Medina College Ipil Module For Prelim and Midterm

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Chapter 1: NSTP Program (RA 9163)
 The NSTP Components
 Coverage of NSTP Law
 NSTP-CWTS Vision
 NSTP-CWTS Mission
 NSTP-CWTS Core Values
 NSTP-CWTS Minimum Standards

At the end of this chapter, you will be able to

 Show understanding of the National Service Training Program (NSTP)
 Recognize the Civil Welfare Training Service (CWTS) as the component of NSTP that aims to
help alleviate social problems through the different community services.
 Express commitment to be actively involved in various community services.
 Define NSTP from your own ideas.

This chapter introduce NSTP in accordance with its newly revise Implementing Rules and
Regulation (IRR). The NSTP Components are Reserve Officers’ Training Corps (ROTC), Literacy
Training Service (LTS), and CWTS.NSTP aims to inculcate civic consciousness and defense
preparedness in Filipino youth. It helps develop in them the ethics of Service and patriotism while they
undergo training in any of the program’s three components which are specifically design to enhance the
students’ participation in nation-building.
The NSTP Law or Republic Act No. 9163, also known as An Act Establishing the NSTP for
Tertiary- level Student, Amending for the purpose Republic Act No. 7077 and Presidential Decree no.
1706 and other purposes, was assigned by former president Gloria Macapagal Arroyo on January 23,
2002. It is a consolidation of house bill No. 3593and Senate bill no. 1824 passed by the House of
representative and the senate on December 19, 2001


• Direction: true or False- Write T id the statement is true and F if the Statement is False. Write
your answer on the lines provided

1. The NSTP Law is a consolidation of House Bill No. 3593 and Senate Bill No. 1824.

2. President Joseph E. Estrada signed Republic Act No. 9163 into lawn no. 9163 into law.

3. Section 35 of Republic Act No. 9163 mandates the ROTC.

4. West Point is the premier military training school in the Philippines's.

5. NSTP aims for civic consciousness and defense preparedness.



Nstp Components

Under the NSTP Program, both male and female college students of any baccalaureate degree course
or technical vocational course in public or private educational institutions are obliged to undergo one of
three program components for an academic period of two semesters. The students, however, are free to
choose which particular program component to take. The three NSTP Program components are:

Civic Welfare Training Service (CWTS)

This program component is designed to provide students with activities contributory to the general
welfare and betterment of life of the members of the community especially those developed to improve
social welfare services

Literacy Training Service (LTS)

This program component is designed to train students in teaching literacy and numeracy skills to

schoolchildren and out-of-school youths. The hope is to continue learning on a peer - to - peer

Reserve Officers' Training Corps (ROTC)

This program component is designed to provide military education and training for students to mobilize
them for national defense preparedness. This is also a glimpse for young people to see how military life
is and encourage them into service. Graduates of the ROTC program component are organized into the
Citizen Armed Force, while graduates of the LTS and CWTS program components are organized into
the National Service Reserve Corps (NSRC) administered by the Department of National Defense,
the Commission on Higher Education and Technical Education and Skills Development Authority.


1. All students, both male and female, enrolled in any baccalaureate or two-year technical-vocational or
non-degree courses in public and private schools must complete one NSTP component of their choice
for two semesters as a graduation requirement.
2 All higher and technical-vocational institutions, public and private, must offer at least one NSTP

3 State universities and colleges (SUCs) must offer ROTC and at least one other NSTP component,
namely LTS or CWTS.

4. The Philippine Military Academy (PMA), Philippine Merchant Marine Academy (PMMA),
Philippine National Police Academy (PNPA), and other SUCs of similar nature, in view of the special
character of these institutions, are not covered by the NSTP Law

5. Private higher educational institutional (HEIs) and technical-vocational educational institutions with
at least 350 student cadets may offer ROTC and consequently establish and maintain a Department of
Military Science and Tactics, which is still subject to the existing rules and regulations of the Armed
Forces of the Philippines.


To train students to become innovators of social change with a culture of

excellence and leaders with integrity, competence, and commitment to render
service to the community

NSTP-CWTS aims to promote and integrate values education, transformational
leadership, and sustainable social mobilization for youth development, community-
building, national renewal, and global solidarity by:

1. Providing relevant activities that will contribute to the physical, intellectual,

spiritual, and social development of students
2. Inculcating in students the values of leadership, patriotism, and social
3. Training students to become project planners, designers, and managers or
innovative and sustainable community service-oriented projects
4. Conducting capability enhancements for civic welfare services geared toward
preparing the youth to become results-oriented social entrepreneurs, volunteers,
and a socio-economic mobilizing force that serves communities as value-driven
innovators for progress
5. working closely with network of organizations within and outside the higher
education institution
6. Creating opportunities where students can render direct service to the community


• We are guided by our commitment to:

• Love god;

• Human dignity;

• Truth, goodness, and social responsibility;

• Innovation and creativity;

• Synergy and professionalism;

• Protection of the environment;

• Indigenous learning and conservation; and

• Quality service delivery

NSTP-CWTS minimum

• NSTP-CWTS Minimum Standards NSTP-CWTS helps develop informed and self-reliant

communities by encouraging inter-government agency cooperation and providing
complementary assistance and support to facilitate socio-economic progress, environmental
management, and deliver of basic services, geared toward uplifting the well-being of people.

