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This service provides detailed analysis of the relative prospects for four major asset classes: equities, bonds,
commodities and commercial property. It includes projected returns for 19 major indices over different time horizons
in both local and common currency. These projected returns are based on our economic and market forecasts and
draw heavily on our analysis of historical patterns and fundamental value.

The subscription to this service includes 8-9 emailed publications a month, access to our online research archive and
our economists, and the opportunity to attend our conferences, forums and webinars.

• Bold, independent views which frequently challenge conventional wisdom.

• Concise and detailed analysis of the mayor asset classes.
• Projected return in local and common currency over different time horizons.

Publications include:

Asset Allocation Outlook – Quarterly comprehensive analysis, covering the relative prospects for the asset classes in
the short run (current year) and the medium run (following two years).

Asset Allocation Chart Book – Monthly* comprehensive analysis, covering the relative prospects for the asset classes
in the short term and the medium term. *When there is no Outlook.

Asset Allocation Update – Frequent succinct analysis, covering the implications of a topical issue.

Asset Allocation Focus – Periodic in-depth analysis, covering the implications of a specific issue.

Asset Allocation Long-term Outlook – Annual comprehensive analysis, covering the relative prospects for the asset
classes in the long run (next five to ten years).

Capital Daily contains our analysis of the latest developments in the world’s major developed and emerging
economies. Our other services discuss issues in greater depth, but Capital Daily meets the demand for more frequent
commentary. It includes a section on key themes affecting the markets, a chart of the day, along with reviews and
previews of important data and events.

The subscription to this service includes 1 emailed publication a day, access to our online research archive and our
economists, and the opportunity to attend our conferences, forums and webinars.

• Daily analysis.
• Broad-based geographical coverage.
• Focus on economic and market developments.

Publications include:

Capital Daily – Comprehensive yet concise coverage of the key issues affecting global economies and markets.

This service complements the detailed analysis in our regional EM services by providing insights on cross-cutting
themes and issues affecting emerging markets and offering a big-picture outlook for growth, inflation and policy for
Emerging Asia, Emerging Europe, Latin America, MENA, and SSA. The service also includes access to a number of
our proprietary indicators, including our EM GDP Trackers, the Capital Economics Risk Indicator, and the Capital
Flows Tracker.

The subscription to this service includes 3-4 emailed publications a week, access to our online research archive and
our economists, and the opportunity to attend our conferences, forums and webinars.

• Consensus-beating forecasts from one of the largest team of EM economists in the world.
• Access to proprietary data that reveal what’s really happening in EMs.
• Rapid responses to events and non-consensus, big picture analysis.

Publications include:

Emerging Markets Economics Update – Short and timely commentaries on economic or market issues and events.

Emerging Markets Trade Monitor – A monthly assessment of the outlook for emerging world trade.

Emerging Markets Financial Risk Monitor – A quarterly review of economic and financial vulnerabilities in more
than 20 of the largest EMs.

Emerging Markets Activity Monitor – A timely look at economic growth using our proprietary GDP trackers for each
EM region and for the emerging world as a whole.

Frontier Markets Monthly Wrap – Monthly snapshot of key developments in frontier markets.

Emerging Markets Economics Chart Book – A monthly snapshot view of the emerging world in chart form.

Emerging Markets Economics Focus – Occasional “think pieces” on themes of current interest.

Emerging Markets Economic Outlook – Quarterly analysis of the performance and prospects of the key emerging

This service provides an overview of the world economy. It includes brief summaries of our views on current and
upcoming developments in individual countries and regions, but the focus is on wider implications and global

The subscription to this service includes 10-15 emailed publications a month, access to our online research archive and
our economists, and the opportunity to attend our conferences, forums and webinars.

• Bold views which frequently challenge conventional wisdom.

• Timely, clear and concise research.
• Comprehensive coverage of the world’s major economies.

Publications include:

Global Economics Update – Short and timely commentaries on global economic issues and events.

Global Trade Monitor – Monthly snapshot of world and regional trade flows and important developments in world

Global Inflation Watch – Offers a unique global approach to the analysis of current and future influences on inflation.

Global Central Bank Watch – Monthly analysis of monetary policy in the largest advanced economies, and a selection
of emerging economies.

