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 1. AX2E type compounds are ...

 2. The value of e/m of electron is…
 3. Crystalline solids do not have...
 4. German silver is an alloy of…
 5. A mixture of benzene and toluene forms...
 6. Benzene can't undergo...
 7. CaMg3(SiO3)4 is the composition of…
 8. Splitting of spectral lines when atoms are subjected to strong electrical field
is called...
 9. which of the following is the weakest base...
 10. which is sequence of regions of electromagnetic spectrum...
 11. Which of the following is the basic component of smog?
 12. The number of peaks observed in mass spectrometry shows.....
 13. A real gas obeying wander wall's equation will resemble ideal gas if....
 14. A perfect crystal at 0K has...
 15. the molarity of sol. congaing 10 g of NaoH per cubic decimeter solution is...
 16 One calorie is equal to how many joules...
 17 which technique is used to determine absorption of radiation…
 18. A large molecule built up by repetition of small repeating chemical units
 19. The composition of light soda ash is...
 20. The formula of Mohr's salt is...
 21. Chile saltpetre has the chemical formula…
 22. The d-orbital involved in sp3d hybridization is…
 23. The expression for root mean square velocity is...
 24. The shift of absorption of light towards higher wavelength is called....
 25. An example of ... type compound is...
 26. Which of the following has lowest oxidation state of central atom…
 27. The Ksp of AgCl at 298K is...
 28. Which of the following form of coal has maximum percentage of carbon…
 29. Unsaturated nature of alkene can be detected by...
 30. Gravimetric analysis does not involve which of the following...
 31. During nitration of benzene, the active nitrating agent is...
 32. The no. of vibrational degrees of freedom for CO2 are…
 33. Which of the following reagents may not be used for oxidation of
aldehydes to organic acids...
 34. Mild oxidizing agent among the following…
 35. Buffer solution can be explained by...
 36. Which of the following aldehyde is used to prepare medicine....
 37. The reaction of pyrrole with CHCl3 in the presence of alkali is...
 38. Instantaneous dipole and induced dipole is also called...
 39. The solution having OH =10-4 , its pH will be...
 40. In superoxide oxidation no. of Oxygen is ...
 41. The chemical formula of sodium nitroprusside is...
 42. A substance which absorbs light in visible region of spectrum...
 43. The Ksp value of sparingly soluble salt is...
 44. The optimum value of DO for good quality water is...
 45. The mass of one mole of electron is...
 46. The value of one Bohr magneton is...
 47. The radius of third shell of Hydrogen atom is...
 48. Which compound shows hydrogen bonding...
 49. The reaction in which a ketone on reduction with Zn/Hg In HCl forms
 50. The reaction in which alkyle halides are treated with Na metal in ether
solution to get alkanes is called....
 51. Ti(H2O)8 transmits…
 52. The chemical formula of picric acid is...
 53. Chemical name of artificial milk is....
 54. Which of following amino acid is basic in nature...
 55. Which of the following has smallest radius...
 56. Order of reactivity of alkenes with hydrogen halides is...
 57. What is the percentage of nitrogen in NH4NO3...
 58. Which of the following has maximum vapour pressure…
 59. Which one of the following is not able to denature the ethanol..
 60. Keeping in mind the electrode potential which one of the following
reaction is feasible…
 61. Which one of the following is an example of copolymer…
 62. How many moles of sodium is present in .01 grams of sodium…
 63. Which one of the following pairs have the same electronic configuration as
possessed by Neon…
 64. Vinyl benzene is also called...
 65. Nitration of toluene takes place at....
 66. The derivatives of cyclopenatanoperhydrophenantharene are called...
 67. Bakelite is obtained from phenol by reacting it with...
 68. Atomicity of one molecule of haemoglobin is…
 69. What is the relationship between Cp and Cv…
 70. Examples of Primary standard is...
 71. Group VI-B of transition elements contain...
 72. The technique which involves the study of absorption of radiant energy in
UV and visible region by neutral atoms in gaseous state is...
 73. SN1 reaction proceeds via formation of ....
 74. Which metal is used in thermite process because of its activity...
 75. Hydolysis reaction of fat by caustic soda...
 76. Which enthalpy change is not used in Born Haber cycle...
 77. The radioactive isotope used for treating cancer...
 78. The mass of one alpha particle is…
 79. Which set of orbital has square planar shape...
 80. PH of human blood is…
 81. which operation will you perform to move a block of text in MS word…
 82. Microsoft excel is an electronic.... software package…
 83. A number is increased by 20% and then decreased by 20%, the final value
of number...
 84. A student gets 40,50 and 90 marks out of 100 in English, Physics and
Economics. He needs 72% to get a scholarship. How many marks does he
needs to get in his final paper Math to obtain 72% marks.
 85. To have a green thumb means...
 86. What is the synonym of obstinate...
 87. what is the antonym of...
 88. Find the correct spelt word....
 89. The only species of cat family that lives and hunts in group...
 90. When a gas is turned into a liquid, the process is known as..
 91. Who played the character of zarqa in pakistani film zarqa..
 92. The famous painting "La Gloconda" is better known as...
 93. which of the following instrument is used to measure earthquake
 94. Within six months of Quaid e Azam's death, Pakistan's constituted
assembly adopted...
 95. Hindu song vande matram was written by...
 96. Who among the following heavy weight champions remained undefeated
in his professional career...
 97. For the financial year 2016-17, Netherlands emerged as 2nd biggest
investors in Pakistan in terms of FDI. What was the main reason for that...
 98. Presidency of UN security council rotates among the member states of
 99. ‫اداس نسلیں کس کا ناول هے ؟‬
 100. Meaning of an Idiom In Urdu.

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