University of Engineering & Management, Jaipur: Group-A

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MBA/Even/MB401/2018-19(Regular) Enrolment


University of Engineering & Management, Jaipur

(Established by Act of State Govt. & u/s 22 of UGC Act, Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India)

University Examination
MBA 2nd year, 4thsemester
Subject Code- MB-401 Total Marks-100
Subject-Project management & Entrepreneurship Development Time Duration -3hrs.
All the answers should be in brief and to the point.
Strike off all the blank pages of copy, after completing your work.
The students are advised not to write anything on the question paper other than Enrolment No.
(Answer any fifteen questions) [15*1=15]
1. Choose the correct option:
a. The essence of decision making is
i) choosing between alternatives
ii) problem solving
iii) developing alternative courses of action
iv) monitoring.
b. Commissioning of a project
i) precedes installation of the projects
ii) succeeds installation of the projects
iii) has no relationship with installation of the projects
iv) the relationship depends on specific situation
c. On which factors do the plant layout is based on
i) Location
ii) Availability of resources
iii) Environment
iv) All of these
d. The five element in the management process are
i) Plan ,direct , update, lead & surprise
ii) Accounting /finance , marketing, operations and management
iii) Organize , plan , control, staff and manage
iv) Plan, organize, staff , lead and control
v) Plan, lead, organize , manage and control
e. Measure of efficiency of a productive system is also known as
i) Utility
ii) Efficacy
iii) Effectiveness
v) productivity.
f. PM must perceive sufficient technical knowledge to
a) Outsiders
b) Clients
c) Senior Executives
d) Both B & C
g. Cause of change that cannot be managed by PM is
MBA/Even/MB401/2018-19(Regular) Enrolment

a) Technological Uncertainty
b) Innovation
c) Change in environment
d) Increased client knowledge
h. Despite of how carefully a project is planned, it is almost certain to be changed before
a) Execution
b) Planning
c) Completion
d) Assigning resources
i. Problem of changing scope or performance, expected of a project is a major
a) Drawback
b) Issue
c) Downfall
d) Success
j. Causes for change in projects are basically of
a) 2 types
b) 3 types
c) 4 types
d) 6 types
k. Any patents, trademarks, copyright or trade secrets held by the entrepreneur is known as
a) Disclosure document
b) Patent
c) Intellectual property
d) None of the mentioned
l. The organization will never be able to make the necessary changes without_________
a) Top management commitment
b) Employees
c) Workers
d) None of the mentioned
m. The ways entrepreneurs make decisions.
a) Entrepreneurial domain.
b) Reverse brain storming
c) Heuristics
d) Reverse brain storming
n. A trademark is a word, symbol, name or device that a business usesto identify its goods.
a) A legal protection for information on foreign products.
b) Legal protection for intellectual works.
c) Legal protection for a U.S. product exported to another country.
o. locus of control is
a) A feeling
b) Attitude
c) Attribute
d) None of the above
p. Licensing arrangements have
a) Low risk process involved
b) Easy way to generate incremental income
MBA/Even/MB401/2018-19(Regular) Enrolment

c) Several pitfalls
d) All of the above
q. Personal characteristics to be a successful entrepreneur includes
a) Understanding environment
b) Creating management options
c) Encourage open discussion
d) All of the above
r. International entrepreneurship is
a) Licensing
b) Exporting
c) Both of the mentioned options
d) None of the two mentioned
s. Which of the following is not a characteristic that is helpful for an entrepreneur to have?
a) Self-esteem b)Caution c) Drive d)Optimism
t. Which of the following inputs is NOT involved in entrepreneurship?
a). Opportunity b). Proactive individual(s)
c). Risk d). External locus of control
(Answer any five questions) [5*5=25]
2. Differentiate between market risk and operational risk.
3. Discuss the significance of project management in organization.
4. Discuss the characteristics of a successful entrepreneur.
5. What is the role played by venture capital finance in promoting entrepreneurship?
6. Discuss any six function of SISI?
7. What are the important phases of a project life cycle?
8. Do you feel the service sector creates more job opportunities than the manufacturing sector
— if yes, give reasons?
9. Discuss McClelland’s N-Ach theory.
10. Discuss HRD issues at time of buying the project.
(Answer any four questions) [4*15=60]
11. What are the technical aspects of a typical project as distinct from commercial, financial,
economic and managerial feasibility? Discuss three important issues that managers must
consider while conducting technical analysis.
12. Technology and processes play crucial role in certain projects. What the key issues are in
regards to choice of technology, equipment and processes at the stage of formulation of DPR?
13. What are the objectives of project management information systems? What are the types of
data sets used in integrated project management information system Discuss briefly how these
date sets are used for decision making?
14. How important is the role of government in promoting entrepreneurship. Support your answer
with example.
15. Explain the activities involved in scheduling and monitoring the project.
16. “Developing countries need imitative, humbler entrepreneurs rather than innovative
entrepreneurs”. Do you agree? Give reasons.
17. Draw a network diagram for the activities given below and determine the critical path
MBA/Even/MB401/2018-19(Regular) Enrolment

Activity Description of activity Duration of activity Immediate predecessor

A Equipment Design 12 -
B Site Selection 8 A
C Vendor Selection 4 A
D Personnel selection 3 A
E Site preparation 12 B
F Manufacture generator 18 C
G Operations manual preparation5 C
H Generator installation 4 E,F
I Operator training 9 D,G
J Obtaining license 6 H,I
18. Read the following case and answer the questions given below:
Happy Sequira was only 21 when she joined Palm Beach Resorts as a food and beverages
(F&B) helper. She had just graduated form one of the premium catering colleges in the city.
She was young, energetic and possessed a pleasant disposition.
Due to her experimenting nature she was not very successful with her F&B. However, when
one of her managers tried her out in guest relations, she was an instant hit. From then on there
was no looking back for her. She soon rose to the position of a Banquets Manager.
Even as a Banquets Manager she loved the Kitchen section. She felt like cooking. Many a
times she went to the Kitchen of one of the Palm Beach Resort Restaurants and experimented.
Many a times she was successful, or this is what her Kitchen staff often told her. She was
enjoying every bit her life.
Unfortunately for her this was to be her glass ceiling. Due to a catering educational background
not many in the Palm Beach Resorts Management thought that she could take up hardcore
marketing assignments.
Happy was unhappy. She felt stifled. Her stagnation in position was making her feel truncated.
She decided to go independent.
Over the years, being single, she had gathered enough money. Moreover, her father was a
successful businessman and would love to fund any of his only daughter’s ventures. Also being
in guest relations, Happy herself knew a lot of influential people.
On the other hand, Happy Sequira was now 30. She had to seriously contemplate marriage due
to parental pressures. Her rise at Palm Beach Resorts was meteoric, which implied that she was
not used to serious failure. Besides Happy wondered what kind of a start-up could she design
to suit her needs?
(a) Should Happy Sequira go independent?
(b) Should Happy follow her heart (F&B) or head (Guest relations)?
(c) If Happy decides to take up Guest relations what kind of a start-up do you suggest?
(d) If Happy decides to take up F&B what kind of a start-up do you suggest?

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