Global Economics Chart Book – A monthly snapshot of the global economy in chart form.

Global Economics Focus – Periodic “think pieces” which highlight interesting and important issues in the world
economy and their implications.

Global Economic Outlook – Sets out our near-term and strategic view of the world’s major economies as well as our
key forecasts for each country.

This service provides detailed analysis and independent forecasts for global financial markets, covering both
advanced and emerging economies. It includes forecasts for the major asset classes based on our economic views and
analysis of fundamental value.

The subscription to this service includes 10-15 emailed publications a month, access to our online research archive and
our economists, and the opportunity to attend our conferences, forums and webinars.

• Receive timely insight into the latest market developments.

• Bold, independent views which frequently challenge conventional wisdom.
• Concise and detailed analysis, including forecasts.

Publications include:

Global Markets Update – Short and timely commentaries on global market issues and events.

DM Market Valuation Monitor – Quarterly backward and forward-looking analysis of the valuation of asset classes in
developed markets.

EM Market Valuation Monitor – Quarterly backward and forward-looking analysis of the valuation of asset classes in
emerging markets.

DM Markets Chart Book – Monthly analysis of the major developed asset markets in chart form, including equities,
bonds and currencies.

EM Markets Chart Book – Monthly analysis of the major emerging market asset classes in chart form, including
equities, bonds and currencies.

Global Markets Focus – Periodic “think pieces” typically looking at the outlook for a financial asset or asset class in
more depth.

Capital Markets Outlook – Quarterly analysis of the major asset markets.



This service offers in-depth economic analysis of the outlook for economic growth, inflation, trade, currencies and
policy rate trends and independent market forecasts for 15 countries: Nigeria, South Africa, Angola, Kenya, Ethiopia,
Ghana, Uganda, Zambia, Côte d’Ivoire, Tanzania, Mozambique, Botswana, Rwanda, Mauritius and Namibia.

The subscription to this service includes 3-4 emailed publications a week, access to our online research archive and
our economists, and the opportunity to attend our conferences, forums and webinars.

• Timely, clear and concise research.

• Unique, independent forecasts.
• Rapid responses, concise summations and detailed analysis.

Publications include:

Africa Rapid Response – Instant analysis of data or events.

Africa Data Response – Short notes on important data releases.

Africa Economics Update – Short and timely commentaries on economic or market issues and events.

Africa Economics Weekly - Provides the reader with a snapshot view of both the current situation and the week

Africa Chart Book – Provides a monthly snapshot view of the African economy in chart form.

Africa Economics Focus – Occasional “think pieces” on themes of current interest.

Africa Economic Outlook – This quarterly publication brings together our key views and forecasts for Africa’s
economy and its financial markets.

This service offers in-depth economic analysis and independent forecasts for the economies and financial markets of
Australia and New Zealand. There is a particular emphasis on how global events and commodities markets influence
the two countries and their exchange rates.

The subscription to this service includes 3-4 emailed publications a week, access to our online research archive and
our economists, and the opportunity to attend our conferences, forums and webinars.

• Receive timely, rigorous analysis.

• Unique, independent forecasts.
• Comprehensive coverage of the economies and financial markets.

Publications include:

Australia & New Zealand Rapid Response – Instant analysis of data or events.

Australia & New Zealand Data Response – Short releases.

Australia & New Zealand Economics Update – Short and timely commentaries on key economic or market issues
and events.

Australia & New Zealand Economics Weekly – Provides the reader with a snapshot of both the current situation and
the week ahead. It includes previews and forecasts of forthcoming events and data releases.

RBA Watch – Gives a view on the forthcoming rate setting meeting of the Australian central bank.

RBNZ Watch – Gives a view on the forthcoming rate setting meeting of the New Zealand central bank.

Australia & New Zealand Chart Book – Visual snapshot

Australia & New Zealand Economics Focus – Occasional “think pieces” on themes of current interest

Australia & New Zealand Economic Outlook – Detailed analysis and forecasts of the main parts of the Australian
and New Zealand economies.

This service provides detailed analysis and independent forecasts for Canada’s economy and financial markets,
offering both rapid responses to new data and developments, and more in-depth coverage of key themes, current
trends, and future developments.

