4051 - RFP Document For Canted Turnout & Swing Nose Crossing

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Government of India

Ministry of Railways
Research Designs and Standards Organisation (RDSO)
Manak Nagar, Lucknow (INDIA) -226011

(Notice No. CT/PTX/SNX dated 27.03.2019)

Ministry of Railways, Research Designs and Standards Organisation (R.D.S.O.),

Lucknow is inviting the proposal from the firms whose product “Canted
Turnout with Swing Nose Crossing & their Operating Mechanism”
(hereinafter designated as The Product) qualifies the technical criteria given in
Annexure-C for short-listing the products for considering for ‘Field Trial on
Indian Railways”. After successful field trial of the product, the adoption will be
dealt as per Railway Board’s letter no. 2013/Tk-II/22/7/4(Genl. Policy) dated
08.03.2016 regarding “New Policy on development and adoption of new products
/ technologies for track/bridge related items”.

Firms who can supply The Product meeting the technical requirements i.e.
Generic Specification / performance parameters as given in Annexure-C of this
document are requested to see the complete details and RFP document on
RDSO’s website www.rdso.indianrailways.gov.inHomepage Expression of
Interest ‘EOI’.

For any clarification, Firms may contact Joint Director/Track-III, RDSO,

Lucknow on Telephone No. +91-522-2465768 or / and email:
dtd3rdso@gmail.com on any working day for further details.
The firms are requested to submit the proposal and requisite details in the
prescribed format to Joint Director/Track-III, Anusandhan Bhawan, Track
Design Directorate, RDSO, Manak Nagar, Lucknow –226011 (INDIA) up to

Firms submitting proposals shall note that:

1. This Global RFP is only for the purpose of short-listing the product meeting
the stipulated Specification as given in Annexure-C of this document for
considering for undertaking field trial in the Indian Railways.
2. The relevant details of the product, meeting technical requirements as given
in Annexure-C, needs to be provided.
3. The parameters given in Annexure-C are mainly indicative & for guidance

Joint Director/Track-III
for Director General (Track)
RDSO, Lucknow
(For & on behalf of President of India)


Instructions/ Guidelines for the firms submitting proposals against this

Global Request for Proposal (RFP)


Indian Railways reserves the right not to proceed with the process or at a
later stage to change the process as per the requirements of Indian
Railways. It also reserves the right to decline to discuss the process further
with any party submitting the proposal. This RFP shall not be considered in
any way a proposal for procurement of the product but only for short-
listing of product i.e. the product meeting the technical requirements i.e.
generic specifications / performance parameters of the product given in
Annexure-C for considering for undertaking only field trial. The intending
participants will furnish proposals at their own cost and no claims,
whatsoever; in this reference will be entertained by the Railways.


The purpose of this RFP is to short-list “The product” for undertaking field
trial and invite the proposals from firms who can supply the product
meeting technical parameters as per Annexure-C.

With above objective, Indian Railways seeks to establish proveness of “The

product” through field trial over Indian Railway, meeting the technical
requirements i.e. generic specifications / performance parameters of “The
product” for their possible use in future on Indian Railways. The generic
specifications / performance parameters of the product is given in this
document as Annexure- ‘C’.


3.1 Eligibility criteria

i) Applying firms should be following:

Either Manufacturer or Supplier of the product “Canted Turnout with

Swing Nose Crossing and their Operating Mechanism” to any world
railway system having Collaboration Agreement or Joint Venture
partnership with any Indian firm.

However, the firm/JV who has past experience in use of the product
“Canted Turnout with Swing Nose Crossing and their Operating
Mechanism” and have done R&D on this subject will be preferred.

ii) The “Canted Turnout with Swing Nose Crossing and their Operating
Mechanism” offered by the Firm should meet in general the Generic
Specification / performance parameters mentioned in this document
(Annexure – ‘C’).

