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Part 1: The Kurt C.

and Fletcher Potanin Consultation Transcript

Paddi’s Systems Applied in Business

Thefirst of two parts of a Consultation Transcript between Fletcher Potanin and Kurt C.,
proprietor of a mail order Health and Safety Equipmentbusinessin the United States.

In this consultation transcript, Fletcher Potanin, K: I think we narrowed it down to about 20 SIC
publisher of SolutionsPress is helping Kurt C. to ap- codes in the US, so we have defined it to a
ply Paddi’s referral concept, system and ideasto his degree.
business. : That’s good. I’ve seen your catalogue and it’s a
Kurt runs a mail order safety products company, tremendousrangeof different products. It looks
and he first heard about Paddi from Jay Abraham as though your clients could come from several
and Mike Basch at an Abraham Marketing Summit. In different industries.
Kurt’s own words,
: Yes, we've also defined our customers geo-
Over the last 18 years we have seen graphically by their area of the country, and
ourselves as following this mission: To pro- also by the number of employees.
vide products that enhancethe well-being,
health and safety of people at work, at : Ok, here’s the keyto this first point. You need to
home or at play, around the world and knowexactly whois your ideal customer, not just
aroundthe clock. demographics about your current customers. You
We supply products that protect people see you only want to attract the best, most ideal
who are food handlers and food processors, customers to your business. So the moreclearly
like disposable gloves, hair nets and you understand who is your ideal customer, the
aprons, etc. Those same products are more easily you are able to attract that person.
sometimes used in other manufacturing Or, in your case that business. Do youdeal with
settings like in laboratories for people do-
ing research.
mostlylarger businesses?
In addition, we have a complete line of : Actually, we're probably more in the 50-250
first aid products and our full line of safety size, which is more small to medium sized
products which include hair protection and business. The large ones over 500, we’ve
safety spectacles, respirators, hard hats, kind of shied away from because they are just
foot protection and signage, signs and la- too low a profit margin, and I guess more or
bels and just about anything else you can less a de-personalised service.
think of in that arena. We have one client who is a large business,
but I’ve told them that I don’t want their
Kurt’s business is definitely more mainstream than
whole contract, just a small portion. I’m going
Paddi’s dentistry. This consultation is primarily about to show them how, with expert product rec-
Referral Systems, and yet you'll read howeasily and ommendation, we can actually save them
sensibly each of Paddi’s systemsin its turn fits right more moneyand reduce their time off for in-
into Kurt’s concept of whatis possible and desirable juries.
in his business... So, that'll be kind of exciting, but that’s a
huge deviation from what we've done in the
Rule 1: past.

Know the Customer You’re Trying to Reach : Have youbeen able to identify whatare the prod-
uct categories that are the mainstream of your
F: The first step in a successful referral systemis this: ideal client?
you haveto clearly be able toidentify andarticu-
late the kindof person your customers should be : Yes, we have. Our best products are dispos-
looking to refer. Only when you canclearly iden- able in nature, the biggest ones being the dis-
tify your ideal customers, can you then ask your posable shoe cover, cap and disposable
current customers who fit the mould to recom-
mendyour business to peoplejustlike themselves.
So, Kurt, who’s your ideal customer? 149 Old Cleveland Road Capalaba Queensland Australia 4157 1

Part 1 of 2: The Kurt C. and Fletcher Potanin Consultation Transcript

Birds of a Feather... So I would suggest that you consider adding a few of

those type ideas to your definition of the ideal
F; Interesting. It’s very important to clearly define customer.
yourideal customer — thisis really one ofthe k
to a good system — because ‘bitds of a feather K: Ok.
tend to flock together’ and you should only ask
ideal people to bring others like them. Not only Referrals to Specific People
that, if you can’t define your ideal customer, you F: Now you may or may not want to actually say
won't be able to tell your existing customers who those things when you're talking to a client — “pay
to look for. what we ask, pay it on time, enjoy what we have
And when you ask your customers for the re- to offer” - but those things yourideal client will at
ferral, if they know exactly who youridealclient least innately understand.
is, if you're able to define quickly andeasily ex- Now in Paddi’s business, clients refer their
actly who they should bereferring to your busi- friends back to their specific Care Nurse. Andit’s
ness,it will make your referral system a lot more amazing the wayit works, but it happens consis-
successful. Does that make sense? tently in other businesses, too.
K: Absolutely! So first of all you find who is the Whena referral system is refined and is work-
ideal current client and then you ask who else ing very well — and yourclients are referring to
is like them? specific individuals who develop good relation-
F: Exactly! ships — you'll find that people who are your exist-
ing clients are going to be verycareful about refer-
K: Or other companies that might be like them? ting someone. Theywill tendto be selective about
It might be their competitors probably but not whetherthatclient will be a goodclient for you.
only right?
Because the quality of the person theyrefer re-
F: Right, most people know others who are inter- flects directly back on to them inyoureyes.
ested in the same things. Invariably, you know As it happens, the same applies to you — you
people in your industry or similar industries, and have to offer a great service before your clients
they’re not alwaysdirect competitors. Most people will feel good about recommending you — butit is
work in conjunction with others who are in simi- great for you because gently educated yourclients
lar businesses, and most people like to talk about will tendtofilter the people they bring to you.
things they’re doing well or services they’ve been
resourceful in securing. Not always, but for meit’s Filtering Customers
this way.
It may soundstrange, but when yourideal clients
K: Oh I agree. I like to look at it as us being are well educated, they will tend to ask the person
creators not competitors because it’s a much they’re aboutto refer somethinglike,
more prosperous consciousnessto have. “Well you know before I send you to Kurt, be-
F; That’s an interesting philosophy, In fact,it’s likely cause he and I have a goodrelationship and I
your ideal customerswill share some of your phi- don’t want to mess that up bysending a badcli-
losophies. So part of the definition of your ideal ent, what is your accounts departmentlike? Are
customer might be those people who love what they going to mess these people around because
you do, love what youprovide, love your focus, they’re good people and I don’t wantto do that?
and enjoy the people that you have in your busi- Are you going to buy enough from them where
ness. it’s going to be worthwhile having a good in-depth
Your customers have particular personalities, relationship because Kurt actually goes out ofhis
and you have a culture in your business that is wayand he'll spenda lot of time looking and re-
particular to you and your team. So your custom- searching things that youreally need.”
ers really do have to like what you do and your That’s the sort of thing that will happen when
viewonlife. yourreferral system is really refined and working
As well, they must be happyto paytheprices well. Do you understand where I'm coming
you ask. They pay you ontime, they don’t delay from?
with their bills, their purchasing departments are
K: Oh yea, that’s great!
actually efficient andit’s not hard to be paid for
what you've sent. F; And so, to work towards that goal the most im-
portantstep is to find that ideal customer. And

