Read The Text and Fill in The Gaps With The Correct Form of Verbs As Per Subject and Context

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Read the text and fill in the gaps with the correct form of verbs as per subject and

1.There are many reasons for which many students in our country a)____ (fail) in English. That English is a foreign
language is the main reason. English is as if it b)____ (to be) a language c)____ (mean) for a particular class of
people. It d)____ (regard) as a sheer wastage of time. They e)___ (begin) to cram English as though they
f)_____(consider) cramming is the only way to learn English. But g)____ (have) they been earnest in learning
English, they could have h)___ (learn) it easily. Moreover, they are not i)____ (motivate) properly. In addition, the
textbooks j)____ (not write) according to the need of the learner.

2. One very conspicuous change in our society a)____ (be) the presence of working women outside the home. Of
course, it b)___ (acknowledge) that women have always c)____ (work) within the household but this commonly
d)____ (count) as ‘work’. Even their role in agricultural societies e)___ (recognize) either. From the urge f)___
(establish) their own identity many of them are now g)___ (enter) the outside workforce. They h)____ (join) a wide
range of professions. Moreover, it is not only educated women who i)___ (opt) to work but women with little or no
education j)____ (come) out of their cocoons to become self-reliant.

3. Mr. Mojumder a)____ (be) an English teacher for the last 15 years. We are his students now. Earlier we b)____
(have) another teacher, Mr. Sarker. We never c)____ (see) him smiling. He d)___ (not explain) anything to us. We
really (e)____ (fill) bored in his class. However, Mr. Mojumder (f)____ (change) our class with his nice attitude.
Every day he (g)___ (involve) us in pair work and group work. We have a presentation in English on Monday. We
(h)____ (present) survey findings on Tobacco consumption. For the last few days, we (i)___ (work) hard for a smart
presentation. My team (j)___ (decide) to do power point presentation.

4. Once there a)____ (live) and idle king. He b)____ (not undergo) physical labor. As a result, he c)___ (get) bulky
and could not move from one place to another. He d)____ (call) in a doctor. The doctor e)___ (be) clever and wise.
He didn’t f)___(prescribe) any medicine for the king. He asked the king to buy a club and g)____ (move) it in the air
till his hands h)___ (get) moistened. The king started i)____ (follow) the prescription. Thus, the king j)___ (relieve)
of his problem.

5. My friend Bob Jones (a) ______ (have) a motorcycle accident on Highway yesterday. Fortunately, one passing
police officer (b) ____ (see) him (c) ____ (lie) on the side of the road and (d) ____ (call) an ambulance. He (e)
_____ (take) to the nearest hospital. He ____ (be) fine now even though he (g) _____ (have) a broken leg and
bruises all over. His doctor (h) ____ (expect) to release him in two or three days. Bob (i)_____ me that he (j) ____
(speed). He thinks the accident was caused by the bad condition of the road.

6. It is high time, we (a) _____ (use) our brain about the curse of dowry. The issues of dowry (b) _____ (have) be
considered in view of a country’s socio-economic, cultural, political circumstances. United efforts (c) _____
(require) to put an end to violence against women. A specific framework must (d) _____ (draw) up to (e) _____
(implement). Anyway, we can hope that dowry (f) _____ (come) to an end in the time to come. We dare to (g)
_____ (hope) so because our girls are being (h) _____ (educate) day by day. Parents’ mentality (i) _____ (change)
gradually. People (j) _____ (be) more conscious.

7. Bangladesh (a) _____ (rank) 177th out of 190 countries (b) _____ (survey) by the World Bank in its Ease of
Doing Business Index for 2018, (c) _____ (set) us a notch down from last year’s ranking. To put that into
perspective, our rank is actually worse than the war (d) _____ (ravage) countries of Iraq and Syria. It is actually
easier to (e) _____ do business in countries that have only recently (f) _____ (end) civil wars than in a relatively
peaceful Bangladesh! Moreover, whi1e Bangladesh kept going down in ratings, neighboring India (g) _____
(achieve) an incredible feat by going up 30 notches within one year! This (h) _____ (come) as much of surprise
though, since our rating continuously h) _____ (go) down since 2006, from an initial rank of 65. However, this
unfavorable score is found (j) _____ (discourage) foreign investors from coming to Bangladesh as it is a clear sign
of our nation's hostility towards organizations.

