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Predicting mobile wallet resistance: A two-staged structural equation

modeling-artificial neural network approach
Lai-Ying Leonga,*, Teck-Soon Hewb, Keng-Boon Ooic, June Wei (Jun)d
Faculty of Business and Finance, Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman, Jalan Universiti, Bandar Barat, 31900 Kampar, Perak, Malaysia
Faculty of Business and Accountancy, University of Malaya, 50603 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Faculty of Business and Information Science, UCSI University, No. 1 Jalan Menara Gading, UCSI Heights, 56000, Cheras, Kuala Lumpur, W. P. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Department of Management and MIS, University of West Florida, Bldg. 76A Room 325, 11000 University Pkwy., Pensacola, FL, 32514, USA


Keywords: The advancement in mobile technology has enabled the application of the mobile wallet or m-wallet as an
Mobile wallet resistance innovative payment method to substitute the traditional functions of the physical wallet. However, because of
Innovation resistance theory pro-innovation bias, scholars have a focus on the adoption of technology and very little attention has been given
Perceived novelty to the resistance of innovation, especially in the m-wallet context. This study addressed this absence by ex-
amining the inhibitors of m-wallet innovation adoption through the lens of innovation resistance theory (IRT).
Artificial neural network
By applying a sophisticated two-staged structural equation modeling-artificial neural network (SEM-ANN) ap-
proach, we successfully extended the IRT by integrating socio-demographics and perceived novelty. The study
has unveiled the noncompensatory and nonlinear relationships between the predictors and m-wallet resistance.
Significant predictors from SEM analysis were taken as the ANN model’s input neurons. According to the nor-
malized importance obtained from the multilayer perceptrons of the feed-forward-back-propagation ANN al-
gorithm, we found significant effects of education, income, usage barrier, risk barrier, value barrier, tradition
barrier, and perceived novelty on m-wallet innovation resistance. The ANN model can predict m-wallet in-
novation resistance with an accuracy of 76.4 %. We also discussed several new and useful theoretical and
practical implications for reducing m-wallet innovation resistance among consumers.

1. Introduction source of configurable resources e.g. Paytm). The m-wallet is a form of

mobile payment system. Generally, mobile payment systems can be
The merging of mobile technologies and payment methods has categorized into two types namely the proximity mobile payment
transformed traditional physical wallets into mobile wallets or m-wal- system and the general mobile payment system (Slade, Dwivedi, Piercy,
lets (Sharma, Mangla, Luthra, & Al-Salti, 2018). This has revolutionized & Williams, 2015; Slade, Williams, Dwivedi, & Piercy, 2015). The
the way payments were made as m-wallet has replaced the use of proximity mobile payment system uses barcode or Quick Response (QR)
various credit and debit cards. M-wallet supports a wide range of code scanning (e.g. Starbucks, Pay Pal, and Kakao Talk), but NFC
monetary transactions such as consumer-to-business (C2B), consumer- technology is the universal technology standard for mobile payment
to-consumer (C2C), consumer-to-machine (C2M) and consumer to on- systems. Among the NFC mobile payment systems are Apple Pay,
line (C2O) (Shin, 2009). M-wallet technologies include direct carrier Samsung Pay or Google Pay (Kim, Kim, & Kim, 2019).
billing (i.e. buyers make a purchases and the respective amount of Wadhera, Dabas, and Malhotra (2017) opined that there are four
payments are directly deducted from the account), Quick Response types of m-wallet namely semi-closed wallets (i.e. reloadable but no
(QR) and barcodes (i.e. acts as an authentication for the monetary cash withdrawal or redemption, only allow us to buy products at
transactions over the apps), Near Field Communication (NFC) (i.e. merchants that have partner-up with the m-wallet service provider e.g.
monetary transfers from one to another in short-range distance e.g. NFC Paytm), semi-opened wallets (i.e. linked to a bank but no cash with-
payment system in Wal-Mart) and cloud-based solution (i.e. ubiquitous, drawal e.g. Airtel Money), open wallets (i.e. reloadable and linked with
on-demand, and continuous network accessibility to a communal a bank, allows cash withdrawal at retailer or agent outlets e.g. Vodafone

Corresponding author at: Department of Commerce & Accountancy, Faculty of Business and Finance, Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman Kampar Campus, Jalan
Universiti, Bandar Barat, 31900 Kampar, Perak Darul Ridzuan, Malaysia.
E-mail addresses: (L.-Y. Leong), (T.-S. Hew), (K.-B. Ooi), (J. Wei).
Received 26 April 2019; Received in revised form 25 November 2019; Accepted 26 November 2019
0268-4012/ © 2019 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Please cite this article as: Lai-Ying Leong, et al., International Journal of Information Management,
L.-Y. Leong, et al. International Journal of Information Management xxx (xxxx) xxxx

M-pesa) and closed wallets (i.e. non-reloadable with cash and no cash m-wallet may streamline their marketing strategies to make their
withdrawal e.g. Gift Vouchers). Examples of m-wallet are Google Pay, businesses m-wallet-friendly by reducing the potential barriers that may
Apple Pay, Android Pay, Samsung Pay, WeChat Pay, Ali Pay, Pay Pal, deter consumers from buying their products or services via m-wallet
MobiKwik, Paytm, Oxygen Wallet, Citrus Wallet, FreeCharge Wallet, Boost, platforms. Third, government policymakers may consider using the
Touch-n-Go, etc. The adoption of m-wallet has been growing constantly findings from this research to remove or at least minimize the hin-
and Appendix A shows that Apple Pay is the most popular m-wallet drances in terms of laws and regulatory terms that may discourage the
from 2015 to 2017 (Statista, 2018a). The non-cash transactions per- use of m-wallet among consumers and firms. Finally, m-wallet software
formed via e-wallet were expected to reach 41.8 billion globally in 2016 designers and engineers may also utilize the outcomes of the study to
and Appendix B shows the growth in percentage and volume of non- further improve the research and development (R&D) processes in
cash transactions by region from 2012 to 2016 (Capgemini, 2018). Even minimizing the potential barriers that may impede the adoption of m-
so, m-wallet technology has not been substantially exploited by con- wallet.
sumers or retailers owing to various inhibitors (Sharma et al., 2018). A M-wallet is especially relevant in our country as it is still in its in-
survey (Appendix C) by Statista (2018b) shows that the main reasons fancy where many players are spending lots of money to acquire cus-
for not using m-wallet are (1) it is easier to pay with card (2) m-wallet is tomers and merchants. The total of approved non-bank e-money issuers
not safe and (3) cash is a preferred payment mode. has risen 33 % from 2016 to first half of 2018 because of high mobile
Studies on m-wallet can be broadly categorized into seven main and Internet penetration rates, which are 64 % and 86 %, respectively,
streams (Appendix D) namely (1) the acceptance (Amin, Azhar, Amin, and large young and tech-savvy population where 59 % are aged below
& Akter, 2016; Reddy et al., 2017) or intention to use (Slade, Dwivedi 35 years old as well as high financial literacy where 85 % population is
et al., 2015; Slade, Williams et al., 2015; Tang, Lai, Law, Liew, & Phua, banked (Tan, 2018). PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) estimates that the
2014) (2) adoption of m-wallet (Amoroso & Magnier-Watanabe, 2012; m-wallet market is anticipated to grow to $20 billion USD by the year
Chawla & Joshi, 2019; Kapoor, Dwivedi, & Williams, 2015; Madan & 2024 supported by favorable industry growth dynamics and market
Yadav, 2016; Patil, Rana, & Dwivedi, 2018; Sharma, Sharma, & potential (Tan, 2018). However, the m-wallet market is still in its in-
Dwivedi, 2019; Shaw, 2015; Slade, Dwivedi, Williams, & Piercy, 2016) fancy with a low adoption rate, and, there are some key concerns such
(3) the inhibitors (Sharma et al., 2018), (4) the rejection (Swilley, as low merchant adoption, poor user interface, and security risks that
2010) toward m-wallet, (5) satisfaction in using m-wallet (Amoroso & need to be appropriately addressed (Yap & Ng, 2019). In fact, 92.5 % of
Ackaradejruangsri, 2019), (6) intention to switch to m-wallet transactions in Malaysia are in cash, though there is a 9 % annual
(Alaeddin, Altounjy, Zainudin, & Kamarudin, 2018) and (7) require- growth of electronic transactions (Nizam, Hwang, & Valaei, 2019).
ments for the m-wallet ecosystem (Casal et al., 2017). Therefore, it is important to study the resistance in using m-wallet to
Though there are several studies on the adoption and acceptance of raise the adoption rate among consumers.
m-wallets, studies on what inhibits consumers from using m-wallets are The paper is organized into several sections. The paper commences
very limited. An existing study (Sharma et al., 2018) on the inhibitors of with an introduction that is followed by a literature review of existing
m-wallet is a descriptive study based on a literature review that was not research. Then, we propose the hypothesis and the research model. The
supported by any theory and was not empirically validated. Hence, the next sections are the research methodology and the results of the
findings from this study are insufficient to explain the causality of the findings. After presenting a discussion of the findings, the paper con-
relationships that lead to m-wallet resistance. Therefore, there is an cludes with limitations and future direction.
immediate need to conduct an explanatory study that is theory-driven
to provide more understanding that is theoretical and insight that is 2. Background context
validated by empirical evidence from scholars and practitioners.
The significance of this research is three-pronged. Firstly, this re- 2.1. Existing m-wallet studies
search can address the gap that exists in the extant m-wallet literature
by offering empirical evidence and theoretical supports on the ante- Studies on m-wallet have gained growing attention from scholars
cedents of m-wallet inhibitors. Secondly, the study uses an SEM-ANN and have focused on seven main streams. In terms of user acceptance,
approach in capturing linear-nonlinear and non-compensatory relations Shin (2009) used a modified Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of
between the exogenous and the endogenous variables. With this ap- Technology (UTAUT) with additional variables of social influence,
proach, the complexity of consumers’ decision-making on resistance perceived security, self-efficacy, and trust. Based on 296 usable re-
toward m-wallet is better explained. In a non-compensatory model, a sponses gathered from an online survey posted to discussion forums of
reduction in one factor (e.g. value barrier) cannot be neutralized by an m-payment, m-commerce and mobile games in South Korea, the find-
increase in other factors (e.g. risk barrier). Thirdly, the study extended ings indicated that there are significant influences of attitude, trust, and
the Innovation Resistance Theory (IRT) by integrating perceived no- perceived security on behavioral intention in m-wallet adoption. Ad-
velty and demographic external variables. With the extended IRT ditionally, attitude is influenced by perceived usefulness and ease of use
model, the effects of demographics, perceived novelty, and IRT on whereas intention to use has a significant influence on use behavior.
consumers’ resistance toward m-wallet can be better understood as the The research model is capable of explicating 39 %, 72 % and 81 % of
model can provide a more holistic and comprehensive insight on what the variance in attitude, usage intention, and user behavior respec-
triggers m-wallet resistance. Hence, the research question is: tively. However, the study remains as an exploratory study as m-pay-
ments were not yet a mainstream phenomenon in the US (Shin, 2009).
“What are the effects of demographics, perceived novelty, and IRT
Similarly, Amin et al. (2016) investigated the acceptance of m-
on consumers’ resistance toward m-wallet?”
wallet using 104 respondents in Bangladesh with the technology ac-
There are several implications to m-wallet service providers, firms, ceptance model (TAM). The findings show that perceived usefulness
government policymakers, and other relevant stakeholders. First, m- and attitude have significant impacts on behavioral intention while
wallet service providers will be able to upgrade their services based on perceived usefulness and ease of use have significant influences on at-
the findings from this study. For example, m-wallet service providers titude. The research model explained 31 % and 40 % variance in atti-
may find ways to reduce the barriers that currently exist in order to tude and intention to use. Likewise, Reddy et al. (2017) survey 102
facilitate consumers who are using m-wallet. Second, firms that accept Indian students to examine the determinants that lead to acceptance of