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The Kurt C. and Fletcher Potanin Consultation Transcript: Part 1 of 2

when you do find them, gently educate them to and yoursales reps caneasily sayit very quickly —
bring you more people like them. I suspect that in a fewsentences that you can also put on paper
you probably have a lot of customers like that — — so that your customers clearly know who your
but notall of your customersarelike that? ideal client is as well. That way, when they’re
K: Uh huh.
gently educated they'll go hunting for those peo-
ple for you.
Don’t Ask Everybody — A, B, C, D
Rule 2:
F: So if youreally, really, really Kurt want to have Know the Value You Add in Your Cus-
more of these perfectly ideal customers — with tomer’s Terms
whom you can have greatrelationships, who will F: Now,the second pointrequires defining the spe-
pay the prices that youask andare really a good
cific value that you add to your products and
source of your business — then ask only those
people forreferrals. Because if you ask everybody
services, and in your customer’s terms. Now,
Kurt, you’re not planning on doing business only
for referrals you're just going to be getting more
byreferral like Paddi, is that correct? Youwill still
people ike you’ve currently got — good as well as
have your large-scale catalogues and your mass
As Paddi has done,I suspectthatif you looked
at your entire client database you could probably : Correct, true - absolutely. But our reps could
segmentyour database into A, B, C’s and D’s. As use this idea. Usually we work on about a
Paddi did, you could probably pick out thosecli- 35% gross profit margin which is high for our
industry that averages maybe 20-25%. We
ents whoarereally great to deal with ... and those
do that just by developing relationships with
whoarea’t! You know, you send them their stuff,
these small to medium sized companies.
but sometimes their credit cards don’t go through,
or their cheques bounce, or they only orderlittle Kurt, it sounds as though you wantto add value
bits of stuff here and there. Maybe they’re not to yourrelationship with yourclients as opposed
yourbest clients but they’re there anyway andits to reducing yourprices.
difficult to resist their business. But unfortunately K: I think so, I’m comfortable with that.
they’re often the people who give you the most
hassles when things don’t arrive ontime — do you Reducing Prices vs Adding Value
knowthe people I’m talking about?
FE: Philosophically I’m averse to reducing prices. It
K: Absolutely! puts a great strain on you and your business when
F: So it might be of benefit to you to actually grade you do, andit doesn’t allow youthe leeway to do
your clients and deliberately not focus on those C nice things for your customers.
and D clients. Certainly only ask for referrals from : That’s a great way to put it, and I think I'll
your more ideal A and clients, and so that the use those exact words in my negotiations. So
clients that have relationships with yoursales reps thank you.
are really only A Class clients because it’s not You're welcome. It might be important for you to
worthwhile spending your time with someone gently educate your customers to understandthat.
who’s a B or a C Classclient. If they want to have a goodrelationship with you,
K: Right! they can’t screw you down in price because you
F:Soit’s very important in creating a referral system maynot be in business next year to handle their
because you have to be asking only good custom- orders. And if your clients are interested in effi-
ers for referrals. Bad customers well, they don’t cient transactions, it’s not in their best interests in
like you enoughto refer people anyway. Andit’s the long-run to screw you down to a margin
onlythose people whoreally enjoy doing business whichis unreasonable.
with you whoare going to be your best advocates : Exactly right! We’ve got a great number of
and give you lotsof referrals. catalogue accounts but our reps are only able
So, I think you’ve got the ‘define your cus- to develop a good relationship with 2 or 3
tomer’ down. And you should particularly define hundred clients at a time. So our reps might
the type ofclient who you wantto ask for the re- specialise within a certain industry group, and
then the special value they add would be a
ferral. Just make sure you define it so that you
specific relationship they have to bring their 149 Old Cleveland Road Capalaba Queensland Australia 4157 3

Part 1 of 2: The Kurt C. and Fletcher Potanin Consultation Transcript

clients the latest most innovative products Care Person System

that will reduce or minimise injuries and time
off against productivity. FE: So, Kurt, it sounds like your sales reps are devel-
oping specific relationships with youridealclients.
: Wow! Kurt that sounds very powerful! I think
And that’s the value that you're adding. You may
what you've just said is you have individual cus- be a little bit more expensive, but many people
tomeror sales reps who have specific clients and
cravetherelationships in business that used to be
they keep and maintain advisorytype relationships
more common. Not everybody, but there are
with those clients — is that correct?
somepeople that do — and they’ll go out of their
K: Correct. wayto find you.
F: Then you have the wonderful opportunity in that I think that will be part of the definition of
the rep who hasbuilt the relationship with a con- your ideal customer — and you'll actually sayit,
tact at that company can ask that person or con- too. “People who don’t mind paying a little bit
tact to refer someone specifically to them. It more for an excellent advisory type relationship
makesthe referral much more powerful when to a with a qualified health andsafety consultant.”
specific person. : Ok, great!

A Sample Script
F: So theideal client is most important, andthe spe-
cific value that you're offering your A class cus-
So if ’'m a customerof yours Kurt, and you’te the tomersis the relationship that you’ve told me that
sales rep, you would ask me for the referral and you'd like to build with those customers. You
you would say, only want small to medium sized business where
“Fletcher, would you please refer someone yourreps can have personalrelationships and the
whois just like yourself (andbriefly describe your customers don’t mind payinga little extra forit.
ideal client). Because it means we can continue to Andsoif they are going to paya little extra for
be in business and will be here for you the next it, you’ve got to define very clearly those things
time you need us. It also means we can continue that you’re able to offer that add value to your
to give you excellentservice and advise you about service and warrant yourprices. Andjustify the
the new products that will help you preserve relationship that people enjoy.
health and safety standards in your company. And
: It could be like personal product solutions and
if you will, I'd like you to please refer that person development, working with clients specifically
directly to me so that we can develop a relation- to reduce their number one time off injury.
ship justlike the one you and I have.” Asking questions to find out what they need
to be doing differently instead of just quoting
: Are my clients referring people within their
them a lower price on the same product that
company or from a different company? Be-
they've used for the last 10 or 20 years.
cause we find that there’s different purchasing
centres throughout many of our clients’ com- Thereyougo. I think you understand these things
panies. innately.
: Excellent! Yes of course, if you have someone : Yea - I think so.
purchasing from you in a 250-person business, F: You need also to define and clearly articulate
they may be only purchasing for their little area those things in your customer’s terms. You
you're saying? probably would do thatin your catalogue because
K: Correct. I suspect that most people find their introduction
F: Excellent! Yes, that’s a great idea! In fact that to your business in yourcatalogue.Is that right?
maybe something you will need to make certain : True - well I think we do that through trade
your repsask eachoftheir clients — “Are you pur- shows and the like and through the phone as
chasing for the entire company?” You mayeven well, but the catalogue of course helps sup-
include that in your definition of an idealclient — a plement all those things.
companythat has multiple divisions that require
health andsafety products or equipment. Paddi’s Welcome Book Training Customers
: Ok great. F: This is an interesting area that ties in closely with
yourreferral system. Have you heard of Paddi’s
‘Welcome Book’?