The subscription to this service includes 3-4 emailed publications a week, access to our online research archive and
our economists, and the opportunity to attend our conferences, forums and webinars.

• Comprehensive coverage of the Canadian economy.

• Timely, clear and concise analysis.
• Bold views which frequently challenge conventional wisdom.

Publications include:

Canada Rapid Response – Instant analysis of data or events.

Canada Data Response – Short notes, usually sent out about an hour after important data releases.

Canada Economics Update – Short and timely commentaries on economic or market issues and events.

Canada Economics Weekly – Provides the reader with a snapshot view of both the current situation and the week

Bank of Canada Watch – Gives a view on the forthcoming rate setting meeting of the central bank.

Canada Chart Book – Provides a monthly snapshot view of the economy in chart form.

Canada Economics Focus – Occasional “think pieces” on themes of current interest.

Canada Economic Outlook – Includes detailed analysis and forecasts of the main parts of the Canadian economy.

This service benefits from the expertise of economists based in both Singapore and London who speak and read
Chinese, allowing us to respond rapidly to developments whenever they occur. In addition to the usual suite of
analytical publications, the service includes our proprietary China Activity Proxy and our timely gauge of cross-
border capital flows.

The subscription to this service includes around 3-4 emailed publications a week, access to our online research archive
and our economists, and the opportunity to attend our conferences, forums and webinars.

• Insights from a proven team of China experts based in Singapore and London.
• Access to proprietary indicators that reveal what is really happening in China.
• Rapid responses to events and non-consensus, big-picture analysis.

Publications include:

China Rapid Response – Instant analysis of data or events. Sent within 5-15 mins of the release of the data.

China Data Response – Short notes on important data releases.

China Economics Update – Short and timely commentaries on economic or market issues and events.

China Economics Weekly - Provides the reader with a snapshot view of both the current situation and the week

China Activity Monitor – Monthly assessment of key trends in China’s real economy.

China Chart Book – Provides a monthly snapshot view of the economy in chart form.

China Economics Focus – Occasional “think pieces” on themes of current interest.

China Economic Outlook - This quarterly publication brings together our key views and forecasts for China’s
economy and its financial markets.

This service offers in-depth economic analysis of the outlook for economic growth, inflation, trade, currencies and
policy rate trends and independent market forecasts for 8 Emerging Asian countries: Taiwan, Korea, Singapore,
Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Thailand and Vietnam. It also offers commentary on major developments in
Bangladesh, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Brunei, Cambodia, Laos and Myanmar. The service contains some material on China
and India but those with a deep interest in these two countries are directed to our dedicated China and India services.

The subscription to this service includes 4-5 emailed publications a week, access to our online research archive and
our economists, and the opportunity to attend our conferences, forums and webinars.

• Authoritative research by proven experts.

• Contrarian calls and thought-provoking analysis.
• Rapid responses, concise summations, detailed analysis, & independent forecast.

Publications include:

Emerging Asia Rapid Response – Instant analysis of data or events.

Emerging Asia Data Response – Short notes on important data releases.

Emerging Asia Economics Update – Short and timely commentaries on economic or market issues and events.

Emerging Asia Economics Weekly – This publication provides the reader a snapshot view of both the current
situation and the week ahead.

Emerging Asia Chart Book – Provides a monthly snapshot view of the region’s economies in chart form.

Emerging Asia Economics Focus – Occasional “think pieces” on themes of current interest.

Emerging Asia Economic Outlook – This publication offers detailed analysis and forecasts for the region.

This service offers in-depth economic analysis of the outlook for economic growth, inflation, trade, currencies and
policy rate trends and independent market forecasts for 13 countries: Russia, Turkey, Poland, Ukraine, Czech
Republic, Hungary, Slovakia, Romania, Bulgaria, Croatia, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania.

The subscription to this service includes 4-5 emailed publications a week, access to our online research archive and
our economists, and the opportunity to attend our conferences, forums and webinars.

• Authoritative research by proven experts.

• Contrarian calls and thought-provoking analysis.
• Rapid responses, concise summations, detailed analysis, & independent forecasts.

Publications include:

Emerging Europe Rapid Response – Instant analysis of data or events.