3.2 If the offered “Canted Turnout with Swing Nose Crossing and their
Operating Mechanism” is a proven product, then the Firm shall provide
the details of supply & its performance on any of the World Railway in last
three years however, the such firm has to submit “Canted Turnout with
Swing Nose Crossing and their Operating Mechanism” proposal as per
Specification for procurement of “Canted turnout with Swing Nose
Crossing and their Operating Mechanism” for Indian Railways as given in
Annexure-C. If the offered “Canted Turnout with Swing Nose Crossing
and their Operating Mechanism” is not proven & meeting the technical
requirements given in Annexure-C, in that case the firm can also submit
their proposal as per this document.
3.3 Specification of offered “Canted Turnout with Swing Nose Crossing and
their Operating Mechanism” supplied earlier to any world railway system
as per Para 3.2 can be attached as separate document while submitting
the Global RFP proposal.

3.4 Technical details to be provided by firm: Technical details such as

relevant values/properties of the proposed “Canted Turnout with Swing
Nose Crossing and their Operating Mechanism” proposed as per the
technical requirements given in Annexure-C, shall be submitted by the
firm along with their proposals. The firm will be required to furnish
supporting documents along with lab reports and field reports if any etc.
to establish that they are meeting the laid down requirements.

3.5 The details submitted by the firm shall be scrutinized by RDSO. The
deficiency as observed in the proposal during technical scrutiny or
additional information as considered necessary will be advised to the firm.
The additional information must be made available by firm within one
month of intimation.

3.6 Submission by firms: The firm shall ensure the submission in the format
given in Annexure - B.

3.7 The submission by the firms shall be made to Joint Director/Track-III,

RDSO, Anusandhan Bhawan, Manak Nagar, Lucknow- 226011 (INDIA) in
the enclosed Format for “Letter of Response at Annexure B”. In the
proposal submitted, the firms should mention RDSO’s Notice No.
CT/PTX/SNX dated 27.03.2019

3.8 The firms must furnish the application form & details in duplicate as
required in the enclosed Format for “Letter of Response” at Annexure-B
and details stipulated in Annexure-C. All pages of the documents should
be signed with stamp.

3.9 In case the offered fastening system is claimed to be patented one already,
the firms/JV will submit the patent registration details and documents/
drawings in the support of the same.

In case the offered “Canted Turnout with Swing Nose Crossing and their
Operating Mechanism” system is claimed to be non-patented or free from
any IPR, the firms/JV will submit undertaking (notarized affidavit) that
the same has been developed by them and not copied from an existing
product/design/drawing. It does not violate any valid/live patent and the

same is not patented/developed by any other firms/JV. In addition, the
firms/JV will also required to submit indemnify to IR/RDSO as per
proforma given in Annexure-D against any possible dispute/litigation in
feature pertaining to IPR infringement of any product/technology/design.
It shall also be incorporated in such an undertaking that the firm/JV is
fully aware of the fact that patented product/technology shall not be
entitled for any incentive or preferred treatment in case of its adoption by

3.10 RDSO reserves all the right of this exercise. In case of any doubt/dispute,
decision of RDSO shall be final.


The product meeting the eligibility criteria will be shortlisted by RDSO for
considering for undertaking field trial on Indian Railways, broadly based on
the following criteria:

S. No. Item

1 Technical suitability of the proposed product “Canted Turnout

with Swing Nose Crossing and their Operating Mechanism” as
per the Generic Specification / performance parameters given in
Annexure-C and as decided by RDSO.
2 Experience and expertise in the field of the product “Canted
Turnout with Swing Nose Crossing and their Operating
Mechanism” or as decided by RDSO.

Joint Director/Track-III,
For Director General (Track)
RDSO, Lucknow



Respondents Ref No.: Date:

Joint Director/Track-III
Building: Anusandhan Bhawan,
Research Designs & Standards Organization (RDSO)
Ministry of Railways, Manak Nagar
Lucknow (INDIA), Pin - 226011

Dear Sir,
1. We, the undersigned, offer the following information in response to the
‘Global Request for Proposals’ sought by you vide your Notification No.
CT/PTX/SNX dated 27.03.2019.
2. We are duly authorized to represent and act on behalf of ________________
(hereinafter the “respondent”)
3. We have examined and have no reservations to the Global RFP Document
including Addenda No(s)______________________.
4. We are attaching with this letter, the copies of original documents defining:
4.1 The Respondent’s legal status;
4.2 Its principal place of business;
4.3 Its place of incorporation (if respondents are corporations); or its place
of registration (if respondents are cooperative institutions,
partnerships or individually owned firms);
4.4 Self certified financial statements of last three years, clearly indicating
the financial turn over and net worth.
4.5 Copies of any market research, business studies, feasibility reports etc
sponsored by the respondent, relevant to the project under
5. We shall assist Ministry of Railways (MoR) and/or its authorized
representatives to obtain further clarification from us, if needed.
5.1 RDSO and/or its authorized representatives may contact the following
nodal persons for further information on any aspects of the Response:

S. No. Contact Name Address Telephone E Mail

6. This application is made in the full understanding that:
6.1 The Global RFP is only for short-listing of the products i.e. for
considering for undertaking field trial of Canted Turnout with Swing
Nose Crossing and their Operating Mechanism and the firms who can
supply the Canted Turnout with Swing Nose Crossing and their
Operating Mechanism meeting the Specification for procurement of
“Canted turnout with Swing Nose Crossing and their Operating
Mechanism” / performance parameters for carrying out field trial by
Indian Railway and also suitable for use on IR network under
prevailing & envisaged operating conditions for 25T axle load and not
for its procurement.
6.2 Information furnished in response to Global RFP shall be used
confidentially by RDSO as required. Confidentiality of the information
furnished by the firm in this Global RFP will be maintained by RDSO.
6.3 RDSO reserves the right to consider or not to consider any or all
applications, cancel the Global RFP without any obligation to inform
the respondent about the grounds of same.
7. In response to the Global RFP, we hereby submit the following details
annexed to this application -
7.1 Turn-over of the firm during the last three financial years with the
copies of annual report.
7.2 Details of customer(s)/Railways where The product has been supplied
by the firm including quantity during last 3 years.
7.3 Details of supply and performance as detailed in Para 3.2 of
7.4 Specification / performance parameters of supplied /proposed The
product or for other reasons as per Para 3.2 of Annexure-A.
7.5 Budgetary cost of The product for all designs for items covered under
para 5 to 9 of Annexure-C.
7.6 Complete details of The product as per Annexure-C of this Global RFP.
7.7 Details of Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) held, patent filed/held and
MoU/ agreement signed.
7.8 Details of ISO/equivalent certification, if any.
7.9 Documents in proof of Eligibility criteria
7.10 Para-wise compliance of Requirements as per Annexure-C and
supporting documents, whichever applicable.
7.11 Undertaking/ indemnification as per Annexure-D.
8. The undersigned declare that the statements made and the information
provided in the duly completed application are complete, true, and correct
in every detail.
Yours sincerely,
In the Capacity of duly authorized to sign the response for and on behalf of



Generic Specification for

“Canted turnout with Swing Nose Crossing and their Operating Mechanism”
for Indian Railways

This specification covers the track and signaling requirements for
procurement of ‘Canted Turnout with Swing Nose Crossing and their
Operating mechanism’ for application on Indian Railway system.


2.1 Supplier, wherever used in this specification, refers to the applicant firm/
manufacturer/ vendor which have been entrusted with the work of
supplying ‘Canted Turnout with Swing Nose Crossing and their
Operating mechanism’ complete in all respects.

2.2 Purchaser shall mean Zonal Railways where the subject product is to be


The following specifications have been referred to in this specification

3.1 IRS: Specifications

IRS: T.12-2009: Indian Railway Standard specification for flat bottom


IRS: T.19-2012: Indian Railway Standard specification for fusion

welding of rail by Alumino-Thermic process

IRS: S 23-1988: Electrical and Electronic based signaling and

interlocking equipments. Part I: Terminology &
General requirements. Part II: General requirements
for Electrical signaling & interlocking equipments


1. The year of various specifications under reference given herein is the

prevailing version at the time of issue of this specification. However,
whenever any reference specification is revised, its latest revision will
be followed.
2. In case of deviation from IRS specifications referred in this
specification, clear reference to international specifications should be
given with details of deviation to IRS specification, implication on the
maintenance, performance etc.

3.2 International Specifications

UIC 866-0: Technical specification for supply of cast manganese steel

parts for turnouts

EN13232: Railway Applications-Track-Turnouts

EN13674: Railway Applications-Track-Rail

EN 15689: Austenitic Cast Manganese steel for crossings

CENELEC EN 50125-2 Railway applications - Environmental

conditions for equipment: Fixed electrical

CENELEC EN 50125-3 Railway applications - Communication,

signaling and processing systems: Safety
related electronic systems for signaling

Note: For items not having IS/IRS specifications, wherever RDSO could
obtain through EOI, international specifications have been referred too.