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The Kurt C. and Fletcher Potanin Consultation Transcript: Part 1 of 2

K: Well, no I haven’t. “You must complain if there is something that

F: Ok, Paddi has created a rather elaborate practice upsets you. That way we have a chance toput it
brochure that he calls his ‘Welcome Book’. He right, apologise and give you appropriate com-
sendsit to every client before they cometo visit pensation.
with him for the first time. It’s an exceptional You should payyourbills on time.
sales tool and education system for Paddi. He Tf we ask, (we don’t ask everyone) we would
wouldn’t do business withoutit. like you to try to refer at least one person
In this book, Paddi basically articulates all the whom youfeel wouldlike the things we offer.
things he feels his clients want to know about Tn this way we can continue to have a flowof
coming to a newbusiness for the first time. He new people and be here for you when you
introduceshis business familyfirst ofall, who they needus next time.”
are and what are their interests, and there’s a pic-
ture of them. The book also describes where the Introducing the Referral Early
building is and directions on howtofindit so that And then when somebody comes in for the first
people coming for the first time don’t get lost. time, theyactually sit down and ask, “How do you
Paddi’s practiceis little bit outside of Brisbane feel about this bargain? Are you ok with that?”
andsoit’s a bit hard to find. I haven’t used the exact words, but that’s es-
Paddi also describes in detail the general phi- sentially whatit’s like. So they introduce the refer-
losophy of the business and the particular way ral concept in their ‘Welcome Book’. A client is
they like to do their dentistry — they prefer to use introduced to the concept of referrals before they
gold instead of amalgam because of these rea- do business with Paddi so that when they do
sons... come, they understand what’s going on.
They have a long term preventative care ap-
proachto dentistry as opposedto short term fixes Addressing Fears
— so that’s why the prices here are usually 25% In fact in the ‘Welcome Book’ Paddi does a few
higher than other businesses in the local area for thingscritically well. He seemsto identify and ad-
the same procedures (They’re not actually. Paddi dress all the fears that somebody might have in
just says that so that whenclients receive their bill, coming to a dentist — or any business for that
theyare delightfully surprised!) matter — forthefirst time.
Anyway,theybasically define what it means to Essentially, they are: HowdoI find the place?
a client when they cometo do business there. What does the building look like? Where do I
And here is where the ‘Welcome Book’ ties park? What’s it going to cost? Who am I going to
into their referral system. In the ‘Welcome Book’, meet? What’s going to happen while I’m there?
Paddistrikes a bargain with clients ... Those are the sorts of things that people don’t
“Here is what we feel we owe to each other. It understand when they come to a business or do
is what we would like ourrelationship with you business with a particular establishment for the
to be built upon. If you have any concerns at first time.
all with this, we are happyto discuss with you Andthat lesson applies equally well to your
what you feel would befair. business. So if people find their introduction to
you mostlyin your catalogue, create a section that
We musttell you in advance the cost of any
describes what you do and howyoudoit so thatit
major treatment.
addresses mostofthe fears that people have about
We mustdo ourvery best treatment for you. doing business with a catalogue or a mail order
We mustlisten to you whenyoutalk. business.
We must apologise and make amends if we K: Great, it’s great stuff!
don’t perform as we promise, and you can be
thejudge of our performance. Conditions and Exclusivity
Wewill do our absolute level best to keep to
F: So anyway, that’s an entirely different area, butit
time because we knoweveryone hates to be
brings us back to the point that it may be impor-
kept waiting.”
tant to introduce the idea ofreferrals early in the
Andin return theseare the thingstheyask of their piece as a condition of doing business with you.
clients: 149 Old Cleveland Road Capalaba Queensland Australia 4157 5

Part 1 of 2: The Kurt C. and Fletcher Potanin Consultation Transcript

Youwill particularly want to introduce the idea K: At what point in the relationship do you ask
that your sales reps enjoyrelationships with only for the referral? Would you ask right at the
your best customers. Not everybody can have beginning to set the stage? “Before we do
that relationship, butit’s particularly of benefit be- business with you, I think you should know
that we do business by referral only.” Or do
cause you doall ofthese extra things... You can you ask when they’re most satisfied, or do
only enter into one of these relationships if an ex-
you ask only after you've done business?
isting client refers you. What do you think is the best approach?
: Great!
Whento Askfor the Referral
F: So, that may add someexclusivity to the relation-
ships that your sales reps have. And you might F: Thebest time to ask for the referral is when you
actually want to change the name ofthetitle of have completed yourtransaction and yourclientis
that person from sales rep to um ... safety care delighted with your service. The more unusually
representative or somethinglike that. Something positive the experience, the more emotionally en-
that positions that person not as a sales person thusiastic your client will be to tell others about
butas an advisor onthe health and safetyissues in you.
business. An expert from whomclients just hap- K: Uh huh.
pen to place orders for products. Does that make
sense? F: Now, in most cases, — well in the business with
which we have worked— we encouraged people to
: How about buyer safety consultant ... or a make sure that they ask for the moneyup front.
health and safety consultant? Clients should pay for goods or services before
*: Bingo! That’s it. Health & Safety Consultant. they receive them oras youdeliver them, Primar-
Those wordsposition yoursales people in a com- ily because when youask for the referral, it’s im-
pletely different way. Their focus is notsales. portant that someoneis happy with their transac-
Their focus is making sure thatclients have a nice, tion.
safe and healthy working environment. It just It is very difficult to ask for anything if some-
happens they recommend the creative use of onestill owes you money,andthe longer someone
products you can supply. owes you money, the more theywill tend to look
So that would change the nature of the major- for reasons whythey shouldn’t pay you, to find
ity of your business entirely, and that would give reasons whyyour product or service wasn’t vei
clients a reason to do business with you. It also good. Nowin your case, you deal with business
sets up perfectly the way that you can then ask for where probably a lot of the purchases go through
referrals. accounts departments?
Now, we’ve come ahead of ourselves and
K: Correct.
we've sort of deviated and gone different ways
again, but I think — and I hope you agree — I’ve F; And the people that you’re dealing with aren’t ac-
painted a picture of the sort of thing that you tually writing the cheques?
mightbeable to do, the value you can add to your K: That's right.
F: So you mayhaveto look at that situationa little
K: Fantastic! Oh that’s great. differently to figure when is the emotional high
point to ask for that referral. But essentially, once
Rule 3: An Unusually Positive Experience you've delivered an unusually positive experience
F:; Ok. Now, moving on to the next point — deliver and in most small businesses people would then
an unusuallypositive experience. This is a really payfor — that’s the best time to ask for the money
good step, but I think most people understand for goods and services anyw: it’s just at that
this one in only a broad and superficial sense. pointthat is the best timeto ask forthe referral.
Most people would read this as providing great So my guess would be this. Your Health &
customerservice, butit’s far greater than that. Safety Consultants are working with clients and
The reasonthis step is socritical is that when it theytalk to them aboutsafety issues in a few dif-
comes time for you to ask for the referral, your ferent areas of their business. They give them
best chance for success is when your client is some very helpful information, and the clients
emotionally feeling their very best about doing then make some purchases based on that infor-
business with you. mation. The verybest time to ask for the referral