L.-Y. Leong, et al. International Journal of Information Management xxx (xxxx) xxxx

m-wallet. Results from logistic regression and SEM showed that fast processing, security, interfaces, ID information systems, social net-
service, direct operator billing, ease of use and promotions and offers works, billing software, Paypal, and credit cards.
significantly influence m-wallet acceptance. From the perspective of m-wallet rejection, Swilley (2010) analyzed
Conversely, Tang et al. (2014) studied Gen-Y’s intention to use m- the data of 226 students and 480 consumers in the United States with
wallet in Malaysia by applying the Unified Theory of Acceptance and an extended TAM. The results showed that a wallet phone is not re-
Use of Technology 2 (UTAUT2) model. Based on responses from 418 garded as useful or easy to use (Swilley, 2010). A wallet phone is “a
smartphone users, it was revealed that performance and effort ex- mobile phone that is embedded with a smart chip to allow consumers to
pectancy, hedonic motivation, facilitating conditions, and habits have store private information as is contained in their wallet and may be
significant influences on behavioral intention. The research model can used as a mobile wallet without having to use credit or debit cards by
elucidate 53 % variance in intention to use m-wallet. waving the wallet phone at the payment machine” (Swilley, 2010, p. 1).
In terms of m-wallet adoption, Shaw (2015) used a modified UTAUT It was discovered that perceived risk significantly influences the atti-
model, and based on 411 participants from the United States, the author tude that poses a negative effect on behavioral intention. The study also
found that word of mouth has a significant effect on trust and facil- showed a moderating effect of innovation resistance toward the asso-
itating conditions. Besides, trust and facilitating conditions also have ciation between attitude and perceived usefulness (Swilley, 2010).
significant effects on performance and effort expectancy, which even- Concerning m-wallet resistance, Sharma et al. (2018) engaged 20
tually influence intention to use. The research model may explain 18 %, experts in financial services to study the inhibitors of m-wallet in Oman.
23 %, 59 %, 61 %, and 60 % of the variance in trust, facilitating con- From the results of the interpretive structural modeling in tandem with
ditions, effect expectancy, performance expectancy, and intention to fuzzy MICMAC (“Matriced’ Impacts Croise´s Multiplication Applique´e
use m-wallet, respectively. a UN Classement”) of the experts’ feedback, it was found that “Com-
Shaw (2014) further investigated the mediating effect of trust on m- plexity of new technology”, “Anxiety toward new technology”, “Lack of
wallet adoption in Canada. Drawing from the TAM model, the results awareness of mobile wallet benefits” and “Lack of new technology
unveiled that perceived usefulness is the main factor that influences m- skills” are key barriers to m-wallet adoption. However, the results may
wallet adoption that is mediated by trust. Using an online survey with be biased because the developed model used experts’ feedback instead
random sampling, 284 usable samples were gathered and analyzed with of users’ (Sharma et al., 2018). The main shortcoming is the lack of
Partial Least Squares (PLS). The results showed that there are sig- theoretical underpinning that can explain the causality of the inhibitors
nificant associations between perceived usefulness, trust, informal toward resistance to m-wallet, especially from the users’ perspective.
learning and intention to use m-wallet. In addition, information Hence, the findings are insufficient to explain the mechanism that leads
learning also positively influences perceived usefulness. However, there to consumers’ resistance toward m-wallet. In order to address the ex-
are no significant effects of perceived ease of use and m-wallet self- isting literature void, it is imperative to carry out a study to fulfill the
efficacy on the intention to use and perceived usefulness respectively. research gap and further expand our understanding of m-wallet re-
In the same vein, Rathore (2016) administered a questionnaire to sistance. A summary of the extant m-wallet studies is shown in Ap-
132 smartphone users in India, and based on the ANOVA result, the pendix E.
author found insignificant differences between male and female users.
Furthermore, convenience in online buying, brand loyalty, and useful- 2.2. Innovation resistance theory
ness of the digital wallet are the main adoption factors. Safety and se-
curity of funds are the main issues, and dependency on the Internet Innovation resistance is consumers’ opposition toward innovation
connection is the main reason for low adoption. Finally, Amoroso and because of potential change in the existing state of satisfaction or
Magnier-Watanabe (2012) studied m-wallet adoption in the Japanese contradictions in beliefs (Chen & Kuo, 2017; Ram & Sheth, 1989). In-
context. Their conceptual paper suggests an integrated model consisting novation resistance is referred to as “the resistance offered by con-
of perceived risk, facilitating conditions, perceived ease of use, per- sumers to innovation, either because it poses potential changes from a
ceived security and privacy, the attractiveness of alternatives, trust, satisfactory status quo or because it conflicts with their belief structure”
perceived value, perceived usefulness, attitude and actual usage. (El Mhamdi, Wolfcarius-Khiari, Mhalla, Ben Salem, & Soltani, 2011).
In terms of satisfaction in using m-wallet, Amoroso and Resistance will occur once the innovation interrupts consumers’ norms,
Ackaradejruangsri (2019) carried out a study to unveil the factors that traditions, habits, or routines or leads to conflicts with consumers’ faith,
affect consumers’ satisfaction and loyalty with m-wallet application in belief, and values (Ma & Lee, 2019). Chen, Nayak, and Xu (2010)
Thailand. Altogether, 461 usable samples were gathered in the survey. opined that the majority of consumers are unwilling to change and the
Drawing from the consumer satisfaction model, the findings showed propensity of upholding the status quo appears more rational and ty-
that consumers’ attitudes and personal innovativeness have strong in- pical. Existing research on innovations have primarily concentrated on
fluences on satisfaction and loyalty. Similarly, there exists a significant motivators and drivers of adoption and have largely ignored the in-
association between satisfaction and loyalty in m-wallet usage. hibitors or resistances that impede the adoption of innovations (Enkel,
Alternatively, Alaeddin et al. (2018) studied the factors that influ- Heil, Hengstler, & Wirth, 2017; Ma & Lee, 2019). This situation occurs
ence consumers’ intentions to shift from a physical wallet to an m- because of pro-innovation bias whereby scholars presume that the in-
wallet in Malaysia. Drawing from the TAM model and based on 98 novations are nice and ought to be adopted by consumers eventually
random samples using online surveys, the results indicated that per- (Snyder, 1961). Understanding the reasons behind consumers’ reluctant
ceived usefulness and ease of use significantly affect consumers’ atti- to the adoption of innovation is important as this awareness may assist
tudes toward switching while attitudes significantly influence intention businesses in warranting the success in designing and developing new
to switch to m-wallet, and this relationship is moderated by perceived products and reducing the high failure rate (Snyder, 1961). Initially,
risk. innovation resistance was categorized into three classes, namely re-
From another viewpoint, Casal et al. (2017) studied the require- jection, postponement, and opposition (Szmigin & Foxall, 1998). The
ments for the m-wallet ecosystem in Portugal based on an action-re- extreme form of innovation resistance in which consumers reject in-
search that is user-centered and iterative. Using a functional prototype novation in mass is rejection. A more moderate form of innovation
called weWallet and focus group discussion; the findings revealed that resistance is a postponement in which consumers postpone their deci-
the requirements for the m-wallet ecosystem consist of data storage, sion in adopting an innovation albeit they may find it acceptable. The