4.1 All turnouts shall be for 60 Kg (UIC) /60 E1 rail to be laid on Pre-stressed
Concrete (PSC) Sleepers and shall be designed for 1673 mm gauge. Traffic
density (A-route) may vary up to 130 GMT.

4.2 As Indian Railways Track carries passenger and goods traffic, the turnout
should allow following combination of axle load and speed on Main Line:

Axle Load Maximum Speed

on Main Line
25 ton (Goods traffic) 100 Kmph
22 ton (Passenger traffic) 200 Kmph

4.3 The type of turnouts and speed potential (considering cant deficiency of
75 mm) shall be as follows:

Type of Speed Potential

Turnout on Diverging Line
1:8.5 35 Kmph
1:12 50 Kmph
1:16 65 Kmph
1:20 85 Kmph

4.4 The entire turnout i.e. switch, lead and swing nose crossing portions shall
be provided with canted rails with an inward slope of 1 in 20.

4.5 The turnout should allow continuation of Long Welded Rail (LWR) through
it. The ambient temperature may be considered to be varying from -5° C
to 50° C. The rail temperature may vary from (-) 15° C to (+) 76° C.
Humidity may be as high as 100%.

4.6 The overall length of new offered turnout i.e. from Stock Rail Joint (SRJ)
to end of Swing Nose Crossing should be such that existing turnout with
CMS crossing can be replaced with new offered turnout without need for
any modification in yard layout. The key plan of the layout of turnouts
existing on Indian Railways is enclosed as figure-1. The suppliers may
familiarize themselves with the existing layouts in India as per place of
their convenience.

4.7 The system shall be easily maintainable with minimum maintenance
efforts. The system shall not interfere with or get damaged by
maintenance operations by track machines or manual track maintenance
operations, if required so. In case any special precautions for track
maintenance are required, the supplier shall provide the details for the
same. It should be possible to do regular maintenance of turnout without
requirement for dismantling of driving/detection rods etc. Hollow sleepers,
if required, can also be used to achieve the same.

4.8 There shall be no or minimal requirement for change in alignment of OHE

wire on turnout side with the turnout with Swing Nose Crossing in electric
traction (25KV AC) sections. In case of any requirement of change in
alignment, the details for the same shall be provided by the supplier
clearly through detailed dimensioned drawing and narration.

4.9 It should be feasible to provide track detection system using existing

methods like DC Track circuit (2-6 volts), AFTC, AC 110V & Axle counter
through the turnout and the swing nose crossing.

4.10 The supplier shall be responsible for detailed design of turnouts and
submit the same for approval of purchaser before commencement of
manufacturing. The machining/manufacturing tolerances in each part of
turnout shall be proposed by the supplier for purchaser’s approval.

4.11 All the rails 880/1080 HH/1175HT/350HT grade steel, to be used for
manufacturing of stock rail & tongue rail of switch, point rail & splice rail
of Vee of swing nose crossing and at other locations shall be
manufactured and tested in accordance with IRS T-12: 2009 with all
correction slips or EN 13674 specification as applicable and shall be of
Class A classification as per IRS T-12:2009 specifications.


5.1 All tongue/switch rails shall be manufactured from suitable asymmetrical

thick web rail section 60E1A1 (or 60E1A4 with prior approval of
purchaser). The switch rail shall be one piece with no joint within the
switch rail length.

5.2 All switches (stock rail & tongue/switch rail) shall be of 880/1080
HH/1175HT/350HT grade in accordance with IRS-T-12-2009 with all
correction slips or EN 13674 Specifications.

5.3 These 880/1080 HH/1175HT/350HT grade rails shall be suitable of being

welded by short pre-heat process of alumino-thermic welding technique
as specified in IRS-T-19 (latest version) for fusion welding of rails duly
following the provisions of’ Indian Railway Manual for Alumino-Thermic
welding’. In addition, 880/1080 HH/1175HT/350HT grade rails shall be
suitable of being welded to 880 grade (90 UTS) approach rails by short
pre-heat process of alumino-thermic welding technique. In case it is felt
by the supplier that this welding requires a special technique, the same
should be brought out in detail as per international practice.