• The NSTP-CWTS strategies follow an integrative approach to community development, which

unites the people, local officials, civic leaders, and non-governmental organizations.

• The NSTP-CWTS 1 is a three-unit, non-academic course for students who opt to take the CWTS
component of NSTP.

• The minimum standard for NSTP is the development of the common and specific modules set
forth in the IRR.

NSTP-CWTS 1 spans a total of 83 training hours for two semesters and includes
seven topics and a scope of instructions as follows:

1. Self-awareness and values development deal with the nature of self, personal development,
roots of the Filipino character, nationalism and patriotism, and good citizenship values with core
Filipino values.

2. Leadership training discusses the concepts of leadership, human behavior, communication,

motivation, teamwork, time management, and decision- making.

3. Dimensions of development cover global, national, and local issues on (@ 3. health, (b)
education (enhancement of instructional support materials and faculties), () entrepreneurship, (d)
recreation, and (e) morals of the Citizen

4. Community exposure and agency visits refer to the nature, development, and approaches in
community work and community-building

5. Community needs assessment includes knowing the community and the community needs
assessment process, survey, and actual conduct.

6. Community services dwell on drug education, health education (medical and dental),
environmental education, entrepreneurship, and culture.

7. Program evaluation tackles the fundamentals, development, implementation, monitoring, and

evaluation of the program.

DIRECTION: Answer the following questions. Write your answer on the lines provided

1. How can NSTP-CWTS student serve the community?

2. What can you contribute to help achieve the mission-vision of NSTP-CWTS in your School?

Direction: Multiple Choice. Read the following question/statement. Encircle the letter of the correct

1. These bills recognized the vital role of the Filipino youth in nation building.

a. House Bill No. 3593 and Senate Bill No. 1824

b House Bill No. 3953 and Senate Bill No. 1284

C. House Bill No. 3593 and Senate Bill No. 1482

d. House Bill No. 3593 and Senate Bill No. 2184

2. Republic Act No. 9163 is also known as

a. ROTC Program

b. NSTP Act of 2001

C. Arroyo Law of 2001

d. NSTP Act of 2002

3. ROTC was institutionalized in of Republic Act No. 7077.

a. Sections 36 and 37

b. Sections 38 and 39

C. Sections 37 and 38

d. Sections 35 and 36

4. PMA means

a. Philippine Military Academy

b. Philippine Marine Academy

c. Philippine Merchant Academy

d. Philippine Medical Academy

5. These institutions lead in the implementation of NSTP.



c. DND, DepEd, TESDA



NAME: ________________________________ ADDRESS: ________________________
DATE FINISHED: ________ DATE STARTED: ________
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CHAPTER 2: The nature of the human person

 The human person

 Characteristic of a Human person
 Biblical Views
 Philosophical views
 Classical Greek Views
 Sociological Views
 Hierarchy of Needs


• Describe the nature of human person

• Identify the importance of a person’s unique qualities that make him/her a productive social
• Describe a person’s unique qualities that make him her a productive social being


This chapter discusses the nature of the human person. It answers these questions: What is a human
person? How can a human person attain his/her highest potential and contribute to the common good?
Even during the ancient times, these questions have been relentlessly asked and evaluated.
Psychologists, philosophers, theologians, and scientists have written in-depth analyses of the human
nature using a wide range of theories and observations.

Define the following terms. Write your answer on the space provided

1. Human person

2. Sociology

3. Rational animal

4. Human Needs


The Human Person

It is essentially difficult to understand the human person, Human nature, and the Possibility of
achieving a productive society through the highest potential of a on. Estañol (2007) defines the human
person as having physical, spiritual, emotional and intellectual attributes. St. Thomas Aquinas describes
the human person as having physical and spiritual substance because he/she has a soul and 1s created by
a Superior Being with a divine purpose. Dictionaries define the human person as a "self-conscious

Characteristics of a Human Person

Babor (2007) in his book, The Human Person: Not Real, But Existing discusses the several
characteristics of a human person, namely:

1. A human person is a rational being. She/he is free to think and has the capacity to reason and
distinguish between right and wrong.

2. A human person is born free. She/he has the freedom to do or not to do things. However, every person
is responsible for his/her own action.

3. A human person is unique. She/he possesses an identity that makes him/her unlike any other person.
Generally speaking, even if two persons have the same characteristics and physical features, they are not
the same because each one has his/her own perception, and a different set of values and priorities in life.

4 Every person is intrinsically a social being and cannot detach himself/herself from other creatures in
the universe. By nature, he/she is characterized by his/her relationships with other creatures, objects, or
his/her fellowmen.

5. All living things are sexual by nature, but the uniqueness of expression person's sexuality makes
him/her different. The expression of a person’s emotions, attitudes, feelings, actions, and thoughts in
sexual activity best exemplifies his/her uniqueness from animals.

The human person has superiority and dignity inherited from the Supreme Being. According to
the book of Genesis, chapter 1, verses 26 to 27, God created man and woman in His own image and
likeness and made them masters of the fish of the sea the birds, the heaven. The earth, the wild beasts,
and all the reptiles that crawl upon the earth

The Supreme Being entrusted to the human person the care of creatures on the earth, aware of
the possibilities, challenges, and difficulties he/she will encounter in his/her life. Agbuya (1997) states
that "He/She (human person) is designated by God to exercise dominion over other creatures in his/her
everyday use of freedom, search for happiness, and openness to the world around him/her. And what
makes him/her human is his/ her being a true person, which includes the special gifts and talents of
thinking, loving, longing for happiness, and making decision. The human nature was patterned after the
image of God."

