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Development of Arduino Based Methane Gas Quantifier

for the Analysis of Methane Production of Chicken
(Gallus gallus domesticus) Manure in a Small-Scale

A study
Presented to the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Polytechnic University of the Philippines
Sta. Mesa, Manila

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of

Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering


Abrantes, John Lawrence G.

Cabigting, Jerome Ray

Ceno, Edwin G.

Dela Cruz, Alfred D.

Elgo, Jeric S.

Lasmarias, Jonafhel R.

Bernales, Nathaniel B.

Ginno L. Andres, D. Eng.

Thesis Adviser


Approval Sheet

This study entitled “Development of Arduino Based Methane Gas Quantifier for the

Analysis of Methane Production of Chicken (Gallus gallus domesticus) Manure in a

Small-Scale Reactor”, prepared by Abrantes, John Lawrence G., Bernales, Nathaniel B.,

Ceno, Edwin G., Cabigting, Jerome Ray, Dela Cruz, Alfred D., Elgo, Jeric S., and

Lasmarias, Jonafhel R., in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree in

Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering, has been examined and recommended

for acceptance and approval for Oral Examination.

Dr. Ginno L. Andres


Approved by the Panel of Examiners on Oral Examination.

Dr. Dante V. Gedaria

Professor, Mech. Engineering Dept.

Engr. Edwin C. Esperanza

Chairperson, Mech. Engineering Dept.

Accepted and approved in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree in

Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering.

Date of Oral Defense: March 16, 2019

Dr. Remedios G. Ado

Dean, College of Engineering


Chapter 1

Methane naturally occurs in the Earth’s atmosphere, but industries caused

methane levels in the atmosphere to gradually increase by up to 60% in the last century.

As a greenhouse gas, methane is 21 times more potent than carbon dioxide (Mohajan,

2012). Excess methane in the atmosphere aggravates the effect of global warming. For

humans, exposure to high levels of methane leads to nausea, loss of consciousness,

and even suffocation. Studies on these effects lead to efforts in monitoring and

controlling air quality, including methane emissions.

Anaerobic digestion of organic wastes is one of the main sources of methane in

the atmosphere (Cloy, 2017). A huge supply of these organic wastes come from poultry

farms in the form of chicken (Gallus gallus domesticus) manure, which are abundant in

the Philippines. Monitoring methane production from these wastes may allow for the

identification of controlling methane emissions and improve safety in the farm as well as

decrease greenhouse gas emissions.

This study aims to develop of a methane gas quantifier using Arduino as

microcontroller. This quantifier, equipped with real time clock and alarm buzzer, allow for

continuous monitoring of methane levels in surrounding air. The quantifier is then used

to analyze the methane production of a small-scale bioreactor containing a mixture of

chicken manure and water.



Reseach Background
Methane is a potent greenhouse gas, although it degrades rapidly its short-term

environmental effects has risen some attention to gas industries. While there are plenty

of groups that aim to standardize the monitoring and reporting of methane emission. The

problem is that data gaps and inconsistencies exist in the studies (Oxford institute for

energy studies).

Given its role as a potent greenhouse gas, new low-cost methods for detecting

and monitoring methane may help in protecting human and environmental health (A.

Collier – Oxandale et. Al). Low-cost sensors can facilitate the further study of air quality

issues. Low-cost air quality monitoring systems are well-suited for the role since they are

claimed to be versatile and capable of providing high spatial data in high-density

networks at a local scale. These systems are claimed to be relatively easy in operation

due to their size, low power requirements, and automated data collection.

Methane is readily available on Earth’s surface. Most of the planet’s methane is

produced through an anaerobic respiration process called methanogenesis. (Lyu Z, et

al.) In this process, acetic acid, carbon dioxide, hydrogen and ammonia are converted

into methane by methanogens, bacteria comprised by members of archaea. This

process is utilized in the production of biogas which can be used as a source of energy.

In the present age, natural gas has become one of the most important energy

resources in the World, which primarily depends on the pipeline transportation. However,

with the widespread demand for natural gas supplies, the pipeline leak detection

problem has become increasingly prominent. Conventional leak detection methods

mainly rely on periodical inspections conducted by maintenance personnel, which needs

intensive human involvement, but periodical inspection does not provide real time

monitoring of the pipeline. Accordingly, a leak may not be detected in time and this may

bring about a great deal of economic losses and environmental pollution (Jiangwen

Wan, et al.)