Emerging Europe Data Response – Short notes on important data releases.

Emerging Europe Economics Update – Short and timely commentaries on economic or market issues and events.

Emerging Europe Markets Monitor – Monthly summary of developments in financial markets, along with key
forecasts for major markets over the next two years.

Emerging Europe Economics Weekly - Provides the reader with a snapshot view of both the current situation and the
week ahead

Emerging Europe Chart Book – Provides a monthly snapshot view of the Emerging Europe economy in chart form.

Emerging Europe Economics Focus – Occasional “think pieces” on themes of current interest.

Emerging Europe Economic Outlook – Quarterly analysis of the performance and prospects of the key economies in
the region.

This service offers in-depth economic analysis and independent market forecasts for the euro-zone as a whole, and for
its 19 member states. The service contains some material on the Nordic countries, Switzerland and the UK. But those
with a deep interest in these countries are directed to our dedicated Nordic & Swiss Economics Service and UK
Economics Service.

The subscription to this service includes 3-5 emailed publications a week, access to our online research archive and
our economists, and the opportunity to attend our conferences, forums and webinars.

• Timely analysis of the latest economic developments.

• Insight into prospects for some of the world’s largest economies.
• An independent and contrarian assessment of the risks facing the region.

Publications include:

European Rapid Response – Instant analysis of data or events.

European Data Response – Short notes, usually sent out about an hour after important data releases.

European Economics Update – Short and timely commentaries on economic or market issues and events.

European Economics Weekly – Provides the reader with a snapshot view of both the current situation and the week

ECB Watch – Gives a view on the forthcoming rate setting meeting of the central bank.

European Chart Book – This publication provides a monthly snapshot view of the economy in chart form.

European Economics Focus – Occasional “think pieces” on themes of current interest.

European Economic Outlook – This publication provides detailed analysis of all the major developed European
economies and sets out our detailed forecasts for the region.

This service offers in-depth economic analysis of the outlook for India’s economic growth, inflation, trade, the rupee,
policy rates and bond yields over the next two years, and further ahead.

The subscription to this service includes regular emailed publications, typically 3 to 4 a week, access to our online
research archive and our economists, and the opportunity to attend our conferences, forums and webinars.

• Authoritative research by proven experts.

• Contrarian calls and thought-provoking analysis.
• Rapid responses, concise summations, detailed analysis, & independent forecasts.

Publications include:

India Rapid Response – Instant analysis of data or events.

India Data Response – Short notes on important data releases.

India Economics Update – Short and timely commentaries on economic or market issues and events.

India Economics Weekly - Provides the reader with a snapshot view of both the current situation and the week

RBI Watch – Gives a view on the forthcoming rate setting meeting of the central bank.

India Chart Book – A monthly snapshot of the economy in chart form.

India Economics Focus – Occasional “think pieces” on themes of current interest.

India Economic Outlook - This quarterly publication brings together our key views and forecasts for India’s
economy and its financial markets.

This service provides detailed analysis and independent forecasts for Japan’s economy and financial markets, offering
both rapid responses to new data and developments, and more in-depth coverage of key themes, current trends, and
future developments.

The subscription to this service includes 3-4 emailed publications a week, access to our online research archive and
our economists, and the opportunity to attend our conferences and webinars.

• Authoritative research by proven experts.

• Contrarian calls and thought-provoking analysis.
• Rapid responses, concise summations, detailed analysis & independent forecasts.

Publications include:

Japan Rapid Response – Instant analysis of data or events.

Japan Data Response – Short notes on important data releases.

Japan Economics Update – Short and timely commentaries on economic or market issues and events.

Japan Economics Weekly – This publication provides the reader with a snapshot view of both the current situation
and the week ahead.

Bank of Japan Watch – Gives a view on the forthcoming rate setting meeting of the central bank.

Japan Chart Book – Aims to give a monthly snapshot view of the economy in chart form.

Japan Economics Focus – Occasional “think pieces” on themes of current interest.

Japan Economic Outlook - This quarterly publication brings together our key views and forecasts for Japan’s
economy and its financial markets.