Philosophical Views
According to Protagoras, a human person is the measure of all things that exist and of all things
that do not exist. Furthermore, Plato claimed that the perfect human being does not exist in this world
because what is in this world is just an imperfect copy of humanity's original self in the realm of ideas.
Parmenides posited that a person has knowledge of something that exists, for a person who does not
exist is nothing

A human person like other animals has external and internal organs. A human being becomes
evident when he/she starts to share his/her thoughts and ideas with others.

Maguigad (2006)

In his book, Philosophy of the Human Being, explains, the different philosophical views of the human
person. These are the following:

1. Conservatism
The conservative view is not entirely positive and definitely non- egalitarian. Some men contribute
more than others to society, and, therefore, must be rewarded and honored by society. All human
persons may not be of equal value to society: some men are intended to rule, the rest to obey. This is in
line with one of the Confucian ethical ideas which states that the superior man must rule and the
commoner must bow before his authority.
2. Liberalism

Liberalism has a more egalitarian view of human nature. It believes that all men are
capable of reason and rational action and have the capacity to live satisfactory and
productive lives if given the opportunity. Reason is common to all human beings and this
fact raises them above the level of beasts and enables them to know the principles of
suitable living. According to Mencius, "Every human being can become a sage king, that
is, anyone can gain the wisdom to rule.’’

3. Socialism
In socialism, the human being really engages in cooperative social activities when given the
opportunity. Unfortunately, this natural Social l cooperative instinct is not fostered when some people
selfishly exploit other people

Marx believes that man is driven primarily by desire for economic gains. In his Das Kapital, he
considers the human person as a social animal. If he/she fails to relate actively with others and with
nature, he/she loses himself/herself and becomes alienated. His/hers drives lose human qualities and
assume animal qualities.

4. Fascism

Fascism holds that what matters most is the country itself. The human being can
prosper only when the nation prospers; his/her fate is merely secondary when it comes to
the country. Like the conservatives, the fascists contend that some human beings are
naturally and racially better than others.

Classical Greek views

The early classical Greeks define the human person as a rational animal "An animal's vegetative
sensory and rational element is integrated within his/her being: thou he/she is a material (body) and
spiritual (soul) being. As a vegetative creature, the human person needs to have food to grow, develop,
and reproduce. As a sentient being, he/she needs sensory perceptions to gain knowledge. As a rational
animal, he/she needs the power of thought, reason, and cognition. Due to a person's nobility and his/her
special place in God's kingdom, it is through him/her that the rest of creation enters into a dialogue and
relationship with the Supreme Being. Because the human person is given free will to choose, decide, or
shape his/her life, he/she is always responsible for his/her action. A human person is capable of
knowing, loving, and believing, which leads him/her to be fully aware of his/her humanity

Sociological Views

A perspective is a particular way of looking at and seeing something. Salcedo (2004) states that
people look at this social world or at the various ways those human beings behave in a social way.
Hence, when we talk about society or the social world, we are really referring to the behavior of human

This is not to say that all sociologists necessarily see the social world from exactly the same
perspective (or viewpoint); neither do they always agree about what they see, how behavior could or
should be understood, and so forth. As we will notice, the sociological perspective is made up of a
number of quite different sub-perspectives. San Juan (2007) proposes some common ideas about the
human person. These are the following:

1. Human persons are social animals. We need to cooperate with others in some way to create
the social world in which to live.

2. The human person's social behavior is learned, not instinctive. In this respect the argument is
that we have to learn, from the moment we were born, how to be not just a human being but also a
recognizable member of the society into which we happen to have been born
3 To understand the human person's social behavior, we have to focus our attention on the
groups to which people belong. These groups are many and varied, but the largest group to which people
belong is a society.

4. Sociology is a discipline that looks into the totality of relationships in an individual's life.
Sociologists do not restrict their studies to a single dimension of an individual's life (economics, politics,
history, geography, psychology, and so forth). Although each of these areas is significant and interesting
in varying degrees, it is only by looking at how these relationships affect each other that we can arrive at
a complete picture of human social behavior

Hierarchy of Needs
Maslow presented the levels of hierarchy of needs in his theory of personality.

1. Physiological needs include the biological and basic needs such as water and clothing. These needs
are immensely important because they are essential for survival.

2. Safety needs include security and protection from physical and emotional harm.

3. Social needs include affection, sense of belonging, and friendship, which people seek to overcome
feelings of loneliness and alienation.

4. Self-esteem needs include achievement, mastery, and confidence derived from recognition, respect,
and attention. When these needs are satisfied, the person feels confident and valuable. However, when
they are not met, the person may feel inferior, weak, helpless, and worthless.

