). These gyres are a signif- southwest monsoon (wet season), hypoxia in Manila Bay is ex-
icant characteristic of the bay, and may create a convergence area pected to be more widespread due to the increased stratification
in the middle of the bay where particulate organic matter can brought about by river run-off. Additional examination of seasonal
accumulate and, upon settling, decomposing, and causing in- differences in water quality of Manila Bay is warranted and is cur-
creased bacterial respiration, exert a demand for oxygen on the rently being pursued.
overlying waters.
The midsection of the bay is relatively deep (20–25 m) (Siringan
and Ringor, 1998), which could favor some degree of stratification
and allow sediments to accumulate. Fuji-ie and Yanagi (2006)
We acknowledge the Department of Science and Technology
reported the presence of clay deposits in the center of Manila Bay
(DOST) of the Philippines and the Global Center of Excellence-
in all seasons. Clay, which is defined as fine grained and having a
Center of Marine Environmental Research, Ehime University (Japan)
large surface area, tends to accumulate and adsorb organic matter
for the funding provided for this study; and the Bureau of Fisheries
and pollutants. In Tolo Harbour (Hong Kong), Hu et al. (2001) found
and Aquatic Resources (BFAR) for use of their vessel and the assis-
that the stations that contained fine silty clay sediments had the
tance from their research staff. TOC analysis was performed under
highest sediment oxygen demand.
the cooperative research program of the Center for Advanced Marine
The TOC distribution in the sediments in Manila Bay (Fig. 2B)
Core Research (CMCR), Kochi University (08A003, 08B003).
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