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City of Overland Park, Kansas

Request For Proposals

for the purchase of a


Proposals Due by: 2:00 p.m. Central on Tuesday, September 25th, 2018
Request For Proposals
for the purchase of a


Sec on Page

1. Introduc on 3

2. Deadline for Proposals 3

3. Mailing Address for Proposals 3

4. Inquiries, Ques ons, and Clarifica ons 4

5. Scope of Services 4-6

6. Equipment and Services Purchase 6

7. Infrastructure Connec vity 6

8. Background Informa on 7

9. Backup Solu on Specifica ons 7-11

10. Backup Solu on FAQ 11-15

11. Selec on Criteria 16

12. Selec on Process and Schedule 16

13. Proposal Requirements 17-18

14. Special Condi ons for Submi ng a Proposal 19-20

15. Terms and Condi ons 21-26

16. Excep ons 27

17. Respondent Informa on Form 28

18. Pricing Sheet 29

19. Infrastructure Connec vity Diagram (Appendix A) 30

20. Backup Solu on Detail Example Sheet (Appendix B) 31

Request For Proposals
for the purchase of a

The City of Overland Park, Kansas, herea er referred to as the “City,” is reques ng proposals for the purchase
and implementa on of a new data backup, recovery, archival, and retrieval system solu on, herea er referred
to as the “Backup Solu on.” The Backup Solu on shall include hardware, so ware, installa on,
implementa on, consulta on, services, maintenance, and training on the proposed solu on for the
appropriate Informa on Technology staff. Informa on on the Backup Solu on and requirements for
submi ng a proposal are included in this Request for Proposals (“RFP”).

1) Introduction
The City currently u lizes on premise disk-based backup appliances that run Windows Server and proprietary
so ware for u liza on and management of the system. Because of the age of the backup appliances, the data
growth rate, and advances in host data sources, the current solu on must be replaced with newer, faster, and
more capable alterna ves. The purpose of the Backup Solu on is to: (1) allow for seamless and easy
integra on into the City’s extensive virtual infrastructure; (2) op mize the backup process in terms of me,
space, and minimal disrup on to the produc on environment; (3) provide reliability, flexibility, expandability,
and usability to last for several years without any “forkli ” replacements or significant addi ons to the system
as a whole or in part; (4) accommodate archiving or vaul ng of specific data in the event legal or other
situa ons require a “hold” of the data regardless of reten on policies; and (5) facilitate secure ‘cloud’ archival
for data beyond short term reten on policies and for legal or law enforcement guidelines. The focus of this
RFP is to provide the necessary informa onal requirements such that a qualified vendor (“Respondent”) can
propose a solu on that meets the criteria.

2) Deadline for Proposals

Sealed proposals will be received by the Overland Park City Clerk at the address listed below un l 2:00 p.m.
Central Time on September 25, 2018. The proposal(s) must be submi ed in a sealed envelope or box with the
Respondent’s name and address clearly indicated on the outside along with the words: Backup Solution

3) Mailing Address for Proposals

Proposals shall be mailed or delivered to the following address:

City Clerk
RE: Backup Solu on Proposal
City of Overland Park, Kansas
8500 Santa Fe Drive
Overland Park, KS 66212

Request For Proposals
for the purchase of a

4) Inquiries, Questions and Clarifications

Inquiries, ques ons and requests for clarifica ons are to be directed to the following:

Randy Oehrle, Network Architect

City of Overland Park, Kansas
8500 An och Road
Overland Park, KS 66212

Ques ons and answers will be posted on the City’s website at the following URL:

Respondents should monitor the City’s website for current ques ons and answers posted so that all will be
working with the same set of assump ons and data. The last me and date for submi ng ques ons is 2:00
p.m. Central Time on September 18, 2018, in order to provide adequate me to make proposal changes, if
necessary. Answers for submi ed ques ons will be posted within 48 hours. Only non-proprietary and global
ques ons can be addressed on the City’s website.

Please examine the list of ini al ques ons and answers presented in this RFP in sec on 10) Backup Solution
FAQ below prior to submi ng addi onal inquiries as the answers may already be given.

5) Scope of Services

5.1 Global Scope

The successful vendor (the “Vendor”) will be expected to provide all of the needed equipment,
consulta on, installa on, services, subscrip ons, maintenance and training to implement a fully
func oning Backup Solu on as presented in this RFP. The City’s desire is for the Backup Solu on
implementa on to be completed by January 31, 2019. A tenta ve schedule is presented in
sec on 12) Selection Process and Schedule below.

5.2 Backup Solution Implementation

The Vendor will be expected to u lize the informa on presented in this RFP and submit a
proposal(s) that may include varia ons of components and elements where allowed but that
meets all requirements specified and yet will fulfill future expecta ons as ar culated in this RFP
or that are perceived by the Respondent. This includes all aspects and elements required for
implemen ng the Backup Solu on proposed.

Actual implementa on will involve consulta on, installa on, training, and migra on to the
Backup Solu on in as seamless a manner as possible. Note that extended hours or a er-hours
work may be necessary to fulfill implementa on requirements of the Backup Solu on.

Request For Proposals
for the purchase of a

Full documenta on of the project is to be included in the deliverables by the successful Vendor.
Documenta on is to include a fully annotated diagram and associated detail of equipment
u lized in compliance to the scope of this RFP.

5.3 Consultation
The Vendor shall assign a project leader and associated support personnel for this project such
that communica on between the Vendor and the City is simplified and expedient. The Vendor
will be expected to consult with the City regarding all aspects of the Backup Solu on to mutually
arrive at a design that all par es agree is best. The City understands that as a result of these
consulta ons the Backup Solu on may change in order to accommodate or integrate some
unforeseen aspects, such as newer technology, that were not ar culated in the original Backup
Solu on proposal, or that have emerged as a need since the original Backup Solu on proposal.

5.4 Services and Maintenance

The Vendor must have staff that is knowledgeable and capable of servicing and maintaining all
elements of the solu on proposed. The costs for installa on, services, maintenance, and
support must include support from the successful Vendor and the corresponding
manufacturer(s)/provider(s). Further, the City expects the costs for installa on, services,
maintenance, and support to be included in any submission for all hardware, so ware, and
services proposed. Support costs for all elements of the solu on proposed to be included on
the 18) Pricing Sheet must be for a period of one (1) year and include the following minimums:

● Next Business Day equipment replacement hardware maintenance

● 5 day, 8 a.m. – 5 p.m. business hours Technical Assistance Center (TAC) support
● So ware/Services Maintenance/Subscrip on

Years 2 thru 5 maintenance and services costs should be listed in the detailed pricing as
specified in 13.2 Section B: Technical and Backup Solution Detail on page 17 of this RFP.

