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Since the main purposes of having ventilation or vent shaft are to maintain temperature and reduce
potential fire and explosion hazard, some requirements have been established. To present few,
horizontal cross-sectional area of a vent shaft must at least 1.00 sq. meter for every meter of height;
still, it is stated that having area less than 1.00 sq. meter will not be allowed. As for dimension of vent
shaft, the minimum requirement is 600 millimeter. These given requirements aim to provide accurate
space for a specific property or place –for serving its potential.


 Apart from providing natural daylight, skylights are also able to maintain a standardized internal
temperature in the house. However, stated in this section that ventilation skylight should have a glass
area not less than the window requirements. Moreover, an aggregate net free area at least the parts in
the replaced window that can be opened is needed --provide an artificial ventilation if failed to do so.


Placing of artificial ventilation is mandatory for space housing industrial or heating equipment to
help hinder massive accumulation of hot/ polluted air. Even so, this should also meet the requirements
in air charges which depict the qualification for every type of building/structures, including dimensions
per hour. It is advised that if rooms or spaces not included must see applicable provisions of pertinent
referral codes.

Nevertheless, variances or exceptions are yielded from the provision of light and ventilation given
that it follows the term and conditions. For instance that the property cannot meet the specification for
open spaces due to its uniqueness compared to other, application of variance with following provisions
is suggested; such as, setback, ventilation and window opening requirements, and factors of dimensions.
Exception can also be granted provided that it does not affect public health, safety and welfare, and
must keep on the development of the community.


Due to the fact that easement is public land --public domain must be enjoyed by all the
members of the community, equally. Furthermore, the easement is not intended to be used for
building/structures that will not benefit the public, uses and thereto are prohibited.
VENTILATION SHAFT- commonly known as airshaft is a mechanical system in a building that controls the
provision of fresh outside air.

SKYLIGHTS- is an adequate facility that ensures adequate ventilation, air control, and natural light
resources in a house.

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