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— ae Sena “GRNO- NO “Sse, a 1F ,2005 d MovIE G TELEVISION REVIEW 2 CLASSIFICATION BOARD (orca), Petthoner ip tae NS: ABS- CBN BROADCASTING coRPURATION AND — LOREN._ LEGARDA, Respondents s] sare 3 ie poe pe ie Di4s inthe aw _recpmd ent ARBS- CBN oureA Sau ee ch tuthin aw episode, of thy TV Progam “The Intide Sry" produced and hosted b : respmdent’ Legarda. The Phat St —Aepiete ee Students _ ager ae Pes Diet Balle thom fo a) aia ct futon Pees. The Phalippine 5 Unaverstty (Pru) wat named as fhe cobra! _ of some of fhe Me shdends jnvo|ved a. the facade” ceo a oan ae crnepienenshy served as fhe boc qrund ~ the | episode: The ue of “The. Daside Story” — it caused a ty thE PW Command: The Chancellor and Tructee of the PH, and the PWU Parents and ‘Teachers — Assowtatim filed fetter - Seas wit pethmer MTRCB- : : Achg om He ” teen Regal trunsel inthinded a sda eae be Seca as ee BR peal ae eos era an SF ty Gommuttee, alleging that respondents G) did net stbmtt #e “ctrry p pebtimer — rewew amd (2) exbubifecl the Same _ withrut As permisstm , Thus, Violadbng SF of PO 1986 | Seehim 3, Chapter _ UL and Seeton +, Chapter TL of the MIRCB Rides and adortrovis . Tn ther answer, odes explaind tat “Re Inside Sty" “is a “public _ af faire (Pang Gann nenc deermeatar and Socie~ prltéal edifwial,“ the airing of | whieh « ppetected: by the emshtutmal provision om * freedom of expression anal Bile of fhe _ press. Aeoor ing ly ; petimer has no power, authority “and wat dl tlne ___|iv pp sy, aw a Wor restran eee | Respndevts then filed a spew at avil ach fo certivar! nithK tHe RIC _ ISSUE : fh eee Whither oy not MTRCR hat the pover ow anthoi}y ww review the "Incrde Sary" prix to rhs whibihion ov broad cast by tefevision: This teurt categorically ruled tect PD Nd 1906 gives petitioner “the pec 4p sereen, review and examine “" all television — programs ,” eer, He phase : te leis Cs | proqnanas Setted is the A in” Stotutoy. zy omstaetin — that where he Jaw doer not make an emcephom , cour ra) not exeept something therefrom, wrtese there & & compellin reason parent Mt the law fp yushfy A Ubi Fee non disinquit nee eee olebemas. Thus, when the Ja saye “om — television pregame? the word “all” covers all television programy, whether religious, public affetie nex dotum-_ entary , Ot. oe: : TR beare shressi that the sole issue here ic whether ~ pebhomer MIRCB hac authority Tr reviews “Tre Lnsidde Gory “ appre feacye ee meee NH GDC NCTA Ua certedw — provikriont of PD 1906 avd te mIRee Rule ard pogulodins sper fred | repmdente _ombdivene the Conthtution. WHERE Free, the instant fanless GRAN TEO. The ascotted RTE Deedsim ts REVERSED pd the MTRCB Fae Ic es Coca a lee ae ae

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