Telephone (+61-7) 3823 3230 Facsimile (+61-7) 3390 3610

The Kurt C. and Fletcher Potanin Consultation Transcript: Part 1 of 2

would be when those products arrived to the cli- Andironicallyit’s really thoselittle things that
ent’s office. Just after they have opened up the will show youcare in the waythat you deal with
boxes and are happy with what you’ve sent. customers. They will give people the perception
that your products are really worth something.
Making a Difference, the ‘Little Things’ That they’re valuable — that you’ve taken the care
NowI’m notsure what you do in your shipping andattention in selecting them.
or packaging, but we do business mostly by mail In the ‘Paddi in Las Vegas’ audio publication,
order, too, and we recognise that the onlydiffer- Padditalks somewhatofthelittle things.
ence we can make, the only way we can distin- K: That’s right.
guish our boxes from others is the way that we
package our products. The Quality of Paddi’s Dentistry
: Sure. F: Paddi discusses how in his business the little
F: So I think you’ve noticed that when we send things — his Critical Non-Essentials or CNe’s —
things directly from our offices, welike to wrap makeall the difference. That the quality of den-
them and adorn them with a bow andlavender tistry really doesn’t have much impact — Paddi
flower. could do his dentistry one way or another and
people wouldn’t really know what quality of care
: Outstanding, yes!
they’ve had.
F: Well we feel that’s a nice way of wrapping our And yet, they have a high perception of the
packages so that people are particularly impressed quality of dentistry because the tea is served im-
with the care that we’ve taken. peccably. Because their name and their photo-
It’s important that you do something similar graph are actually on the dooroftheir personal
with your packages ... something that reflects lounge when they cometo visit the practice. Be-
your personality and culture so that whenyourcli- cause they’re greeted at the door by aamebytheir
ents receive a shipment from you,it’s a real pleas- own Care Nurse when theyring the doorbell. So
ure for them. It’s an exceptional experience. It’s these are the Critical Non-Essentials, that are the
very different to packages they receive from little things that makeall the difference in Paddi’s
somebodyelse. business.
And that difference doesn’t have to be expen- NowKurt, your business is a little different,
sive, in fact it doesn’t have to take more time or butthe sameprinciples apply. Unlike Paddi’s pro-
cost more moneyatall. It just needsto bea little fessional service business, you rarely see your
difference, usually notrelated to the core of your customers. They don’t visit your offices, and so
business, that shows clients the care you take in therefore your opportunity to impress customers
paying attention to detail. with your CNe’s lies not in the way youcare for
Nowfinding that difference depends on what customers during an on-site visi, You're dealing
you do, your margins, the volume of the things with people mostly over the telephones, by corre-
that you do,and the culture of your business. But spondence and by mail order. In your business
I’ve known for example, a company that does model, it’s somewhat more difficult to distinguish
audio tape reproductionthat includes in every box yourself or the quality of your services. More dif-
they send out a nice little note, and attached to ficult, but not impossible. In essence, you have to
thatlittle noteis little zip lock bag with 5 or 10 look at each and every wayyouinteract with your
jelly beansin it. Andit’s always just a nice thing customers to find your CNe’s orlittle things. In
to get thosejelly beans. I’ve seen people in our terms of customer service these CNe’s will make
office race to open the boxes just to get the 5 all the difference in how your customers perceive
cents worthofjelly beans. your consultants and your company.
: Sure. K: Super!
F: Nowthat’s a very simple example of a wayofdif-
ferentiating yourself, and I’m sure there will be The Critical Non-Essentials in Mail-order
much morepotential in the things you do to sim- F: Ok. Probably the most important area to consider
ply and easily set yourself apart. You probably is the way your packages are delivered and the
have lots of opportunities to explore those little service that surrounds that experience.It’s fair to
things. say that when yourclients receive their packages, 149 Old Cleveland Road Capalaba Queensland Australia 4157 7

Part 1 of 2: The Kurt C. and Fletcher Potanin Consultation Transcript

they probably opened them up immediately to In the second part of this consultation transcript,
look through everything and check to make sure Fletcher explains howexceptional service makes
it’s right. Well it’s ideally right at that point that for exciting stories for customers to tell. Fletcher
you should be calling your best clients to make and Kurt also discuss how to make it easy for
sure everything arrivedsafely and on time. I sus- customers to refer, how to reward customers ...
pect youdo this anyway. Do you usually call? (and how NOTto), how to ask for the referral,
:Um, not always. Um, we do if it’s a rush
and they distinguish between a high-end and a
shipment or if it’s the first time they’ve or- more mainstream referral system.
dered from us.
Happiness & Profit: The PaddiSeries
: Ok. Wellifit’s the first time they’ve ordered,that
may be the most appropriate or most important Paddiis writing in detail aboutthe six most im-
time, but with your very best customers wouldn’t portantsystemsin his business. Now you can
you want to call for every package? These are benefit from Paddi’s experience in building a
you're A class customers. The ones you want businessthatis profitable, works well and brings
more of and the ones your Health & Safety Con- youpleasure.
sultants will be working with in depth. It may be Building the Happiness Centred Business - A$29.95
something to consider to actually go the extra mile Read howPaddi first learned that happiness in
with those people because they’re going to be the business can have such an impacton profits,
bread and butter of your business. and how communicatingefficiently with a few
simplerules can eliminate mostofthe pain of
K: I like that! I like thata lot!
business. (Also US$19.95 or UK£14.95)
Packages Like ‘Gold’ Plus these ‘Works-in-Progress’ Special Reports...
F; In which case, there is a particular concept that Mobilising Your CustomerSales Force - A$89
mayserve you to nutture within your team. Teach How Paddi madean incredible referral system
your team to view your products as though they and thrived!‘A’ class customers on-tap with no
are ‘gold’. If you encourage that sentiment, you marketing or advertising!
will begin to take the care and preparation with The Absolutely Critical Non-Essentials - A$89
your packages and handle them as though you are Simple systemsfor the ‘Little Things’ that im-
actually shipping gold to your clients, not just pa- press customers with your quality and become
per, plastic and metal. the talking points of your business.
Consider your products as gold because it will Simply Stunning Customer Service - A$89
give you a different perception of what you will HowPaddiquickly builds profitable long-term
do in handling your packages. It will give you a customer relationships with less effort, fewer
different mind-set about howyou’re going to people and amazinglevels of customer care.
handle your products and howyou're going to re-
TheSecret ofCustomers Who Love to Pay - A$89
act when you send them to people.
Customers paying on-time and enjoyingit?
That will help youtorealise that, yes, it’s very
important to payattention to detail and take care
Paddi showsyou how.Build customer trust (and
in your work. It’s very important to call and ask
profits) with Paddi’s ‘Buying Cycle’.
whether packages have arrived safely. It becomes Training Customers to Treasure Your Business - A$S89
very important to see that everything is OK and HowPaddiuses a simple system of education so
that yourclients have enjoyed whatyou’ve sent. that customersvalue his services, are anxious to
Adoptingthis philosophywill help youto jus- buy... and pay what he asks.
tify making the customer experience simply ex- Toorder,call or write to Loretta Cohenat:
ceptional. And that’s what you have to do if you Solutions Press
want to give your clients the incentive to refer 149 Old Cleveland Road
others like them, as well as the words and the ex- Capalaba, Queensland Australia 4157
citing storiesto tell others about yourbusiness. Telephone (+61-7) 3823 3230
K: Absolutely - great stuff! Facsimile (+61-7) 3390 3610
Orread aboutPaddi’s publications andlearn
... to be continued in Part 2! more abouthis business at our website:

Telephone (+61-7) 3823 3230 Facsimile (+61-7) 2 é ‘

Part 2: The Kurt C. and Fletcher Potanin Consultation Transcript

Paddi’s Systems Applied —- Part 2

Thesecondof a two-part Consultation Transcript between Hetcher Potanin and Kurt C.,
proprietor of a mail order Health and Safety Equipment business in the United States.