This service offers in-depth economic analysis of growth, inflation, trade, currency and interest rate trends and
independent market forecasts for 9 Latin American countries: Brazil, Mexico, Argentina, Colombia, Chile, Peru,
Venezuela, Ecuador, and Uruguay.

The subscription to this service includes 4-5 emailed publications a week, access to our online research archive and
our economists, and the opportunity to attend our conferences, forums and webinars.

• Authoritative research by proven experts.

• Contrarian calls and thought-provoking analysis.
• Rapid responses, concise summations, detailed analysis, & independent forecasts.

Publications include:

Latin America Rapid Response – Instant analysis of data or events.

Latin America Data Response – Short notes on important data releases.

Latin America Economics Update – Short and timely commentaries on economic or market issues and events.

Latin America Economics Weekly - Provides the reader with a snapshot view of both the current situation and the
week ahead.

Latin America Chart Book – Provides a monthly snapshot view of the Latin America economy in chart form.

Latin America Economics Focus – Occasional think pieces on themes of current interest.

Latin America Economic Outlook – Quarterly analysis of the performance and prospects of the key economies in the

This service offers in-depth economic analysis of growth, inflation, trade, currency and interest rate trends and
independent market forecasts for 12 MENA states: Saudi Arabia, Egypt, United Arab Emirates, Algeria, Qatar,
Kuwait, Morocco, Oman, Tunisia, Lebanon, Jordan and Bahrain.

The subscription to this service includes 4-5 emailed publications a week, access to our online research archive and
our economists, and the opportunity to attend our conferences, forums and webinars.

• Authoritative research by proven experts.

• Contrarian calls and thought-provoking analysis.
• Rapid responses, concise summations, detailed analysis, & independent forecasts.

Publications include:

Middle East Rapid Response – Instant analysis of data or events.

Middle East Data Response – Short notes, usually sent out after important data releases.

Middle East Economics Update – Short and timely commentaries on economic or market issues and events.

Middle East Economics Weekly - Provides the reader with a snapshot view of both the current situation and the
week ahead.

Middle East Chart Book – Provides a monthly snapshot view of the economy in chart form.

Middle East Economics Focus – Occasional “think pieces” on themes of current interest.

Middle East Economic Outlook – Quarterly analysis of the performance and prospects of the key economies in the

This service offers independent economic analysis and unbiased forecasts for 6 countries: Switzerland, Sweden,
Norway, Denmark, Iceland and Finland. It offers both timely responses to new data and more in-depth coverage of
current trends and likely future developments, with a focus on currencies and other financial market variables.

The subscription to this service includes 3-5 e-mailed publications a week, access to our online research archive and
our economists, and the opportunity to attend our conferences, forums and webinars.

• Independent analysis of and forecasts for the Nordic and Swiss economies.
• Insight into prospects for some of the world’s most-traded currencies.
• Guidance on European investment opportunities outside the euro-zone.

Publications include:

Nordic & Swiss Rapid Response – Instant analysis of data or events. Sent within 5-15 mins of the release of the data.

Nordic & Swiss Data Response – Short notes, usually sent out about an hour after important data releases.

Nordic & Swiss Economics Update – Short and timely commentaries on economic or market issues and events.

Nordic & Swiss Economics Weekly - Provides the reader with a snapshot view of both the current situation and the
week ahead.

Nordic & Swiss Central Bank Watch - Gives a view on the forthcoming rate setting meeting of the central banks of
Iceland, Norway, Sweden & Switzerland.

Nordic & Swiss Chart Book – This publication provides a monthly snapshot view of the economy in chart form.

Nordic & Swiss Economics Focus – Occasional “think pieces” on themes of current interest.

Nordic & Swiss Economic Outlook – Includes detailed analysis and forecasts of the main parts of the Nordic and
Swiss economies.

This service provides detailed analysis and independent forecasts for the UK economy and financial markets, offering
both rapid responses to new data and developments, and more in-depth coverage of key themes, current trends, and
future developments.

The subscription to this service includes 3-5 emailed publications a week, access to our online research archive and
our economists, and the opportunity to attend our conferences, forums and webinars.

• Authoritative research by proven experts.

• Contrarian calls and thought-provoking analysis.
• Rapid responses, concise summations, detailed analysis, & independent forecasts.