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last form of innovation resistance is opposition in which consumers may daily habits and routines and therefore are unwilling to change if they
try out the innovation prior to a final rejection as an innovation that is are content with the present status quo (El Mhamdi et al., 2011). In the
opposed by some consumers and does not seem to give a distinct ad- m-wallet context, consumers have been using traditional wallets in
vantage that really benefits them, but instead, consumers actually their daily habits and routines, thus the use of m-wallets that may
consider it a relative disadvantage (Szmigin & Foxall, 1998). More re- change this tradition will make them feel uncomfortable and eventually
cently, innovation resistance has been classified as passive, active, or resist adopting m-wallets.
very active (El Mhamdi et al., 2011). Passive resistance exists when Image barriers exist when consumers have unfavorable impressions
consumers feel unwilling to adopt an innovation while active resistance of the brands, product qualities produced by the originating countries,
happens when they postpone their adoption decisions, and the re- industries, or side effects of the innovations (Lian & Yen, 2014). The
sistance may be very active when they decide to go against the adoption product image is an essential indication for consumers to assess the
of the innovation (Mani & Chouk, 2017). Sources of passive resistance service and product (Ma & Lee, 2019). In the context of m-wallet, when
include an inclination to resist changes and status quo satisfaction while users have an unfavorable impression about using m-wallet, the re-
sources of active resistance consist of psychological barriers and func- sistances toward m-wallet would be greater than it would be when they
tional barriers (Talke & Heidenreich, 2014). In this study, the innova- have a favorable impression of m-wallet. In this study, Innovation Re-
tion resistance is based on the more recent classification by El Mhamdi sistance Theory was integrated as part of the theoretical framework
et al. (2011). because it is closely related to consumers’ resistance toward using m-
El Mhamdi et al. (2011) suggested a holistic theory to explicate the wallet. In addition, this theory has also been widely applied in various
factors underpinning consumers’ resistance to innovation, a theory that innovation resistance studies such as mobile social commerce (Hew
is called the innovation resistance theory (IRT). It is assumed that et al., 2019), digital payment (Sivathanu, 2019) and brand mobile apps
consumers’ resistance toward innovation may be classified into psy- (Chen, Lu, Gong, & Tang, 2019).
chological barriers and functional barriers. The theory suggests that
functional barriers will exert influence when consumers sense the 2.3. Perceived novelty
changes caused by the innovation while psychological barriers can be
activated when the innovation contradicts the established values or Perceived novelty exists when consumers perceive innovation to be
beliefs (Ma & Lee, 2019). IRT has been extensively used in the literature novel, unique, recent, or new (Mani & Chouk, 2017). Novelty is a
of marketing and business research to elucidate consumers’ resistance fundamental property of any innovation, and consumers will sense
toward various innovative products including mobile social commerce novelty once there is a swift alteration in the product’s concept or at-
(Hew, Leong, Tan, Ooi, & Lee, 2019). Functional barriers consist of risk, tribute of the product (Ram, 1989). Rogers (2015, p. 11) asserted, “The
usage, and value barriers while psychological barriers entail image and perceived newness of the idea for the individual determines his or her
tradition barriers (El Mhamdi et al., 2011). reaction to it.” In the m-wallet context, when consumers perceive that
Among the functional barriers, the usage barrier is a prerequisite the m-wallet innovation is novel, unique, and recent, their tendencies to
and the first to be removed to enhance consumers’ acceptance rate (El adopt it would be higher and they will be less reluctant to use m-wallet
Mhamdi et al., 2011). Usage barriers are the situations that occur when and therefore there will be lower m-wallet resistance. Perceived novelty
innovations trigger inconvenience or incompatibility to the extant is referred to as the degree to which adopting m-wallet to make pay-
practices, workflows, or habits as new products may disturb the usage ments will make consumers feel excited as if they are doing something
patterns (i.e. consumers’ personal routines or habits) and lead to more novel and fun (Wang, 2018).
problems instead of convenience (Kleijnen, Lee, & Wetzels, 2009). In Rogers (2015) asserts that novelty is a fundamental attribute of any
the m-wallet context, usage attributes such as perceived ease of use, innovation. Likewise, Venkatraman and Price (1990) opined that in-
usefulness, and habit are regarded as crucial antecedents that can in- novation is considered novel if it is deemed to be different and recent or
fluence users’ intention to use m-wallet (Tang et al., 2014). new and unique. Ram and Sheth (1989) stressed that consumers will
Value barriers refer to the costs of innovations and their perfor- perceive the novelty of innovation only when there is a drastic altera-
mance-to-price ratios in comparison to the existing substitutes (El tion in the product concept or changes in the characteristic of the
Mhamdi et al., 2011). This definition indicates that to attract customers product. Perceived novelty has been studied in adoption of Information
to change, the values generated by the innovative products should be Technology (IT) innovation, consumers’ resistances toward smart pro-
greater than that of the current products (Chen & Kuo, 2017). There- ducts, continuance intention to use social networking, location-based
fore, in the m-wallet context, if users perceive that the cost to perfor- and mobile services, satisfaction in using personalized recommender
mance ratio is too high, then they will resist adopting m-wallet. systems, and attitude toward innovation (Choi, Lee, & Kim, 2017; Mani
Risk barriers entail the uncertainties of any kind of innovations (El & Chouk, 2017; Truong, 2013; Wells, Campbell, Valacich, &
Mhamdi et al., 2011). Initially, consumers may possess limited in- Featherman, 2010; Yang & Lin, 2017). Since m-wallet is an innovation
formation to assess the innovations based on their performances, that is relatively new in the current context of the study, we anticipate
complexities, and potential harms, and they would not adopt such in- that perceived novelty will have a significant effect on consumers’ re-
novations until the perceived risks are reduced via information gath- sistance in using m-wallet and, based on this justification, we have
ering (Ma & Lee, 2019). According to El Mhamdi et al. (2011), risk integrated perceived novelty as part of the theoretical framework.
barriers include social, functional, physical, and economic risks. The
risks the m-wallet users may encounter include functional risk because 3. Research model and hypotheses
of network instability and economic risk caused by cyber frauds or
phishing. Hence, if m-wallet users perceive that there are risks in using Demographics are key predictors of consumers’ decisions on adop-
m-wallet, they will be reluctant to use it. tion, rejection, or intention to use (Laukkanen, 2016). Thus far, studies
Tradition barriers are triggered when innovations change con- on the effects of demographics have been focused mainly on innovation
sumers’ existing culture and lead to conflict with it (Lian & Yen, 2014). adoption instead of innovation resistance. Hence, it is imperative and
If consumers need to break the existing traditions or diverge from their significant to conduct research in unveiling the role of demographics in
social norms in order to accept innovation, resistance will occur (Ma & m-wallet resistance. Since the objective of our study is to investigate
Lee, 2019). Nevertheless, consumers tend to be more comfortable in the consumers’ rejection toward using m-wallet; hence, we anticipate that

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Fig. 1. Research model.

(Source: Adapted from Ram & Sheth, 1989)

demographics will have some roles to play and, therefore, they were therefore are more skeptical of its adoption. We anticipate that con-
integrated as part of the theoretical framework. Past studies have re- sumers who are more educated will tend to have higher resistance to-
lated age to adoption or rejection whereby younger users are more ward m-wallet. Henceforth, the hypothesis is:
probable to adopt technology in comparison to the older counterparts
H2. Education has a negative effect on m-wallet resistance.
(Ferreira, da Rocha, & da Silva, 2014). Age has a significant effect on
adoption and rejection decisions in the case of Internet and mobile Finally, it is anticipated that consumers with higher incomes will
banking (Laukkanen, 2016). have stronger resistance toward m-wallet. A previous study has shown
Furthermore, Laukkanen, Sinkkonen, Kivijärvi, and Laukkanen that consumers with high incomes have higher resistance toward
(2007) also validated that demographics such as age can explain con- technological adoption (Rocha, Hammond, & Hawkins, 2005). In ad-
sumers’ resistance in mobile banking. Lee, Cho, Xu, and Fairhurst dition, Laukkanen et al. (2007b) also found that consumers of higher-
(2010) found that age has a negative influence on the intention to use income have greater resistance toward mobile banking adoption.
retail self-service checkouts where older patrons are more probable to Moreover, income is correlated to the level of education of an in-
have technology anxiety and are less likely to use the service. Similarly, dividual as the higher the level of education, the higher the income will
Bélanger and Carter (2010) found that age has a negative effect on the be. Hence, with a higher level of education, the individual will have
intention to use Internet voting. In the context of m-wallet, we antici- more considerations and concerns in deciding whether to use m-wallet
pate that there will be a negative association between age and m-wallet or not, which leads to higher resistance toward m-wallet.
resistance as m-wallet provides similar services of the Internet and Thus, it is postulated that:
mobile banking. Therefore, we suggest the following hypothesis:
H3. Income has a negative effect on m-wallet resistance.
H1. Age has a negative effect on m-wallet resistance.
M-wallet is conducted using mobile devices with small keypads and
In addition, we also expect that education will have negative asso- screens which makes it difficult to type and read texts and graphics,
ciations with m-wallet resistance. Studies have shown that the in- therefore, making interpretations and data entries more difficult in
dividual’s education level is associated with the usage behavior in comparison to that of using laptops or desktop computers (Bruner &
technologies (Gunawardana & Ekanayaka, 2009). Hubona and Kennick Kumar, 2005). These complexities have prevented consumers from
(1996) found a direct influence of education on IT usage behaviors. It using Internet banking (Kuisma, Laukkanen, & Hiltunen, 2007). Usage
was also confirmed that education has a negative influence on the usage barriers are formed when innovation is incompatible with current
behavior toward word processing (Burton-Jones & Hubona, 2005). On practices, habits or workflows, and it is the main cause of resistance to
the other hand, Kim and Jee (2006) opined that education has an in- innovation among consumers (Laukkanen, Sinkkonen, Kivijärvi, &
fluence on users’ willingness to adopt Internet services. Similarly, Dale Laukkanen, 2007). The usage barrier has been found to have negative
Wagner and Flannery (2004) discovered that education has a direct effects on the adoption of m-commerce (Mahatanankoon & Vila-Ruiz,
influence on the intention to use e-learning. 2008; Moorthy et al., 2017) and mobile services (Soliman, Salem, &
Laukkanen et al. (2007b) assert that education can explain con- Arabia, 2014). The usage barrier is one of the key determinants that
sumers’ resistance in mobile banking. Consumers who are highly edu- positively affect mobile banking resistance (Yu & Chantatub, 2016).
cated with higher income will have more considerations to accept new Therefore, we anticipate that the stronger the usage barrier, the higher
innovations such as m-wallet compared to their counterparts. They are the resistance toward m-wallet.
more critical and careful in deciding whether to use m-wallet or not and
H4. The usage barrier has a positive effect on m-wallet resistance.

L.-Y. Leong, et al. International Journal of Information Management xxx (xxxx) xxxx