In Part 1 of this Consultation Transcript, Fletcher doing something really outrageous with the big
and Kurt discussed the principles that are the foun- box toattract their attention.
dation of a goodreferral system: which of your cus- Youcan even send them a separate package by
tomers you should ask to refer people to you (and normal postifit’s just a letter or a box ofjelly-
why NOTto ask everybody), how to introduce the beans or whatever youfeel is most appropriate for
idea ofreferrals early in yourrelationship with cus- your business. Paying particular attention to the
tomers, whento ask for the referral — critical timing — person who madethedecision is the critical fac
and how to make an exceptional experience so your tor.
customers have exciting stories to tell. Fletcher and
K: Yea!
Kurtalsoestablished the first 3 Rules of a successful
Referral System... F: So are you with me on where we are so far?
Rule 1: Knowthe customer youare trying to reach. K: Absolutely, fantastic, yea!
Rule 2. Knowthevalue you add in customer’s terms.
Rule 3: Create an unusuallypositive experience. In this consultation transcript, Fletcher Potanin,
publisher of Solutions Press is helping a gentle-
An Interesting and Exciting Story man, Kurt C., to apply Paddi’s referral concept,
system and ideas to his rather conventional busi-
FP; When youare asking for referrals, your customers
need to beable to tel an interesting and exciting
storyto their friends so that their friends are actu- Kurt runs a mail order safety products com-
ally going to be interested in calling you. And if pany, and he first heard of Paddi through Jay
you’re just the average business, you do things in Abraham and Mike Basch at an Abraham Sum-
the normal way, what reason would they have for mit. In Kurt’s own words,
calling you? Does that make sense? Over the last 18 years we have seen our-
selves as following this mission: To provide
K: Absolutely — great stuff! products that enhance the well-being, health
and safety of people at work, at home or at
F: So, part of that is the rdationship you're devel- play, around the word and around the clock.
oping between your Consultants and yourclient We supply products that protect people
But a big part of that is what you can do to make who are food handlers and food processors,
the transaction exciting and enjoyable. And like disposable gloves, hair nets and aprons,
there’s a lot tothat. etc. Those same products are sometimes
In manybusinesses that I know— and probably used in other manufacturing settingslike in
laboratories for people doing research.
in your case, too — the products go to the business
In addition, we have a complete line of
but the person whoordered them is not necessar- first aid products and our full line of safety
ily the person to open them. Is that correct? products which include hair protection and
safety spectacles, respirators, hard hats,
K: Correct. foot protection and signage, signs and labels
F: So then if they aren’t the person opening the and just about anything else you can think
of in that arena.
package in the first place, you should be asking
yourself, “How can I send something then to the Kurt’s businessis definitely more mainstream that
person who ordered that will make their experi- Paddi’s dentistry. This consultation is about Re-
ence exceptional?” ferral Systemsprimarily, and yet you'll read how
And that may be anything from including an easily and sensibly Paddi’s systems — each in its
extra something in the package with their name on turn — fit right into Kurt’s concept ofwhatis pos-
it, to alittle gift in the big box that you sent, of to sible and desirable in his business... 149 Old Cleveland Road Capalaba Queensland Australia 4157 1

Part 2 of 2: The Kurt C. and Fletcher Potanin Consultation Transcript

Rule 4: Makingit easyto refer who referred them and say, “How wonderful you
are! Thank you for referring me to this busin
F: Ok, so you’ve defined your customer. You're able
to now articulate the value that you've added to The Ultimate Accolade
your service. You’re making an exceptional expe-
rience for them — something that will give them Andthat is the ultimate accolade, the ultimate re-
reason to rave about you. And nowthe next thing ward for referring someone to a business — the
you dois focus on making it easy and in your cli- thanks and gratitude of the person that you've re-
ent’s self-interest to tel others about your busi- ferred.
ness. So from here, when creating your referral sys-
Now, this is a fascinating area. In making it tem, everything you do revolves around that
easy for your customers to talk about you, there whole process. Everything you do revolves
are a couple of things that we've already touched around makingit so that the person who did refer
on. First ofall, remember when we were defining feels that they did the right thing, that they en-
the customer and defining the value that you can joyedthe process and theyreceived the accolade
add to the relationships between your consultants and thanks. That’s critical.
and your customers? I asked you to consider those K: Great! Hum, I guess I’ve got two questions.
definitions in your customers’ terms. In words One is do you offer them a reward? Like in the
that you could say to your customers so that your past we actually put a price tag on it and said
customers would have wordsandinformation that that we would pay $25 for anybody that
they couldthenusetotell other people. turned out to be a referred customer.
So we've alreadygone little bit towardsthat. F: Ok.
In that you have the words and understand the
relationship and the value that you can add on K: This is the other catalogue so it was kind of
your customer’s behalf. Nowyou need to provide an impersonal process. I’m not sure it was
too terribly effective. I know we got somere-
your Consultants with the tools that will make it
ferrals but it wasn’t substantial.
very easy for them to describe your business to
their customers. F: I would besurprisedif it worked wellat all. In my
experience Kurt, in all the businesses that I’ve
Why Should a Client Refer? ever worked with that have a successful referral
system, none of them ever offered monetary re-
Your consultants need to be able to couch your wardfor referrals to the business.
services in terms that are benefit oriented to your People don’t like being bribed. Some people
customer or the referred person, but they also do, but P'd wager that those aren’t the sort of
need to convey a good reason whyit’s of benefit people who are going to be your ideal clients.
to your customersto actually refer their friends. And most people don’t even like the concept of
For your referral system to work successfullyin referrals for that reason.
perpetuity, your current customers need to receive
some Benefit from referring others. K: So what do you give these people for refer-
Nowthe ultimate reward is the gratitude of
yourfriends. I can suggest that when you provide Your Heartfelt Thanks
an exceptional experience, most of your A class
customers are going to want totell others about F: I don’t mean to be simplistic, but your heartfdt
you. thanks! Remember, the thing that is going to be
Customers are going to feel good when the the biggest reward for them is the accolade and
people they refer do business with you and then the thanksof their friends. The thing that you
those customers go out of their wayto thank the could do for them is the same thing. To actually
referring customer afterwards. Referred custom- say,
ers that are so excited that they go back to the “Kurt, the person you referred, Paddi Lund
person that told them about your business and from Patrick Land Dental Happiness actually did
theythank them for the astute recommendation. business with us the other day. He called and we
That’s really the ideal situation. That a referred were able to talk about some important health and
customer is so excited, enjoys dealing with your safety issues in his business. We had a great con-
business so muchthat they go back to the person vetsation, and we think we’ve worked out some

