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The Nicholls Worth 01.27.

11 page 3

Rec center construction set to conclude by 2012 pleted,” Davis said. was packed with bulldozers, and
By Kami Ellender the roof and ground work met as policy and the zero-tolerance
well. policy that Nicholls has towards This time frame will leave the afterwards, dirt was brought in
Staff Writer
“We used this meeting to go sexual harassment. University about a month and a to fill spaces and even everything
over the scope of work, the time- At this meeting, the Univer- half to equip the rec center in case out.
Though the groundbreaking cer-
line of the project and some of the sity issued the notice to proceed, there are delays while building. Davis said the next step is to
emony was on Dec. 15, construc-
“The workers are entitled a cer- drive pilings into the ground.
tion on the rec center could not
tain amount of rain days,” Davis Then, the contractors can pour the
begin until Jan. 3.
said. “So we’ve got to worry about slab.
“Groundbreaking is just the cer-
rain days and any other delays that “What everybody needs to keep
emony in honor of the first time “It will be nice to know ‘this is might come into play during the in mind is that in this part of the
we turn the ground for the new
where I go to get my health on.’ ” project.” project, you’re not going to see
building,” Davis said.
Davis said right now the ground much going on,” Davis said. “It’s
The preconstruction meeting
is being prepared for the initial a lot of dirt work.”
during which the subcontractors — Mike Davis
construction. Mike Matherne, director of
that are working on the building
“You can actually see the foot- campus recreation, said that the
were present was held on Jan. 3.
University rules,” Davis said. which gives contractors the right print of the building now,” Davis rec center is the most positive
The architects, design team, me-
He said the meeting was also to begin construction. said. thing to happen at the University
chanical, structural and electri-
used to make sure workers are “It starts the clock, which means Workers brought in white sand since the first dorms were open in
cal engineers met to discuss and
aware of parking on campus, the the contractors have until June 20, to build the area to the level need- 1963.
review the plans for the building.
University’s new tobacco-free 2012 to have the building com- ed to prevent flooding. The sand
Other subcontractors who will do see REC CENTER page 6

photo by Bridget Mire

Construction continues last week at the site of the future recreation center.

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