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Today_C2 Project01

❖ Introduction
❖ Project Strategy
❖ Physical Network Diagram
❖ Logical Network Diagram
❖ Configuring EtherChannel
❖ Configuring L3 Switch Inter-VLAN Routing
❖ Configuring DHCP
❖ Question and Answer
❖ Introduce your group and team member to the class
❖ Prum Visal
❖ Poak Panharith
❖ Chan Sovanarith
❖ Tang Veasna
❖ Sok Chamroeun
Project Strategy
❖ Tell us how you share the jobs in your team in order to complete this project
❖ Chan Sovanarith: Configure DHCP server and Inter-Vlan
❖ Tang Veasna: configure etherchannel,create vlan and access vlan port
❖ Sok Chamroeun: Testing ping resualt
❖ Prum Visal: ask permission
❖ Poak Panharith: ask permission
Physical Network Diagram
❖ Draw the physical diagram and past it here

Logical Network Diagram
❖ Draw the physical diagram and past it here

Configuring EtherChannel
❖ Explain the concept of EtherChannel

multiple physical Ethernet links (Fast Ethernet or Gigabit Ethernet) to combine

into one logical channel.

❖ Explain how you configure EtherChannel in this project

Goto interface rang

1) Interface rang fa0/1 - 2

2) Channel-group number-group mode active or passive ( for LACP)
3) Switchport mode trunk
Configuring L3 Switch Inter-VLAN Routing
❖ Explain the concept of Inter-VLAN Routing

Inter-vlan is technology that can make communicate between one LAN to

other LAN.

❖ Explain how you configure Inter-VLAN in this project

Inter-vlan for switch L3

1. Create vlan
2. Assign ip on interface vlan
3. Type command ip routing
Configuring DHCP
❖ Explain the concept of DHCP

For assign ip address as dynamic ip on end device

❖ Explain how you configure DHCP in this project

1. ip dhcp excluded-address ip-rang
2. ip dhcp pool name-pool
3. network ip-network
4. default-router ip-gateway
5. domain-name domain-name
Question and Answer


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