Theoretical Framework
This research will be conducted based on these principles and theories regarding

the methane gas analyzer and small scale reactor.

Methane Gas Analyzer

Arduino Uno Microcontroller

The Arduino Uno microcontroller is an open sourced microcontroller developed

by This includes a circuit board equipped with sets of digital and analog

input/output pins that can be used to develop digital devices. The microcontrollers can

be programmed to perform various tasks as intended by the researchers.

Methane Gas Sensor

MQ sensor is suitable for detecting CH4 (Methane), and can also detects other

hydrocarbons (butane, propane, etc.) Natural Gas, LNG (Liquefied Natural Gas), etc.

MQ series sensors use a small heater inside with an electro-chemical sensor in order to

measure different kind of gases combinations.

The sensitivity of the sensor to gases varies with the temperature and is highest

at different temperatures for different gases and oxides. Response times are dependent

on temperature as it is shorter at higher temperatures, and the responses to gases are

non-linear as a function of concentration. Inconsistencies in the ambient temperature

cause affects the sensor response. Another factor that affect the responsiveness of the

sensor is humidity, presence of water vapor in the atmosphere can influence the

resistance of the sensor, which may cause inaccuracy of the sensor. These are the

reasons why it is preferred to work in a controlled ambiance.

Measurement of methane level

Methane levels are measured in parts per million (ppm), it measures the

methane present in the surroundings relative to atmospheric air. Concentration in parts

per million, or ppm, closely resembles weight percent, except you multiply the mass ratio

by 1,000,000 instead of 100.



The formula in determining the ppm of methane is as follows:

𝑚𝑎𝑠𝑠 𝑜𝑓 𝑀𝑒𝑡ℎ𝑎𝑛𝑒 𝑝𝑟𝑒𝑠𝑒𝑛𝑡

𝑀𝑒𝑡ℎ𝑎𝑛𝑒 𝑙𝑒𝑣𝑒𝑙 𝑖𝑛 𝑝𝑝𝑚 = × 1,000,000
𝑚𝑎𝑠𝑠 𝑜𝑓𝐴𝑖𝑟 𝑝𝑟𝑒𝑠𝑒𝑛𝑡

Occupational Safety and Health Standards

Standards regarding methane levels are set to ensure safety of workers in the

industries. Table 1 show the effects of exposure in certain levels of methane in ppm.

Table 1: Exposure to methane levels and its effects

Exposure Level (ppm) Effects or Symptoms

1000 NIOSH 8-hours TLV*
50,000 to 150,000 Potentially Explosive
500, 000 Asphyxiation
*Threshold limit value for 8 hours as set by National Institute for Occupational Safety and

Aside from the negative effects of methane exposure on human health (nausea,

loss of consciousness, etc.), high concentration of methane can be explosive. When

methane concentrations are below 50,000 ppm the gas mixture is too ‘lean’ and there is

insufficient methane for combustion. Above 150,000 ppm, the gas mixture is too ‘rich’

and insufficient oxygen exists for combustion. When methane is present at

concentrations between the 50,000 and 150,000 ppm it has the ability to combust.

Prolonged exposure to extremely high levels of methane will cause asphyxiation or

inability to breathe due to deprivation of oxygen, this may lead to death.

Small Scale Bioreactor

Methane Gas Generation

Production of methane gas is accomplished through the process of anaerobic

digestion. Anaerobic digestion involves decomposing of material in absence of of oxygen

with the aid of anaerobic bacteria. The process of digestion starts with bacterial

hydrolysis of the materials to decompose. Insoluble organic polymers, such as

carbohydrates, are broken down to soluble derivatives that become available for other


bacteria. Acidogenic bacteria then convert the sugars and amino acids into carbon

dioxide, hydrogen, ammonia, and organic acids. Next is Acetogenesis, where bacteria

convert these organic acids into acetic acid, along with additional ammonia, hydrogen,

and carbon dioxide. Finally, methanogens convert these products to methane and

carbon dioxide.

In an on-farm digester the gas produced is about 65 percent methane, the rest

being carbon dioxide and other organic gases in trace amount.