5.4 Slide chairs in the switch portion shall be coated with an appropriate
special coating or provided with rollers so as to reduce the point operating
force and to eliminate the requirement of lubrication of sliding surfaces
during service with prior approval of the purchaser. The requirement and
the extent of relief planning on the flange of tongue rails shall be
determined and incorporated in the design by the supplier.

5.5 Switches shall provide adequate flange way clearance between the stock
rail and the tongue/switch rail in open position. The minimum flange
way clearance in switch portion shall not be less than 60 mm and the
supplier shall provide double drive arrangements for 1 in 12, 1 in 16 & 1
in 20 turnouts based on their requirement, whereas 1 in 8.5 turnouts
shall be with/without second drive arrangement. The opening of switch
at toe of switch shall be kept as 160 mm.

5.6 The thick web tongue rails shall be forged at the end to enable its
connection with the lead rail.

5.7 In the switch portion, the stock rail shall be held down by the elastic
fastenings on both sides of the flange of stock rail. The outside fastening
clip shall preferably be Elastic Rail Clip Mk-III/MK-V in use on Indian
Railways’ track, whereas the inside elastic clip shall be provided through
suitably designed opening in the slide chairs to have an appropriate
clamping force.

5.8 The switches shall be designed with an anti creep device at the heel of

5.9 The supplier shall also be responsible to make the provisions in switches
(stock rail & tongue rail) for all the connections required for point driving
machine, Clamp/Claw Lock, second/additional drive and any other
provisions required for connecting signaling equipment with prior
approval of the purchaser.


6.1 Swing Nose Crossing shall typically comprise of Cast Manganese Steel
Cradle, Sliding (i.e. ‘V’) assembly made of point and splice rail, Wing rails,
clamp locking system etc.

6.2 The supplier shall be responsible for making detailed design and drawings
for the Swing Nose Crossing including Cast Steel Cradle and fixation
arrangements required on PSC sleepers. This will include fixation
arrangement required for ‘V’ driving machine and any other arrangements
required for fixation of signaling equipment.

6.3 Swing Nose Crossing shall consist of a Cast Steel Mono block Cradle
manufactured from Austenitic Manganese steel according to UIC Code
866-0 and/or EN 15689.

6.4 The Cast Steel Cradle shall be adapted in order to provide fixing for the
clamp locking and point rail position detection systems.

6.5 The sliding table formed by the cradle bottom (which is in contact with
foot of Point/Splice rail) for lateral displacement of the swing nose shall be
coated with an appropriate special coating or provided with rollers so as

to reduce the point operating force and to eliminate the requirement of
lubrication of sliding surfaces during service with prior approval of the

6.6 The Cast Steel cradle of swing nose crossing shall be welded to lead rails
by flash butt welding of buffer transition rail piece of suitable thickness
duly approved by the purchaser.

6.7 The point rail and splice rail of Sliding/’V’ assembly shall be made 60 Kg
(UIC) rail or 60E1A1/60E1A4 rail. These rails shall be 880/1080
HH/1175HT/350HT grade rails. In case point/ splice rail are made of
60E1A1/60E1A4 rail sections, these rails shall be end forged to the
section of 60 Kg (UIC) rail to facilitate connection with approach rails.

6.8 Swing Nose Crossing shall be suitably dimensioned so as to eliminate the

necessity of providing small cut rail pieces for the purpose of inter-
connection. However, the need for providing site fabricated glued
insulated joints from signaling requirement point of view shall be taken
care of in the design.
6.9 The sliding /’V’ assembly shall be designed according to the type of
turnout (i.e. 1 in 8.5/ 1 in 12/1 in 16/ 1 in 20 ) to facilitate lateral
displacement of assembly.

6.10 The Swing Nose Crossing shall be designed to allow continuation of Long
Welded Rails (LWR) through it.


7.1 Check rail should not normally be required with Swing Nose Crossing. In
case, the same is required, design and drawings for the same shall be

7.2 Check rails in all turnouts shall have facility for the adjustment of check
rail clearances up to 10 mm over and above the initial designed clearance.
Each check rail end shall be flared by machining.