5.5 Training
The proposed cost must include all training costs. The Vendor must have cer fied and qualified
personnel train appropriate City personnel via “hands-on” methods on all hardware and
so ware specified in the proposal to implement the Backup Solu on. The amount of me
required for the training will be determined by the City and the Vendor. However, for the
purposes of this RFP and for inclusion on the 18) Pricing Sheet assume the following:

● 2 - City IT personnel to receive the training

● 8 - hours of training to be provided

The training will be split up as needed and may take place during implementa on of the Backup
Solu on or a er. City personnel expect proficiency with the Backup Solu on such that external
support assistance is used only for difficult problem resolu ons or complex tasks.

Request For Proposals
for the purchase of a

5.6 Acceptance
A two-week test period will be used by the City to evaluate the selected Backup Solu on. A er
the selected Backup Solu on has been successfully implemented, the City’s Chief Informa on
Officer and the Vendor shall agree on the start date of the test period. Acceptance of the
Backup Solu on shall be con ngent on the results of the test period. If during the test period,
the Backup Solu on experiences no failures and func ons according to the requirements of the
RFP, as determined by the City’s Chief Informa on Officer, the City may accept the Backup
Solu on. A er the Backup Solu on has been accepted by the City, the Vendor may submit an
invoice for the Backup Solu on. A er the City has received a valid invoice, the City agrees to
remit payment within thirty (30) days from the date the invoice was received.

6) Equipment and Services Purchase

The City intends to simply purchase the necessary components and services to achieve comple on of the
objec ves ar culated in this RFP. All proposals must include ALL labor, materials, products, and services
necessary for a turnkey installa on of the Backup Solu on as specified, and for services and/or ongoing
support for a total of one (1) year following acceptance. The City shall not be liable for addi onal charges that
are not stated in the proposal as part of the Backup Solu on cost. All charges for addi onal hardware,
so ware, subscrip ons, labor, professional services, over me, training, shipping, cloud or other services, any
other components, and post-installa on support shall be included in the proposed Backup Solu on cost.

Each Respondent must include with their proposal(s) a completed 18) Pricing Sheet on page 29 of this RFP. In
addi on, the Respondent will be required to detail pricing and products as described in 13.2 Section B:
Technical and Backup Solution Detail on page 17 of this RFP. It is understood that because the Backup
Solu on might change somewhat a er consulta on with the Vendor that the pricing might also change.
However, large devia ons from those proposed in response to this RFP will classify the proposal as
non-responsive at the City’s discre on.

7) Infrastructure Connectivity
The City has the following equipment that comprises the infrastructure connec vity across which data
traverses. An overview diagram is provided in sec on 19) Infrastructure Connectivity Diagram (Appendix A)
on page 30 of this RFP. (Note: Proposed Backup Solutions must not use the existing SAN as target storage.)

● Extreme Networks/Brocade MLXe core LAN switches

● Brocade VDX6740 ToR switches
● Dell/Compellent SC9000 Enterprise SAN
● Brocade 6510 SAN switches

Request For Proposals
for the purchase of a

8) Background Information
The City currently u lizes EVault disk-based backup appliances from Carbonite. These appliances have served
the City well for five (5) years. However, because of their age, the relentless growth of data, data sources, and
advances in data sources, the City is seeking to update the backup solu on to keep pace. The current backup
appliance environment is made up of four (4) hardware appliances as listed below:

● (2) Primary and (2) Secondary - PnP3800 (38TB/each)

The primary appliances perform the backup func ons and then replicate that data offsite to the corresponding
secondary appliances. This affords the data backups to be offsite automa cally. Should the primary appliance
fail, the secondary can assume the backup func ons un l the primary is available again. In a similar fashion
the secondary appliance could also be designated as the new primary and the previous primary appliance
could be assigned to func on as a secondary appliance.

9) Backup Solution Specifications

An a empt has been made in this RFP to provide enough requirements and detail to afford the Respondent
ample informa on to submit a successful proposal for review and considera on by the City. However, there
are areas in this RFP where exac ng detail has not been given to allow flexibility from the Respondent. The
diagram in sec on 19) Infrastructure Connectivity Diagram (Appendix A) on page 30 of this RFP is meant as a
high level view showing general connec vity between systems and storage to aid the Respondent in
understanding data flow and storage in the City such that a tailored response can be presented. It will be the
responsibility of each Respondent to substan ate par cular solu on choices in the response to this RFP and
during the interview process if selected as a finalist. Respondents may submit more than one proposal if they
feel that requirements can be met with different combina ons of elements. However, any Respondent
submi ng more than one response to this RFP must ar culate differences between solu ons.

9.1 Overview
The desire of the City is to implement a Backup Solu on taking into account the data flow and
storage represented in sec on 19) Infrastructure Connectivity Diagram (Appendix A) as well as
the addi onal criteria outlined below. Further, any proposed Backup Solu on should be viable
and usable for a period of at least five (5) years. It is understood that a er consulta on with the
Vendor that the Backup Solu on proposed may not be op mal or even preferred, but
represents a common frame of reference to assist City personnel in evalua ng the proposal
responses. While physical/standalone servers remain a part of the infrastructure, it must be
stressed that the goal is to move to a completely virtual environment. However, because of the
con nued presence of physical/standalone servers, provision must be made to accommodate
their backup and data protec on. In addi on, the current backup methodology may require
revision to take advantage of technology and capabili es facilitated by a new Backup Solu on,
but for the purposes of this RFP please assume con nued use of the stated methodology.

Request For Proposals
for the purchase of a

9.2 Current Backup Statistics and Methodology

● Data type percentage breakdown: ~50% Incompressible, ~ 20% Files , ~ 30% Database
● Data type size breakdown: ~70 TB Incompressible, ~30 TB Files , ~40 TB Database
● Es mated annual data growth rate: ~ 40%
● FULL backup size: ~ 140 TB
● Time to complete a FULL backup: ~ 16 hours
● FULL backup frequency: Once per month
● FULL backup reten on: 1 year
● INCREMENTAL backup size: ~ 4 TB
● Time to complete an INCREMENTAL backup : ~ 12 hours
● INCREMENTAL backup frequency: Daily
● INCREMENTAL backup reten on: ~ 1 week (Due to target storage space limita ons.)