Conceptual Framework

Methane detected by
MQ4 Sensor




Display of methane
value in ppm and real
time clock,
Alarm sound,
Saved txt. file

Block Diagram of the Detailed Process of the



Sensor Display

SD Card


Statement of the Problem

The purpose of this study is to determine:

a. What is methane and where does it came from?

b. How does methane affect people and environment?

c. Why monitoring and controlling methane levels essential?

d. What are the available means to monitor methane levels in the surroundings?

e. How can the researchers develop a simple and effective device to quantify

methane levels?

f. What materials can be used as methane source to analyze methane with the

developed quantifier?

g. How effective is the developed quantifier in measuring methane levels?

Scope and Limitations

The main focus of this study is to develop a fully functional system capable of

detecting and quantifying methane gas using a small-scale reactor on chicken manure

(gallus gallus domesticus) as the organic material for methane production, which is then

analyzed by the integrated methane gas quantifier based in Arduino microcontroller. By

using this device, methane emissions from the reactor composition are expected to be

acquired and stored. A buzzer will alarm and notify the user if the methane content of the

measure exceeds the safety level.



Significance of the Study

This study is deemed to benefit the following:

Mechanical Engineering Students. This study can help the Mechanical

Engineering students in letting them enhance their knowledge about Methane and

why is it important to detect methane using methane gas quantifier.

Faculty. This study can help the faculty of the Mechanical Engineering Department

enhance their knowledge about methane and devices related to technology

innovation. This can also help them develop ways for Mechanical Engineering

students to improve their design capabilities and guide the students in their future


Department of Mechanical Engineering. This study can give the Mechanical

Engineering Department ways to guide students in their department in learning about

the factors of methane. This study may give the initiative for the department to give

appropriate priority in honing the skills of students in design and innovation as well

as the teaching approach of their faculty and staffs. They may also create different

seminars to further develop mechanical engineering students’ skills in research and


Researchers. This study can help the researcher’s study deeper about the negative

impact of methane, thus allowing them to come up with a device that can help detect


Readers. This study can help the readers become aware of the negative impact’s

methane contain. They are allowed to deeper hone their knowledge regarding

methane and methane gas quantifier.



Definition of Terms

METHANE- colorless, odorless flammable gas which is the main constituent of

natural gas. It is the simplest member of the alkane series of hydrocarbons.

METHANE GAS QUANTIFIER- a device used to measure quantity of methane.

MQ4 SENSOR- is used in gas leakage detecting equipment in consumer and

industry markets, this sensor is suitable for detecting CH4, Natural gas, LNG, avoid

exposure to alcohol, cooking fumes, and cigarette smoke.

MICROCONTROLLER- Microcontrollers are embedded inside devices to control the

actions and features of a product. run one specific program and are dedicated to a

single task.

BIOREACTOR- An apparatus for growing organisms (yeast, bacteria, or animal

cells) under controlled conditions. Used in industrial processes to produce

pharmaceuticals, vaccines, or antibodies. Also used to convert raw materials

into useful byproducts such as in the bioconversion of corn into ethanol.

CHICKEN MANURE- is the feces of chickens used as an organic fertilizer, especially

for soil low in nitrogen. Of all animal manures, it has the highest amount of nitrogen,

phosphorus, and potassium.



Chapter 2


This chapter provides an overview of previous research regarding Methane

Emissions and quantifiers used in related studies.

A study by Brantley (2013) discusses a new approach to mobile methane

emission testing, Other Test Method (OTM) 33A, that was used during eight two-week

field studies in Texas, Colorado and Wyoming between 2010 and 2013 to measure

short-term emission levels from 210 oil and gas production pads. This study focused on

sites with emission levels above 0.01 g / s and included emissions for the short term

such as flashing of condensate tanks and maintenance. The findings fall within the upper

ranges of the distributions found in recent studies of direct on-site measurement. A

multivariate linear regression was used to determine the relationship of methane

emissions to the production of well-age, gas production, and hydrocarbon liquids, oil or

condensate, taking into account data across all basins. Methane emissions were

positively correlated with gas production, but only about 10% of the increase in emission

rates was explained by differences in production levels. The poor correlation between

emission and production rates that suggest that maintenance-related stochastic

variables and the nature of production and control equipment are emission determinants.