2 Telephone (461-7) 3823 3230 Facsimile (+61-7) 3390 3610

The Kurt C. and Fletcher Potanin Consultation Transcript: Part 2 of 2

wonderful health and safety solutions, not to Tcan think of one business in particular that
mentionsaving him a lot of money. created a successful referral system by giving
T just wanted to say thank you for introdudng something away, and in fact they took the idea
Paddito us because I know, Kurt, I know Paddiis from Paddi andreally ran with it in a different
going to be muchbetteroff for it. We’ve explored way. This just a great example
or uncovered somereally great things. So thank This business is a dental practice in Denver,
you very muchfor referring him. I knowhe’s go- Colorado. This business started with Paddi’s lead,
ing to benefit greatly.” they simplystarted asking customersto refer their
K: That'd be great!
Then following Paddi’s lead again, when a new
Its simple and very effective, That’s the sort of customerwasreferred they gave flowers to the re-
thing your consultants need to convey to A class ferring people. Nowbecause they knew where the
customers who refer. You canputit into a noteif person was, their address andall that, and because
you wantto, but a phonecall would be wonderful. their clients wereall in the local area, they actually
A phonecall to thank people for referring is very hadthe flowers delivered to the referring clients’
easy.It’s relatively quick and inexpensive. And if homes.
you’re developing a long-term relationship be- Well, once they started giving flowers — and
tween consultants and clients, then using both is you know alot of people don’t get flowers often,
probably the best wayto deliver the message. so they just love to receive them ... flowers are
just the most delightful gift — when they received
Thank-you Cards those flowers, people started referring more and
A nice thank you card will do wonders, too. And more newcustomers. And so this business got to
bythat I don’t mean an impersonal ‘with comps’ a point where they were sending out so many
slip on your normal stationery. Go buy a few flowers they dedded to save a little money and
thousandcards that you can set aside for special deliver the flowers themselves.
occasions so that when you need to thank some- So they hired a junior to drive around after
bodyfor something, you can doit in an easy, sys- school one day a week and deliver all of those
tematised effective way. flowers. Well, pretty soon he got really busy.
Maybe for when customers do something nice They were getting so many new referrals they
for you. Maybe they’ve put you on to a new prod- couldn’t keep up with the ddiveries! So they
uct you didn’t know about, and_ particularly, started sending this kid out full time — just deliv-
maybetheyreferred some good A class customers ering flowers!
to your business. Write them a thank-you note!
Mymother brought me up in a way that when A BrightIdea!
somebody does something nice for you in your This kid was a creative type, and so one day he
personal life, naturally ... well you'd just write had a prettybright idea. Nowthis business had a
them a thank-you note, wouldn’t you? That’s what lot of children patients. A lot of children came to
we normallydo, and wereally enjoy getting thank- the practice so it was a really childlike environ-
you notes from other people, too. Especially ment —a lot of fun happythings going on.
when theyre heartfelt and they're meaningful. Well this bright creative high-school student
And so your customers are no different. decided to paint his delivery van in a western
K: That's good stuff! So you wouldn't offer them theme. He then dressed himself up in a cowboy
like a rebate ora discount on their next order hat, chaps, boots, the whole nine yards. He even
if they referred someone? You would just do it had six shooters on his side! And he began deliv-
with a thank-you card or phone call and ering flowers in his cowboyoutfit and van. And
maybe a small memento - something that the in big western letters, he painted on theside of his
company sells or a free pair of sunglasses or van the words, ‘Hop-a-long Cavity’!
something like that?
K: (Chuckles) That's great!
Story ofa Successful System
Hop-a-Long Cavity
F: Yes, well you coulddo that. In myexperience,the
businesses that have given something away that F: Tell me about it! And so Hop-a-long Cavity would
have been mostsuccessful have been ... comedelivering these flowers day after day, and
he just did that on a whim — you know, to have 149 Old Cleveland Road Capalaba Queensland Australia 4157 3

Part 2 of 2: The Kurt C. and Fletcher Potanin Consultation Transcript

fun with it. Well it got to a point where all these In your business you mayfindthat an extra few
kids were coming into the practice asking, things in someone’s next order may make all the
“Where’s Hop-a-long? Where’s Hop-a-long Cav- difference. In other words if someone who has
ity? We wantto see Hop-a-long Cavity! just referred another calls to order more products
Soit was just a huge success. And there was from you, you might thank them on the telephone
such a wave of momentum that the whole bus‘ for referring their friend and make a point of
nessstarted dressing in western cowboy and cow- sending a card letting them know how kind and
girl outfits. And because their focus was children gracious it was of them.
mostly, it just workedbeautifully. So it was kind But then you also might add an extra box of
oflike a western theme at the OKcorral for the glovesto their orderas just onelittle way of saying
kids. thank-you very muchforreferting somebody.
K: Wow! K: Cool!

A Simple Bunch of Flowers A System thatFits with Your Culture

F: Anywaythat’s the wayit worked for one business. F: You mayfind that system works very well. In my
Thereferral system and the waythey adaptedit to experience, however something outside of the
their culture just carried them to an entirely differ- core of your business will be far more effective,
ent level. And nowtheygetall the referrals they far more impactful. Because it shows you have
can handle. But they didn’t bribe anybody! All gone to some troubleto say thanks. But you must
they did was to thank people with a bunch of find a system that works for you and that fits with
flowers. the culture of your business.
I think it comes down to this, Kurt. If you of- Whatever you do, don’t ever promise that
fer people financial reward, or products for refer- you're going to send something as a gift! And
ring, they don’t tend to enjoythe process. But if never promise a thank-you note on the phone.
you do things as you would normally when some- Just let it show up to be a delightful unexpected
one does something really nice for you in your surprise. Always under-promise and over-deliver.
personallife, then people tendto respond well. That wayyou aren't creating expectations, ou’ re
In your personal life when someoneis really exceeding expectations.
kind to you, well you mightgive them little box
K: Great! Fantastic, and how often can you ask
of sweets, or a bunch of flowers, or write them a
for those referrals?
nice note, or take them out for dinner somewhere.
Depending on yourrelationship, those are the How Often Can You Ask?
sorts of things that a caring individual would do.
And those ate the things you should look for in F: Interesting question. I can’t say in your business.
rewarding customersfor thereferral. You'll haveto test to see what works. In the busi-
nesses that I’ve seen so far, people are most im-
K: Great idea! pressed usually at the conclusion of their first
pleasurable transaction. When you’ve created an
Rule 5: Recognise the referring person experience for your best customers thatis just ...
T; And that leads us to the next point of recognising well it’s nothing short of exceptional!
the referring person in an unusual way. An un- When people are so excited and so impressed
usual wayis something thatis different to what with the difference in dealing with your business
people would normally expect but is really per- than with others ... that’s the time to ask for the
sonal and friendly. referral. That’s the time when they’re most ex-
Now I’m not going to tell you what’s right or cited.
what’s wrong for your business, but I can tell you Nowin your business though, it sounds like
in my experience that more personal things have the average client deals with you quite often, quite
worked exceptionally well. And that’s the thank- frequently and quite regularly. And so it may be a
you notes, the calls to say thank-you, a bunch of goodidea for you to ask more than once. Cer-
flowers or a small treat or someother personallit- tainly, you needto ask after their veryfirst trans-
tle gift. Because that’s what we would normally do action.
in our personallives. If I were you, I would make a point to call
every A class customer to check that their ship-