Table 1 1989). In the m-wallet context, there may be some economic or fi-
Demographics profile. nancial risks as there are possibilities of information theft (e.g. PIN
Frequency Percent numbers) and security threats (e.g. virus) that can cause illegal mone-
tary transfers. Moreover, some consumers may fear that they might
Gender Female 278 58.2 make careless mistakes in using m-wallet that can lead to functional
Male 200 41.8 risks. The risk barrier has a negative effect on intention to use m-
Age (years) Below 20 76 15.9
21 - 30 194 40.6
commerce (Moorthy et al., 2017; Yin, Zhang, & Wang, 2004). In the
31 - 40 104 21.8 same vein, Lian and Yen (2013) found a negative association between
41 - 50 64 13.4 risk barriers and intention to shop online. Similarly, in the perspective
51 and above 40 8.4 of m-payment, the risk is the main barrier in China (Peng, Xu, & Liu,
Highest education completed High School 82 17.2
2011). In the m-commerce context, the fear of loss of confidentiality
Pre-U / Foundation 56 11.7
Diploma 87 18.2 and security breaches are the most trivial reasons that discourage
Degree 187 39.1 consumers in the adoption of mobile transaction services (Marett,
Master 40 8.4 Pearson, Pearson, & Bergiel, 2015). The higher the perceptive risks
PhD 14 2.9 toward innovation, the lower the technology acceptance rates will be
Others 12 2.5
Monthly income* Below 1,000 81 16.9
(Luo, Li, Zhang, & Shim, 2010). It is anticipated that the higher the
1,001–2,000 45 9.4 consumers’ perceived risks in using m-wallet, the higher their re-
2,001–3,000 115 24.1 sistances are. Therefore:
3,001–4,000 144 30.1
4,001–5,000 53 11.1 H6. The risk barrier has a positive effect on m-wallet resistance.
5,001 and above 40 8.4
Purpose of using m-walleta To buy products/ 226 42.8 Tradition barriers to adopting new technologies are related to
services consumers’ social norms, family and social values. In the m-wallet
To pay for bills 117 22.2 context, tradition barriers may exist if the mode of conducting m-wallet
To transfer fund 130 24.6 transactions is not the manner consumers are familiarized with paying
To pay installment 55 10.4
Type of m-wallet useda Alipay 11 1.6
bills, as they simply prefer to pay with cash rather than using the mo-
CIMB Pay 138 19.8 bile devices (Laukkanen et al., 2007b). Tradition barriers negatively
Mastercard MPay 92 13.2 affect the intention to use m-financial services and PayPal adoption
PayPal or MasterPass 124 17.8 (Chemingui & Ben Lallouna, 2013; Low, 2017). Besides, the tradition
Samsung Pay 24 3.4
barrier is a key barrier that prevents consumers from using m-banking
Visa Checkout 114 16.4
Vcash 37 5.3 as well as mobile buying intention (Dasgupta, Paul, & Fuloria, 2011; El
Wechat Pay 157 22.5 Badrawy, Abd El Aziz, & Fady, 2011; Lian & Yen, 2013). The tradition
Frequency in using m-wallet per Less than 2 times 341 71.4 barrier has a positive effect on Internet banking adoption (Kuisma et al.,
month 3 – 4 times 75 15.7 2007). In the context of m-wallet, we foresee that if consumers have to
5 – 6 times 44 9.2
change their daily routines, habits and existing culture, they will have
7 – 8 times 10 2.1
9 – 10 times 3 0.6 higher resistance toward m-wallet. Thus, we posit the hypothesis as
More than 10 times 5 1.0 follows:
Experience in using m-wallet Less than 1 year 365 76.4
1 but less than 2 years 68 14.2 H7. The tradition barrier has a positive effect on m-wallet resistance.
2 but less than 3 years 29 6.1
3 years and above 16 3.3
Image barriers may exist as innovations have a particular identity
based on their origins (e.g. country of origin, product category or
Dichotomy group tabulated at value 1. brand). Some consumers may perceive innovation as very hard to use
* the denomination is in Ringgit Malaysia (RM). that they immediately capture a negative image of the services asso-
ciated with the technology (Laukkanen et al., 2007b). Image barriers
Value barrier is linked to the monetary value of innovation and negatively influence the intention to use Internet banking and m-
when the innovation is incapable of offering a good performance-to- banking (El Badrawy, Abd El Aziz, & Fady, 2011; Kuisma et al., 2007).
price ratio in comparison to its substitutes then consumers will perceive In addition, image barriers also negatively influence the intention to
that it is not worthwhile to alter the ways of accomplishing certain tasks buy online products and services (Lian, Liu, & Liu, 2012). The image
(Laukkanen et al., 2007b). The value barrier is the key barrier of online barrier has a positive influence on resistance toward Internet banking
and m-banking services (Laukkanen, 2016). Lian, Liu, & Liu (2012) adoption (Kuisma et al., 2007). In the m-wallet context, if consumers
found that the value barrier has positive effects on resistance toward have negative impressions that m-wallet is difficult to use then their
online shopping. Likewise, Swilley (2010) asserts that consumers tend resistance toward using it would be stronger. Hence, we theorize that:
to reject wallet phone technology if they cannot discover the value of
H8. The image barrier has a positive effect on m-wallet resistance.
using it. Lack of value in adopting an innovation has a negative impact
on the adoption of innovations (Antioco & Kleijnen, 2010). Therefore, it A basic attribute of any innovation is its novelty, which refers to the
is expected that if the value of using the m-wallet is low then consumers uniqueness, differences, recency or newness of the innovation
will be likely to resist using m-wallet. Therefore, the hypothesis is (Laukkanen et al., 2007b). Consumers will regard innovation as a novel
posited as: advancement if there is a drastic change in the product’s concepts or
attributes (Ram & Sheth, 1989). Yang and Lin (2017) assert that the
H5. The value barrier has a positive effect on m-wallet resistance.
perceived novelty is a key determinant that positively influences con-
Risk barrier is related to the level of risks an innovation entails tinuance intention to adopt the social network and location-based
because uncertainty is inherent in innovations; hence, there must be at mobile services (i.e. SoLoMo services). This indicates that when users’
least some levels of perceived risks. Generally, risks may be categorized novelty needs are satisfied, they will be less reluctant to use SoLoMo
into functional, physical, economic, and social risks (Ram & Sheth,

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Table 2
Common latent factor analysis.
Path Substantive loading Substantive variance T Statistics Path Method loading Method variance T Statistics

IB → IB1 0.7769 0.6036 18.5303 Method → IB1 0.1045 0.0109 2.1321

IB → IB2 0.8522 0.7262 19.8743 Method → IB2 −0.0491 0.0024 1.1247
IB → IB3 0.8799 0.7742 18.6075 Method → IB3 −0.0622 0.0039 1.2253
PN → PN2 0.9565 0.9149 119.2397 Method → PN2 −0.0191 0.0004 1.4703
PN → PN3 0.9763 0.9532 130.5444 Method → PN3 0.0192 0.0004 1.463
RB → RB1 0.3855 0.1486 8.5787 Method → RB1 0.5681 0.3227 12.0991
RB → RB2 0.9874 0.9750 22.6038 Method → RB2 −0.0817 0.0067 1.6903
RB → RB3 1.1773 1.3860 19.6237 Method → RB3 −0.3985 0.1588 6.0093
RB → RB4 0.9862 0.9726 24.281 Method → RB4 −0.0684 0.0047 1.4799
RB → RB5 0.9709 0.9426 19.4619 Method → RB5 −0.0747 0.0056 1.3418
TB → TB1 1.0262 1.0531 26.9425 Method → TB1 −0.1318 0.0174 2.9402
TB → TB2 1.0843 1.1757 22.5833 Method → TB2 −0.3147 0.0990 5.8025
TB → TB3 0.8857 0.7845 13.1861 Method → TB3 −0.1167 0.0136 1.8074
TB → TB4 0.4290 0.1840 9.8053 Method → TB4 0.5117 0.2618 11.1399
UB → UB1 0.6050 0.3660 12.1506 Method → UB1 0.3147 0.0990 6.2404
UB → UB2 1.0039 1.0078 18.9089 Method → UB2 −0.0737 0.0054 1.3091
UB → UB3 1.1684 1.3652 27.4781 Method → UB3 −0.2537 0.0644 5.4502
UB → UB4 0.9145 0.8363 20.4938 Method → UB4 0.0186 0.0003 0.3826
VB → VB1 0.9276 0.8604 33.6466 Method → VB1 0.0015 0.0000 0.0472
VB → VB2 1.1423 1.3048 24.0194 Method → VB2 −0.4456 0.1986 7.7984
VB → VB4 0.2913 0.0849 8.7837 Method → VB4 0.6745 0.4550 19.5629
VB → VB5 1.1589 1.3430 28.5129 Method → VB5 −0.3306 0.1093 7.8239
Total 19.5862 18.7627 −0.2077 1.8403

Table 3 services. In addition, the perceived novelty positively influences con-

Linearity of relationships. sumers’ resistance to smart products (Mani & Chouk, 2017). Wells et al.
Sum of df Mean F Sig. (2010) further assert that perceived novelty is a key determinant that
Squares Square positively affects attitudes toward IT innovation. Hence, if m-wallet is
being perceived as novel, distinctive and unique, consumers will have
UB * RS (Combined) 340.003 13 26.154 70.347 0.000
less resistance toward its adoption. The above explanation induces the
Linearity 265.288 1 265.288 713.550 0.000
Deviation from 74.716 12 6.226 16.747 0.000
final hypothesis (Fig. 1).
H9. The perceived novelty barrier has a negative effect on m-wallet
VB * RS (Combined) 158.649 13 12.204 35.914 0.000
Linearity 123.531 1 123.531 363.534 0.000 resistance.
Deviation from 35.118 12 2.926 8.612 0.000
RB * RS (Combined) 239.204 13 18.400 51.510 0.000 4. Methodology
Linearity 185.104 1 185.104 518.177 0.000
Deviation from 54.100 12 4.508 12.621 0.000
4.1. Data gathering process
TB * RS (Combined) 181.288 13 13.945 45.518 0.000
Linearity 143.592 1 143.592 468.692 0.000 Since the sampling frame of the m-wallet user population is not
Deviation from 37.696 12 3.141 10.253 0.000 available, non-probability sampling was used. Therefore, judgmental
sampling was engaged to gather the sample needed for this research. In
IB * RS (Combined) 139.377 13 10.721 27.493 0.000
Linearity 112.199 1 112.199 287.713 0.000 terms of the m-payment industry in Malaysia, the number of m-banking
Deviation from 27.178 12 2.265 5.808 0.000 accounts had surged to 11.5 million in 2017, in comparison to 1.6
Linearity million in 2011. Meanwhile, the number of financial transactions via m-
PN * RS (Combined) 123.089 13 9.468 19.665 0.000 banking had recorded a total of 106.1 million transactions valued at
Linearity 62.774 1 62.774 130.379 0.000
Deviation from 60.315 12 5.026 10.439 0.000
RM48.3 billion in 2017 compared to 2.2 million transactions valued at
Linearity RM0.9 billion in 2011 (Wei & Tsu, 2018). In addition, the number of
Age * RS (Combined) 180.741 13 13.903 14.150 0.000 subscribers to m-payment services had risen from 0.8 million in 2017 to
Linearity 96.764 1 96.764 98.484 0.000 3.4 million at the end of June 2018 (Wei & Tsu, 2018).
Deviation from 83.978 12 6.998 7.123 0.000
Questionnaires were administered to respondents from four states
Edu * RS (Combined) 146.499 13 11.269 6.057 0.000 that constitute more than half of the population. Similar to Leong,
Linearity 96.324 1 96.324 51.775 0.000 Jaafar, and Ainin (2018), we used mall intercept technique from major
Deviation from 50.175 12 4.181 2.247 0.009 shopping malls in these states (Tan & Ooi, 2018; Tan, Lee, Lin, & Ooi,
Linearity 2017; Tan, Lee, Hew, Ooi, & Wong, 2018). Following Yani-de-Soriano
Income * RS (Combined) 248.373 13 19.106 11.350 0.000
Linearity 176.340 1 176.340 104.760 0.000
et al. (2019), the interceptions took place close to the mall’s exits and
Deviation from 72.034 12 6.003 3.566 0.000 entrances to minimize the sampling bias and to attain mixed re-
Linearity spondents. The mall intercept method is popular especially among
marketing researchers and has been widely used in similar studies. This
Note: Edu = Education, UB = Use Barrier, VB = Value Barrier, RB = Risk method is suitable for our study as it allowed the interviewers to screen
Barrier, TB = Tradition Barrier, IB = Image Barrier, PN = Perceived Novelty,
and filter for potential respondents to ensure eligibility and to seek
RS = Resistance towards m-wallet.
clarification if needed (Yani-de-Soriano et al., 2019). After discarding
the incomplete and unreturned questionnaires, 478 valid

L.-Y. Leong, et al. International Journal of Information Management xxx (xxxx) xxxx

Fig. 2. Scatter plot.