5. Self-actualization means a person has reached the peak of his/her potential.

Maslow's theory points out that a person needs to satisfy first the lower needs before realizing
his/her self-worth and potential. Accordingly, when the lower needs are not met, a person cannot
completely devote his/her time to developing his/her full potential. He also maintains that self-
actualization is the driving force of human personality. Thus, a person cannot appreciate intellectual and
aesthetic learning when he/she is hungry or if he/she feels unsafe. Artistic and scientific endeavors do
not flourish in a society where people must struggle for food, shelter, and safety. Self-actualization can
only be achieved after all other needs are satisfied. According to Rogers' person-centered therapy theory,
every person has within him/ her inherent desire for a positive transformation and the development of
his/her capacities. She/he possesses an innate goodness no matter how imprudent his/her actions are.

Based on this theory, the society should be a sounding board of reflections in life, so that an
individual can realize his/her problem and formulate solutions for it. However, it is the individual who
will eventually create his/her own path and not the people around him/her. She/he is the only one
qualified to choose the path that he/she should take. It may not always be smooth, but that does not
diminish his/her value as a person. A Self-actualized person allows his/her innate goodness to transform
further. Only by understanding himself/herself first can he/she effectively relate to others. Furthermore,
every person must understand that he/she only exists in this world transitorily. As such he/she should
utilize his/her gifts and talents to reach his/ her 80als and to help others realize their own worth as a
person. She/he must take on the Challenge that the Supreme Being has posed upon him/her.

Activity 2

DIRECTION: Answer the following question. Write your answer on the lines provided.

1. According to the philosophical view, what is a human person? Cite specific example.

2. Why was the human nature patterned after the image of god?

Rubrics for the activity


DIRECTION: True or false. Write T if the Statement is true and write F if the statement is false. Write
your answer on the lines provided.

1. A human person can detach himself/ herself from other creatures.

2 St. Thomas Aquinas describes the human person as having only physical substance

3 Liberalism has a more non-egalitarian view of human nature.

4 Fascism holds that what matters most is the country itself.

5 Physiological needs include security and protection from physical and emotional harm

6 Self-actualization is fulfilled after other needs are satisfied

7 Rogers believes that every person has an inherent desire for a positive transformation and the
development of his/her capacities.

8 Pythagoras says that a human person is the measure of all things that exist and of all things that
do not exist.

9 The human being readily engages in cooperative social activities when given the opportunity.

10 Perspective is a particular way of looking at and seeing something


NAME: ________________________________ ADDRESS: ________________________

DATE FINISHED: ________ DATE STARTED: ________
CONTACT NO: __________________________




 The Preamble
 Philosophy of values
 Filipino Values
 Good Citizenship values
 Roots of the Filipino Character
 Nationalism and Patriotism
 Development of Nationalism and Patriotism in the Philippines
 Personal Development plan

Learning outcome
1. Define and expound on the nature and Philosophical values of being a Filipino
2. Cite popular Filipino values of a good citizen
3. Relate the concepts discuss to real-life Situation


Direction: Define the following terms. Write your answer on the lines provided below the question.

1. Pagka-diyos-
2. Pagkamaka-Tao

3. Pagkamaka-Bayan

4. Pagkamaka-Kalikasan

The Preamble

The preamble to the 1987 Constitution states:

"We, the sovereign Filipino people, imploring the
aid of Almighty God, in order to build a just and
humane society and establish a Government that
shall embody our ideals and aspirations, promote
the common good, conserve and develop our
patrimony, and secure to ourselves and our
posterity the blessings of independence and
democracy under the rule of law and a regime of
truth, justice, freedom, love, equality, and peace,
do ordain and promulgate this Constitution" (De
Leon et al., 2011).


A preamble is an introductory and preliminary statement in a document that explains the

document's purpose and underlying philosophy. It may cite historical facts pertinent to the subject of the
statute. The preamble to the constitution of the Philippines dictates that the Philippines and the Filipino
people are the sovereign masters of the Philippine Islands.

Filipino values
What are Filipino values? What is distinctly Filipino in our value system? The Filipino value
system arises from our culture or way of life, our distinctive way of becoming human in this particular
place and time. We speak of Filipino values in a fourfold sense.

1. It is obvious that certain values take on a distinctively Filipino flavor for us. The Greek ideal of
moderation or meden agan, the Roman in medio stat virtus, and the Confucian and Buddhist doctrine of
the middle way or path, find their Filipino equivalent in walang labis, walang kulang, or katamtaman

2. Speaking of Filipino values, we do not mean that elements of these Filipino values are absent in the
value systems of other peoples and cultures. All people eat, talk, and sing; but they eat a variety of food,
speak various languages, and sing different songs. Thus, we easily recognize Filipino, American,
Chinese, Japanese, or any other foreign food, language, or music. The difference lies in the way these
elements are ranked, combined, or emphasized, so that they take on a distinctively Filipino slant or cast.

For instance, in China, honesty and hard work may rank highest; Chinese and Japanese cultures
greatly value politeness and beauty; American culture highlights promptness and efficiency; and Filipino
culture emphasizes spirituality and family centeredness. In this sense of value ranking and prioritizing,
we can speak of dominant Filipino values.