4 Telephone (+61-7) 3823 3230 Facsimile (+61-7) 3390 3610

The Kurt C. and Fletcher Potanin Consultation Transcript: Part 2 of 2

ment hasarrived safely and to their satisfaction. whoare the 8 or 10 dosest people in yourlife and
Because that would be the perfect time for your then we'll cold call and harass them to join MCI.”
consultant to ask that question, “Would you Nobodylikes receiving cold calls and being
please refer people who are like yourself and sold to. That may not have been MCT’s original
would be goodclients and refer them to me spe- intention, but that certainly was the perception.
cifically?” Andthat perception of the processofreferrals has
So ask when the package has arrived and been heightened in public awareness in the last
they’re most impressed. When they’ve at least had decadeasit’s become more commonplace.
a chance to open the package,orif it’s dispatched K: Yea.
to a different department, they have received that
little something that you sent them in lieu. Be Careful with the Words You Use
K: So after someone has referred you really F: And so, we’ve shied away from that completely.
could ask them again in the thank-you call.
When you’re asking for the referrals, I would
“Thanks for referring Paddi. I just wanted to
let you know he was absolutely delighted and never actually ask, “Do you have anybodyelse in
we really enjoyed doing business with him. I mind who mightlike what we do?” Because that’s
know we're going to save him a lot of money. asking the question ‘give me a name’.
By the way, is there anybody else that comes So be very careful in the words that you use
to mind?” that people don’t feel obligated to give you a name
Can you overdo it? and a numberstraight away. Because that’s not
what you want.
The‘Friends and Family’ Routine Now, this comes down to something that we
haven’t touched on: makingit easy to refer others.
F: Yes, of course you can, but commonsense will Younotice in the back of Paddi Lund’s book,
tell you when youhave. Test different approaches “Building the Happiness-Centred Business’, that
andlet your customers decide with their referrals. there are referral cards? Andin those cards it ex-
Onething I would suggest that you don’t dois ... plains howto buythe book, whereto find it and a
Tm notquite sure how you’ve donethings in the little bit about the bookitsclf?
past, but there are some businesses that ask their In most successful referral systems that we’ve
customersto write down the names and addresses seen, and particularly in Paddi’s, a critical element
and phone numbersofthree people who might be —the key to the system’s success — lies in the de-
interested in their services. Then that business vice that you give to your dients, the tools that
writes those three people or cold calls them out of your clients then give to their friends while ex-
the blue. plaining yourstory.
K: Yea...
Paddi’s ‘Invitation’ System
F: Consumers in my experience don’t like that kind
of referral system. And that process has given Paddi goes to great lengths to makeit easy and
manypeople in the marketplace a bad perception enjoyable for his clients to refer, rather ‘invite’
ofreferrals. their friends. It’s rather an exclusive privilege,
really, First, he doesn’t ask everybody to invite
K: Ok. We've done that before. their friends, and clients are told that before they
F: Andhasit worked for you? cometo the practice in the Bargain.
Next Paddi buys a gold card referral cardholder
K: Hmm, it has but not in a huge volume and and hashis client’s name engraved on the front.
very spotty.
Then Paddi places a few gold foiled Invitation
F: In our experience people don’t feel good about Cards in the holder, each printed in a fine copper-
giving out personal information of theirfriends. It plate script with the customer’s and their Care
sort of reaps of what is it MCI did in the Nurse’s nameonit.
United States in the early 1990's? Their ‘Friends The Care Nursegivesthis holder and cards in a
and Family’ marketing programme? “Sign up with black velvet pouch to her client at just the right
MCI andtell us the details of the people you call moment — when the first round of dentistry is
the most and we'll give you a 15%additional dis- successfully completed and the client is most
count on thosecalls.” A lot of people didn’t like happy.
that. What they werereally saying was, “Tell us 149 Old Cleveland Road Capalaba Queensland Australia 4157 5

Part 2 of 2: The Kurt C. and Fletcher Potanin Consultation Transcript

And with the cardholder comes an Extra In- helpeda little to create. If it’s simply, “This place
formation Sheet for their ‘Wdcome Book’titled, is great! You got tocall this number to get your
‘Inviting Your Friends to See Us’ which explains stuff...”, well then that’s a bit different.
why, and in customer’s terms,it is to their benefit
K: Ok, I see.
toinvite their friends to the practice.
And theresults are astounding, Clients love the F: There’s really nothing better, more powerful than
process. Andit happens the same wayeverytime, looking friend in the eye and making a personal
without fail! The key to that system is the way referral. You can ask your clients to do it over the
Paddi presents his referral tools. They make all telephone, or even by mail is ok. But understand,
the difference. there’s nothing like the power of doingit face-to-
face,like over a cup ofcoffee or tea.
A Good Referral Tool Makes It Easy So tailor your system so that yourclients do it
Because goodreferral tools make it easy. Easy to that wayif you can. Particularly with your A class
refer because your client has something to give customers. You might want to copy some of
their friend andeasy for the new person because Paddi’s system in that regard. Makea little card for
they have contact information and learn a little your clients to present which describes how to
about you. It makesit easy to find you. find you and whatyou do.

K: Could it be something like a postcard with, “If A Referral ‘Postcard’

you know of a friend who would enjoy our
Bythe way, what we just described — the postcard
catalogue or more information, please give us
idea — mayactually be brilliant referral process
their name and address and sendit back to
us.” for the rest of your customersif you includeit in
every package that you send out.
F: Or howaboutyou write the postcardasif it were
from your client to their friend, make it postage K: Sure!
paid, and then ask yourclienttofill in the blanks! F: That card may go in everything you do, but for
Write a little note to say, “You got to call this yourclients who are your best customers — the
companybecause theydid a great deal for me on customers of your Health & Safety Consultants —
such andsuch andtheir service for such and such you may want to create a system that’s at a level
wasjust outstanding. And they werereally helpful just a set above the postcards.
to mein this area.” And instruct your dients to You mayactually want to — at just the right
postit for free to their friends or contacts in other time when you have completed yourfirst pleasur-
companies. able transaction — ask your consultants to send
K: Great! specific business card sized referral cards that say,
“Myname is Kurt C. I’m a Health & Safety Con-
F: So, in other words, if you're writing a postcard, sultant with American Health andSafety...
don’t ask your clients to write names and ad-
dresses and send them to you. K: And myspecial reason for calling you today is
that Bill suggested I give you call...
K: Oh?
F: Ask them to send the card specifically to their Sample Card Text
friend and make sure the card something F: Well actually, no. No, here’s where I was coming
about you. Because again, people don’t like to from. You might make a card that says something
give names and numbers. like,
K: Yup. “Hello my name is Kurt C. ’'m a Health &
Safety Consultant with American Health and
: So Pd tryand avoid that if Iwere you. A) Because

Safety. The person giving youthis card is one of

it doesn’t really work but B) because it'll put a
our best customers, and we have a mther special
weird feding in your customers’ minds. relationship.
K: Oh. If he’s giving you this card, it means you may
be the type of person that he feels would enjoy
A Personal Recommendation the veryin-depth, close and personalrelationship
F: If they’re writing directly to their friend then it’s that we have discussing ideas to help alleviate
simply a personal recommendation that you’ve health andsafety concernsin business.