Table 4 there are 7 parameters in the neural network, the minimum number of
Reliability and convergent validity. sample size required would be 350. Therefore, the sample size of 478 is
rho_A CR Cronbach’s AVE MSV ASV R2 Square
sufficiently large for the ANN analysis.
4.2. Measures
Image Barrier 0.793 0.873 0.782 0.696 0.542 0.420 0.000
Perceived Novelty 0.930 0.966 0.929 0.934 0.243 0.177 0.000
Risk Barrier 0.930 0.951 0.935 0.795 0.756 0.530 0.000 Similar to Shareef, Kumar, Dwivedi, and Kumar (2016), to warrant
Tradition Barrier 0.889 0.909 0.867 0.716 0.688 0.502 0.000 the construct validity of the measures, items were extracted from the
Usage Barrier 0.944 0.959 0.943 0.854 0.756 0.563 0.000 literature review and adapted to the context of m-wallet. Items for
Value Barrier 0.927 0.918 0.881 0.738 0.671 0.500 0.000
usage barriers and image barriers were derived from Laukkanen et al.
m-Wallet 0.930 0.949 0.929 0.824 0.524 0.418 0.605
(2007a), items for value barriers were taken from Laukkanen et al.
(2007a) and Elbadrawy and Abdel Aziz (2011), items for risk barriers
Note: CR = Composite reliability, AVE = Average variance extracted, were drawn from Laukkanen et al. (2007a) and Peng et al. (2011), items
MSV = Minimum shared variance, ASV = Average shared variance. for tradition barriers were modified from Mahatanankoon and Vila-Ruiz
(2008), items for perceived novelty were derived from Wells et al.
(2010), and finally items for m-wallet resistances were derived from
questionnaires were successfully gathered. The sample size of 478 has Hyunwoo (2009). Gender, purpose, and type of m-wallet usages were
surpassed the suggested minimum sample size of 111 obtained from measured using nominal scales; age was captured using 5-point ordinal
G*Power with an effect size of 0.3, an alpha level of 0.05 and a power of scales while education and income were measured using 7-point and 6-
0.95 (Erdfelder, Faul, Buchner, & Lang, 2009). In addition, this sample point interval scales respectively. For other attitudinal scales, 5-point
size has also surpassed the 50 times rule of thumb for artificial neural Likert scales were used. 5-point Likert scales were used to minimize the
network analysis, which states that the minimum sample size should be respondents’ frustration level and boost the response rate because 7-
not less than 50 times the number of modifiable parameters in the point Likert scales are long and can confuse the respondents (Pai &
neural network (Alwosheel, van Cranenburgh, & Chorus, 2018). Since Huang, 2011). The use of different points of Likert scales may reduce

Table 5
Fornell-Larcker criterion.

Image Barrier 0.8345

Perceived Novelty −0.3616 0.9664
m-Wallet Resistance 0.5954 −0.4924 0.9080
Risk Barrier 0.7199 −0.3763 0.6881 0.8919
Tradition Barrier 0.6890 −0.4129 0.6837 0.8069 0.8461
Usage Barrier 0.7361 −0.4411 0.7238 0.8695 0.8292 0.9243
Value Barrier 0.7054 −0.4255 0.6690 0.7989 0.7492 0.8193 0.8590

Note: Diagonal element is the square root of average variance extracted (AVE); UB = Use Barrier, VB = Value Barrier, RB = Risk Barrier, TB = Tradition Barrier,
IB = Image Barrier, PN = Perceived Novelty, RS = Resistance towards m-wallet.

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Table 6

IB1 0.8736 −0.3299 0.5540 0.6722 0.6038 0.6871 0.6267

IB2 0.8024 −0.2602 0.4516 0.5274 0.6858 0.5648 0.5170
IB3 0.8259 −0.3107 0.4773 0.5919 0.4411 0.5813 0.6169
PN2 −0.3556 0.9677 −0.4849 −0.3759 −0.4082 −0.4464 −0.4229
PN3 −0.3431 0.9650 −0.4665 −0.3509 −0.3895 −0.4054 −0.3991
RS1 0.5644 −0.5016 0.9164 0.6358 0.6387 0.6814 0.6145
RS2 0.5273 −0.4625 0.8923 0.6421 0.6337 0.6548 0.6353
RS3 0.5389 −0.4540 0.9308 0.6159 0.6102 0.6425 0.5932
RS4 0.5309 −0.3632 0.8919 0.6032 0.5981 0.6485 0.5845
RB1 0.7323 −0.4045 0.7083 0.9155 0.8317 0.8777 0.8211
RB2 0.6471 −0.3010 0.5914 0.9065 0.7293 0.7898 0.7209
RB3 0.5212 −0.2053 0.4683 0.7962 0.5717 0.6557 0.6077
RB4 0.6487 −0.3379 0.6367 0.9272 0.7283 0.7783 0.7160
RB5 0.6337 −0.3930 0.6272 0.9076 0.7024 0.7509 0.6729
TB1 0.5134 −0.3627 0.5971 0.7058 0.9088 0.7250 0.6650
TB2 0.3983 −0.2951 0.5054 0.5930 0.7991 0.6227 0.4974
TB3 0.7264 −0.2962 0.4850 0.5453 0.7719 0.5864 0.5590
TB4 0.6895 −0.4220 0.6933 0.8390 0.8962 0.8344 0.7723
UB1 0.6840 −0.4374 0.6988 0.8211 0.7829 0.9055 0.7739
UB2 0.6776 −0.3862 0.6625 0.8117 0.7693 0.9329 0.7573
UB3 0.6603 −0.3910 0.6409 0.7660 0.7471 0.9263 0.7360
UB4 0.6977 −0.4136 0.6704 0.8126 0.7640 0.9325 0.7596
VB1 0.5986 −0.4018 0.5999 0.7161 0.7047 0.7506 0.9355
VB2 0.5273 −0.2321 0.4013 0.4772 0.4046 0.4651 0.7270
VB4 0.7346 −0.4532 0.7260 0.8569 0.8329 0.8753 0.9046
VB5 0.5236 −0.3214 0.4946 0.6072 0.5210 0.6281 0.8541

Note: PN1 and VB3 were dropped due to poor factor loadings; UB = Use Barrier, VB = Value Barrier, RB = Risk Barrier, TB = Tradition Barrier, IB = Image Barrier,
PN = Perceived Novelty, RS = Resistance towards m-wallet.

Fig. 3. Structural model.

the chances of having the common method bias in the study (Hew & minor amendments. Similar to Dwivedi, Kapoor, Williams, and
Kadir, 2017a). Prior to the final fieldwork, pretest and pilot tests were Williams (2013) and Kapoor, Dwivedi, Piercy, Lal, and Weerakkody
conducted. Similar to Kim, Oh, Shin, and Chae (2009)), during the (2014), the pilot test was conducted and questionnaires were dis-
pretest, the survey instrument’s face validity and content validity were tributed to fifty respondents in our study. Cronbach’s alpha values su-
assessed by conducting interviews with three professors who are well perseded 0.70, which indicates good construct reliability. The items and
versed in mobile application adoptions. Based on the feedbacks of the their sources are portrayed in Appendix F.
interviews we identified the ambiguity in the wordings and performed

L.-Y. Leong, et al. International Journal of Information Management xxx (xxxx) xxxx

Table 7
Path analysis.
Hypothesis Structural Path Beta T Statistics 95 % Confidence Interval Remark
(LB, UB)

H1 Age → RS 0.0121 0.4040ns (-0.0467, 0.0709) Not supported supported

H2 Education → RS −0.1166 2.7244** (-0.2005, -0.0327) Supported
H3 Income → RS 0.1686 3.7490*** (0.0804, 0.2568) Not Supported
H4 Usage Barrier → RS 0.2434 3.2444** (0.0964, 0.3904) Supported
H5 Value Barrier → RS 0.1089 2.0816* (0.0064, 0.2114) Supported
H6 Risk Barrier → RS 0.1334 2.3371* (0.0215, 0.2453) Supported
H7 Tradition Barrier → RS 0.1543 2.8129** (0.0469, 0.2617) Supported
H8 Image Barrier → RS 0.0454 0.9677ns (-0.0465, 0.1373) Not supported
H9 Perceived Novelty → RS −0.1900 3.6786*** (-0.2913, -0.0887) Supported

Note: *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01, ***p < 0.001, p > 0.05; RS=Resistance towards m-wallet; LB=lower boundary, UB=upper boundary.

Fig. 4. Artificial neural network diagram.

5. Results variables were collected via a single instrument. Initially, Harman’s

single factor was conducted, and the result from statistical analysis
5.1. Demographics indicates that a single factor explains just 19.5.3 % of the overall var-
iance. Because it is below 50 %, therefore the issue of CMB does not
The respondents’ demographic details are shown in Table 1. exist.
To confirm further the non-issue of CMB, we also performed a
5.2. Common method bias (CMB) common latent factor analysis by changing every indicator into a single-
item second-order construct (Hew & Kadir, 2017b). The result (Table 2)
We evaluate the existence of CMB because predictor and outcome shows that the bulk of the method loadings are either negligible or

L.-Y. Leong, et al. International Journal of Information Management xxx (xxxx) xxxx

Table 8 purpose, we employed SmartPLS 3 to validate the hypotheses in the

RMSE values. research model (Ringle, Wende, & Will, 2015). Because of the existence
Training Testing of nonlinear relationships between the independent and outcome
variables, we conducted further analysis using artificial neural net-
N SSE RMSE N SSE RMSE Total works (ANN) to rank the normalized importance of the significant
predictors based on the PLS analysis. The application of a two-staged
428 5.235 0.1106 50 0.299 0.0773 478
427 6.397 0.1224 51 0.352 0.0831 478
SEM-PLS-ANN approach would complement each other because the
433 6.606 0.1235 45 0.363 0.0898 478 SEM-PLS is suitable for hypothesis testing of linear relationships but
426 6.432 0.1229 52 0.361 0.0833 478 cannot capture the nonlinearity of relationships. While the ANN can
430 7.456 0.1317 48 0.413 0.0928 478 detect nonlinear relationships, it is unsuitable for hypothesis testing
428 6.653 0.1247 50 0.368 0.0858 478
because of its “black box” operation (Hew, Leong, Ooi, & Chong, 2016;
431 7.291 0.1301 47 0.415 0.0940 478
427 6.453 0.1229 51 0.370 0.0852 478 Tan, Ooi, Leong, & Lin, 2014).
430 6.471 0.1227 48 0.371 0.0879 478
430 6.101 0.1191 48 0.350 0.0854 478 5.4. Measurement model
mean 6.510 0.1231 mean 0.366 0.0865
Standard deviation 0.6102 0.0058 sd 0.0327 0.0049
In the initial stage, hypothesis testing was carried out through
Note: SSE = Sum square of errors, RMSE = Root mean square of errors, SmartPLS 3 with bootstrapping of 5000 random subsamples and no sign
N = sample size. change setting. A one-tailed test with a significance level of 0.05 was
engaged. Based on the results of the PLS algorithm, we evaluated the
Table 9 reliability and validity of the constructs. Table 7 indicates that all the
Sensitivity analysis. Cronbach’s alpha and composite reliability are larger than 0.70. Hen-
ceforth, we confirm that the measurement model has a high degree of
Neural network (NN) ED IN UB VB RB TB PN
construct reliability (Hew, Leong, Tan, Lee, & Ooi, 2018). From the
NN (i) 0.182 0.134 0.150 0.115 0.094 0.076 0.249 perspective of convergent validity, the magnitude of the average var-
NN (ii) 0.147 0.124 0.258 0.093 0.096 0.073 0.211 iance extracted (AVE) is above 0.50, which confirmed that the items
NN (iii) 0.193 0.171 0.137 0.083 0.060 0.143 0.213
converge to the relevant constructs and thus construct validity is ver-
NN (ix) 0.107 0.119 0.198 0.115 0.183 0.143 0.135
NN (v) 0.074 0.067 0.218 0.120 0.172 0.181 0.168 ified (Leong, Jaafar, & Ainin, 2018; Nordman & Tolstoy, 2016).
NN (vi) 0.101 0.125 0.147 0.130 0.183 0.171 0.143 From the perspective of discriminant validity, Table 4 verifies that
NN (vii) 0.091 0.137 0.131 0.092 0.191 0.198 0.16 all AVEs are greater than their corresponding minimum and average
NN (viii) 0.122 0.150 0.219 0.062 0.086 0.195 0.166 shared variances, while the Fornell-Larcker criterion (Table 5) indicates
NN (ix) 0.099 0.088 0.156 0.087 0.184 0.275 0.111
NN (x) 0.146 0.182 0.225 0.073 0.093 0.116 0.165
that the square roots of AVEs are more than the inter-correlation
Average importance 0.120 0.130 0.184 0.097 0.134 0.157 0.172 coefficients (Alalwan, Dwivedi, & Rana, 2017). Furthermore, we also
Normalized importance 65.3 70.5 100.0 52.7 73.0 85.4 93.6 used the HTMT criterion to assess discriminant validity, and Appendix
(%) G shows that except for the HTMT ratio among usages, risks and tra-
dition barriers which is slightly more than 0.90, other HTMT ratios are
Note: ED = Education, IN = Income, UB = Use Barrier, VB = Value Barrier,
less than 0.90 (PLS-SEM, 2015). Similar to Segarra-Moliner and
RB = Risk Barrier, TB = Tradition Barrier, PN = Perceived Novelty.
Moliner-Tena (2016), for the HTMT ratio above 0.90, we examined the
upper boundary of the HTMT confidence interval (Appendix H) and
negative and insignificant. In addition, similar to Karjaluoto, Shaikh,
found that all are less than 1. Finally, based on the cross-loadings
Saarijärvi, and Saraniemi (2019) the ratio of substantive to method
(Table 6), it is apparent that all items load strongly to its constructs thus
variance is substantially large. Consequently, we confirm that indeed
confirming discriminant validity. The measurement model can explain
CMB is a non-issue.
60.54 % of the variance in m-wallet resistances.

