Module Test 2.: Exercise 1. Use Present Continuous or Present Simple

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Module test 2.

Exercise 1. Use Present Continuous or Present Simple.

1. I____________________ (to write) a composition now. 2. I ____________________(not to

drink) milk now. 3. I______________________ (to go) for a walk after dinner. 4.
I___________________ (not to go) to the theatre every Sunday. 5. He _________________(not
to read) now. 6. He __________________(to play) now. 7 ______he __________________(to
play) now? 8. My mother___________________ (to work) at a factory. 9. My aunt
____________ {not to work) at a shop. 10. _______you _________________(to work) at an
office? 11. My friend ____________________(to live) in St. Petersburg. 12. My cousin
______________________(not to live) in Moscow.

Exercise 2. Use Present Continuous or Present Simple.

One Sunday Agnes and her mother went to the zoo. Agnes was very excited. She was interested
in everything she saw. "Mother, look," she said. "There -_____________(to be) a monkey in this
cage. It ___________________ (to eat) an apple. Now it ___________________ (to give) a bite
to another monkey. I __________________(to think) monkeys ____________________(to like)
apples very much." "Yes, dear," said her mother. "Now I _______________________ (to want)
to go and see the lions and tigers. Where _______ they _________________ (to live), mother?"
"In that big house over there. Come along." Agnes enjoyed herself very much in the lion house.
"Mother," she said, "the tiger _____________________ (to want) a drink: it ______________(to
go) to the dish of water there in the corner. And the lion __________________(to look) right at
me. _______you ___________________ (to think) it _____________________(to want) to eat
me up? When _________the lions and tigers __________________(to have) their dinner,
mother?" "The keepers _____________________ (to bring) them great pieces of meat every day
at four o'clock. And they __________________ (to make) a big noise before their dinner time, so
everybody ___________________ (to know) they _____________ (to be) hungry."

Exercise 3. Present Continuous, Present Simple, Past Simple or Future Simple.

1. We ______________________ (to go) on a tramp last Sunday. 2. ______your brother

_______________ (to go) to the country with us next Sunday? 3. Granny __________________
(not to cook) dinner now. 4. We ______________________(to cook) our meals on a fire last
summer. 5. My sister __________________________(to wash) the dishes every morning. 6.
When ______you __________ (to go) to school? 7. What ________ you _________________
(to prepare) for breakfast tomorrow? 8. You (to invite) your cousin to stay with you next
summer? 9. How _______ you _____________________(to help) your sister last summer? 10. I
_______________________(to send) a letter to my friend tomorrow. 11. Every morning on the
way to school I _______________________ (to meet) my friends. 12. My friend __________(to
go) to the library every Wednesday. 13. He ____________________________(not to go) to the
country yesterday. 14. Why _______you ____________ (to go) to the shop yesterday? 15. We
____________________(to grow) tomatoes next summer. 16. What ______ you __________ (to
do) now? 17. He ___________________(to sleep) now. 18. Where ______ your father
_______________ (to work) last year? 19. You ___________________ (to go) to the south next
summer! 20. He ________________________ (not to watch) TV yesterday. 21. Yesterday we
_______________________(to write) a test-paper. 22. 1 _______________________(to buy) a
very good book last Tuesday. 23. My granny ___________________________ (not to buy)
bread yesterday. 24. What _______ you ________________________ (to buy) at the shop
tomorrow? 25. Don't make noise! Father __________________________________(to work).

Exercises 4. Translate into English.

1. Твоя дитина спить зараз ?- Ні, вона бавиться іграшками.

2.Петро слухає музику в даний момент ? – Ні, він відпочиває.
3. Тобі сподобався фільм, який ми дивились минулої ночі ? – Я не знаю.
4. О котрій годині ти вечерятимеш завтра ? _ О сьомій годині.
5. Ми завжди їмо смачну піцу у цьому кафе.

Exercise 5. Answer the following questions.

1. What is your favorite meal for dinner?

2. What did you eat for breakfast yesterday?
3. When will you have lunch tomorrow?
4. What do you usually eat for supper?
5. What sweet fruits do you know ?
6. Name your favorite vegetables.

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