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1. Use appropriate sentence connectors in the blank spaces of the following passage.

a. Trees are a vital part of our environment. (a) _______, they bear a great impact on the
climate. (b) _______, we are not careful about them. (c) _______, we destroy trees at
random. (d) _______, one day the country will bear the consequence of greenhouse effect.
(e) _______ ours is an agricultural country, our economy depends on it. (f) _______, our
agriculture is dependent on rain. (g)____,trees play a vital role on our climate. (h)
_______, trees keep the soil strong. (i) _______, trees save us from flood (j) _______
many other natural calamities.

b. Mobile phone has added a new dimension in our communication system. It has made the
world closer to us. (a) _______ it has made worldwide communication easier. We use it
for our day-to-day communication. (b) _______, it has been part and parcel in our life as
we cannot go for a single day without using it. We use it for rapid communication. (c)
_______, mobile phone is not free from defect. It has some negative sides as well. (d)
_______, excessive use of mobile phone may damage our hearing power. (e) _______, it
is a means of money wastage. (f) _______, it is seen that many underworld crimes are
being done with the use of mobile network. (g) _______, the radiation from mobile phone
may cause cancer to the users. (h) _______, we are aware of these harmful effects. (i)
_______, we are not aware of using the mobile phone. (j) _______, we must have to be
conscious of the negative impact of mobile phone.

2. Identify the unclear pronoun references in the following paragraph. Where necessary,
rewrite the sentence so that all pronoun references are clear.

a. Travelling is a part of education. These means going from place to place. One can enhance
knowledge by going from place to place. This gives one the opportunity to see the unseen and
know the unknown. Some people are averse to travelling. This limits his vision. However, by
travelling different parts of the world, my knowledge may be enriched.

b. Education is the birthright of every man. But even then many people in our country are
deprived of this for many reasons. They are unconscious and unskilled for want of it. For this,
they are unable not only to develop their own fate on their family, but also unable to pay any
role for the development of society or the state. If the people are not properly educated, that is
not possible. So, the more we can educate our people, the more the country will be
developed. With a view to developing human resource, the government has given many
incentives in the field of expanding the primary and the secondary education. We must ensure
these for every child of the country.
3. Fill in the blanks in the text with articles (a/an/the) as necessary. Some of the blanks may
not require an article. Put a cross(x) in those blanks.
a. Money can’t bring a)_____ happiness in the world. It is true that money is b)_____ most
important necessity in everyday life. Everything is necessary in man’s life for happiness. But
happiness is absolutely c)___ psychological thing. It is d)____ name of e)___ feeling. It
means f)___ contentment. One who is satisfied with what one gets and contented with one’s
life is g)____ happy man. Happiness can’t be bought with h)____ money. Everybody will
admit that i)____ money has undoubtedly nothing to do for bringing j)____ happiness.

b. We know a)____ man is b)____ rational creature. It is c)___ rationality in him which
makes him d)___ different species. He can differentiate between e)___ right and f)____
wrong. This is why g)___ man is considered h)___ best creation of i)___ Creator of j)____

4. Complete the text with suitable prepositions.

a. We got our freedom (a) ____ the sacrifice of hundreds and thousands of (b) ____lives. The
patriots (c) ____our land fought (d) ____ the oppression of the West Pakistani rulers. Finally,
the oppressors were bound to surrender (e) ____ our freedom fighters. But a great number (f)
____the sons of the land died (g) ____ the war. Soon (h) ____the war, the government (i)
____ Bangladesh founded the National Memorial (j) ____ memory of the martyrs.

b. The environment plays an important role (a) ____our life. (b) ____short, what we have (c)
____ us including people, houses, air, water etc. is called environment. These are the main
elements (d) ____our environment. (e) ____ ensuring sound life the balance (f) ____the
natural elements is very significant. Sometimes (g) ____lack of knowledge, we don’t realize
the importance (h) ____ it. As a result, we are polluting our environment unknowingly.
Living (i) ____ a polluted environment is undoubtedly a matter (j) ____ great regret.

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