5.3. Multivariate statistical assumptions 5.5. Structural model

To perform multivariate analysis, several prerequisites need to be From the bootstrapping of the structural model (Fig. 3), the path
fulfilled (Ooi, Lee, Tan, Hew, & Hew, 2018). From the perspective of analysis result (Table 7) shows that six out of nine paths are significant.
linearity, Table 3 verifies the linear and nonlinear relationships be- To ascertain the significance of the relationship, we have used the t-
tween the exogenous and endogenous variables. To assess the multi- statistics as well as the 95 % confidence intervals. A relationship is
collinearity problem, we examined the VIFs and tolerances. The results significant if the lower and upper boundaries of the 95 % confidence
showed that the VIFs fall within 1.457–5.790 that is below the standard interval do not include a zero. Based on these criteria, age
threshold of 10. The tolerances fall within 0.173 to 0.686 which are (beta = 0.0121, t = 0.4040) and image barriers (beta = 0.0454,
greater than 0.10, which indicating that there is no issue of multi- t = 0.9677) have no significant effects on m-wallet resistances. Hence,
collinearity (Hew & Kadir, 2016). hypotheses H1 and H8 are not supported. The insignificant effect of age
To assess homoscedasticity, we inspected the standard residuals is inconsistent with the finding of Laukkanen (2016), and this may be
scatter plot (Fig. 2) and noticed that the residuals are dispersed around because the majority of the population is IT-savvy and therefore re-
a diagonal line. Hence, homoscedasticity is verified. gardless of age, the level of resistance toward m-wallet is not affected.
To evaluate the normality of distribution, we conducted the one- On the other hand, the insignificant effect of the image barrier is in
sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov test. The result shows that the data dis- contradiction to those of Kuisma et al. (2007) and El Badrawy et al.
tribution is non-normal as all p-values are smaller than 0.05. Because of (2011). This may be justified as the majority of the population has been
the non-normality of the distribution, the variance-based structural exposed to m-wallet via social media, printed media and other elec-
equation modeling (SEM) of partial least squares (PLS) was adopted tronic media (e.g. TV, radio and Internet). Moreover, in tandem with
because it is robust against non-normal distribution compared to the the Malaysian government’s effort in promoting and facilitating the use
covariance-based SEM (Leong, Hew, Ooi, & Lin, 2019). For this of m-wallet among bankers, vendors, and consumers, they do not seem

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to have negative impressions that can lead to the formation of image percentage (Karaca, Moonis, Zhang, & Gezgez, 2019). The result shows
barriers in using m-wallet. Education (beta=-0.1166, t = 2.7244) has a that the usage barrier is the most important predictor followed by a
significant effect on m-wallet resistance, and hence hypothesis H2 is perceived novelty that has normalized importance of 93.6 %. This is
supported. This newly validated relationship is not verified in previous followed by tradition barrier (85.4 %), risk barrier (73.0 %), income
studies. However, income (beta = 0.1686, t = 3.7490) though sig- (70.5 %), education (65.3 %) and value barrier (52.7 %).
nificant but because of the positive effect that contradicts the proposed
negative effect, and therefore hypothesis H3 is not supported. The in- 6. Discussion
significant effect of income contradicts that of Ferreira et al. (2014),
and this may be due to the standard of living in Malaysia, which will The outcomes of our study show that age is not a significant pre-
achieve high-income status by the year 2022. Hence, the majority of the dictor for the m-wallet resistance. This interesting finding goes against
population is financially able to use m-wallet, and therefore income is the findings by Ferreira et al. (2014) and Laukkanen (2016). However,
not affecting the resistance toward its usage. However, this interesting the outcome is consistent with that of Ifezue, Ama, and Moseki (2016))
finding needs further investigation. Usage barriers (beta = 0.2434, where age is not a predictor of usages of innovative technologies. The
t = 3.2444), value barriers (beta = 0.1089, t = 2.0816), risk barriers contradictory result may be caused by the social media and Web 2.0
(beta = 0.1334, t = 2.3371) and tradition barriers (beta = 0.1543, technology, which have exposed consumers to various innovative
t = 2.8129) have significant effects on m-wallet resistance. Thus, hy- technologies including m-wallet to almost all age brackets. In addition,
potheses H4, H5, H6, and H7 are supported. The significant effect of there are differences in the existing contexts of study e.g. mobile and
usage barriers is consistent with Yu (2013) while the significant effect Internet banking (Laukkanen, 2016) and technology readiness (Ferreira
of value barriers is in line with Antioco and Kleijnen (2010). Likewise, et al., 2014). Hence, consumers’ resistance levels are not affected by the
the significant influence of risk barriers is consistent with Peng et al. age factor.
(2011) and Lian and Yen (2013), whereas the significant effect of tra- Education has a negative effect on m-wallet resistance, and this
dition barriers is consistent with El Badrawy et al. (2011), Lian and Yen indicates that the higher education achievement, the lesser the re-
(2013) and Low (2017). Finally, perceived novelty (beta=-0.1900, sistance toward m-wallet adoptions. However, income has a significant
t = 3.6786) has a significant effect on m-wallet resistances, hence hy- positive impact on m-wallet resistance, and this contradicts the pro-
pothesis H9 is supported. This is consistent with Mani and Chouk posed negative effect in hypothesis H3. This is a surprising finding from
(2017) and Wells et al. (2010). what we anticipated previously. It indicates that the higher the income,
the stronger the resistance toward using m-wallet. Perhaps there are
5.6. ANN analysis hidden reasons behind it, and therefore further investigation is required
to unveil these reasons.
In the following stage, similar to Liébana-Cabanillas, Marinković, Among the innovation barriers, the usage barrier has the strongest
and Kalinić (2017)), we took the significant factors of the SEM-PLS path effect on m-wallet resistance in our study. It is also the strongest pre-
analysis as the input neurons for the ANN model (Fig. 4). Among the dictor of all predictors of m-wallet resistance. This shows that when
justifications for applying the ANN are non-normal data distribution consumers perceive that the m-wallet is difficult to use because of the
and the existence of non-linear relationships among the exogenous and limited display and small keypads of the mobile devices they will be
endogenous variables. In addition, the ANN is robust against noise, reluctant to use m-wallet. This finding is similar to Mahatanankoon and
outliers, and small sample sizes. It can also accommodate non-com- Vila-Ruiz (2008) and Soliman et al. (2014). However, our study is
pensatory models where a decrease in one factor needs not to be different as it is conducted in the context of m-wallet rather than the
compensated by an increase in another factor. The ANN analysis was existing contexts of m-commerce and mobile services. Therefore, the
implemented using IBM’s SPSS neural network module. The ANN al- study has provided new contextualization evidence to enrich the ex-
gorithm can capture linear and nonlinear relationships and does not isting literature in m-wallet.
need normal distribution (Teo, Tan, Ooi, Hew, & Yew, 2015). The al- The tradition barrier is the second strongest predictor in our study.
gorithm can learn through the training process to predict the outcomes This finding implies when consumers are used to paying with tradi-
of the analysis using a feed-forward-backward-propagation (FFBP) al- tional modes of payment using physical wallets they will continue with
gorithm, where inputs are feed in a forward path and the estimated these habits, routines, and culture, and they will not move out from
errors will move in a backward direction (Taneja & Arora, 2019). their existing status quo, as they feel comfortable and therefore will
Multilayer perceptrons and sigmoid activation functions were used for have strong resistance toward m-wallet. Our finding is similar to that
the input and hidden layers (Sharma & Sharma, 2019). Through several from Chemingui and Ben Lallouna (2013), Dasgupta et al. (2011), El
rounds of the learning process, the errors can be minimized, and the Badrawy et al. (2011), and Lian and Yen (2013). Nevertheless, our
accuracy of the prediction can be further improved (EL Idrissi, Idri, & study is different from the existing contexts of study (i.e. m-financial
Bakkoury, 2019). Similar to Leong et al. (2018b), we allocated 90 % of services, PayPal, m-banking and buying intention). Therefore, new
the samples for the training procedure and the remaining of the samples empirical evidence has been obtained to provide new insights and un-
was used for the testing procedure. To evade the possibility of over- derstandings of m-wallet resistance that can further advance the extant
fitting, we engaged a ten-fold cross-validating procedure and obtained literature of consumer resistance.
the root mean square of errors (RMSE) (Ooi & Tan, 2016). Table 8 The risk barrier is the third strongest predictor in our study, which
portraits that the average RMSE values of the training and testing implies that when consumers perceive that there are risks caused by
procedures are relatively small at 0.1231 and 0.0865, respectively. network instability, frauds, and privacy concerns, they will have some
Therefore, we confirm that there is an excellent model fit. Using a si- reservations in using m-wallet, and this will lead to resistance toward
milar approach as Hew and Kadir (2016), we computed the R2 of the its usage. The current finding is similar to that of Lian and Yen (2013),
ANN model, and the result reveals that the ANN model predicts m- Moorthy et al. (2017), and Peng et al. (2011), Nevertheless, it is not the
wallet resistances with an accuracy of 76.4 %. same as the existing contexts of study (i.e. m-commerce, m-payment,
To measure the strengths of the predictive power of each of the intention to shop online) as it is focused specifically on the m-wallet
input neurons, we conducted sensitivity analysis (Table 9) to obtain the context. Hence, our study has offered new empirical evidence to further
normalized importance of these neurons by dividing its relative im- advance the existing literature on consumers’ resistance toward m-
portance to the maximum importance and present it in the form of wallet.