3. Universally, human values in the Filipino context (historical, cultural, socio- economic, political,
moral, and religious) take on a distinctive set of Filipino meanings and motivations. This is true not only
of the aims and goals, beliefs, convictions, and social principles of the traditional value system of the
lowland rural family but also of what Fr. Horacio de la Costa, S.J. calls the Filipino nationalistic"
tradition (pagsasarili, pagkakaisa, pakikisama, pakikipagkapwa- tao, and pagkabayani). A Filipino
value is not a discrete item which exists alone, in isolation, or in a vacuum. Filipino values like bahala
na, utang Na loob, hiya, pakikisama, and pakiusap are clustered around core values like social
acceptance, economic security, and social mobility. They are always found in a definite context or set of

Good Citizenship values

1. Love for God or Pagkamaka-Diyos

The Philippines is the only Christian nation in Asia, our population being predominantly Catholic.
Therefore, religiousness is a prime Filipino value. Faith is the deeply rooted submission to a divine
Creator and believing in Hi authority over all creations. It is also putting oneself in the hands of the
Divine. Authority which is an expression of faith in and unconditional love for God.

2. Love for Fellowmen or Pagkamaka-Tao

St. Paul defines love in a different way: Love is patient; it never fails; it is eternal. There are
faith, hope, and love and the greatest of these is love (1 Corinthians 13). It illustrates the real essence of
love which strengthens the foundation of the family and other social groupings. It is the strongest force
within the human community. It provides a deeper meaning to the purpose of human existence.

3. Love for Country or Pagkamaka-Bayan

Progressive countries are able to attain their economic goals because the people have trust and
confidence in their governments and are actively supporting their policies and programs. These
governments, in turn, reciprocate their peoples support with honest, sound, and dynamic governance.

4. Love for the Environment or Pagkamaka-Kalikasan

Environment refers to everything that surrounds us from the natural world to the man-made
physical structures. Human interventions are important to derive the full benefits from natural resources,
but such interventions have are times gone beyond the limits of the domain reserved for human

Roots of Filipino Character

Here are some highlights from A Moral Recovery Program: Building a People. Building a
Nation" by Patricia Licuanan (1988).

The strengths and weaknesses of the Filipino have their roots in many factors such the home
environment, (6) the social environment, (c) culture and language. History. (e) The educational system,
(1) religion, (g) the economic environment. As (h) the political environment, (4) mass media, and
leadership and role models

The Family and Home Environment

Child-bearing practices, family relations, and family attitudes and orientation are the main
components of the home environment. Child-bearing in the Filipino family generally is characterized by
high nurturance, low independence training, and low discipline. The Filipino child grows up in an
atmosphere of affection and overprotection, where one learns security and trust, on the one hand, and
dependence, on the other.

The Social Environment

The main components of the social environment are social structures and social systems such as
interpersonal, religious, and Community interaction. The social environment of the Filipino is
characterized by a feudal structure with great gaps between the rich minority and the poor majority.
These gaps are not merely economic but cultural as well, with the elite being highly westernized and
alienated from the masses. This feudal structure develops dependence and passivity.

Culture and Language

Much has been written about Filipino. written about Filipino Such characteristics as warmth and
person orientation, values, orientation, devotion to family, and sense of joy and humor are part of our
culture and are reinforced by al socializing forces like the family, school, and peer and peer group.
Filipino culture rewards such traits and corresponding behavioral patterned. Develop because they make
one more likable and enable life to proceed more n easily.
We are the product of our colonial history, which is regarded by as the culprit behind our lack of
nationalism and our colonial mentality. Colonialism developed a mindset in the Filipino which
encouraged us to think of the colonial power as superior and more powerful. AS a se Citizen beneath the
Spanish and then the Americans, we developed a dependence on foreign powers that makes us believe
we are not responsible for our country's fate.

The Educational System

Aside from the problems inherent in the use of a foreign language in our educational system, the
educational system leads to other problems for us as a people. The lack of suitable 1local textbooks and
dependence on foreign textbooks, particularly in the higher school levels, force Filipino students as well
as their teachers to use school materials that are irrelevant to the Philippine setting. From this comes a
mindset that things learned in school are not related to real life.

Religion is the root of the Filipinos' optimism and capacity to accept life's hardships. However,
religion also instills in us attitudes of resignation and a preoccupation with the afterlife and superstitions.
The Economic Environment
Many local traits are rooted in the poverty and hard life that is the lot of most Filipinos. Our
difficulties drive us to take risks, impel us to work very hard, and develop in us the ability to survive.
Poverty, now ever, has also become an excuse for graft and corruption, particularly among the lower
rungs of the bureaucracy. Unless things get too difficult, passivity sets in.

Political Environment
The Philippine political environment characterized by a centralization of power. Political power
or authority concentrated in the hands of the elite and the participation of most Filipino often is limited
to voting in elections.

Mass Media
Mass media reinforce our colonial mentality. Advertisement using Caucasian models and
emphasizing a product's similarity with imported brands are part of our daily lives. The tendency of
media to produce escapist movies, soap operas, comics. etc., feed the Filipinos' passivity. Rather than
confront our poverty and oppression, we fantasize instead. The propensity to use flashy sets, designer
clothes, superstars, and other bongga features reinforce porma
Leadership and Role Models
Filipinos look up to their leaders as role models. Political leaders are the main models, but all
other leaders serve as role models as well. Thus, when our leaders violate the law or show themselves to
be self-serving and driven by personal interest, when there is lack of public accountability, there is a
negative impact on the Filipinos.

Nationalism and Patriotism

The term nationalism is generally used to describe two things. The first the attitude of the
members of a nation which includes the concepts of national identity origin, ethnicity, and cultural ties.
The second is the action that the members to take when seeking to achieve or sustain full statehood with
complete authority domestic and international affairs. Patriotism is love of and devotion to one country.