9.3 Current Servers, Platforms, and Applications

VMware v6.0 physical host servers 14

Dell PowerEdge R630, Dual-Socket, 8-core CPUs

Citrix XENserver v7.2 physical host servers 8

Dell PowerEdge R720, Dual-Socket, 8-core CPUs

Virtual Servers 280

Physical standalone servers 20
Microso Windows Server versions 2003, 2008, 2012, 2016
Linux OS types CentOS, Debian, Redhat
Microso SQL Server versions 2005, 2008, 2012, 2014, 2016, 2017
Microso SharePoint version 2010

9.4 General Requirements

1. Virtual Server Backup
2. Physical/Standalone Server Backup
3. Centralized Opera ons Management
4. Reten on Policies
5. Replica on
6. Cloud Storage
7. Legal and Other Reten on Classifica on
8. Recovery Time Objec ve and Recovery Point Objec ve
9. Database Backup
10. Backup Methodology

Request For Proposals
for the purchase of a

9.5 Specific Requirements

9.5.1 Virtual Server Backup
● Support for VMware 6.0 and newer (Critical)
● Support for Citrix XENserver 7.2 and newer (essential)
● Support for host level and/or guest level backups

9.5.2 Physical/Standalone Server Backup

● Support for physical/standalone server backups
● Support to backup locally a ached storage

9.5.3 Centralized Operations Management

● Single pla orm/applica on to manage/monitor opera ons
● “Single Pane of Glass” management
● No fica on op ons for success or failure of opera ons
● Report genera on on opera ons, status, history, sta s cs, etc.

9.5.4 Retention Policies

● Ability to create and assign mul ple reten on policies
● Ability to assign reten on policy globally, by group, individually, or selec vely.
● Ability to apply reten on policy to future backup data.
● If possible the ability to apply reten on policy to past backup data. (Pruning)

9.5.5 Replication
● Support for replica ng backup data offsite. (Data Center and Secure Cloud)
● Data Center replica on: (Data Center 1-primary , Data Center 2-secondary)
Reference: 19) Infrastructure Connectivity Diagram (Appendix A) page 30.
● Secondary or cloud site able to assume primary role if primary site is unavailable.
● Mechanism to “fail back” to primary once available again or designate new primary.

9.5.6 Cloud Storage

● Selected backup data either by reten on policy or by manual selec on must be
retained off-site in a CJIS qualified and FedRAMP cer fied cloud service provider.
● Ideally the cloud service provider should be geographically disparate from Overland
Park, Kansas by at least 300 miles.
● Backup data must be encrypted “in flight” and “at rest”.
● Cloud usage and other sta s cs should be visible in a management console/portal.
● Backup Solu on should provide bandwidth management to prevent satura on of
Internet connec on.
● Cloud archival reten on policies may be different than on premise reten on policies.
● Cloud archival data should be available and require minimal effort for access
independent of the Backup Solu on if required such as in a DR event.
● For the purposes of this RFP and the 18) Pricing Sheet assume the following:
○ 100 MB daily data retrieval from the cloud.

Request For Proposals
for the purchase of a

○ 1 TB annual data retrieval from the cloud for a server or similar single large
restora on. (Note: Large restorations would be rare and more in the context of a
DR scenario, but accommodation for large data retrieval must be made.)
● Data retrieval costs from the cloud must be listed in the detailed pricing as specified
in 13.2 Section B: Technical and Backup Solution Detail below.
● For DR planning purposes please indicate the cost for a complete data center
restora on from the cloud of the stated full size of 140 TB. This should be listed as
indicated in 13.2 Section B: Technical and Backup Solution Detail below.

9.5.7 Legal and Other Retention Classification

● Ability to designate selected backup data for conformity with specific access and
reten on policies for compliance with legal or law enforcement requirements.
● Legal and law enforcement designa ons for backup data should be independent of
and supercede normal backup data policies.
● All backup data should be available for legal and law enforcement designa ons.
● Ability to assign descrip ons to selected sets of backup data to associate it with a
specific legal or law enforcement case or other iden fier.
● Ability to search backup data and apply policy and/or descrip ons to results.

9.5.8 Recovery Time Objective and Recovery Point Objective

● Ability to recover a virtual machine in minutes if required
● Ability to recover files in minutes if required
● Nominal RTO: ~30 minutes (Note: actual restore may take longer)
● Nominal RPO: 12 hours

9.5.9 Database Backup

● Na vely backup and restore Microso SQL versions 2005 and newer
● Backup and restore other database pla orms such as PostgreSQL, MySQL, etc.
● Scrip ng to export database data to facilitate backup is acceptable as long as the
process can be controlled and managed within the proposed solu on.

9.5.10 Backup Methodology

● Full backups once per month (Nominal reten on: 1 year)
● Incremental backups daily (Nominal reten on: 90 days)
● Given the parameters of the current backup status stated in subsec on 9.2 above,
the solu on must accommodate and maintain online in backup target storage (Data
Center 1, Data Center 2, and Secure Cloud) a 90-day “window” of backup data.
Longer reten on of backups in accordance with policy and/or legality should be
accommodated in a secure cloud environment as ar culated in 9.5.6 above.
● Current space limita ons require manual pruning of backup target storage space to
accommodate the most recent backups. Ideally the solu on should facilitate
whatever backup strategy and reten on policy is chosen without manual
interven on and allow backup jobs to be retained on backup target storage with
Request For Proposals
for the purchase of a

data deduplica on, data compression, and other technologies for as long as possible,
or un l reten on policy moves the data to other storage.
● Ideally changes in reten on policy could be applied to both future and past backup
jobs in a selectable manner. Thus, an adjustment to reten on policy could be
applied to all retained jobs on the target storage to ini ate pruning if desired.
● Bare Metal backups must be supported for physical and virtual servers.
● Bare Metal restora ons must be viable to other physical hardware if the original
hardware has failed or other virtual machines if desired.
● Ideally the backup data integrity should be verified and isolated to prevent
compromise from malware, other aberrant sources, or system vulnerabili es.

10) Backup Solution FAQ

The following ques ons and answers were collected while developing this RFP and from the previous backup
solu on RFP process. They are provided here to give addi onal insight for Respondents. Addi onal inquiries
and clarifica ons may be submi ed as indicated above in sec on 4) Inquiries, Questions and Clarifications.

10.1 Is there a manufacturer/vendor that you prefer, or prefer NOT to see a proposal from?
No. There is no preferred or not preferred combina on of manufacturer/vendor.

10.2 Is a Backup as a Service (BaaS) solution something that you would entertain?
Yes. Reference subsec on 9.5.6 above for Secure Cloud requirements. However, with no or minimal on
premise equipment, access to the backup data must be highly available and provide the same level of
func onality as ar culated in this RFP.

10.3 Can the City meet with us during the RFP process to go over our solution?
No. In order to maintain impar ality during the RFP process no mee ngs with vendors/manufacturers
can take place. However, if the Respondent is selected as a “finalist” based on the submi ed proposal(s)
then an interview will take place to discuss the proposal(s).

10.4 Is the RFP just asking for a report detailing everything about a solution or is it asking for a quote for
whatever product is deemed good for your company?
The RFP is reques ng a submi ed proposal(s) following the guidelines detailed in the RFP document. The
submi ed proposal(s) are for products and services that make up a complete solu on deemed by the
Respondent as best to sa sfy the criteria outlined within the RFP document. The submi ed proposal(s)
will also include detailed pricing (quote) informa on for all elements proposed.

