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Level of Satisfaction on K-12 Curriculum among K-12 Graduates


On May 15, 2013, President Benigno Aquino III approved Republic Act 10533, signing

into law the K-12 program. Parents have both negative and positive reaction with regard to this

new law as well as the students. The thought of adding another 2 years in high school made the

students and parents anxious, considering some are not financially stable and just want to let

their child graduate as soon as possible and look for a job. Regardless of all the negative

reactions about the law, Educational Institutions still implemented it well.

The K-12 program covers kindergarten and twelve years of basic education – six years

of primary schooling, four years of junior high school and two years of senior high school. By

adding two years to the current educational system (,2013)

K-12 program is designed to provide sufficient time for mastery of concepts and skills,

develop lifelong learners, and prepare graduates for tertiary education, middle-level skills

development, employment and entrepreneurship. The extension to 12 years of the basic

education seeks to boost the quality of Philippine education to make it par with other countries.

K-12 program have six features: first is strengthening early childhood education through

universal Kindergarten, second is making the curriculum relevant to learners, third is ensuring

integrated and seamless learning, fourth is building proficiency through use of mother tongue

based multi-lingual education, fifth is provision of career tracks, lastly, nurturing holistically

developed Filipinos. The goal of the K-12 program that every graduate is equipped with

information, media and technology skills, learning and innovation skills, effective communication

skills, and life and career skills (Psychological Association of the Philippines).
DepEd gets the highest budget allocation for three consecutive years. Government is

making sure that the needs of students will be satisfied. Education is one of the priorities and

believe to be the pillar of our society. It is yet too early to say if K-12 is effective. On the other

hand, providing the level of satisfaction of K-12 graduates about the said curriculum will further

explain the perception of students after taking the curriculum. K-12 offers more opportunities

than the basic education before when it comes to skills, entrepreneurship and employment of

the students.

This study aimed to study the level of satisfaction of K-12 graduates on K-12 curriculum

considering two types of variable which are demographic and research variable. The researcher

will provide statistical data that can be beneficial for future studies inclined in this study. The

study will focus on determining the level of satisfaction of K-12 graduates on K-12 curriculum

considering gender and the strand they graduate from. Moreover, the data gathered can be

used to provide strategic measurements that Educational Institutions would like to take to further

enhance and effectively implement the K-12 curriculum.

Educational Institutions will gain insights on the effectivity of K-12 curriculum to the K-12

graduates and how satisfied the students are after undergoing the K-12 curriculum.

The findings of this study will raise awareness and contribute to the Educational

Institutions to make an effective strategy or make amendments with regard to K-12 curriculum.

Lastly, the researchers will gain insights the regarding the level of satisfaction of K-12

graduates regarding K-12 curriculum.

Research Problem:

There are few researches tackling about the effectivity of K-12 curriculum. 8 years have

passed already after implementing the curriculum. Assessing the level of satisfaction of students

after taking the K-12 curriculum should be considered now, for Institutions to know the

perception of students regarding the said curriculum. Perceptions of the student will provide

more information if the K-12 is indeed effective for them, if the goal of the K-12 is indeed met

after the student take the curriculum.

Demographic and Research will be use. Demographic variable, gender will be use to

determine if the satisfaction level differs based on gender, male and female. Research variables

will be use such as the three tracks on the K-12 curriculum including the three strands in

Academic Track, and satisfaction rate of students. Tracks and strands will show if the level of

satisfaction differs based on tracks and strands that the students came from. Satisfaction rate

will show the level of satisfaction of students.

Research Design

This study will employ survey research. Survey research is the collection of data attained

by asking individuals questions either in person, on paper, by phone or online. Conducting

surveys is one form of primary research, which is gathering data first-hand from its source. The

information collected may also be accessed subsequently by other parties in secondary

research. It is also used to gather the opinions, beliefs, and feelings of selected groups of

individuals, often chosen for demographic sampling (Rouse, 2017).

Research Instrumentation

Data will be collected by distributing questionnaires containing the information needed

by the researchers online. The researcher will provide the link and questions will be encoded in

the Google Forms, administered by the researchers too. It will be shared through email,

messenger or sending through SMS.

Sampling Technique

In gathering the respondents, cluster sampling will be use. Cluster sampling refers to a

type of sampling method. With cluster sampling, the researcher divides the population into

separate groups, called clusters. Then, a simple random sample of clusters is selected from the

population. The researcher conducts his analysis on data from the sampled clusters

(Explorable, 2009). The researcher will select cluster first, from each clusters the researcher will

select respondents by simple random sampling. The researcher will use Two-Stage Cluster

Statistical Treatment

The data gathered in this study will be treated statistically using the following statistical tools:

1. Frequency will be use to tally the numerical data that will be gathered.

2. Percentage will be use to get the rate of the data gathered.

3. Mean will be use to determine and describe the average score

4. Variance will be use to measure how different the scores are from each other.

5. T-test will be use to compare the difference between male and female.

6. Anova will be use to compare the difference between the tracks and strands group.
References: (2009). Cluster Sampling. Retrieved from


Psychological Association of the Philippines. The K-12 Program of the Department of

Education. Retrieved from

Rouse, M. (2017). Survey Research. Retrieved from

https://whatis.techtarget.con/definition/survey-research (2013). President Aquino Signs K-12 Program into Law. Retrieved


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