A study by Rella et. al (2013) presented an analysis of methane emissions from

oil and gas generating well-pad facilities in the Barnett Shale area of Texas, measured

using an advanced ground-based mobile flux plane (MFP) measurement system, as part

of the Barnett Coordinated Campaign. In October 2013, they measured emissions from

nearly 200 well pads over 2 weeks using only public highways. Population of estimated

well pads is divided into well pads with detectable emissions (N = 115) and those with

emissions below the MFP instrument detection limit (N = 67). The distribution was highly

skewed, with a geometric mean of 0.63 kg / h, a geometric standard deviation of 4.2,



and an arithmetic mean of 1.72 kg / h for those well pads with nonzero emissions.

Including the population of non-emitting well pads, the statistical mean of well pads

sampled in this analysis is 1.1 kg / h. This distribution means that 50 percent of

emissions are attributed to the highest emitting well pads of 6.6 percent.

N. Partha et. al (2014) discussed about the anaerobic co-digestion of jatropha

de-oiled cake and orange peel waste for biogas processing was carried out in the batch

scale (500 ml serum bottle) under anaerobic condition at ambient temperature (at

different mixing ratios of two substrate). The experimental data showed a cumulative gas

output of 1140 ml of gas production at (1:2) the ratio of jatropha de-oiled cake with

orange peel wastes obtained over a 17-day period. To adequately describe the

cumulative output of biogas for this reactor, the updated Gompertz equation was used.

The value of CH4 was 75%, the CO2 content was 16% and the CO content was 9%.

The production of biogas was measured daily using liquid displacement system. For

agricultural purposes the digested slurry may be used as a fertilizer. A two-phase,

anaerobic digestion of banana peel is an attractive method for hydrogen and methane

production. Comparative output and total energy recovery between two phase processes

(sequential hydrogen and methane fermentation) and one step (methane fermentation)

in batch reactor under incubation were evaluated at different ratios of feedstock to

microbial inoculum (F / M) from 2, 5 to 10. Biogas yield, production rate and capacity are

determined by F / M ratios. At F / M of 5.0 best performances was observed for one step

of methane fermentation. Methane yield, output rate and capacity at this condition were

251.3 mL g-1 VS, 2.05 mL h-1, and 352.9 mL, respectively. In two stage processes,

hydrogen and methane yields of 209.9 and 284.1 mL g1 VS mL g-1 VS were attained at

F / M 5.0. Acetic acid is the principal volatile fatty acids (VFAs) formed in the

fermentation stage of hydrogen. In both step processes small amounts of VFAs were

produced in methane fermentation. The total recovery of energy in two stages is 81 per

cent higher than in one stage. This study shows two phases attaining a better

performance than one step of banana peel fermentation.



R. Wikandari et. al (2014) also discussed about the use of other organic

materials and were responsible for the analysis on major biogas processing problems,

which are rapid acidification and inhibition of D-limonene. Since limonene is a

hydrophobic chemical, this problem was encountered in a biogas reactor using

membranes made of hydrophilic polyvinylidene difluoride (PVDF). The more sensitive

methane-producing archaea were encapsulated in the membranes, while freely

suspended digesting bacteria were present in the culture as well. The free digestive

bacteria digested the citrus wastes in this membrane bioreactor (MBR), and developed

soluble compounds that could move through the membrane and convert the

encapsulated cell to biogas. Specific digestions were conducted as a control experiment

in bioreactors containing the same amount of free only cells. The tests were performed

under 55 ° C thermophilic conditions, and 30 days hydraulic retention time. The organic

charge rate (OLR) started at 0.3 kg VS / m3/day and gradually increased to 3 kg VS /

m3/day. The results show that MBR succeeded in producing methane at 0.33 Nm3/kg

VS at the maximum OLR, while the conventional free cell reactor decreased its methane

production to 0.05 Nm3/kg VS. Approximately 73 per cent of the theoretical methane

yield was produced using the bioreactor membrane.

L. Deressa et. al (2015) the article tackles about the production of the fruit and

vegetable waste biogas mixed in an anaerobic digester with cow manure. The total

stable, volatile solids, the content of moisture and the ash content of the waste were

analyzed. The materials used as feed were avocado, papaya, mango, tomato, banana

peel, and cow manure. Varying volumes of digesters were employed for biogas

generation. The combustibility of the gas so generated was tested. The anaerobic

digestion of fruit and vegetable waste combined with other waste took 55 days (for total

digestion) to produce biogas. Anaerobic digestion is very sensitive to pH change, and it

is important for a healthy system to maintain pH of 6.7-7.4. The digester temperature

and the environment also influence the cycle of anaerobic digestion. When the factors

affecting anaerobic digestion are modified, it is felt that co-digestion between FVW and

CM creates biogas without the need for addition of nutrients or chemicals to the system.