10.5 What is the makeup of the file data?

50% (70 TB) - Incompressible (Video, Image, etc.)
20% (30 TB) - Files (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, text, etc.)
30% (40 TB) - Databases (SQL, MySQL, etc.)

Request For Proposals
for the purchase of a

10.6 Is the 40% annual growth rate realistic?

Trending reports from the SAN indicate about 37%. This was rounded up to 40%.

10.7 Are there any Email servers?

No. The City uses Google for email.

10.8 How many database servers does the City have to be backed up?
24 - Microso SQL
12 - Microso SQL lite or free versions
12 - PostGRE, MySQL, Access, etc.

10.9 Does the City have existing servers and storage that can be utilized as part of a backup solution?
No. Any proposed solu on should be separate from the City’s infrastructure. See ques on 10.36 below.

10.10 What plans does the City have for maintenance of the Backup Solution beyond the first year and
should pricing for maintenance coverage for the “out years” be included in the RFP response?
For the purposes of the Pricing Sheet in sec on 18 which is the “TOTAL one time cost for the entirety of
the Backup Solution proposed for this RFP”, the one-year or first-year maintenance and support costs
should be included. Subsequent maintenance and support for years 2 - 5 should be detailed in the
response as indicated in subsec on 13.2 below.

10.11 The RFP indicates that Data Center 1 should be primary and Data Center 2 should be secondary. Does
this mean that all backups regardless of server location be performed to Data Center 1 and then
replicated to Data Center 2 and a Secure Cloud?
Yes. If a er consulta on with the successful Respondent a different scenario is deemed be er or more
advantageous then actual implementa on may differ.

10.12 Are the Linux servers all virtual?


10.13 Are the the Linux OS versions all reasonably current?


10.14 Is the FULL backup size listed of 140 TB inclusive of all data?

10.15 Is existing backup data on the EVault appliances to be migrated to the new solution?

10.16 What is the average size of a virtual machine?

Virtual machines range in size from 100 GB to 50 TB. A calculated average is 600 GB.

Request For Proposals
for the purchase of a

10.17 You estimate an annual growth rate of approximately 40%. Does this mean the 140 TB of full backups
will grow to 196 TB in year 2, 274 TB in year 3, 384 TB in year 4, and 538 TB in year 5?
Yes. The es mate is rather high but is reflec ve of the SAN trending reports. Because previous backup
solu ons have fallen short for on premise reten on capabili es the higher es mate is warranted. Note
that the space is not reflec ve of deduplica on, compression, or “synthe c” full backup methodologies.
Thus, the actual physical storage may be significantly less. Further, by leveraging secure cloud storage
for long reten on policy data, only a 90-day “window” of highly available data needs to be maintained
on target storage as indicated in subsec on 9.5.10 above.

10.18 How many VM’s are Windows and how many are Linux?
Windows: 254 Linux: 26

10.19 Do you want the hardware sized for 1 year (140 TB) or 5 years @ 40% growth (538 TB)?
Hardware must be sized for 5 years. Reference ques on 10.17 above.

10.20 Do you want the software licensing sized for 1 year (140 TB) or 5 years @ 40% growth (538 TB)?
So ware must be sized (licensed) for 5 years.

10.21 May the installation be provided remotely or does the City envision a vendor representative for onsite
If you feel that all installa on and configura on opera ons can be completed successfully in a remote
manner then it is not necessary for a representa ve to be onsite.

10.22 May the technical training be provided remotely or does the City envision a vendor representative for
onsite training?
If you feel that all training can be completed successfully in a remote manner then it is not necessary for
a representa ve to be onsite. Training must comport with guidelines in subsec on 5.5 above.

10.23 If the vendor’s invoice is for the entire amount (IN FULL) will the City remit payment on those terms or
does the City expect some type of periodic payment structure such as a lease?
The invoiced amount will be paid in full according to the acceptance terms of the RFP.

10.24 In general, is it anticipated that installation of the successful vendor’s backup solution will be
performed during the City’s normal business hours of 8:00am - 5:00pm Monday thru Friday?

10.25 What is the remedy for a delivered and implemented solution if the City’s CIO determines additional
work is required for acceptance after the two week test period? How much time, and how many
attempts, will the vendor be allowed to correct the problem to the level of acceptance of the CIO?
During the 2-week test period there should be no major failure in the implemented system. A major
failure is described as something that takes the en re system out of service such that it is unable to
perform its intended func ons. In this case, the inability to perform backup and restore opera ons for
City servers. The vendor will have two (2) days to completely correct the situa on. If, at the end of two
days, the vendor cannot reliably prove the integrity of the system, the City will require the vendor to
provide a manufacturer’s engineer on-site within 24 hours, at no cost to the City, to evaluate the
Request For Proposals
for the purchase of a

problem and provide solu ons.

If, at the end of five (5) days of the major failure, the integrity of the system cannot be ensured, the
vendor must provide to the City a plan for complete replacement of the system, at no cost to the City.
The City will decide if complete replacement is warranted and inform the vendor within 24 hours of
receipt of the replacement plan.

Once the problems are remedied, the 2-week test period will begin again. If there are no major failures
or if they are sa sfactorily remedied at the discre on of the City, the system will be accepted.

However, should there be an addi onal major failure of the system during the subsequent 2-week test
period, the City may require that the vendor remove the en rety of the system and pursue a solu on
from the next most qualified Respondent, all at the City’s discre on.

10.26 Is it required that vendors be registered to do business in the City, or that vendors have
registration/certification to conduct business in the state of Kansas in order for bids to be considered
No. If selected as the vendor to provide the backup solu on to the City, all required registra ons and
cer fica ons will be executed during the me contracts are developed. The vendor must comply with
the legal requirements presented in the RFP document and note excep ons in Sec on 16 below.

10.27 For the purposes of the failover and failback aspects of the solution in case of equipment or other
failure at the primary site, does the City want the process to happen automatically or can the process
be manual?
This can be a manual process.

10.28 Is it the City's expectation that replacement parts will be installed by the vendor or by IT personnel
employed by the City?
City IT personnel.

10.29 Is there any on-site support requirement?


10.30 With regard to your SQL databases are you currently employing or do you intend to deploy any
clustering technologies?
Yes. Some SQL deployments use SQL clustering.

10.31 Can the City’s existing fiber network be used for backup/archive traffic?

10.32 Which servers have SAN connectivity?

280 virtual and 4 physical/standalone machines are connected to the SAN.