Publications include:

UK Rapid Response – Instant analysis of data or events.

UK Data Response – Short notes, usually sent out about an hour after important data releases.

UK Economics Update – Short and timely commentaries on economic or market issues and events.

Brexit Watch - Short and timely commentary on the latest Brexit developments.

UK Economics Weekly – Provides the reader with a snapshot view of both the current situation and the week ahead.

MPC Watch – Gives a view on the forthcoming rate setting meeting of the central bank.

UK Economics Chart Book – Aims to give a monthly snapshot view of the economy in chart form.

UK Economics Focus – Occasional “think pieces” on themes of current interest.

UK Economic Outlook – This quarterly publication brings together our key views and forecasts for the main parts of
the UK economy and its financial markets.

This service builds on our experienced economists’ comprehensive understanding of macroeconomic drivers and
complements the UK Economics service, providing unrivalled independent analysis with a particular focus on UK
financial markets. Many of the documents available in this stream are drawn from the UK Economics Service, with an
emphasis on those which would benefit Treasury departments. The flagship UK Markets Analyst provides forecasts
and discussion of the key drivers of markets and the risks that lie ahead.

The subscription to this service includes 3-5 emailed publications a week, access to our online research archive and
our economists, and the opportunity to attend our conferences, forums and webinars.

Publications include:

UK Rapid Response – Instant analysis of data or events.

UK Data Response – Short notes, usually sent out about an hour after important data releases.

UK Economics Update – Short and timely commentaries on economic or market issues and events.

Brexit Watch - Short and timely commentary on the latest Brexit developments.

UK Economics Weekly – Provides the reader with a snapshot view of both the current situation and the week ahead.

MPC Watch – Gives a view on the forthcoming rate setting meeting of the central bank.

UK Economics Chart Book – Aims to give a monthly snapshot view of the economy in chart form.

UK Markets Chart Book – Analyses developments in UK financial markets, including gilts, money markets, equities
and the exchange rate, and puts them in an economic and historical context.

UK Markets Outlook – A regular economic “reality check” on UK asset markets, including bonds, equities and

This service provides detailed analysis and independent forecasts for the US economy and financial markets, offering
both rapid responses to new data and developments, and more in-depth coverage of key themes, current trends, and
future developments.

The subscription to this service includes 3-5 emailed publications a week, access to our online research archive and
our economists, and the opportunity to attend our conferences, forums and webinars.

• Comprehensive coverage of the US economy.

• Timely, clear and concise analysis.
• Bold views which frequently challenge conventional wisdom.

Publications include:

US Rapid Response – Instant analysis of data or events.

US Data Response – Short notes, usually sent out about an hour after important data releases.

US Economics Update – Short and timely commentaries on economic or market issues and events.

US Economics Weekly – Provides the reader with a snapshot view of both the current situation and the week ahead.

Fed Watch – Gives a view on the forthcoming rate setting meeting of the central bank.

US Chart Book – Provides a monthly snapshot view of the economy in chart form.

US Economics Focus – Occasional “think pieces” on themes of current interest.

US Economic Outlook – This quarterly publication brings together our key views and forecasts for the main parts of
the US economy and its financial markets.

US Employment Report Preview – Monthly assessments making use of our econometrically estimated model of
payrolls to discuss the key issues ahead of the US employment report.


This service offers high-level coverage of all the most important commodities, with in-depth analysis and
independent forecasts for Energy, Metals and Agriculturals, in addition to pan-commodity themes.
The subscription to this service includes 3-5 emailed publications a week, access to our online research archive and
our economists, and the opportunity to attend our conferences, forums and webinars.

• Timely insight into the latest market developments.

• Authoritative research by proven experts.
• Rapid responses, concise summations, detailed analysis, & independent forecasts.

Publications include:

Commodities Update – Short and timely commentaries on important market issues and events.

Commodities Weekly Wrap – Regular snapshot of key developments and summary of our views.

Commodities Watch – Monthly summary of our views with a particular focus on agricultural commodities. Also
covers energy and metals.

Commodities Economics Chart Book – Monthly snapshot of global commodity markets in chart form, focusing on
fundamental drivers.

Commodities Markets Chart Book – Monthly snapshot of global commodity markets in chart form, focusing on
market data.