Activity 3

DIRECTION: Write your Explanation on the lines provided.

1. Discuss the philosophy of human values in the Filipino context.

2. Discuss nationalism and patriotism in the Filipino context.


DIRECTION: Write T if the statement is true and write F if the statement is wrong.

1 To the Filipinos, understanding the Philippine value system is necessary.

2 The disvaluing of some Filipino values does not exist in our society.

3 Values are both subjective and objective.

4 There are Filipino values that have historically evolved in the consciousness of the people.

5 The term Filipino originally referred to the native inhabitants

6 Nationalism is being ashamed of your country.

7 Hiya is translated as gaya-gaya.

8 The value system of the Filipinos arises from their culture or way of life.

9 The Philippines is the only Christian nation in Asia

10 Faith is the deep-rooted submission to a divine Creator and believing



NAME: ________________________________ ADDRESS: ________________________

DATE FINISHED: ________ DATE STARTED: ________
CONTACT NO: __________________________



CHAPTER 4: Leadership Training

4.1 Human behavior

4.2 Motivation
4.3 Good leadership
4.4Characteristic of a good leader
4.5 Transformational Leadership
4.6 Transactional and Transformational Leadership
4.7 Behavior of Transformational Leader
4.8 Four Components of Transformational Leadership
4.9 Leadership Development
4.10 Virtuous Cycle Leadership Control
4.11 Seven Habits of Highly Effective People
4.12 Teamwork
4.13 Time management
4.14 Decision Making
4.15 Involvement in Decision-making
4.16 Difficulties in Decision-making

Learning Outcome
At the end of this module, the students must be able to:

1. Describe transformational leadership:

2. Identify the characteristic of a leader

3. Express commitment to teamwork.


This Chapter discusses leadership training in which the leader inspires the followers to perform
well and develop their own leadership potential.


DIRECTION: Multiple choice; Encircle the letter of the correct answer

1. This process involves selecting the most logical choice from among two or more options.
a. choosing. c .decision-making

b. contracting d. revising

2. It involves compromising after all opinions have been heard:

a. consensus c. clique

b. majority voting R d. handclasp

3. It is considered the most effective way to make à decision.

a. consensus c. clique

b. majority voting d. handclasp

4. This small group whose members plan beforehand to get their own way in decision-making.

a. consensus c. clique

b. majority voting d. handclasp

5. Unanimous agreement is assumed when some members do not want to disagree and have chosen to
stay silent about the issue.

a. handclasp c. plop

b. silent consensus d. one-person decision

6. Leaders have a heart for their followers.

a. vision c. charisma

b. wit d. compassion

7. Leaders are charming, tending to draw people toward them.

a. vision c. charisma

b. wit d. compassion


Human Behavior According to, human behavior is the "capacity of

mental, physical, emotional, and social activities experienced during the five stages of a human being's
life-prenatal, infancy, childhood, adolescence, and adulthood. It includes the behaviors as dictated by
culture, society, values, morals, ethics, and genetics. Encyclopedia Britannica (2012) states that human
beings have a typical life course that consists of successive phases of growth, each of which is
characterized by a distinct set of physical, physiological, and behavioral features. These phases are
prenatal life, infancy, childhood, adolescence, and adulthood (including old age). Human development
or developmental psychology is a field of study that attempts to describe and explain the changes in
human cognitive, emotional, and behavioral capabilities and functioning over the entire life.


Motivation encompasses the internal and external factors that stimulate desire and energy in
people to be continually interested in and committed to a job, role, or subject, and to exert persistent
efforts in attaining a goal. It results from the interaction among conscious and unconscious factors such
as the (a) intensity of desire or need, (b) incentive or reward value of the goal, and (c) expectations of
the individual and of his/her significant others. According to Swindell (2012), motivation means the
drive and ambition needed to achieve our goals. We all need that extra push at some stage of our life,
whether it is at work, in school, or home; or maybe to give up a bad habit or shed a few pounds. We
need motivation to get a job done and achieve a goal. Self-motivation can work for some people. For
example, if you are trying to lose some weight, just imagine how you will look and feel when you can fit
again in your smaller-sized clothes. An old photograph of a slimmer you could help motivate you to
keep going. If you work in sales, it is important to stay motivated to achieve your targets in order to earn
cash bonuses or even job promotion in addition to commission. It is also easy to become demotivated.
For example, you may be way off your sales targets and you realize there is no chance of reaching them,
so you just give up. Negative people can demotivate you as well.

Good Leadership

Good Leadership pertains to the qualities exemplified by a leader. It also refers to acts of leading
or the "process of social influence in which one person can enlist the aid and support of others in the
accomplishment of a common task." It is often said that some people are good leaders while others are
not. But what is really the basis for judging one's capacity to be a good leader? From a follower's
perspective, good leadership can be attributed to qualities that make people follow a leader. It would be
great to have all these qualities, but not all leaders do have them.

Characteristic of a good leader

Here are ten essential characteristics of a good leader. Do you think you possess them?

1. Vision. Good leaders know where they want to go and they can motivate people to believe in their
vision for their country, community, and family. Good leaders view things as what they could be and not
simply as what they are.

