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race: amd 13th mame fsa ging, fom the _ ight to won Ausoch ations GR Nor 123662-GS Movember 25, aovy LEONORA GESITE , FE LAMOITE, AOELAIDA ve. COURT OF APPEALS, CIVIL SERVICE Commission AND THe OEPED \tCRETARY, Respmalertt. Petitioners are public “shove teacher of the & Ae loo Cantor Phemneet ay Sehos! in Mamula. Beginuni March 1940, pubic sebwo/ Cee in Malla — pressec! WV ee Iwmediote payment of thes” allowances plementation _6f Salary Sandor eatin Law. When thar deminds were not the dissatisfied — teaches resolved ty take — direct mas athos ma regular corre day , abryt 0D teachers in Mey manila dick wot lomduck laset- Instead, they asset led. in font of the DECEooffites aur their grievance. when ther hepresert-atives comferréd with the OBES ae, he pbrached avd theif _tumplatnts , warning them the wrth jose" rher j0bes Jlhegal mass aAHions. then eh is e : Swear eae i __ hare within twenty r (24) hours, — othernise Hey will be dismissed fray the Servicy. — Meantive, he directed sre pecs official to Initiate immediate —_ adm nistative — ceeding! against Those fun __sbstinates aero Rabbids Tae _ISSUE® ke ss 2 2 ae whether er rot __petrtioners , in jung the mass aetirns _ taken we publre _ __ sehoo| teaehye, may be ned - Vable : omduct prejudicial 10 the best aS inerect of We cenvive- eee. eer Pethimers here were pot ed administratively) — because — thes p chgaged ie sctrike. former DEES earetavy “piled. adminstahve laints agaist tener because , ad thy hold oy “the wort of Appeals, they were — alosent Cae Cas Yoptembeyr 14° 21, 1490, pane ae his elu -t0-wwR paler. Ther ne — wnantherizqed absences Rn ie Cte ee brd prejudiced. the wettore of the Sth! — huldren. right revamces , Anvever, they should have wercised econ right mw a laf manner. aes ie we Bera Pe that the ae S “Appeal did ~ not err in a ATH mm tre ee iw ow chy proserrbta. by Cv = Cenice and , ee Rules: Their ’ in without oe caused adverse eas upm their students whet education they “ave responsible. ve ee they oes emsttute tmaduct requuds cht to the best interest of the wervice, am offense — punishalole under Jeethion 427) Chapter F Cbiserpline) , Boye Ve of “ Exeentine Order Mo» 242 ne shative Cede of 140%) _ wherErrRE, he petition fe DENIED) . “the — «DeEcuON of the Court of Appeals ie ATRIRMED. _

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