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Cohort System Contents
Cohort Analysis: ............................................................................................................................... 3

Initial Cohort: ................................................................................................................................... 3

Completion rate/Graduation rate for undergraduate students: .................................................... 3

How to access the Cohort System: .................................................................................................. 3

How to navigate the dashboards/sheets: ................................................................................... 4

How to use the Filters and other Options: .................................................................................. 5

The associative selection model:................................................................................................. 6

How to extract data from the system: ........................................................................................ 8

Glossary: ...................................................................................................................................... 9

Cohort Analysis:
Cohort analysis reports present the results of tracking commencing higher education student
outcomes over time. That is, after nominated periods, how many commencing students have
completed their studies, how many are still studying, and how many have not completed an
award program.

Initial Cohort:
All students who enter an academic Program as first-time, full-time, degree seeking
undergraduate students for the given Fall Semester.

Completion rate/Graduation rate for undergraduate students:

The percentage of the cohort class in a given Fall Semester who graduated within a designated
period of time. For example, in a four-year program, the "Four-Year Graduation" rate for the Fall
Semester 2008 cohort class is the percentage of the Fall Semester 2008 cohort class who
graduated from the institution before Fall Semester 2012.

How to access the Cohort System:

First: To access the BI-Cohort System, the user can use Internet Explorer, Microsoft Chrome or

Second: The user needs to enter TU\Username and Password.

Once the user is successfully login, he\she can view Cohort Analysis stream.

There are five different dashboards though which a user can view the required data, these are
as follows;

 Cohort
 Total Cohort Enrollment
 Retained till year end
 Passed / Graduated
 Passing Rate

How to navigate the dashboards/sheets:

Once the access is granted and the user can reach/view the above stated sheets/dashboards,
just click on the required sheet and it’ll open the dashboard to view and to explore the data.
Here for an example, we’re going to explore Cohort dashboard.

Once click on the Cohort, it will open the below dashboard to view and explore the data.

How to use the Filters and other Options:

Go to the desired filter option like Major or Joining Semester and it will show the related results
from the database.

Once a user clicks on the filter it will show all the possible options to browse the data. Below is
an example;

The associative selection model:
Making selections is the main interaction method in the system. When you make selections, the
colors of the values change accordingly. Color-coding is used in filter panes, selections list items,
and the selections tool, with the characteristic system colors green, white, and gray.
The colors bring you information about which field values are selected, alternative, possible and
excluded, respectively.
The following table lists which colors are used for the different states.
Selected Green, with a check mark as a selection indicator

Possible White

Alternative Light gray

Excluded Dark gray

Selected excluded Dark gray with a check mark as a selection indicator

By clicking once or again a user can select or unselect the value/s also by clicking on the X a user
can clear the selection.

By clicking on the a result (like year) a user gets the specific outcomes as stated below;

How to extract data from the system:
One of the major user concerns is that how to extract the data from the system and use it. It’s
quite easy as just make a right click and export the data in three different formats like image,
pdf or data (in excel). Below is an example;

So from now on, the system is ready for the users to explore the new horizon of data.

 Total cohort enrollment
o In the first year, meaning the year the students joined the program, the total
cohort enrollment is equal to the number of students who started the
program as new freshman in the specified join semester; these are new
students starting in Level 1 of the study plan.
o In subsequent years, the total cohort enrollments are the students who were
retained till year end in the previous year.
 Withdrawn Students
o Total students withdrawn from cohort either in the first or the second
semester of this year. “Withdrawn” means the student has dropped all
courses they were registered for in a particular semester and not just some
of them.
 Retained till year end
o (Total Cohort Enrollment) minus (Withdrawn Students)
 Passed
o A student has “Passed” an academic year if they are classified either as
“Conform to Plan” or as “Graduated” by the end of that academic year. What
is meant by “end of academic year” is after the grades of the summer term
of that academic year have been entered and the Student Information
System updated accordingly.
 Not passed
o These are the students who were “Retained till year end” but did not satisfy the
criteria of a “Passed” student. They are students who might have failed one of
their required courses in the study plan or students who did not take all the
courses of their level. The way this number is computed by the BI system is as:
*(Number of students “Retained till year end”) – (Number of “Passed”
 Graduated
o Students among the cohort who have graduated during the year/within
the designated period of time.
 Passing rate
o (Passed ) divided by (Retained till year-end) times 100% (Passed ) divided by
(Retained till year-end) times 100%


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