8. Today we (a) _______ (be) a free nation. We (b) _______ (have) to take great pains to take freedom. Our War of
Liberation (c) _______ (take) place in 1971. People from all walks of life (d) _______ (come) forward and got (e)
_______ (involve) in the war directly or indirectly. Many a man (f) _______ (kill) in the battlefield never (g)
_______ (flee) from the batter field (h) _______ (show) their backs. Rather all of them (i) _______(contribute)
much to (j) _______ (achieve) independence.
9. The Liberation War of Bangladesh inspired many artists, signers and cultural activists. Eminent artiste Shaheeen
Samad a)____ (join) Bangladesh Mukti Sangrami Shilpi Sangstha during the Liberation War. She along with others
(b)___(inspire) millions with her voice (c)___ (rise) funds for the refugee camps. The cultural troupe used to d)___
(travel) to refugee camps and different area in Mukta Anchal. They (e)___ (perform) patriotic songs and arranged
puppet shows besides (f)___(stage) dramas. Shaheen Samad said, “Liberation War always (g)____ (be) an
inspiration for me.” She sang a lot of songs during that time and now (h)____(feel) honored to have been able to
inspire the freedom fighters. She has the memorable harmonium with which she sang in 1971. Now, she
(i)___(wish) to hand it over to Liberation War Museum. This eminent artiste wants to see live performance of those
moving songs on TV channel, at least one song in a week and thus (j)__(cover) all the year round.

10. Truth always (a) _____ (succeed) in the world. Falsehood (b) _____ (win) for the time being. Those who (c)
_____ (live) in the world of truth are (d) _____ (respect) by al people. Those who (e) _____ (get) interest in (f)
_____ (tell) lies in life, they may prosper seemingly. But they (g) _____ (succeed) all the time. Socrates throughout
his life would (h) _____ (preach) the truth. He tried to make people (i) _____ (conscious) what (j) _____ (be) good
for them.

11. The Canterbury Tales (a) ______ (be) a collection of 24 stories that runs to over 17,000 lines (b) ______(write)
in Middle English by Geoffrey Chaucer between 1387 and 1400. In 1386, Chaucer (c) ______(become) Controller
of Customs and Justice of Peace and, in 1389, Clerk of the Kings work. It was during these years that Chaucer began
(d) ______(work) on his most famous text. The Canterbury Tales. The tales (mostly written in verse, although some
are in prose) (e) ______ (present) as part of a story-telling contest by a group of pilgrims as they travel together
from London to Canterbury to visit the shrine of Saint Thomas Becket at Canterbury Cathedral. The prize for this
contest is a free meal at the Tabard Inn at Southward on their return. After a long list of works (f) ______ (write)
earlier in his career including Troilus and Criseyde, House of Fame, and Parliament of Fowls, The Canterbury Tales
in near unanimously seen as Chaucer's magnum opus. Chaucer's use of such a wide range of classes and types of
people was without precedent in English. Although the characters are fictional, they still (g) ______ (offer) a variety
of insights into customs and practices of the time. It (h) ______ (suggest) that the greatest contribution to the
Canterbury Tales to English literature was the popularization of the English vernacular in mainstream literature, as
opposed to French, Italian or Latin English had, however, been (i) _____ (use) as a literary language centuries
before Chaucer's time, and several of Chaucer's contemporaries-John Gower, William Langland, the Pearl Poet, and
Julian of Norwich-also (j) _____ (write) major literary works in English. It is unclear to what extent Chaucer was
seminal in this evolution of literary preference.

12. Bangladesh (a) _____ (be) a developing country like other third world countries. Her economic development (b)
_____ (depend) firstly on agriculture and secondly on industry. Though Bangladesh is not (c) _____ (develop) in
industry, it (d) _____ (enrich) in garment industries in the recent past years. Now, garment industry (e) ____ (be) a
promising step. It (f) ____ (give) the opportunity of employment to many people. It (g)____(make) great
contribution to the development of our country. Bangladesh (h) ____ (export) forty thousand shirts in Germany and
earns, 1million US dollar. The income from garments is (i) ____ (increase) day by day. Undoubtedly, it (j) _____
(be) going to be the landmark for the nation.

