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कोड: C 1 - 603(A)

परी ाकानाम: बी.काम VI सेमे टरपरी ा 2020

िवषय: वािण य
प : S- VI- फ़ाइनिशयलमैनेजमट
पूणाक: 150

1. संपि अिधकतमकरण याहै? िव िविनयोगक िवचारधाराऔरपरं परागतिव ीय बंध - चचा

What is wealth maximization? Discuss the concept of finance, investment and
Traditional financial management

2. पूँजीक संयु लागत, लाभांशनीितऔरवॉलटसमॉडलकािव ेषणकर.

Explain the combined cost of capital, dividend policies and Walter's model

3. कायशीलपूज
ं ीके बंधक कृ ितऔरसाथकताकापरी णकर
Examine the nature and significance of management of working capital

4 टीकाकर
(i) भारतीयमु ाबाजारक अधुनातन वृि यां
(ii) नवीनिनगमबाजारऔरि तीयकबाजार
Comment on
(I) Recent trends in Indian money market
(II) New issue market and secondary market

5.सुर ाअनुबंधऔरिनयमनअिधिनयमकाआलोचना मकपरी णकर

Critically examine the security contract and Regulation Act

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