The quest for alternative energy sources such as biogas should be stepped up so that

environmental hazards such as emissions, deforestation, desertification and erosion can

be arrested.

P. Calabro and M. Panzera (2017) use oranges representing one of the most

important fruits on the global market, almost 70% of which are used in industrial

processes to manufacture juices, jams and other goods, returning enormous quantities

of residues known as Orange Peel Waste (OPW). Several potential uses have been

suggested for its management at the moment, one of the most interesting ones is the

production of methane through the anaerobic digestion process; however, each

valuation proposal must consider that the production of oranges, and so the OPW one,

is strictly affected by the seasonal distribution of fruit. For this purpose, this paper

analyzes the effects of a storage method, the ensiling, commonly used for fodders, on

the production of biomethane from anaerobic digestion processes at a laboratory scale.

Different samples of OPW were ensiled for increasingly long periods, then tests of bio-

methane production (BMP) were performed and the findings were compared with those

of fresh OPW. Also, in terms of global equilibrium of the whole cycle (ensiling and

anaerobic digestion) the findings were evaluated. The results showed that OPW ensiled

has the most promising methane production for longer periods. The same study,

however, also showed the highest volatile solid reduction during ensiling and thus the

highest potential reduction in the output of bio-methane.



Chapter 3


This chapter presents the methods utilized by the researchers in order to

complete the study.

Research Design

This research is designed to develop an Arduino-based Methane Gas Quantifier

based on an existing quantifier made by past students of Mechanical Engineering of the

Polytechnic University of the Philippines and conduct an experiment in to determine the

effectivity and performance of the newly developed methane gas quantifier.

With this research, the researchers aim to provide a more convenient and cost-

effective method to analyze methane and other natural gases, such as butane, and

easily measure its presence in the atmosphere. To achieve this, the researchers will

provide a better design for the methane gas quantifier as well as a new programmed

code to use in the Arduino-based quantifier. The researchers will also arrange the

circuitry of the methane gas quantifier to allow it to function reliably.

The researcher will conduct scientific experiments to test the methane gas

quantifier. In this experiment the researchers will manipulate one variable and controls

the other variables, and through this method, the researchers can test and measure the

effect of the manipulated variable. The researchers will conduct these experiments to

gather data needed for the study. It will allow the researchers to determine whether the

methane gas analyzer is an effective device to use in assessing natural gas levels.

The main experiment also involves the production of methane gas using a

reactor. The researchers will use manure of domestic chicken (Gallus gallus domesticus)

as an organic material which is the source of methane gas. The data gathered in these

experiments will allow the researchers to form conclusions regarding the effectivity of the

newly developed methane gas quantifier.



Flow Chart of the Research Design

Start of Study

Research on Methane Gas

Quantifier and Methane Sources

Acquisition of Existing Methane

Gas Quantifier

Testing of Existing Methane Gas


Programming new code for the

New Methane Gas Quantifier

Designing the New Methane Gas


Arrangement of circuitry of New

Methane Gas Quantifier

Testing and Calibration of the

New Methane Gas Quantifier




Design of Methane Gas Quantifier



Case Dimensions


Circuit of the Methane Gas Quantifier


CS 10
SCK 13
+ 9
- -
+ 7
- -
+ 6
- -

Note: (+) and (-) side of PCB is connected to the Arduino’s 5V and GND pin respectively.


Programming the Methane Gas Quantifier

Through the Arduino Integrated Development Environment (IDE) - a cross-

platform application that is written in functions from C and C++ - the Methane Gas

Quantifier was programmed.

The program, written and uploaded to the Methane Gas Quantifier, enabled the

system to measure, display, indicate high ppm levels, and record ppm levels of not only

methane, but also CNGs (Compressed Natural Gases) such as butane, etc.