13. A mother is a supreme gift (a) _____ (bestow) upon us by Allah. She (b) _____ (exercise) an undeniable
influence in (c) _____ (mould) the character of a child and also in (d) _____ (shape) its future destiny. A mother (e)
_____ (regard) as the best teacher, guide and protector. An educated mother can manage the family in a far better
way than a mother who has (f) _____ (have) no schooling. She (g) _____ (be) more interested in (h) _____ (get) her
children educated. So, it is often said that the hand that (i) _____ (rock) the cradle, (j) _____ (rule) the world.

14. Dowry (a) _____ (regard) as a great curse in our society. It may (b) _____ (compare) to cancer that is (c) ___
(increase) in our society at a great speed. The fathers of the brides (d) _____ (victimize) for dowry. If steps (e)
______ (take) against those greedy people, it (f) ______ (grasp) our society. It is mainly (g) ______ (see) in the rich
and educated society who (h) ______ (take) dowry as their right. So, we have to (i) ______ (develop) morality. The
culprits should (j) ______ (punish) to control it. Otherwise, it will be a society of torture and exploitation.
15. Books (a) _____ (possess) an essential immortality. They (b) _____ (be) the most precious products of human
efforts. Temples crumble into ashes; pictures and statues decay; but books (c) _____ (survive). Time is of no
account for great thoughts which are as fresh today as they (d) _____ (be) when they came through the author's
minds ages ago. What (e) _____ (be) then thought or said still (f) ______(speak) to us? Books (g) _____ (introduce)
us to the best society; they bring us into the presence of the noblest minds that have ever (h) _____ (live). We hear
what they (i) _____ (think) or said. We see them as if they (j) _____ (be) really alive.

16. Tigers (a) _____ (know) as ferocious animals. But they hardly (b) _____ (kill) any animal when they are no
hungry. Usually the tigers (c) _____ (reside) in the deep forest. They are hardly (d) _____ (see) in the open unless
there is a strong necessity. They often remain (e) _____ (hide) under the deep green in search of their prey.
Whenever they (f) _____ (discern) any prospective prey, they take a pose to (g) _____ (fall) upon it. Tigers often (h)
_____ (unite) themselves to (i) _____ (attack) their prey from different directions. An adult tiger (j) _____ (devour)
20 to 30 kilograms of meat at a single meal.

17. By the year 2019, we (a) _____ (appear) at almost all the admission tests. What we (b) _____ (tell) from our
seniors is that we have to read between the lines of all the textbooks. We have been doing so since (c) _____ (leave)
school. We have also been obligated to (d) _____ (study) rigorously since we (e) _____ (admit) ourselves into Notre
Dame College. Had we not been in such an environment, we (f) _____ (not school) ourselves with in-depth studies.
We (g) _____ (commit) to excellence. We will not stop until our goals (h) _____ (reach). We (i) _____ (see) many
misfortunes in the lives of many students. However, we are working hard lest failure (j) _____ (not taste) in our life.

18. It is high time we (a) _____(use) our brain about the curse of dowry. The issues of dowry (b) _____ (have)be
considered in view of country's socio-economic, cultural, political circumstances. United efforts (c) _____ (require)
to put an end to violence against women. A specific framework must be (d) _____ (draw) up to be (e) _____
(implement). Anyway, we can hope that dowry (f) _____ (come) to an end in the time to come. We dare to (g)
_____ (hope) so because our girls are being (h) _____ (educated) day by day. Parents mentality (i) _____(change)
gradually. People (j) _____ more conscious.

19. Man is a social being and a member of society. He (a) _____ (have) freedom of choice, thought and expression.
But everybody should (b) _____ (consider) that he is not the only person in a society. There (c) _____ (be) many
persons in the society and they (d) _____ (have) the same rights that one (e) _____ (expect) from one’s society. So,
to (f) _____ (form) a peaceful society one should be watchful to see that other’s rights are not violated. Every citizen
must (g) _____ (cultivate) the habit of obeying the rules and regulations of the society. Selfishness (h) _____ (not
help) the society. Rather it (i) _____ (destroy) the peace and happiness of others. So, we all (j) _____ (think) of the
greater interest of the society.