Commodities Focus – Occasional “think pieces” on themes of current interest.

Commodities Analyst – Includes detailed analysis and forecasts for all major commodities.

This service offers in-depth analysis and independent forecasts for a broad range of fuels, with a particular emphasis
on crude oil, natural gas and coal prices. This service is aimed at anyone (including producers, consumers, investors,
traders and officials) with an interest in global energy markets and their impact on other asset classes and economies.
The subscription to this service includes 3 emailed publications a week, access to our online research archive and our
economists, and the opportunity to attend our conferences, forums and webinars.

• Benefit from timely insight into the latest market developments.

• Use authoritative research by proven experts.
• Receive rapid responses, concise summations, detailed analysis, & independent forecasts.

Publications include:

Energy Data Response – Comments on the implications of selected data for the energy markets.

Energy Update – Short and timely commentaries on important market issues and events.

Energy Watch – Monthly summary of our views on energy markets, initially focusing on crude oil prices.

OPEC Watch – Regular summary of developments and prospects for OPEC production and prices.

Energy Chart Book – Monthly snapshot of global energy markets in chart form.

Energy Focus – Occasional “think pieces” on themes of current interest.

Energy Outlook - This publication provides detailed analysis of Energy and sets out our detailed forecasts.

This service offers in-depth analysis and independent forecasts for a range of precious and industrial metals including
base metals, iron ore, steel, gold, silver and the platinum group.
This service is aimed particularly at anyone (including producers, consumers, investors, traders and officials) with an
interest in industrial and precious metals.

The subscription to this service includes 3-5 emailed publications a week, access to our online research archive and
our economists, and the opportunity to attend our conferences, forums and webinars.

• Benefit from timely insight into the latest market developments.

• Use authoritative research by proven experts.
• Receive rapid responses, concise summations, detailed analysis, & independent forecasts.

Publications include:

Metals Data Response – Comments on the implications of selected economic and market data for metals.

Industrial Metals Update – Short and timely commentaries on important market issues and events.

Precious Metals Update – Short and timely commentaries on important market issues and events.

Metals Watch – Monthly summary of our views on the fundamental drivers of metals markets.

Metals Chart Book – Monthly snapshot of global metals markets in chart form.

Metals Focus – Occasional “think pieces” on themes of current interest.

Metals Outlook - This publication provides detailed analysis of Metals and sets out our detailed forecasts.


This service provides detailed analysis and independent forecasts for the Eurozone and non-Eurozone Commercial
Property sectors, including office, retail and industrial returns, based on our view of the economic fundamentals. The
subscription also includes unique proprietary city-level forecasts for the three key sub-sectors of the property market.
The service covers 21 countries: Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece,
Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and

This service is relevant to all those dealing in the European commercial property market – from financiers and
developers to brokers and major corporate occupiers.
The subscription to this service includes 1-2 emailed publications a week, access to our online research archive and
our economists, and the opportunity to attend our conferences, forums and webinars.

• Timely, clear and concise research.

• Independent forecasts.
• Rapid responses, concise summations and detailed analysis.

Publications include:

European Commercial Property Update – Short, timely, one page notes which highlight important economic,
financial market or property specific developments.

Euro-zone Commercial Property Chart Book – A summary of recent developments in property and financial markets
as well as the real economy.

Non-Euro European Commercial Property Chart Book – A summary of recent developments in property and
financial markets as well as the real economy

European Commercial Property Focus – Occasional, in-depth think pieces.

Euro-zone Commercial Property Outlook – Detailed 5-year forecasts for office, retail and industrial markets in 11
euro-zone economies.

Non-Euro European Commercial Property Outlook – Detailed 5-year forecasts for office, retail and industrial
markets in Emerging European and other Western European economies.

European Commercial Property Valuation Monitor – Quarterly pan-European analysis of the relative valuation of
commercial property against other asset classes, by city and sector.

This service provides detailed analysis and independent forecasts for the UK commercial property market, including
office, retail and industrial returns, based on our view of the economic fundamentals. The subscription also includes
detailed five-year forecasts for the three key sub-sectors of the property market, highlighting future opportunities and
challenges for investment and occupier markets.