The sketchbook of the Methane Gas Quantifier Program showing a portion of the

In the sketchbook, the line “int sensorThres = 600;” indicates a sensor threshold

of 600 ppm. This means that, when the LCD displays a ppm reading of 600 or above,

the red led and the buzzer on the quantifier will operate (initially at below 600 ppm,

green led is on, buzzer is off).



A portion of the program showing the code lines of data logging (displayed
measurements to SD Card).

It was stated earlier that the quantifier is able to record ppm levels. Through the

SD Card Module on the quantifier, the displayed measurements upon the quantifier’s

operation, including the ‘real-time clock system’, will be logged on the SD Card mounted

on the module. The code line, “myFile =“test.txt”, FILE_WRITE);”, indicates

that in the SD Card itself, a “.txt” file named “test” will be found upon reading it. Also, the

code line says that, when the “test.txt” file already contains existing data, the Arduino

can write additional data without deleting the previous.

Calibrating the MQ4 Sensor

According to a video of ‘’ (How to calibrate an MQ-2 Gas

Sensor), there are two (2) methods in calibrating an MQ sensor. One method is through

the use of a “calibration kit” – a set of physical devices called standards, the other

method is through the use of Arduino calibration codes for specific MQ sensors.

The calibration code used was derived from an example sketch of the Arduino

Library, “MQUnifiedSensor”. The library’s calibration code is intended for nine (9) MQ

sensors operated simultaneously. Since, the research design only utilize an MQ4

Sensor, the original calibration code was modified – to calibrate only an MQ4 Sensor.


The sketchbook showing the MQ4 Sensor calibration code derived from an example
sketch of “MQUnifiedSensor”.

According to the library, it is a must to run the code with the sensor “preheated”

for about four (4) hours on a “clean room” – a room with no possible gas leakages.

“” says that, it took at least twenty-five (25) seconds to calibrate the

sensor upon running the code. To ensure sensor output stability (sensor ppm reading), it

should take a few minutes more. With this, the researchers decided to run the calibration

code for at least fifteen (15) minutes.

A part of a sketchbook of the “MQUnified Sensor” library showing the output of the
calibration – sensor reading in ‘ppm’ values.



In order to test the newly developed methane gas quantifier, the proponents of

the research conducted two experiments. The data recorded in each experiment will

exhibit the effectivity of the new methane gas quantifier.

Experiment I: Testing Methane Gas Quantifier Responsiveness and Reliability by

Measuring Butane Levels


Using the developed methane gas quantifier, the researchers tested the

quantifier to measure levels of Lighter Gas (Butane); since, MQ4 Sensors also detect

CNGs (Compressed Natural Gases, such as Butane).

In this experiment, the researchers will also note the color of the LED indicators

and the status of the buzzer at certain ppm readings.


To determine the responsiveness of the MQ4 sensor, and reliability of methane

level indicators of the new methane gas quantifier.

Materials/tools used:

 Methane gas quantifier

 Lighter

 Digital Timer


1. Initialize the methane gas quantifier.

2. Allow the quantifier to stabilize for 100 seconds.

3. Ignite the lighter for and allow butane to leak for ten seconds.

4. Observe the PPM readings, LED indicator color, and buzzer status.

5. Repeat no. 3-4, after 10 another 10 seconds for two more times.


Data: Format of table to be used in each leak.

Time elapsed PPM Reading LED indicator Buzzer

Experiment II: Analysis of Methane Production of Chicken (Gallus gallus domesticus)

Manure in a Small-Scale Reactor


Utilizing the developed methane gas quantifier to analyze methane production of

chicken manure – water mixture in a small-scale reactor.

This experiment will use two identical small-scale reactor with different ratio of

chicken manure to water ratio to produce the methane which will be measured by the

new methane gas quantifier. For this experiment, reactor 1 contains a mixture with 70%

water and 30% chicken manure, while reactor 2 contains 50% water and 50% chicken



To determine the level of methane produced by the reactors and compare the

amount of methane produced by each chicken manure – water mixture.

Materials/Tools used:

 Methane Gas Quantifier

 Chicken manure

 Water

 Stirrer

 Small-scale reactor*


*For this study, the researchers constructed a small-scale reactor using these materials:

- Mason jar

- Copper plate

- Copper Tube

- Plumbing Fitting

- Ball valve

- Plumbing elbow

- Pressure gage

- Epoxy

- Teflon Tape


a. Constructing the small-scale reactor.