20. The presence of working women outside the home (a) _____ (be) a very conspicuous change nowadays. Of
course, it (b) _____ (acknowledge) that women always (c) _____ (work) within the house. This commonly not (d)
_____ (count) as work. Even agricultural societies (e) _____ (not recognize) their roles there. So, (f) _____
(establish) individual identity, many of them are (g) _____ (enter) outside workforce now. They (h) _____ (join)
wide range of professions. Not only educated women but also women with little education or no education (i) _____
(opt) to work and (j) _____ (come) out of their cocoons.


1.(a) fail; (b) were; (c) meant; (d) is regarded; (e) begin; (f) considered; (g) had; (h) could have learnt; (i) motivated;
(j) are not written.
2. (a) is; (b) has to be acknowledged; (c) worked; (d) is not counted; (e) has not been recognized; (f) to establish; (g)
entering; (h) are joining; (i) are opting; (j) have come
3. (a) has been: (b) had; (c) saw; (d) did not explain; (e) felt; (f) has changed; (g) involves; (h) shall present; (i) have
been working; (j) has decided/decided.
4. (a) lived; (b) would not undergo; (c) got; (d) called; (e) was; (f) prescribe; (g) move; (h) got; (f) following; (j) was
5. (a) had; (b) saw; (c) lying; (d) called; (e) was taken; (i) is; (g) has; (h) expects; (i) told; (j) had been speeding.
6. (a) used; (b) have to; (c) are required; (d) be drawn; (e) be implemented; (f) will come; (g) educated; (i) is
changing; (j) are being.
7. (a) ranks; (b) surveyed; (c) setting; (d) ravaged; (e) do; (f) ended; (g) achieved; (h) has come; (i) has been going;
(j) to discourage.
8. a) are; b) had; c) took; d) came; e) involved; f) was killed; g) fled; h) showing; i) contributed; j) achieve.
9. (a) joined; (b) inspired; (c) raising; (d) travel; (e) performed; (f) staging; (g) is; (h) feels; (i) wishes; (j) cover.
10. (a) succeeds; (b) wins; (c) live; (d) respected; (e) get; (f) telling; (g) do not succeed; (h) preach; (i) conscious; (j)
11. (a) is; (b) written; (c) became; (d) working; (e) are presented; (f) written; (g) offer; (h) has been /is suggested; (i)
used; (j) wrote.

12. (a) is; (b) depends; (c) developed; (d) got enriched; (e) is; (f) gives/has given; (g) makes/has made; (h) exports; (i)
increasing; (j) is.
13. a) bestowed; b) exercises; c) moulding; d) shaping; e) is regarded; f) had; g) is; h) getting i) rocks; j) rules.
14. (a) is regarded; (b) be compared; (c) increasing; (d) are being victimized/are victimized; (e) are not taken; (f)
will/may grasp; (g) seen; (h) take; (i) develop; (j) be punished.
15. a) possess; b) are; c) survive; d) were; e) was; f) speaks; g) introduce; h) lived; i) had thought; j) were.
16. a) are known; b) kill ; c) reside; d) seen; e) hidden; f) discern; g) fall; h) unite; i) attack; j) devours/can devour.
17. a) will have appeared; b) have been told; c) leaving; d) study; e) admitted; f) would not have schooled; g) are
committed; h) are reached; i) see/have seen; j) should not be tasted.
18. a) used; b) have to; c) are required; d) drawn; e) implemented; f) will come; g) hope; h) educated; i) is changing;
j) are.
19. a) has; b) consider; c) are; d) have; e) expects; f) from; g) cultivate; h) does not help; i) destroys; j) should think.
20. a) is; b) has to be acknowledged; c) have always worked; d) is not commonly counted; e) have not recognized/do
not recognize; f) to establish; g) entering; h) are joining; i) have opted/are opting; j) come/coming.

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