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Ayrest Search, D Seizure geo se eae PEOPLE OF THE — PHILIPPINES A Me. MICTOR DIAZ VINECARIO 5 Fe nonin aces 20 te3 _GERLYN WATES_, Appethamts s Pe Aree aes esa a ellen: Victor Vineca a peel) Doge amd __Gerlyn _wartes__ were found guilty tn wolatng — arhele NM of oe erat Sak oo Dangerous — Pugs Bache. Sere pee jin EH — maght of ppelk S10 144 Sa police police. Officers were. mannang — a checkpoint pursuant to QMELEC gun ban when A — motorcycle with fheee men om board sped ase ale The three men wore the herein — Obbliging, the thee men _ sable : — morreyele —peturned to He cheekpoint. the _authorhes __atked wing they Spe ania} : — 42 Which Vinecario retorted that he mag is a of the avny but he Cannof produce an ID fo prove ffs At this the police asked Vine cane what _« — luside SA big military back pack , Vinecaio answeredt 5 — ee isles oe an ene bo ane ree Tak that tha back pack epmtained _ » SPO1_ Goe-ong ordwed Yinecavd ea open the bag, there Afier, the potice later peiterated that if was only. a when S03 ouahed fhe stuff wrapped. tn bape, —vinecario suddenly grabbed it , retulhng te the feaving off te wrapper , it wat discovered. oo ate, eS. wg Pts wand iepee a whether or not the sea and Sedeure of Yee backpack constitutes illegal , search, hence, the mariana ib Inadmiscrble 40 evidence. eas ei ae : The rule tc tmctituhenaliy —endanined that nd search and Seiourt- com lawfully be —omducted without a valid warrant issued ee bya oompetenct judiaak outtadr HY. (See 2, Art) tnd Section 307, art ML of the Constitution mandates thot any undence obtained at vidlation of the night of the. people under _ eco eet he hadmissible for amy puypare as _ in any proceeding. a : The Cmshtahonal — prser shim = adage warrantless searches and Se2ures— admits 5 of cortain _ exceptions, however. Searcy —avd/or sere may be made without a warrant ad the eden obtauned _ there fran may be i eat ian lave rest, (2) seavcl no mot velucle a). Searth in vidlation custom “lami ; 4) Seine | ure of widente ih plain vitws; (8) when the aecuced hunself waives _ bie night _ag inst unreasmable searches omc Nearer | y ard G), ctop- and~ sttuahing. Page h the al ii, ic that motorists their veluder as well ac pedestrians a phreuga ee aes pects nemo ie zeit ol reubne hspection ¢ veluiles mes) be ~ stepped and. extensively ceavchad when | oe ice prbable say whith — justifies aes reasonable, Mesut the mew de the Revie cheek pts ther the _mbtorist Base 2 awe offender or the emtents of the velricle care have. bet instante a ae ni en tight sof 4 pedlants “ond — after | nobe ae the cheekpnint ae, ae after —Laning. _ bes cA Abyn bythe poe Ie iCious ~ wd nervous a on thet —Lintegted 2 on the | contents 7 of the papas wich posed te ome another, and the _ eee ia of Ving caw that he was_ oe eine ae Bee Atri gener man Attempt fe a dissuade the policemen — frm _ proceedine wtf ther ivepeetton, there exittecl probable ~ cause Ce te a re ieee oem ice _omtents of the bovek pack were inchrumentt of come ie a WHEREFORE, the decision of the Regimal ved Grit pining appellate guilty of ee eer ‘mari Uana~, tapers 4 te Thereby affirmed.

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