1. To assemble the gas outlet, connect the copper tube, ball valve, and the

pressure gage as presented in the figure.

2. Use Teflon tape in the fittings to ensure that there is no leakage in the


3. Solder the copper plate to the gas outlet.

4. Using a drill or a chisel, create a hole at the center of the lid of the mason


5. Attach the piping connection to the mason jar through the hole you

created in the lid.

6. Fix the gas outlet to the lid with screws.

7. Apply epoxy/sealant on the connection to avoid leakage.

8. Tightly seal the lid to the jar with the use of Teflon tape.


Figure: Assembly of Small-scale Reactor



b. Preparing the mixture in the reactor.

1. For reactor 1: Put 12 oz (355 ml) chicken manure in the jar, add 28 oz (830

ml) water to the mixture and stir.

2. For reactor 2: Put 12 oz (355 ml) chicken manure in the jar, add 12 oz (355

ml) water to the mixture and stir.

3. Seal the lid of the jar. Ensure that the valve in the gas outlet is tightly close.

4. Place an uninflated balloon at the end of the gas outlet.

5. Set the reactors aside for two days.

c. Measuring methane production.

1. After two days, check the pressure gages in the reactor.

2. If pressure increased, open the valve and see if the volume of the balloon

gradually increase.

3. Remove the balloon from the gas outlet and let the reactor leak.

4. Using the methane gas quantifier, measure the methane levels for 100


5. Perform steps 2-4 for each reactor separately.

a. Format of Table presenting pressure buildup in the reactors
Reactor Pressure in psig

b. Format of Table presenting levels of methane produced by each reactor

Time elapsed after Measured methane levels in ppm

initialization (secs) Reactor 1 Reactor 2

c. Format of Highest Reading and Average Methane levels for Reactor 1 and 2
Reactor Highest recorded Methane Level Average Methane

Methane Time elapsed(sec) Level for 100 seconds

level(ppm) (ppm)


Chapter 4


Experiment I: Testing Methane Gas Quantifier Responsiveness and Reliability by

Measuring Butane Levels

Graph I-a: PPM Levels: Lighter Gas (Butane) Test

The graph shows the data obtained by testing the methane gas quantifier on a Lighter

Gas (Butane).

During the 0th – 105th second, the curve shows the stabilizing ppm levels of the

quantifier (before leaking the lighter gas).

On the 105th – 125th second, the first measurement was done. During the first test, the

quantifier registered the highest reading, 984 ppm of butane, before stopping the butane

leak – reaching 133 ppm. The highest reading, 984 ppm, was registered on the 115th

second of testing.

On the 125th – 145th second, the second measurement was done. During the second

test, the quantifier registered a 997 ppm reading of butane, before stopping the leak –

reaching 142 ppm.



On the 145th second, the last measurement was done. During the test, the quantifier

registered a 980 ppm reading, before stopping the leak – stabilizing the ppm reading on

the quantifier.

Tables showing PPM Reading, LED indicator color, and buzzer status of the methane

gas quantifier at each leakage.

Table I-a: First leak

Time elapsed PPM Reading LED indicator Buzzer
0 47 green Off
105 269 green Off
110 973 red On
115 980 red On
120 152 green Off
125 129 green Off

Table I-b: Second Leak

Time elapsed PPM Reading LED indicator Buzzer
125 129 green Off
130 655 red On
135 985 red On
140 194 green Off
145 135 green Off

Table I-c: Third Leak

Time elapsed PPM Reading LED indicator Buzzer
145 135 green Off
150 880 red On
155 949 red On
160 216 green Off
165 129 green Off
The researchers observed that the quantifier consistently shows a sudden spike

in PPM readings in every leak. The LED indicator lights green and the buzzer is shut off

when the PPM reading is less than 600 ppm and the red LED indicator and buzzer are

switched on when the PPM reading is more than 600 ppm.



Experiment II: Analysis of Methane Production of Chicken (Gallus gallus domesticus)

Manure in a Small-Scale Reactor

Two days after preparing the chicken manure-water mixture, the pressure gages

in each reactor showed readings of increased pressure.

Table II-a: Pressure reading in small-scale reactors

Reactor Pressure in psig

1 3
2 1

Increased pressure indicates that methane production occurred, with this

acquired data, we can expect that more methane is produced in reactor 1 with 70 %

water to 30 % manure mixture than reactor 2 with 50% water to 50% manure mixture.