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The value barrier is the weakest predictor among all significant 6.2. Practical contributions
innovation barriers in our study. This finding indicates that when
consumers feel that the value of using m-wallet is not as great as using The first practical contribution is based on the significant negative
the existing physical wallet they will continue to use the physical wallet effect of education on m-wallet resistance. Since the higher the edu-
and therefore are reluctant to change to m-wallet. Our finding is similar cation achievement of the consumers the lesser the resistance toward
to that of Laukkanen (2016) and Swilley (2010). However, there are m-wallet, therefore, m-wallet service providers may consider raising the
cultural differences as the existing studies have been done in European education standards of the general public as higher education level will
countries (e.g. Finland, USA) while the current study is conducted in an lead to less resistance toward m-wallet. For example, they may provide
Asian country. Hence, this study has contributed to enlightening our some financial assistance in the form of scholarships, loans or bursary to
understanding of m-wallet resistance from the Asian context that can be applied by those who want to further their studies at local or foreign
further enrich the extant literature. higher education institutions. In addition, they can also contribute di-
The perceived novelty is the second strongest predictor among all rectly by donating money to set up education institutions that offer
significant predictors of m-wallet resistance. This finding implies that courses based on a not-for-profit principle so that the fees will be af-
when consumers perceive that m-wallet is new, unique, and up-to-date, fordable and provide good chances for people to upgrade themselves.
they will be eager to try the innovative technology and therefore will be By doing so, it will help to raise the education standard and ultimately
less reluctant toward its usage. Though this finding is similar to that reduce the resistance toward m-wallet. Moreover, m-wallet service
from Mani and Chouk (2017), the context of our study is different be- providers can educate consumers on the benefits of using m-wallet.
cause smart products are in a general context while m-wallet is in a With better understanding among the consumers, they will have less
specific context. In addition, there are also differences between the resistance toward m-wallet. Finally, as a part of the corporate social
French and Malaysian cultures. Hence, this has provided new con- responsibilities, m-wallet service providers may cooperate with non-
tributions in terms of contextualization and cultural differences to the government organizations in establishing some institutions of higher
extant m-wallet literature. learning through sponsorships or launching grants.
Second, in terms of monthly income that has a positive effect on m-
wallet resistance that goes against the hypothesized negative effect;
6.1. Theoretical contributions therefore, we would like to suggest that while waiting for the further
verification and clarification from future studies, m-wallet service
First, the integration of socio-demographic factors in our research providers may continue with the status quo by using the existing po-
model has offered a new theoretical contribution to the m-wallet re- licies and strategies. However, to obtain a better understanding of this
sistance literature. With the inclusion of age, education, and income, matter, it is suggested that m-wallet service providers may establish
scholars will gain further understanding of their effects on m-wallet smart partnerships with external researchers and scholars by providing
resistance. This theoretical finding may be used as the groundwork for the necessary research grants to verify and clarify the issue in a short
imminent research on m-wallet resistance. period. Alternatively, they may also establish a research unit and em-
Secondly, the inclusion of the perceived novelty as an external ploy their researchers to conduct market researches.
variable has also proffered new theoretical contributions, as previously Third, to reduce the positive effect of the usage barriers on m-wallet
there are scarcities of studies that examined its effect on resistance resistance, service providers may consider developing user-friendly m-
toward m-wallet. Previously, the perceived novelty has been used as a wallet apps. It would be good if they can conduct surveys on consumers’
predictor of innovation adoption rather than innovation inhibitor. This satisfaction in using m-wallet, and based on their feedback, upgrades,
is perhaps the first research that investigates the perceived novelty’s and improvements can be carried out. These improvements can be in
effect on m-wallet resistance and may shed more light on innovation the form of physical appearance (i.e. hardware) or product applications
resistance to scholars. (i.e. software or apps). Another alternative is to increase the number of
Third, we have successfully extended the IRT by integrating socio- retailers that accept m-wallet through partnerships and collaborations.
demographics and perceived novelty. With this integrated model, we This will reduce the level of usage barriers and make consumers feel
can provide a holistic and comprehensive insight on the inhibitors of m- convenient in using m-wallet anytime and anywhere.
wallet. The integrated ANN model is capable of providing a predictive Forth, to lower the tradition barrier among consumers, steps may be
accuracy of 76.4 % in m-wallet resistance. taken by service providers to change consumers’ routines, habits, and
Fourth, several new relationships were discovered, and these in- culture of using the traditional physical wallets. Though it is easy to say
clude the relationship between education and perceived novelty with than do, with the right strategies consumers’ habits may be changed.
m-wallet resistance. Hitherto, there have been limited studies that in- For example, free trials may be offered to consumers to use m-wallet so
vestigate the effect of education and perceived novelty on m-wallet that they can gradually change their habits of using physical wallets. In
resistance. Although the effects of education (Leong, Ooi, Chong, & Lin, addition, incentives in the forms of monetary rewards or cash prizes can
2011) and perceived novelty (Wells et al., 2010) on innovation adop- also be given to consumers who wish to use m-wallets. This will attract
tion have been studied before; however, their effects on innovation consumers to try to use m-wallet, and as time goes by, they will
resistance remain unexplored and unknown. Thus, these new relation- eventually shift from physical wallets to m-wallets without their no-
ships will provide new foundations for future scholars to extend further tices.
the existing literature. Fifth, service providers may minimize the risk barriers in using m-
Finally, unlike existing related studies that used linear models, we wallet to reduce consumers’ resistance toward their usage. For instance,
have engaged a two-staged SEM-PLS-ANN approach that comprises of they may convince the consumers on the safety features of m-wallet by
linear and compensatory PLS model and nonlinear and non-compen- presenting the testimonials from existing users on security, safety, and
satory ANN model. It is a new approach because, in a linear compen- privacy of using m-wallet. Additionally, they can also collaborate with
satory model, a drop in one predictor may be neutralized by a rise in renowned cybersecurity firms to enhance the security and safety fea-
another predictor. However, this may not be always true especially in tures of the m-wallet apps. Besides, all transactions that exceed a cer-
the context of innovation barriers. For example, a decrease in the value tain amount should be alerted to the users through email and SMS
barrier cannot be compensated by an increase in the risk barrier. notifications. This would reduce the risk of unauthorized payments or
Therefore, with the use of a non-compensatory ANN model, we have cyber frauds. Finally, security codes or passwords may be used to
successfully addressed the deficiency of the linear models and therefore protect consumers in case their m-wallet smartphones are stolen.
offered a novel theoretical contribution to the existing literature. Next, to reduce consumers’ perception of the value barrier, service

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providers may think of increasing the value of using an m-wallet 7. Conclusion

compared to that of using a physical wallet. For example, they may
advertise the benefits and advantages of using m-wallets in social This study has successfully verified the effects of IRT on consumers’
media, printed media, TVs and radios. With a better understanding of resistances toward m-wallet using a two-staged SEM-ANN approach
the value of using m-wallet among consumers, they will gradually shift with a nonlinear non-compensatory neural network model. In addition,
to m-wallet. Moreover, service providers may consider incorporating we have also incorporated the demographic variables of education, age,
additional functionalities and features into the m-wallet apps. With and income in the research model and introduced perceived novelty as
these value-added add-ons, consumers will perceive that there is a great an extension variable to IRT. Education, value barriers, usage barriers,
difference between the physical wallet and m-wallet and that the m- tradition barriers, and risk barriers have significant effects on m-wallet
wallet has out-performed the physical wallet in terms of security, resistance but not for age, income and image barriers. In terms of
convenience, safety, and privacy, etc. normalized importance, usage barriers are the most important followed
Finally, since the perceived novelty has a negative influence on m- by perceived novelty, tradition barriers, risk barriers, income, educa-
wallet resistance, it is important for service providers to always im- tion and value barriers. The ANN model is able to predict m-wallet
prove their products with new and unique features so that consumers resistance with an accuracy of 76.4 %.
will see some novelties and newness in using m-wallet. For example,
new versions of m-wallet apps can be released from time to time, and CRediT authorship contribution statement
the list of newly joined outlets that accept m-wallet are updated and
notified to the consumers in real-time. New features and functions of m- Lai-Ying Leong: Conceptualization, Methodology, Validation,
wallet should also be notified through push technologies so that con- Formal analysis, Investigation, Resources, Data curation, Writing -
sumers are always alerted with such information. original draft, Writing - review & editing, Visualization, Supervision.
Teck-Soon Hew: Conceptualization, Methodology, Validation, Formal
6.3. Limitation and future direction analysis, Investigation, Resources, Data curation, Writing - original
draft, Writing - review & editing, Visualization. Keng-Boon Ooi:
Firstly, this research is restricted in the sense that it was carried out Conceptualization, Methodology, Validation, Formal analysis,
in an Asian nation, and hence the findings are not suitable to be gen- Investigation, Data curation, Writing - original draft, Writing - review &
eralized and applied to other nations, e.g. European countries. editing, Project administration. June Wei: Conceptualization,
Therefore, future studies may engage a cross-nation or cross-cultural Methodology, Validation, Formal analysis, Investigation, Resources,
perspective to further extend the scope of the current study. Secondly, Data curation, Writing - original draft, Writing - review & editing,
since the ANN model is able to predict with an accuracy of 76.4 %; Project administration.
therefore, future studies may incorporate additional predictors from
other innovation resistance theories to increase further its predictive Declaration of Competing Interest
power. Thirdly, the study used a cross-sectional approach that captured
respondents’ responses at one point in time. Hence, forthcoming studies None.
may contemplate using a longitudinal approach to examine the tem-
poral effects. Finally, this study was based on the developing Asian Acknowledgments
economy and this has limited the application of the findings to other
economies. Therefore, we would suggest that in the future, a com- We would like to mention our greatest appreciation to the editor
parative study on user’s resistance toward m-wallet between the de- and the anonymous reviewers for their insightful suggestions and
veloped and developing economy contexts could be carried out to gain constructive comments. We also like to express our heartfelt apprecia-
more understanding of the effects of nation development status on m- tion to the group of research assistants who have assisted the authors in
wallet resistance. gathering the data needed for this research.

Appendix A

Fig. A1

Fig. A1. Number of Apple Pay, Samsung Pay, and Android Pay users from 2015 to 2017 (in millions).

L.-Y. Leong, et al. International Journal of Information Management xxx (xxxx) xxxx

Appendix B

Fig. B1

Fig. B1. Number of global non-cash transactions via m-wallet (billions) by region, 2012-2016.

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Appendix C

Fig. C1

Fig. C1. Why haven’t you used mobile wallets to make purchases?.

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Appendix D

Fig. D1

Fig. D1. Mobile wallet research crux.

Appendix E

Table E1

L.-Y. Leong, et al.