This service is relevant to all those dealing in the UK commercial property market – from financiers and developers to
brokers and major corporate occupiers.

The subscription to this service includes 1-2 emailed publications a week, access to our online research archive and
our economists, and the opportunity to attend our conferences, forums and webinars.

• Timely, clear and concise research.

• Unique, independent forecasts.
• Rapid responses, concise summations and detailed analysis.

Publications include:

UK Commercial Property Data Response – Short notes, usually sent out about an hour after important data releases.

UK Commercial Property Update – Short and timely commentaries on news or events in the commercial property

UK Commercial Property Chart Book - A concise monthly round-up of the relevant economic developments and
property market intelligence.

UK Commercial Property Focus – Occasional “think pieces” on themes of current interest.

UK Commercial Property Outlook – Analyses the economic drivers of commercial property performance.

UK Markets Outlook – A regular economic “reality check” on UK asset markets, including bonds, equities and

This service provides detailed analysis and independent forecasts for the UK housing market, with a particular
emphasis on how developments in the economy alter the prospects for housing.

This service is relevant to all those professionals engaged in the UK housing market, including developers, investors,
mortgage lenders, together with all agents and financial advisers working in the industry.

The subscription to this service includes 2-3 emailed publications a week, access to our online research archive and
our economists, and the opportunity to attend our conferences, forums and webinars.

• Timely, clear and concise research.

• Unique, independent forecasts.
• Rapid responses, concise summations and detailed analysis.

Publications include:

UK Housing Market Data Response – Short notes, usually sent out about an hour after important data releases.

UK Housing Market Update – Regular short commentaries on major news or events in the housing market.

UK Housing Market Chart Book – A round-up of all the latest economic news about the housing market and
discussion on how this fits in with our forecasts of the market.

UK Housing Market Focus – Occasional “think pieces” on themes of current interest.

UK Housing Market Outlook – Gives an analysis of the economic background to the housing and construction

UK Economic Outlook – Provides a strategic look at the world economy before moving on to detailed analysis and
forecasts of the main parts of the UK economy.

This service provides detailed analysis and independent forecasts for the US commercial property market, based on
our view of the economic fundamentals. The subscription includes detailed five-year forecasts for the four key
commercial property sub-sectors – office, apartments, retail and industrial – highlighting future opportunities and
challenges for investment and occupier markets.

This service is relevant to all stakeholders in US commercial real estate – from investors and developers to brokers and

The subscription to this service includes publications, access to our online research archive and our economists, and the
opportunity to attend our conferences, forums and webinars.

• Timely, clear and concise research.

• Unique, independent forecasts.
• Rapid responses, concise summations and detailed analysis.

Publications include:

US Commercial Property Update - Short and timely commentaries on news or events in the commercial property

US Commercial Property Focus - Occasional “think pieces” on themes of current interest.

US Commercial Property Data Response - Short notes that summarise important data releases and how they affect our

US Commercial Property Valuation Monitor - A quarterly analysis of the relative valuation of commercial property
against other asset classes, by city and sector.

US Commercial Property Chart Book - A summary of recent developments in property and financial markets as well
as the real economy.

US Commercial Property Outlook - Analyses the economic drivers of commercial property performance.

This service provides detailed analysis and independent forecasts for the US housing market, with a particular
emphasis on how developments in the economy alter the prospects for housing.

This service is relevant to all those professionals engaged in the US residential real estate market, including
homebuilders, developers, investors, mortgage lenders, together with all agents and financial advisers working in the

The subscription to this service includes 2-3 emailed publications a week, access to our online research archive and
our economists, and the opportunity to attend our conferences, forums and webinars.

• Timely, clear and concise research.

• Unique, independent forecasts.
• Rapid responses, concise summations and detailed analysis.

Publications include:

US Housing Market Data Response – Short notes, usually sent out about an hour after important data releases.

US Housing Market Update – Regular short commentaries on major news or events in the housing market.

US Housing Market Chart Book – A round-up of all the latest economic news about the housing market and
discussion on how this fits in with our forecasts of the market.

US Housing Market Focus – Occasional “think pieces” on themes of current interest.

US Housing Market Outlook – Gives an analysis of the economic background to the housing and construction

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