Graph II-a: PPM Levels produced by Reactors 1 and 2



Table II -b: PPM Levels produced by Reactors 1 and 2

Time elapsed after Measured methane levels in ppm

initialization (secs) Reactor 1 Reactor 2

1 100 100
4 99 96
7 98 90
10 97 86
13 95 86
16 93 83
19 92 83
22 92 86
25 89 85
28 85 82
31 86 81
34 88 81
37 94 83
40 91 81
43 103 87
46 47 93
49 79 94
52 134 91
55 199 85
58 214 97
61 220 96
64 221 100
67 235 95
70 243 104
73 232 102
76 250 103
79 245 96
82 253 99
85 251 100
88 234 94
91 188 100
94 155 79
97 141 74
100 131 74


Table II-c: Highest Reading and Average Methane levels for Reactor 1 and 2

Reactor Highest recorded Methane Level Average Methane

Methane Time elapsed(sec) Level for 100 seconds

1 253
level(ppm) 82 149
2 106 84 90

As presented by graph II-a, and tables II-b and II-c, Reactor 1 registered a

significantly larger amount of methane measured by the quantifier. Within one hundred

seconds, Reactor 1 containing mixture of 70% water and 30% chicken manure

registered up to 253 ppm of methane level compared to Reactor 2 with equal volume of

chicken manure and water registering only as high as 104 ppm. The average amount of

methane level for Reactor 1 is 149 ppm while Reactor 2 only has an average reading of

90 ppm.

The experiment also showed that it takes time for the methane produced by the

reactor to show significant increase in methane level in the area, reactor 1 took as much

as 50 seconds before the methane reading showed distinguishable change, while

Reactor 2 displayed minimal change throughout the experiment. However both reactors

registered their highest readings between the 80th and 85th seconds into the experiment.

This experiment showed the capability of the developed methane gas quantifier

to measure methane produced by a small-scale reactor, this exhibits the quantifiers’

usage in identifying effective methane production methods.



Chapter 5


This Chapter presents the summary of findings based on gathered data from all

experiments performed by the researchers for this study. Also included in this chapter

are the conclusions drawn from the findings, and recommendations for further

developments of the study.

Summary of Findings:

Experiment I: Testing Methane Gas Quantifier Responsiveness and Reliability by

Measuring Butane Levels

1. The quantifier consistently shows a sudden spike in PPM readings in every


2. The LED indicator lights green and the buzzer is shut off when the PPM

reading is less than 600 ppm and the red LED indicator and buzzer are switched

on when the PPM reading is more than 600 ppm.

3. The MQ4 sensor responses instantaneously when a change in butane levels


4. The LED indicators and the buzzer corresponds properly to the PPM reading

of the quantifier.

Experiment II: Analysis of Methane Production of Chicken (Gallus gallus domesticus)

Manure in a Small-Scale Reactor

1. Reactor 1 with 70:30 water to chicken manure ratio of the mixture registered

an increase in pressure three times higher than Reactor 2 with 50:50 ratio.

2. Reactor 1 registered a higher amount of methane reading, its highest reading

is almost 2.5 times higher than the highest reading on Reactor 2.



3. It takes time for the methane produced by the reactor to significantly increase

the methane levels in the area.


Based on the findings from the experiments conducted, the researchers arrived

at the following conclusions.

1. The MQ4 sensor responds instantaneously to the change in butane levels.

2. Safety indicators in the methane quantifier, such as the buzzer in LED

indicators corresponds accordingly to the readings registered in the


3. Methane production can be indicated by the change in pressure in the

reactors, higher increase in pressure directly relates to higher amount of

methane produced by the reactor.

4. Chicken (Gallus gallus domesticus) manure can be used as an organic

source of methane with the use of a reactor.

5. Higher water content in the mixture produces more methane than the mixture

with equal volume of water and organic material.

6. The developed methane gas quantifier is useful in identifying effective

methane production methods.


The following statements are recommendations proposed by the researchers for

further development of the methane gas quantifier for future studies.

1. Use higher-quality sensors enabling wider range of measurement.

2. Use advanced method of sensor calibration.

3. Test other methane sources.

4. Develop a larger scale reactor.

5. Compare the developed methane gas quantifier with other methane

measuring instruments available in the market




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