8.1 Present Indian Railway Standard Design for Pre-stressed Concrete (PSC)
sleeper for turnout is suitable for 25 ton axle load. The same design
should preferably be used. As Indian Railway’s design of PSC sleepers is
for vertical laying of rails (i.e. non-canted rails) and Cast Steel Manganese
(CMS) Crossing, the location of dowels and SGCI inserts on PSC sleeper
shall need modification to account for canted rails and swing nose
crossing. The supplier shall provide detailed drawings for location of
dowels, SGCI inserts etc for fastening arrangement of switch, lead and
swing nose crossing over PSC Sleepers.

8.2 The supplier shall check Indian Railway’s design for PSC Sleepers for
suitability for Canted Turnout with Swing Nose Crossing for the
combination of axle load and speed mentioned at clause 4.2 and shall
suggest modification in design, if required, with calculations for the
approval of purchaser.

8.3 The SGCI Inserts to be embedded in PSC Sleepers shall be suitably
modified to accommodate the pad required to be provided for attaining 1
in 20 rail cant in lead portion of turnout. SGCI inserts shall also be
modified in other portion of turnout based on the requirement. The
supplier shall be responsible to furnish the drawings for modified SGCI
inserts to ensure full compatibility with turnout design without affecting
the required toe load of the ERC MK-III / MK-V Clips.

8.4 Elastic Rail Clip MK-III/ MK-V to Drg. No. RDSO/T-3701/ RDSO/T- 5919
and GFN Liner to Drg. No. RDSO/T-3706 is used as rail-sleeper fastening
on turnouts on Indian Railways. There is a provision of 6.2/10mm thick
Composite Grooved Rubber Sole Plate (GRSP) between sleeper and rail.
6.2/10mm thick Composite GRSP is provided in between slide
chairs/bearing plates and PSC sleeper. Supplier should preferably use the
fastening system in vogue on Indian Railways. In case use of alternative
fastening system is proposed, the detailed drawings for the same shall be
provided by supplier for the approval of purchaser.

8.5 For attaining 1 in 20 cant of the rail on the locations where the
connection of the rail with PSC Sleeper is through SGCI Inserts, suitably
designed pads of appropriate material shall be provided between rail and
PSC Sleeper with prior approval of the Purchaser.

8.6 The supplier shall be responsible to furnish all the drawings of

modifications required in the RDSO drawings for the turnout sleepers
such as number and length of sleepers, dimensions of SGCI inserts, the
hole position for dowels, the location/orientation of SGCI inserts and the
provision for fixation of point machine and any other signaling equipment
to ensure full compatibility with the detailed design of turnouts carried
out by the supplier.

8.7 The supplier shall be responsible for making detailed design and drawings
for the fixation arrangements required on PSC sleepers for point driving
machines, second/ additional drive arrangement, if required and any
other arrangements required for fixation of signaling equipment with prior
approval of the purchaser.

9. Signaling Requirements:

9.1 The operation of the turnout and the swing nose crossing shall be through
suitable machine/machines which should be capable of providing the
required thrust under all operating conditions. The machine should
require minimal efforts in installation and maintenance. The maintenance
should be possible easily with minimum effect on traffic.

9.2 External clamp locking mechanism which is non – trailable should be

available. It should prevent unexpected unlocking in the event of breakage
or loosening of drive rods.

9.3 Locking detectors to ensure proper positioning and lock detection for each
position of the switch/ crossing. Proving of swing nose position with
corresponding switches point machine has to be done.

9.4 Least interference due to external factors like vandalism, weather etc. is
desirable. Machine tamping with minimum effect to point machine fittings
will be preferable. Refer Para 4.7 also for this.

9.5 IP-65 level of the housing of point machine and detectors is desirable.

9.6 Operable from 110 V DC supply.

9.7 Range of operation: 2 km (minimum)

9.8 AC immunity-400 V (minimum)

9.9 It should be feasible to provide track detection system using existing

methods like DC Track circuit, AFTC & Axle counter through the turnout
and the swing nose crossing.

9.10 It should require least changes in existing signaling arrangements.


10.1 The supplier shall be responsible for detailed design & drawings of canted
turnouts with swing nose crossing including all fittings, fastenings,
fixtures, various blocks, base plates/special base plates, brackets,
stretcher bars, if required and their connections, check rails, if required,
rail pads, intermediate pads, pads for providing 1 in 20 slope on PSC
sleeper, washers, insulating bushes, bolts and nuts, second/ additional
drive arrangements as required with its fittings, switches, swing nose
crossings, complete signaling arrangement etc.