6 Telephone (461-7) 3823 3230 Facsimile (+61-7) 3390 3610

The Kurt C. and Fletcher Potanin Consultation Transcript: Part 2 of 2

Please feel free to call me upon the recom- their companyis headed in a particular direction.
mendation of the person giving you the card to Orin fact, the consultant may have exhaustedall
discuss those sameissues in your business.” of the areas in which they can explore health and
In other words, the card posi jons your con- safety issues, and it may be to the customers ad-
sultants well in this new person’s eyes — not as a vantage not to have that same relationship with
‘sales rep’ but as an advisor with valuable infor- the consultant anymore.
mation to share. Anyway, that customer’slife with you as an A
So you may have little card saying just that Class client may be coming to a close. At that
because it then defines therelationship you want point the Consultant probably knows that this
to have with your best customers. Andyou do it customeris going to drop off his A Classlist. And
on the front end so that clients expect that and are that means with a little experience, he can proba-
attracted to it. You don’t haveto ‘sel? it when bly guess when he’s going to need an extra 2 or 3
they comeon board. moreclients, right?

K: Yup.
Give Clients a Vocabulary
F: In which case, he maybe ableto talk to one of his
Notonlythe card, you need to give your custom- newcustomers who is very happy with whathe is
ers the words to use when describing your busi- doing and say somethinglike, “I actually have one
ness and your consultants. Now we’ve already space coming up next week for a newcustomer. I
discussed that in terms of defining your ideal don’t ask everybody, but I thought you might like
customer andthe value you addto your products to invite a friend of yours to be a customer in
andservices, but you have to give your customers consultation with me as youare.”
the wordsto use.
You need to actually give them the piece of K: Fantastic!
paper, or instructions, that explains why your F: Andin the idealsituation, the Consultants may be
Consultants take people only by referral. Some- so exclusive that you don’t ask too manypeople.
thing that also explains the value of the relation- Butyouask, “You're the best person I could think
ship and what's in it for the customers. Basically, of because we’re doing great things for you. I deal
howit all works. with a numberof clients and I’m very busy, but I
So there are tools that you will need to create have one space coming up next week. I thought
in terms of education and information forclients. youmight havea friend who would beinterested
Now, I think you said that each of your Consult- in having the samerelationship that we do?”
ants can handle about 250clients total.
K: Great idea!
K: Correct. F: And whentheysayyes, you might then send them
F: So then the more you can develop that relation- alittle referral kit like Paddi’s. Thislittle kit might
ship and build it up, the more exclusiveit will be- contain a one or two page letter describing the
come. That means, if there is only room for 250 benefits of your service and of the consultation
peopletotal, and theyareall ideal customers, and process, what your client should say to their
your consultants are all very busy with these cus- friends, as well as a few little cards that they can
tomers, they just can’t take any more on. That give to their friends that will help them to contact
then becomes a rather exclusive relationship your you and understand what you do.
consultants have with their businesses, and you
can use that to your advantage. K: Awesome!

High-end vs Mainstream
Cycle of Life
F: So that might be an idea. Nowthat’s a very high-
Jay Abraham hasa conceptthathecalls the ‘Cycle end referral system. It is a referral system that re-
of Life’. It describes the time period whena cus-
quires a lot of hands-on contact. It'll probably
tomer is pre-disposed to want the products or cost you lot to do andyet if it works well — and I
services you can offer. Well, let’s say that the cycle
suspect thatit will —it’s going to be an exception-
oflife of one of your ideal customers is coming to ally profitable system for you.
a close. Your consultants will probablyrealise that
because the frequency of purchases is dropping K: Sounds outstanding!
off, or the individual may be moving positions or

www.solutionsp 149 Old Cleveland Road Capalaba Queensland Australia 4157
Part 2 of 2: The Kurt C. and Fletcher Potanin Consultation Transcript

F: And yet the other referral system that you talked F: Well, P’'m glad, Kurt. It’s been wonderful talking
about — that postcard — may bethe perfect lever- with you,andit’s fun to be able to share the ideas.
agedreferral system for your mainstream B Class I hope I’ve given you some concepts that are of
customers whoaren’t quite high-endyet, but are use and are of value.
still profitable and a goodpart of your business.
K: You have. I appreciate it, too. Thanks again!
Tt doesn’t require as much personal contact. It
certainly won't be nearly as effective, and yet it END: 12:20 pm,6 June, 1998
may be worthwhile to do. Particularly if you call Capalaba, Queensland, Australia
every one of your customers, when they order
from you the first time to make sure everything Happiness & Profit: The PaddiSeries
was ok with their order.
You personally wouldn’t make that call. Nei- Paddi is writing in detail about the six most im-
ther would your consultants. I suspect you’d portant systemsin his business. Now you can
probably find somebodya little less skilled or benefit from Paddi’s experience in building a
qualified to make that call just to make sure the business thatis profitable, works well and brings
package arrived. But that is a great time to ask, you pleasure.
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You can’t have an effective referral system unless TheSecret ofCustomers Who Love to Pay - A$89
youhavebuilt a goodrelationship first, unless you Customerspaying on-time andenjoying it? Paddi
give customers exciting stories to tell, unless you shows you how. Build customertrust (and prof-
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and unless you educate your customers about the Training Customers to Treasure YourBusiness - A$89
fact that referrals are an important part of your How Paddi uses a simple system of education so
business. A goodreferral system can fit in per- that customersvalue his services, are anxious to
fectly with your regular marketing. And the great buy... and pay what he asks.
thing is, once you’ve created the system, it will Toorder,call or write to Loretta Cohen at:
keep workingtirelessly for you — your customers Solutions Press
will be out there telling others about you as long
149 Old Cleveland Road
as you keep asking them andconsistently deliver a
Capalaba, Queensland Australia 4157
goodservice. Nowthat’s whatI call leverage!
Telephone (+61-7) 3823 3230
K: Fantastic! All right! Well listen, I want to Facsimile (+61-7) 3390 3610
thank-you for these great ideas and your time Orread about Paddi’s publications and learn
Fletcher, this has been very helpful. This has
moreabout his business at our website:
been fantastic!

8 Telephone (461-7) 3823 3230 Facsimile (+61-7) 3390 3610

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