Table E1
Summary of m-wallet related studies.
Authors Context of study (Country) Theory/Model Methodology Findings

(Sharma et al., 2018) Inhibitors of m- wallet None. Eleven inhibitors were chosen based on a 20 experts dealing with digital financial services from ‘Anxiety towards new technology’, ‘Lack of new
(Oman) comprehensive literature review. Oman were asked to rank the importance of a number of technology skills’, ‘Lack of awareness of mobile wallet
inhibitors using a 5-point Likert scale and the data were benefits’ and ‘Complexity of new technology’ are key
analyzed using Interpretive Structural Equation Modeling inhibitors of mobile wallets.
(SEM) with fuzzy MICMAC approach.
(Shin, 2009) M-wallet acceptance Modified UTAUT with constructs of security, trust, 296 data were gathered using a web survey and analyzed There are significant effects of attitude, perceived
(South Korea) social influence, and self-efficacy. using SEM security, and trust on intention to use. Attitude was
affected by perceived usefulness and ease of use while the
intention to use significantly influences use behavior.
(Yee Tang et al., 2014) Determinants of m-wallet UTAUT2 Using an online survey, 418 data were collected and Perceived expectancy, effort expectancy, facilitating
intention among Gen-Y analyzed using multiple regression analysis. conditions, hedonic motivation and habit positively
(Malaysia) influence intention to use.
(Swilley, 2010) Consumer rejection of Extended TAM 226 students and 480 consumers were gathered and Wallet phone is not considered as useful or easy to use.
wallet phone analyzed using SEM. Perceived risk has a significant effect but security and
(United States of America) privacy have a negative effect on attitudes toward wallet
phones. Attitude has a negative effect on intention to use.
There is a moderating effect of innovation resistance

between perceived usefulness and attitudes towards
wallet phones.
(Amin et al., 2016) M-wallet acceptance TAM 104 data were gathered and analyzed using PLS-SEM Perceived usefulness and attitude significantly influence
(Bangladesh) the intention to use. Attitude was significantly affected by
perceived usefulness and ease of use.
(Shaw, 2015) M-wallet adoption Modified UTAUT Using an online survey, 411 data were collected and Word of mouth significantly influences trust and
(United States of America) analyzed using SmartPLS. facilitating conditions. Trust and facilitating conditions
have significant effects on effort expectancy and
performance expectancy. Effect expectancy and
performance expectancy have significant influences on
intention to use.
(Rathore, 2016) Digital wallet adoption None 132 survey questionnaires were used and analyzed using There is no significant difference between male and
(India) ANOVA. female users. The three important adoption factors are
convenience in online buying, brand loyalty, and
usefulness of digital wallets. Security and safety of the
funds are the most challenging issues. Dependency on an
Internet connection is the main reason for low adoption.
Modified TAM None
(continued on next page)
International Journal of Information Management xxx (xxxx) xxxx
L.-Y. Leong, et al.

Table E1 (continued)

Authors Context of study (Country) Theory/Model Methodology Findings

(Amoroso & Magnier-Watanabe, M-wallet adoption A conceptual paper based on a literature review with no
2012) (Japan) statistical analyses
(Reddy et al., 2017) M-wallet acceptance Five factors were identified from focus group Data were analyzed using logistic regression and SEM Acceptance of mobile wallets is influenced by fast service,
(India) discussion namely convenience, multi-utility, direct direct operator billing, ease of use and promotions and
operator billing, fast service, promotions and ease offers.
of use.
(Amoroso & Ackaradejruangsri, m-wallet satisfaction Consumer satisfaction model 461 Thai respondents were surveyed using a snowball Consumer attitudes and personal innovativeness have
2019) (Thailand) sampling approach and analyzed using multiple significant effects on satisfaction while satisfaction
regression analysis. significantly influences loyalty.
(Alaeddin et al., 2018) m-wallet switching TAM 98 respondents were gathered using an online survey Perceived usefulness and ease of use have significant
intention using a random sampling method. The data were effects on consumers’ attitudes toward switching from
(Malaysia) analyzed using PLS-SEM. physical payment to m-wallet. Attitude significantly
influences the intention to switch and perceived risk

reduces the level of this influence.
(Casal et al., 2017) Requirements for m-wallet None Action research (iterative and user-centered) with focus The requirements for the m-wallet ecosystem include data
ecosystem group discussion. storage, processing, security, interfaces, ID information
(Portugal) systems, social networks, billing software, Paypal and
credit card.
(Shaw, 2014) m-wallet adoption TAM Convenience sampling from a Canadian public university Results showed that perceived usefulness, trust, and
(Canada) was used and incentives in the form of iPad Mini were informal learning significantly influence the intention to
given to 800 respondents. Altogether 284 usable samples use m-wallet. Furthermore, information learning also
were collected and analyzed using PLS. significantly influences perceived usefulness.
Nevertheless, there are no significant effects of perceived
ease of use and m-wallet self-efficacy on the intention to
use and perceived usefulness respectively.
International Journal of Information Management xxx (xxxx) xxxx
L.-Y. Leong, et al. International Journal of Information Management xxx (xxxx) xxxx

Appendix F

Table F1

Table F1
Items and their sources.
Item Construct Source

UB Usage Barrier
UB1 M-wallet services are difficult to use. (Laukkanen, Sinkkonen, Kivijärvi, & Laukkanen, 2007)
UB2 The use of m-wallet services is inconvenient.
UB3 M-wallet services are slow to use.
UB4 The process in m-wallet services is unclear.
VB Value Barrier
VB1 The use of m-wallet services is uneconomical. (Laukkanen et al., 2007a, 2007b)
VB2 M-wallet services do not offer any advantages compared to cash payments. (Elbadrawy & Abdel Aziz, 2011)
VB3 The use of m-wallet services does not increase my ability to control my financial matters.
VB4 M-wallet services are not a good substitute for traditional cash payment.
VB5 M-wallet services do not eliminate the constraint of time when conducting the transactions.
RB Risk Barrier
RB1 I fear of making any mistakes in the process of using m-wallet services. (Laukkanen et al., 2007a, 2007b)
RB2 I fear of entering wrong information when using m-wallet services to make payment. (Peng et al., 2011)
RB3 I fear that the battery of the electronic devices will run out or the connection will otherwise be lost when using
m-wallet services.
RB4 I fear of exposure of privacy to the third party when using m-wallet services.
RB5 I fear of any unreasonable or fraudulent charges if using m-wallet services.
TB Tradition Barrier
TB1 I feel impatient with m-wallet services. (Mahatanankoon & Vila-Ruiz, 2008)
TB2 I prefer engaging in face-to-face communication when purchasing goods and services that I want.
TB3 I prefer physical forms of payment.
TB4 I prefer making purchases online.
IB Image Barrier
IB1 I have a very negative image of m-wallet services. (Laukkanen et al., 2007a, 2007b)
IB2 New technology is often too complicated to be useful.
IB3 I have such an image that m-wallet services are difficult to use.
PN Perceived novelty
PN1 I find using m-wallet services to be a novel experience. (Wells et al., 2010)
PN2 Using m-wallet services is new and refreshing.
PN3 M-wallet services represent a neat and novel way of making payment.
RS Mobile wallet resistance
RS1 I fear of wasting my time using m-wallet services. (Hyunwoo, 2009)
RS2 It is unlikely that I use m-wallet services in the near future.
RS3 M-wallet services are not for me.
RS4 I do not need m-wallet services.

Appendix G

Table G1

Table G1
HTMT ratio.
Image Novelty Resistance Risk Tradition Usage

Novelty 0.422
Resistance 0.694 0.528
Risk 0.830 0.395 0.729
Tradition 0.840 0.453 0.751 0.873
Usage 0.852 0.470 0.772 0.919 0.905
Value 0.833 0.453 0.714 0.847 0.807 0.868

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Appendix H

Table H1

Table H1
HTMT confidence interval.
Original Sample Sample Mean 2.5 % 97.5 %
(O) (M)

Novelty → Image 0.422 0.421 0.314 0.523

Resistance → Image 0.694 0.693 0.607 0.770
Resistance → Novelty 0.528 0.528 0.432 0.617
Risk → Image 0.830 0.828 0.782 0.868
Risk → Novelty 0.395 0.394 0.290 0.497
Risk → Resistance 0.729 0.728 0.655 0.794
Tradition → Image 0.840 0.840 0.798 0.882
Tradition → Novelty 0.453 0.454 0.361 0.546
Tradition → Resistance 0.751 0.750 0.678 0.813
Tradition → Risk 0.873 0.872 0.841 0.899
Usage → Image 0.852 0.850 0.806 0.888
Usage → Novelty 0.470 0.470 0.379 0.561
Usage → Resistance 0.772 0.771 0.704 0.830
Usage → Risk 0.919 0.919 0.895 0.940
Usage → Tradition 0.905 0.905 0.879 0.928
Value → Image 0.833 0.833 0.782 0.876
Value → Novelty 0.453 0.453 0.356 0.543
Value → Resistance 0.714 0.713 0.644 0.776
Value → Risk 0.847 0.847 0.811 0.880
Value → Tradition 0.807 0.806 0.763 0.844
Value → Usage 0.868 0.867 0.833 0.896

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Lai-Ying Leong holds a Ph.D. in Business Information Keng-Boon Ooi is a Professor in Information Systems and
Systems from the University of Malaya. She is an Assistant Industrial Management. He is the Dean for the Faculty of
Professor at the Faculty of Business and Finance, UTAR. Her Business & Information Science, UCSI University. His works
research interests include Mobile Applications, Technology have been published in Decision Support Systems,
Adoption, E-commerce, and Business Information Systems. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, Computers in
Her works have appeared in Technological Forecasting and Human Behavior, Tourism Management, International Journal
Social Change, Internet Research, Computers in Human of Information Management, Journal of Business Research,
Behavior, Expert Systems with Applications, Tourism Asia Pacific Journal of Management, Expert Systems with
Management, Journal of Business Research, Electronic Applications, International Journal of Production and
Commerce Research and Applications, Journal of Electronic Economics, etc.
Commerce Research, Journal of Knowledge Management,
Journal of Computer Information Systems, etc.

Teck-Soon Hew obtained his Ph.D. in Information Systems June Wei is a Professor of the Department of Management
from the University of Malaya. His research interests in- and Management Information Systems at the University of
clude Information Systems, Artificial Neural Networks, West Florida. She earned a Ph.D. from Purdue University.
Mobile Applications, Virtual Learning Environment, and She has over 180 publications including papers in referral
Technology Adoption. His works have appeared in journals such as Computers in Human Behavior, Behavior and
Computers & Education, Computers in Human Behavior, Information Technology, and among others. She has over six
Internet Research, Expert Systems with Applications, Industrial years of industry working experience and currently serving
Management & Data Systems, Behavior & Information as Editor-in-Chief for two referral international journals.
Technology, Telematics & Informatics, Journal of Business
Research, Electronic Commerce Research and Applications,
Journal of Computer Information Systems, Journal of
Knowledge Management, International Journal of Mobile
Communications, etc.


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