10.2 The supplier shall also be responsible to prepare drawings for all the
modifications required in the existing relevant RDSO drawings of PSC
Sleepers and fastening system for turnouts.

10.3 Abstract of cost of complete set of canted turnout with swing nose
crossing & spares etc. should also be given.


11.1 The supplier shall be responsible for manufacturing and supply of

switches (stock rail & tongue rail), swing nose crossing, check rails if
required, slide chairs, base plates, special base plates, brackets, all
fittings & fastenings, fixtures, rail pads, intermediate pads, insulating
bushes, washers, pads for providing 1 in 20 rail cant, all stretchers bars,
if required with its fixtures, various blocks, bolts & nuts,
second/additional drive arrangement as required with its fittings for 1 in
12 turnout, any special fitting, signaling arrangement etc. complete except
PSC sleepers.

11.2 The supplier shall also supply rails/asymmetrical rails required for the
complete turnout i.e. from Stock Rail Joint (SRJ) to end of Swing Nose

11.3 All the fixtures of PSC Sleepers, which are embedded in the PSC sleepers
at the time of PSC sleepers casting such as SGCI inserts and dowels etc.
shall not be supplied by the supplier.

11.4 For each canted turnout with swing nose crossing put on trial, one
complete set should be available as spare.


It is preferable that installation of canted turnout with swing nose

crossing is done by the supplier themselves. However, in case the same is
not feasible, it shall be responsibility of the supplier to depute their
technical representative during installation of turnout at an advanced
notice of one month so that work is executed to the satisfaction of








1 IN 12 1673 441360 39903 35956
1 IN 8.5 1673 232260 28511 24795
1 IN 16 1673 784993 51528 46920
1 IN 20 1673 1283100 63381 58487



(To be given on non-judicial stamp paper of appropriate value, duly notarized)



I……………….son of……………………..aged about………………………..resident of …………………..the

deponent do hereby solemnly affirm and undertake as under:

1. The deponent is the authorized signatory of the (………….name of firm/company…..) as per the
documents enclosed.

2. The deponent declares on behalf of the firm/company that it has developed the…………….(product
description) hereinafter referred to as “the product” and approached the Indian Railway /RDSO for
field trial and use of these products on Indian Railways.

3. The deponent declares that the aforesaid product developed by them is not a patented product and
not protected under any copyright, brand, IPR etc. and currently there are no pending legal or any
other disputes pertaining to the product. It is also declared that the offered product does not infringe
IPR of any other firm / body etc. and has not been developed by some other firm.

4. On behalf of the firm/company, the deponent hereby indemnifies RDSO/IR and its authorized
agents/vendors (which interalia includes the Zonal Railways, Public Sector Undertakings under
Ministry of Railways and Vendors developed by RDSO/Indian Railways) fully at all times from any
possible litigation, claims, its cost and expenses/financial liability arising out of any
violation/infringement of patent/registered design/trademark/ IPR of any product/item of any other
firm/company/vendor/organization located both in India and abroad for the duration of use of the
said product on the Indian Railways/its units.

5. The deponent declares that firm has agree for unconditional transfer of drawings/specifications/STR
and other documents of the product to RDSO/IR with consent for further issuing them by RDSO/IR
as their own drawings/documents, without claiming any preferential treatment/incentive for the same
and understands that for this, they are not entitled for any incentive in future. Firm, has also
authorized RDSO to make any changes/improvisation therein.

6. The deponent further declares that they shall not have any objection if RDSO/IR develops vendors
for supply or aforesaid product and the product is used in what so ever manner and quantity by
Indian Railways without deponent having any claim in any form.

7. The deponent further declares that the firm/company is willing to unconditionally provide all logistic
support and technical knowhow for development and production of the product to RDSO/IR and its
vendors as and when required.



I declare that the contents of aforesaid Para 1 to 7 are true to my knowledge and belief, and nothing has
been concealed. I understand that furnishing of any false information in above undertaking or concealing
information will lead to legal and administrative action against the firm/company.



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