2. Wit. Good leaders can make sound judgments and decisions ever during crucial situations.

3. Passion. Good leaders are very passionate and intensely obsessed in whatever they are focused on, be
it business, sport, or hobby.

4. Compassion. Good leaders show compassion for their supporters and followers they possess
exemplary coaching and development skills. While these leaders have goals to accomplish, they can still
consistently care for their constituents they are not selfish individuals who think only about their own
wants and needs. They have a heart for others.

5. Charisma. Good leaders are captivating, charming individuals who tend to needs to draw people
toward them. It could be because of the way they talk or carry themselves. They excel in building
relationships and eliciting performance from their groups.

6. Communication skills. God leaders are usually great orators and persuaders; they can express their
ideas clearly and convincingly.

7. Persistence. Good leaders are determined to attain their goals in spite of the obstacles and problems.
They believe that the benefits of attaining their goals outweigh the risks and hardships.

8. Integrity. Good leaders mean what they say. They walk the talk, practice what they preach, and keep
their promises. They are reliable.

9. Daring .Good leaders are bold, willing to take risks, and determined to chase. Their dreams amid the
reality of fear and uncertainty. Winston Churchill states that courage is the virtue on which all others
virtues rest.

10. Discipline. Good leaders observe self-control and order. Where most people are easily distracted or
dejected, good leaders manage to stay focused and steady regardless of the situation.
Maxwell (1999) says that a leader should recognize, develop, and refine certain personal
characteristics needed to be a truly effective leader, the kind of leader people will want to follow. These
are some of the traits of that leader:

1. Character is the quality of a person's behavior as revealed by his/her habits, thoughts and
expressions, attitudes and interests, actions, and personal philosophies in life. Be a piece of the
rock. There are always two paths to choose from: character and compromise. Opt for character.
2. Charisma is a special spiritual gift bestowed temporarily by the Holy Spirit on a group or an
individual for the general good. It is an extraordinary power in a person, group, or cause, which
takes hold of popular imagination and wins popular support.
3. Commitment engages one to do something as a continuing obligation. It is a state of intellectual
and emotional adherence to some political, social, and religious theory of action.
4. Communication is a two-way process of reaching mutual understanding, in which participants
do not only exchange (encode-decode) information but also create and share meaning. The
meaning of communication is in the response and not in what is said or how it is said.
5. Competence indicates a sufficiency of knowledge and skills that enable someone to act in a
wide variety of situations. It is the capacity of a person to understand a situation and to respond
to. It accordingly and reasonably. A core competency is fundamental knowledge, ability, or
expertise in a specific area.
6. Courage is the quality of the mind that enables a person to face difficulty and danger without
fear. It begins with an inward battle. It is making things right, not just smoothing them over. It
inspires commitment from followers. Life expands in proportion to one's courage.


Bass (1990) explains that transformational leadership is a form of leadership that occurs when
leaders broaden and elevate the interests of their employees, when they generate awareness and
acceptance of the purposes and mission of the group, and what of the group, and when they stimulate
their employees to look beyond their own self-interest for the good of the group. Transformational
leaders have a clear collective vision, and most importantly, they manage to communicate it effectively
to all employees. By acting as role models, they inspire employees to put the good of the whole
organization above self-interest.

They also motivate employees to be more innovative, and they themselves take personal risks
and are not afraid to use unconventional (but ethical) methods to achieve the collective vision. This form
of leadership goes beyond traditional forms of transactional leadership that emphasizes corrective action
and mutual exchanges and rewards only w performance expectations are met. Transactional leadership
relies mainly on centralized control. Managers direct most activities by telling each person what to do,
it, and how to do it. Transformational leaders, on the other hand, trust their subordinates and give them
enough space to breathe and grow.

Transactional and Transformational Leadership

Transactional leadership is based on power that makes use of rewards and coercion to deliver benefits to
members (patronage), or to force or instill fear as illustrated by colonization, vote-buying, and similar

Transformational leadership or real leadership starts from the recognition of what the members
need and the steps toward achieving these needs, and relating rewards to effort.

The leader acts as a role model. She/he lives out values, demonstrates personal qualities, is
approachable and accessible, and accepts pressure to perform. The leader treats people as individuals
and involves many in decision-making, seeks to empower and give maximum freedom, and is concerned
with developing members collectively and individually

Behaviors of a Transformational Leader

1. Is articulate in creating compelling vision of the future

2. Uses stories and symbols to communicate his/her vision and message

3. Specifies the importance of having a strong sense of purpose and a collective mission

4. Talks optimistically and enthusiastically and expresses confidence that goals will be achieved

5. Engenders the trust and respect of his/her followers by doing the right thing rather than simply doing
things right

6. Instills pride in employees

7. Talks most about important values and beliefs

8. Considers the moral and ethical consequences of decisions

9. Seeks different perspectives when solving problems

10. Encourages employees to challenge old assumptions and to think about problems in new ways

11. Spends time teaching and coaching

12. Considers each individual employee's different needs, abilities, and aspirations

13.Is compassionate, appreciative, and responsive to each employee and recognizes and celebrates each
employee's achievements

Four Components of Transformational Leadership

1. Charisma. The leader's charisma or idealized influence is envisioning and building confidence,
and he/she sets high standards to be followed.
2. Inspirational motivation. The leader's inspirational motivation provides followers with
challenges and meanings/reasons for engaging in shared goals and. undertakings.
3. Intellectual stimulation. The leader's intellectual stimulation moves followers to question
assumptions and generate more creative solutions to problems. Individualized consideration. The
leader treats each follower as an individual and provides coaching, mentoring, and growth

The qualities of transformational leadership can be found at different levels: community, national,
and even global communities; and in various sectors of the society the leaders are able to translate their
vision and commitment into institutional practice. Transformational leadership is non-hierarchical in
structure and participatory in the processes. It is characterized by high moral and ethical standards in
each of the aforementioned components.