10.33 Will the solution be purchased all at once or in stages over time?
All at once.
Request For Proposals
for the purchase of a

10.34 Is the Pricing Sheet the same as the Backup Solution Detail Example Sheet - (Appendix B)?
No. The the Pricing Sheet in sec on 18 which is the “TOTAL one time cost for the entirety of the Backup
Solution proposed for this RFP” is meant to provide a single dollar amount that will allow quick
compara ve informa on for the team in analyzing responses.

The Backup Solu on Detail Example Sheet - (Appendix B) is to be provided in a Microso Excel format
that details costs item by item for all of the elements that make up the Backup Solu on proposed. The
sample shown in Appendix B is meant merely as an example in terms of format.

10.35 Does the City have a projected timeframe for the virtualization of the remaining 20 standalone
Some legacy servers will remain standalone, but it is an cipated that the majority of the remaining
standalone servers will be virtualized by the end of 2020.

10.36 If additional servers will be used to run the software as part of a proposed solution should they be
included in the response, or will you run the proposed solution on your existing server hardware? If
additional servers are required to be part of the RFP response, what is the preferred hardware: HP,
Dell, IBM, etc.?
If the proposed solu on requires dedicated standalone servers then they will need to be provided by the
vendor. However, if the required servers can be created as virtual machines under VMware then the City
can accommodate that, but any required OS licenses and other licenses for the virtual machine must be
provided. Should dedicated servers be required outside the virtual environment the City prefers Dell

Request For Proposals
for the purchase of a

11) Selection Criteria

The successful Vendor will be selected based on the following criteria:
● Purchase costs ● Equipment proposed
● Solu on performance ● Vendor Solu on
● Vendor experience ● Vendor’s ability for implementa on
● Service and support ● Vendor’s willingness to work with the City
● Completeness of RFP response ● Interviews where appropriate
● Responses from references ● Solu on flexibility
● Proposal Excep ons, if any

12) Selection Process and Schedule

Each proposal received will be reviewed in accordance with the criteria stated above in sec on 11) Selection
Criteria; one or more Respondents (finalists) will be selected for further considera on. Those selected as
finalists will be interviewed and allowed to present detailed informa on regarding the submi ed proposal(s).
Upon comple on of the interviews the Vendor will be selected.

City Legal staff and Informa on Technology staff will then develop an Agreement with the Vendor and will
present the Agreement to the Overland Park City Council for approval. An award is made on execu on of the
wri en Agreement by all par es. Only the City is authorized to issue news releases rela ng to this RFP, its
evalua on, award and/or performance of the Agreement. In the event the City and the Vendor cannot agree
on terms of an Agreement, then Agreement nego a ons with the next most appropriate finalist will be made.

The following schedule is tenta ve and the City reserves the right to change the schedule at any me.

08 - 21 - 2018 Issue RFP for the Backup Solu on.

09 - 18 - 2018 Last day for accep ng inquiries to the RFP.
09 - 25 - 2018 Last day for accep ng responses to the RFP.
10 - 05 - 2018 Last day to complete evalua on of the RFPs received.
10 - 26 - 2018 Last day to complete Respondent interviews.
11 - 02 - 2018 Last day to complete reference checks.
12 - 03 - 2018 Last day to complete pricing and Agreement nego a ons.
12 - 19 - 2018 Present Agreement to Finance and Economic Development Commi ee.
01 - 07 - 2019 Present Agreement to City Council.
01 - 08 - 2019 Award Agreement to the successful Vendor.
01 - 21 - 2019 Begin implementa on process.
01 - 31 - 2019 Complete implementa on.
02 - 04 - 2019 Begin test period of implemented solu on.

Request For Proposals
for the purchase of a

13) Proposal Requirements

Only one (1) hard copy and one (1) so copy of the proposal is necessary for submi al. Each proposal
submi ed MUST include the following Sec ons arranged in the following order:

13.1 Section A: Respondent Information – This Sec on is to contain the completed 17) Respondent
Information Form presented below on page 28 of this RFP.

13.2 Section B: Technical and Backup Solution Detail – This Sec on is to contain a complete list of all
elements that comprise the proposed Backup Solu on(s) including hardware, so ware,
services, training, maintenance, “overview” literature, a brief wri en technical response
describing and suppor ng the proposal(s) submi ed, and other suppor ng documenta on
considered cri cal by the Respondent to ar culate the proposal’s merits. Reference the form in
sec on 20) Backup Solution Detail Example Sheet - (Appendix B) below for an example
regarding presenta on of informa on for the proposed response. For each piece of hardware,
so ware, services, support, and other solu on elements the Respondent should clearly indicate
the following:

● SKU (Part Number / Model Number)

● Descrip on
● Unit Cost
● Quan ty
● Total Price

Training, installa on, maintenance, and services do not have to be quoted by SKU, but pricing
informa on must clearly dis nguish between training, installa on, services, and ongoing
maintenance. For ongoing maintenance, each proposal must describe the level of service being
offered to include response me, hours of availability, and any limita ons on the availability of
phone support or on-site engineers.

13.3 Section C: Diagram(s) – This Sec on is to contain complete printed diagram(s) of the
Respondent’s proposed Backup Solu on and suppor ng diagram(s) if and where necessary. The
diagram(s) should clearly indicate where and how the Backup Solu on will “fit” in rela on to
infrastructure, servers, and target storage. A simple overview diagram is all that is necessary.

13.4 Section D: Pricing Sheet – This Sec on is to include the completed 18) Pricing Sheet found on
page 29 of this RFP. The pricing sheet is intended to provide quick compara ve informa on
regarding total cost for this project to City personnel. Other aspects of pricing such as “unit
costs,” “discounts,” etc. should be included in the technical and backup solu on detail as
indicated above in subsec on 13.2.

13.5 Section E: Experience and References – This Sec on is to describe two (2) of the Respondent’s
past engagements (projects) which were similar to this project in terms of size and scope. The
descrip on is to include the name and address of the client, the name, tle and telephone
Request For Proposals
for the purchase of a

number for a contact person, an explana on of the engagement, the size of the organiza on in
terms of number of employees, and the meframe for the project.

13.6 Section F: Litigation Disclosure – This Sec on is to include any ac on, suit, proceeding, inquiry
or inves ga on at law or in equity before or by any court, public board or body in the last ten
(10) years, which was ini ated by a client of Respondent against the Respondent, ini ated by
Respondent against a client, or arose from Respondent’s past projects.

13.7 Section G: Vendor’s Role - This Sec on is to include an explana on of the work that the Vendor
will do on this project and the work that the Respondent will expect the City to do, based on the
informa on presented in sec on 5) Scope of Services above. It is understood that the work of
the Vendor will be finalized at the me an Agreement is developed. The purpose of this Sec on
is to obtain a general idea of how the Respondent will approach this project based on the
informa on presented in this RFP.

