Cognitive Development Activity

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1. Read the scenario and identify what feelings may you have in placing yourself in the
2. Explains your thoughts or thinking if you were the one experiencing it.
3. What could be your emotions using Emotional Meter?


You have a crush with one of your classmates, but your parents disagree about having an affair at your age.
You really wanted to have a romantic relationship with your classmate. You also have noticed that he/she likes
you the way you do.

For ladies: He continues courting you and prove his pure intentions. You have given him a chance and be in a
romantic relationship. But your parents know your relationship status and told you to leave him or else you
will quit school.

For gentlemen: You really liked her and wanted to continue courting her. But you know that her parents will
not approve your intentions and will threaten her to quit schooling.

1. If you were the one in the situation what will be your thinking/thoughts? Write it on the
space provided.


2. What would you feel if you are in the situation, will you be angry, just relax, or fight for
it. Measure your feelings using Emometer. Color the level of your feelings using the

I will ____________________________.

Boiling Hot


Just Cool and Calm

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