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vita 4, On This Night Of A Thousand Stars * Colla voce bg Tango tempo nm \ Tango tempo eet = SS Ste On thisnight of a thou - sand stars_, a = a Jed Oo Beet i Sf bd te be = ea = ¢ iS f= = ae 2S = = a SS under stand thir feelings I wan-na be B. A.Ble-nos aires, big a 54 £# et t a ot ES : =p te Fle ts SS toe Ei aa 7 ToT Pid mosso (previous tempo) s - ‘eng ‘ a sa a © J £ 7 +s os Fae my ple 1 wan-na be a part of B, A, Bue-nos Air - es, big ap - ple Just She wants to - . , 5 ¥ £ £ ft - £ e o “ : | f ae f tele = f SS == a \ o>. \ jy ee i i Sag v Je ee lis-ten to that, they're on to you,Ma-gal-di Td get outwhile you can I's eat ——————= we + oF le mp = 4 pst Ze a 7 ae ie SS f 6 f ——— = pase = hap-pened at las 'm staring to get start - ef Tm mov - ing p= po - fe fe fe ess = Gee See Gee Geet | ™p Aa Swe z J if rr aoe ee 4, On This Night OFA Thousand Stars vita * [MAGAEDT] [Ba] with my man Now, B= carried a - way aS Who could ev-er get kicks in the back of the sticks? —Don'thear words that I did-n't say__ = —~- (scm) —_Calevooe ein ou? SSS SS What's that? You'd de-sert the girl you love? The — girl, ~=«s_—dove? A A A % 4 ei fos bo gop bor a mf mp Pop yy rE lf J 4. On This Night OF A Thousand Stars A Tempo poco meno vit [BROTHER 290 [BROTHER ‘TWO SIST She really brigh-tened up your out of town en - gage-ment (percussion) 4 (ETRE FAMITY) gave you all l nit in your contract, (percussion) Molto meno mosso EVA 7 5 be quite re-lieved that no-one’s told the pa = pers so far 101 Colla voce A.Buesnos Air - es big ap - ple Would have donewhat 1 4, On This Night OFA Thousand Stars ita A Tempo p. ‘CHIE 2 ——— e Gz 2 ae i cr Ee ? = oy a i SS did if 1 had-a'tthought, if 1 had-n't known wewouldstay {9-geth - er? Seems to \ f p = = \ =e 7+ ek T a <7 me there's no point She's made up her mind, you've no Popo Pe? mf 4 rp pe tr ote Why don't you be the man who dis - cov-ered her?You'll poppe pe ee j= SS ney-er be re-mem-hered for your voice apa 7 4, On This Night OFA Thousand Stars vita at? Ge fee ee z cr | ot f ft fa pa-ra - dise for those who have — the cash The class and the con -nec ia sae = PS Ce pea Set ary + tions Whatyou need to make a splash likes of you get = re Eat up inthe mom-ing with the trash__ If you were rich or == ppp ee 4 ar i a eT 7 4, On This Night OF Thousand Stars Colla voce. Brita 19 A] H Screw the middle classes 1 will nev-er ac-cept them, and they will aC St—“aSS f 132 a 2 nev-er de-ny me an-y-thing a-gain, my fa-ther’soth-er fami -ly weremid-dle class,__ and we were _|——— kept out of sight, hid - den from view nn sea 2 3 fer a ais Se these are the peo-ple of Bue - nos. Ai- res, 1 wel-come thechance to shine in their ci ty 4 Kee = a o aa 7 a 4 a 4. On This Night OFA Thousand Stars Colla voce Bits Allegro moderato sass oi (MAGA a ¥ 5 5 Do allyouronenightstands —_giveyou this much trou-ble? E - va, beware of the 1a It’s hun-gryand cold, car'tbecon-trolled, it is mad Those who are fools are-—swal-lowed up whole, and those who are not be - come ae t —— SS Se Ss F —= = RS = what they should not be-comechanged, in shortthey go bad ps DaF ri | 4 4, On This Night OFA Thousend Stars eu rn qual vita bored so clean and so ig ~ nored, I've on - ly beenpre - dict-a-ble, _res-pect-a-ble Birds fly out of here,so whyohwhyohwhythe —hell_cant. Lon - ly want va- ri-e-ty, o-to-ri-e-t, Twansna be part of ‘A. Bue-nos Air - es ‘ sy Sa j Pa a St le T wan-m Air - big ap-ple She wants to Bea PSs “Taq St ae — vita 366 SAGA Five yearsfromnow 1. shall come back_ and finally say Youhaveyour way... cometo town But you'll lookat me witha for-eign-er's eye_ SS 1 a young-er gills. d= gy = 5} longsince put down Bal I = ——_——— — —————— J a a oo All you've done to —me,was that a young girl's fan - ta - sy? 1 played your Gi - ty ptt = SS SS SS as 4, On This Night OFA Thousand Stars vita gamesall right did-n't 21 al-read - y know what cooks,howthe dir-ty ci-tyfecls and looks, I fast - ed it lastnight, Vmgon-na be a part of A. Bue-nos, (BA GHORIS] 186 Air - es big ap - ple Tm gon-na be a part of A. Bue-nos Air - 6 big She's gon-na m ([MAGALDT) ae t ome = sas re =z Se fF . Ev - a be-ware youram - bi - tion ___ I's hun - gry and cold, tnt at Ha Bee epee 4 mp 4, On This Night OFA Thousand Stars 94 re! 5 (Git rp ee Z 7 ee re er f } can't becon-trolled,will rin wild this in aman is a dan-ger e-nough, but win EAS sana eo - 7 a - * iD: a= 6 2h {Ss =< ae a ve - ry much more than a SSS 4 child, and what - ev = er you say, TM omot steal you a= way (pote e tte = | \ a 6 a ea 7 pa 7 = = 5 pes Ab bi f FRR OF if Ff Dep ow Z a, 23a %32~4 in Tis Night OFA Thousand Stars segue as one 5. Buenos Aires 4, On This Night OF Thousand Stars

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