13.8 Section H: Vendor Designated Project Manager – This Sec on is to include the complete
contact informa on of the person(s) designated by the Respondent as “project manager(s)” for
this engagement for the City. This should also include a brief descrip on of their experience
with this type of project and with the Backup Solu on proposed.

13.9 Section I: Special Considerations – Please describe any special features, advantages, or
characteris cs of your proposal that have not been addressed above, and that make it
par cularly advantageous for the City to select your proposed Backup Solu on. This may
include features or technology of par cular equipment proposed that set it apart from
compe tors as well as perhaps business prac ces or experience of the manufacturer that also
set it apart from the compe on.

13.10 Section J: Supporting Materials – This Sec on should include specific and suppor ve summary
informa on as to how and why a par cular aspect(s) of the Backup Solu on is superior to
others or will best meet the current and future needs of the City. This might include lab test
results, compara ve studies, white papers, real-world applica ons, cer fica ons, etc.

13.11 Section K: Exceptions – This Sec on is to contain the completed 16) Exceptions sheet(s) ci ng
RFP requirement excep ons and Legal excep ons your company may have.

13.12 Section L: Soft Copy Submission – In addi on to the hard copy, proposal submissions shall also
include a so copy on CD or memory s ck. So documents must conform to the following:

● The technical response in Microso Word or PDF format

● Pricing spreadsheets in Microso Excel or PDF format
● Network diagrams in Microso Visio or PowerPoint, PDF, PNG, or JPEG format
● Suppor ng literature and documenta on in source material’s na ve electronic format

Request For Proposals
for the purchase of a

14) Special Conditions for Submitting a Proposal

14.1 Any proposal that is not received by the City Clerk’s office prior to the deadline date and me
set forth will not be considered.

14.2 The City reserves the right to: (1) accept or reject any and all proposals, and to waive any
technicali es or irregulari es involving any proposal; (2) nego ate Agreement terms with the
Vendor(s); (3) disregard all nonconforming, non-responsive or condi onal proposals; and (4)
reject the responses that do not meet the City’s sa sfac on.

14.3 In evalua ng proposals, the City may consider the qualifica ons of Respondents and whether or
not the proposals comply with the prescribed requirements.

14.4 During the evalua on process, the City reserves the right to request addi onal informa on or
clarifica ons from Respondents, and to allow correc ons of errors and/or omissions.

14.5 Submission of a proposal indicates acceptance by the company submi ng the proposal of the
terms, condi ons and specifica ons contained in this RFP, unless clearly and specifically noted in
sec on 16) Exceptions below of any proposal submi ed and confirmed in a subsequent
Agreement between the City and the Vendor.

14.6 The City will not pay for any informa on herein requested, nor is it liable for any costs incurred
by those submi ng proposals. The City reserves the right to select the Respondent that will
best meet the needs of the City. Respondents and/or proposals that do not meet the stated
requirements will be considered in noncompliance and will be disqualified unless the City
waives such noncompliance.

14.7 No Respondent may withdraw his or her proposal for a period of thirty (30) days from the date
set for the opening thereof.

14.8 All Respondents shall acknowledge receipt of any addenda to this RFP. All addenda issued by
the City regarding this RFP shall be signed by the Respondent and a ached to the submi ed
proposal. Failure to acknowledge receipt of any addenda may render the proposal as
non-responsive. Changes to this RFP shall be issued only by the City in wri ng.

14.9 By submission of a proposal, the Respondent cer fies that:

The Respondent has not paid nor agreed to pay any person, other than a bona fide employee, a
fee or a brokerage resul ng from the award of the Agreement. The City may, by wri en no ce
to a Respondent, cancel any award under this RFP if it is found by the City that gratui es, in the
form of entertainment, gi s or otherwise were offered or given to any representa ve of the City
with a view toward securing an order or other favorable treatment with respect to this RFP.

Request For Proposals
for the purchase of a

14.10 The contents of the proposal and any clarifica ons or addenda distributed by the City shall
become part of the contractual obliga on and incorporated by reference into the ensuing
Agreements. All proposals become the property of the City and will not be returned to the

14.11 Each Respondent’s proposal and any clarifica ons to that proposal shall be signed by an officer
of the Respondent company or a designated agent empowered to bind the firm in an

14.12 The City will not be required to sign any non-disclosure agreement (NDA) as condi on of or
allowance for any response regarding this RFP.

14.13 The City is a Kansas municipality governed by the Kansas Open Records Act (the "KORA"). By
providing a Proposal, the Vendor acknowledges that its Proposal, once opened, is presumed to
be an open record under the KORA. If the Vendor submits informa on that it believes to be
subject to an exemp on to disclosure under the KORA, the Vendor must reference the par cular
excep on from mandatory disclosure outlined in the KORA. The words “Confiden al” and/or
“Proprietary” are not sufficient.

Request For Proposals
for the purchase of a

15) Terms and Conditions

The City reserves the right to reject any or all proposals, to waive technicali es or irregulari es, and to accept
any bid it deems to be in its best interest. The City may choose not to make any award, to award all
components to one Vendor, or to combine Vendors and services as it sees fit. The City is not obligated to
accept the lowest bid or the most technologically advanced proposal. Respondent is responsible for
proposing their best, most competitive pricing in the initial Response, as opportunity to negotiate or
resubmit pricing may not be offered at a later time. The City shall not be liable for any costs incurred by the
Respondent in responding to this RFP.

The Agreement between the City and the Vendor shall contain the following terms and condi ons:

15.1 This RFP and the Vendor’s response to the RFP shall be incorporated by reference into the
Agreement. The requirements of the RFP shall take precedence over any conflic ng language
that may be present in any Agreement between the City and the Vendor.

15.2 The City is exempt from taxes.

15.3 Vendor agrees to defend, indemnify and hold harmless the City and its agents and/or
employees from any and all claims, se lements, and judgments including but not limited to
those for personal injury, bodily injury, property damage and/or death arising solely out of
Vendor’s or any of its agents, servants and/or employees’ negligent acts, and or failure to act
in the performance of this Agreement. Neither acceptance of the completed work nor
payment therefore shall release Vendor of its obliga on under this paragraph.

15.4 Neither party will be held responsible for nonperformance or delay caused by acts of God,
natural disasters, vandalism, war, or other condi ons beyond its control. Vendor shall be
held accountable for manufacturer’s delays in providing equipment or services proposed
under this Agreement.

15.5 The Agreement may be amended, at any me, by mutual consent of the par es. Any
amendment must be in wri ng, signed by authorized representa ves.

15.6 Vendor shall be responsible for complying with all applicable state and local laws and
ordinances in its performance of this Agreement.

15.7 The en re Agreement between the City and Vendor shall supersede any other verbal or
wri en agreements. The Agreement shall include, in order of precedence, the following:
The City’s RFP (including any addendums), Vendor’s response, terms and condi ons
nego ated before Agreement signing, any other contractual documents.

15.8 Either party may terminate this Agreement at their convenience by giving the other party thirty
(30) days wri en no ce. Any termina on shall not relieve the City of its obliga ons to pay

Request For Proposals
for the purchase of a

Vendor for hardware, so ware or services that have been sa sfactorily delivered or performed
prior to termina on.

15.9 The Agreement may be terminated due to Vendor’s inability to perform as specified under
this Agreement. The City shall provide Vendor with a le er defining the area(s) where
performance requirements have not been met via cer fied mail. The Vendor shall have thirty
(30) days in which to meet the Agreement requirements. If the requirements have not been
met a er thirty (30) days, the City has the right to cancel the Agreement without penalty. If
the Agreement is canceled due to Vendor’s failure to perform, the City shall pay the Vendor
only for hardware delivered and/or work performed up to cancella on. The City reserves the
right to retain other par es to complete the work required under the Agreement.

15.10 Vendor shall be responsible for the performance of its employees, agents, and

15.11 Vendor shall obtain appropriate licenses and building permits as applicable.

15.12 The Vendor shall provide emergency telephone numbers of key contact personnel who are
familiar with the project scope and status to be contacted if needed for escala on purposes
in the event of a problem.

15.13 Vendor shall provide key personnel to do all work at the City in order to become acquainted
with the City systems and provide con nuity.

15.14 All Vendors shall complete daily clean up in all areas in which they have worked. In addi on,
work areas shall be maintained in a clean fashion during projects. The City retains the right
to bill the Vendor for any costs incurred by the City in cleaning up a er the Vendor.

15.15 No work shall be performed without an appropriately executed Agreement or change order.

15.16 The City requires all Vendors to follow all applicable OSHA guidelines.

15.17 When performing work a er regular hours (M-F, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.) Vendor’s supervisor
shall inform the City of the names of workers present, loca on, and dura on.

15.18 Vendor shall follow and submit to all security policies and procedures at the site in which the
Vendor employees are working.

15.19 The Agreement will be governed by the laws of the State of Kansas.

15.20 The Vendor agrees that:

15.20.1 The Vendor shall observe the provisions of the Kansas act against discrimina on and
shall not discriminate against any person in the performance of work under the
Request For Proposals
for the purchase of a

present Agreement because of race, religion, color, sex, disability, na onal origin
ancestry or age;

15.20.2 In all solicita ons or adver sements for employees, the Vendor shall include the
phrase, “equal opportunity employer,” or a similar phrase to be approved by the
Kansas Human Rights Commission (“Commission”);

15.20.3 If the Vendor fails to comply with the manner in which the Vendor reports to the
Commission in accordance with the provisions of K.S.A. 44-1031 and amendments
thereto, the Vendor shall be deemed to have breached the present Agreement and it
may be canceled, terminated or suspended, in whole or in part, by the City;

15.20.4 If the Vendor is found guilty of a viola on of the Kansas Act Against Discrimina on
under a decision or order of the Commission which has become final, the Vendor
shall be deemed to have breached the present Agreement and it may be canceled,
terminated or suspended, in whole or in part, by the City; and

15.20.5 The Vendor shall include the provisions of subsec ons 15.20.1 through 15.20.4 in
every subcontract or purchase order so that such provisions will be binding upon
such subcontractor or Vendor.

15.21 The provisions of this Sec on shall not apply to a Agreement entered into by a Vendor:
15.21.1 Who employs fewer than four employees during the term of such Agreement; or

15.21.2 Whose Agreements with the City cumula vely total $5,000 or less during the fiscal
year of the City.

15.22 The Vendor further agrees that the Vendor shall abide by the Kansas Age Discrimina on In
Employment Act (K.S.A. 44-1111 et seq.) and the applicable provision in the Americans With
Disabili es Act (42 U.S.C. 12101 et seq.) as well as all federal, state and local laws, ordinances
and regula ons applicable to this project and to furnish any cer fica on required by any
federal, state or local governmental agency in connec on therewith.

15.23 The usage commitment in this Agreement shall be an annual commitment. Monthly varia ons
in usage will not be subject to penal es as long as the annual commitment level is met.

15.24 Notwithstanding anything contained in the Agreement to the contrary, it is understood and
agreed by the par es hereto that the City is obligated only to pay periodic payments or monthly
installments under the Agreement as may lawfully be made from funds budgeted and
appropriated for such purpose during the City’s then current budget year (i.e., January 1 to
December 31) or from funds made available from any lawfully operated, revenue producing
source. Should the City fail to budget, appropriate or otherwise make available funds for
payments due under the Agreement in any budget year, the Agreement shall be deemed

Request For Proposals
for the purchase of a

terminated on the last day of the then current budget year for which appropria ons were
received without penalty or expense to the City of any kind whatsoever, except as to the
por ons of the recurring charges herein agreed upon for which funds have been appropriated
ty’s then current budget year. This paragraph shall not be construed so as to permit the City to
terminate the Agreement in order to acquire any other func onally similar services or to
allocate funds directly or indirectly to perform essen ally the same applica on for which the
services under the Agreement are intended. Notwithstanding the foregoing and to the extent
permi ed by law, the City agrees that, if the Agreement is terminated in accordance with the
provisions of this paragraph, the City shall not acquire or purchase services similar to that
described in the Agreement for a period of ninety (90) days from the end of the then current
budget year of the City.

15.25 Insurance Requirements - The Vendor must have the following minimum insurance coverage:
15.25.1 General: The Vendor shall maintain, throughout the dura on of this Agreement,
insurance (on an occurrence basis unless otherwise agreed to) of such types and in
at least such amounts as required herein. All insurance procured for this Agreement
by the Vendor shall be primary and noncontributory. Vendor shall provide
cer ficates of insurance and renewals thereof on forms provided by the City or on
forms acceptable to the City and shall name the City as an addi onal insured on the
general liability and automobile liability. Upon request by the City, Vendor shall
provide copies of the insurance policies required herein. The City shall be no fied by
receipt of wri en no ce from the insurer at least thirty (30) days prior to material
modifica on or cancella on of any policy listed on the Cer ficate.

15.25.2 No ce of Claim Reduc on of Policy Limits

The Vendor, upon receipt of no ce of any claim in connec on with the Agreement,
shall promptly no fy the City, providing full details thereof, including an es mate of
the amount of loss or liability.

The Vendor shall monitor and promptly no fy the City of any reduc on in limits of
protec on afforded under any policy listed in the Cer ficate (or otherwise required
by the Agreement) if the Vendor’s limits of protec on shall have been impaired or
reduced to such extent that the limits fall below the minimum amounts required
herein. The Vendor shall promptly reinstate the original limits of liability required
hereunder and shall furnish evidence thereof to the City.

15.25.3 Commercial General Liability

Limits -
Each Occurrence: $ 500,000
Personal & Adver sing Injury: $ 500,000
Damage to Rented Premises: $ 100,000
General Aggregate: $1,000,000
Products / Completed Opera ons Aggregate: $1,000,000
Request For Proposals
for the purchase of a

Policy MUST include the following condi ons:

1. Independent Contractors
2. Broad Form Contractual / Contractually Assumed Liability
3. Broad Form Property Damage
4. City as an addi onal insured

15.25.4 Automobile Liability

Policy shall protect the Vendor against claims for bodily injury and/or property
damage arising out of the ownership or use of any owned, hired and/or non-owned

Limits -
Combined Single Limits,
Bodily Injury and Property Damage – Each Accident: $500,000

Policy MUST include the City as an addi onal insured

15.25.5 Workers’ Compensa on

This insurance shall protect the Vendor against all claims under applicable state
workers’ compensa on laws. The Vendor shall also be protected against claims for
injury, disease or death of employees for which, for any reason, may not fall within
the provisions of workers’ compensa on law. The policy limits shall not be less than
the following:

Workers’ Compensa on: Statutory

Employers Liability -

Bodily Injury by Accident: $100,000 Each Accident

Bodily Injury by Disease: $500,000 Policy Limit
Bodily Injury by Disease: $100,000 Each Employee

If Vendor has no employees, a waiver form provided by the City must be executed.

15.25.6 Professional Liability

Contractor shall maintain throughout the dura on of this Agreement plus a
minimum of three addi onal years, Professional Liability Insurance in an amount not
less than Two Million Dollars ($2,000,000) and shall provide the City with
cer fica on thereof.

Request For Proposals
for the purchase of a

15.25.7 Cyber Liability.

One Million Dollars ($1,000,000) Per Loss Including:

1. Informa on Security & Privacy Liability

2. Privacy Breach Response

15.25.8 Industry Ra ngs

The City will only accept coverage from an insurance carrier who offers proof that it:

1. Is licensed to do business in the State of Kansas;

2. Carries a Best’s policyholder ra ng of A- or be er; and
3. Carries at least a Class VIII financial ra ng.


Is a company mutually agreed upon by the City and Vendor.

15.25.9 Subcontractors Insurance

If a part of the Agreement is to be sublet, the Vendor shall either:

1. Cover all subcontractors in its insurance policies, or

2. Require each subcontractor not so covered to secure insurance which
will protect subcontractor against all applicable hazards or risks of loss
as and in the minimum amounts designated.

Whichever option is chosen, Vendor shall indemnify and hold harmless the City as
to any and all damages, claims or losses, including attorney’s fees, arising out of
the acts or omissions of its subcontractors.

Request For Proposals
for the purchase of a

16) Exceptions
Please list ALL excep ons your company makes to the requirements specified in this RFP in this Sec on.
Excep ons noted in the body of your proposal MUST be repeated in this Sec on. Include any features that will
not operate as specified, in addi on to other excep ons you may have.

Please repeat ALL legal excep ons here as well.

Request For Proposals
for the purchase of a

17) Respondent Information Form

(This form to be included with proposal)

Respondent Name:
Contact Name:
Street Address:
City, State, Zip:

I have reviewed all of the general informa on and specifica ons in the RFP, have contacted the City regarding
any needed clarifica ons, and submit this proposal with a full understanding of the specifica ons.

If selected by the City as the Vendor, I agree to abide by the terms and condi ons specified in this RFP.

Company Officer Name:




Request For Proposals
for the purchase of a

18) Pricing Sheet

(This form to be included with proposal)

This form is intended as a quick reference for the City to evaluate the cost for the en rety of the Backup
Solu on proposed. More detailed pricing informa on is required to be included as described in item 13.2
Section B: Technical and Solution Detail above. Addi onal costs required by the Respondent but not covered
specifically in this RFP must be included on this “Pricing Sheet” and also ar culated in the detail pricing
informa on submi ed.

TOTAL one time cost for the entirety of the

Backup Solution proposed for this RFP:


Request For Proposals
for the purchase of a

19) Infrastructure Connectivity Diagram (Appendix A)

● LAN connec vity between Data Centers is 10 GB.
● SAN connec vity between Data Centers is 8 GB Fiber Channel.
● Primary Internet speed is 1gb with a 500mb backup connec on
● Windows is the dominant opera ng system.

Request For Proposals
for the purchase of a

20) Backup Solution Detail Example Sheet - (Appendix B)

SKU# / Part# Description Unit Cost Quantity Total Price

BKAP-1 Backup Appliance model-1 $5.00 2 $10.00

BKSW-LIC-1 Backup So ware License-1 $1.00 2 $2.00
BKSTORE-1 Backup Target Storage unit-1 $2.00 2 $4.00

VMSW-1 Virtual Machine So ware-1 $1.00 14 $14.00

XENSW-1 XEN So ware-1 $2.00 8 $16.00

HW-MAINT-1YR Hardware Maintenance for 1-year $3.00 1 $3.00

SW-MAINT-1YR So ware Maintenance for 1-year $3.00 1 $3.00
HW-MAINT-3YR Hardware Maintenance for 3-years $4.00 1 $4.00
SW-MAINT-3YR So ware Maintenance for 3-years $4.00 1 $4.00
HW-MAINT-5YR Hardware Maintenance for 5-years $5.00 1 $5.00
SW-MAINT-5YR So ware Maintenance for 5-years $5.00 1 $5.00

CLOUD-SVCS-1YR CJIS-FedRAMP Cloud storage for 1-year $5.00 1 $5.00

CLOUD-SUB-1YR Cloud Subscrip on Maintenance for 1-year $5.00 1 $5.00
CLOUD-SVCS-3YR CJIS-FedRAMP Cloud storage for 3-year $10.00 1 $10.00
CLOUD-SUB-3YR Cloud Subscrip on Maintenance for 3-year $10.00 1 $10.00
CLOUD-SVCS-5YR CJIS-FedRAMP Cloud storage for 5-year $15.00 1 $15.00
CLOUD-SUB-5YR Cloud Subscrip on Maintenance for 5-year $15.00 1 $15.00

CLOUD-RESTORE-S 100MB Daily Restora on charges $1.00 365 $365.00

CLOUD-RESTORE-M 100 GB Restora on charges $10.00 1 $10.00
CLOUD-RESTORE-L 1 TB Restora on charges $11.00 1 $11.00
CLOUD-RESTORE-XL 10 TB Restora on charges $12.00 1 $12.00
CLOUD-RESTORE-U Unlimited Cloud Restora on Fee $13.00 1 $13.00

Installa on - Implementa on 1 $12.00

Project Management Services 1 $13.00

Training Services 1 $10.00


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