The transformation of values, processes, and institutions appears as follows:

A. Transformation of values

 from power as dominion to power as liberation

 from war and conflict to peace
 from efficiency consideration to equality and equity (balance between genders)
 from growth to sustainability
 from ‘winner-take-all’ norm to sharing and caring

B. Transformation of processes

 from hierarchical to participatory

 from corrupt to clean
 from secretive to transparent
 from burdensome to empowering

C. Transformation of institutions

 from bureaucratic to egalitarian, responsive, and accountable

Moving from transactional leadership to transformational leadership requires shift in leadership


1. People are taking more responsibility for their own decisions, the situation requires the leaders to
provide conditions for creativity and develop levels of leadership-flatter structures:

2. Leaders concentrate on strategy to help people respond to the changing world

In this context, transformational leadership is critical for an organization the primary leader
needs to come from the ranks of members. Leadership cannot be left to the executive. The organization
must grow its own leaders.

Transformational leadership has three types of functions: task functions, team functions, and
individual functions. There has to be balance among the three functions.

1. Transformational leadership and task functions:

 Defining the tasks--involves others
 Making the plan-involves others
 Allocating the tasks-involves others rather than the leader giving out tasks
 Controlling the tasks-uses peer pressure and self-control rather than being disciplinary
 Checking the performance-more self-management within the transformational approach
 Adjusting the plan-with group review
2. Transformational leadership and team functions:
 Setting the standards-involves the group
 Enforcing discipline
 Promoting team spirit
 Encouraging and motivating
 Developing sub-leaders
 Communicating with the group-has to be open and honest
 Training-lifelong learning process everyone needs to undergo
3. Transformational leadership and individual functions
 Attending to personal problems
 Praising individuals, enhancing confidence
 Giving status pride
 Using abilities of the people within the organization-training as a
 continuing process
 Involving individuals in decision-making processes

Leadership Development

Develop a pool of leaders

 find people with basic leadership qualities

 widen the "catchment area"
 assure a democratic process

Provide knowledge and skills

 build leaders' personal capacities

 recognize this as a lifelong process

Support active leaders

 continuously and not to place them in positions and leave them there

Virtuous Cycle of Leadership Control

There has to be awareness of the framework through which transformational leadership must
operate, emphasizing that an active and informed membership is critical to effective leadership.

A leader has wholeheartedly and belief in the rightness of the cause. A leader who shows his/her
full support to an organization indirectly tells the members to do the same.

Seven Habits of Highly Effective People

Adopted from Seven Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen Covey (2007)

1. Be proactive. Proactive means being able to take responsibility for your life. You have the freedom to
choose your behavior and response to stimuli. Use your creativity and have some initiative. You are the
one in charge.

2. Begin with the end in mind. Know where you want to go. When making plans and decisions, see to
it that the time and effort that will be spent conform to what you want to achieve. Envision your goal
and make it happen.

3. Put first things first. Practice self-management. Know your priorities.

4. Think win-win. Look at life as a cooperative arena, not a competitive one. Enter agreements or make
solutions that are mutually beneficial and satisfying to both parties.

5. Seek first to understand, then to be understood. As the saying goes, "The best way to understand
is to listen” the practice of empathy governs this habit. It is about putting yourself in someone c shoes.
By listening to a person's explanation, only then can you evaluate, probe, give advice, and interpret
his/her feelings.

6. Synergize. The whole is greater than the sum of its parts. More tasks can be done all things within
reach are maximized and utilized. Synergize is the habit of can be done if creative cooperation. Better
results can be produced as a group as an individuals.

7. Sharpen the saw. What you have learned a couple of years back will have become outdated. Many
things evolve and develop so fast that you need to update through various food-for-the brain resources.
A sense of humor is vital to relieve tension and boredom as well as to defuse hostility. Effective leaders
know how to use humor to energize his/her followers. Humor is a form of power that provides some
control over the work environment even as it fosters camaraderie.

Teamwork is the process of working collaboratively with a group of people in order to achieve a
goal. It is often a crucial part of a business as it is often necessary for colleagues to work well together
and try their best in any circumstance. Teamwork means that people will try to cooperate by using their
individual skills and providing constructive feedback, despite any personal conflict between individuals.
Teamwork brings people together for a common purpose or goal and subordinates the needs of
individuals to the needs of the group. Many management gurus define team as a group of individuals
passionately committed to their end goal. When groups have common goals, teamwork is vital to
success. Teachers expect teamwork among students; employers expect employees to function effectively
as a team, and most organizations convene teams to handle problems or projects. Therefore, it is
important to learn teamwork skills even if you prefer to work independently. What does teamwork look
like in action? Basically, group members focus on the goal. They put aside individual differences and
petty grievances to get the job done. They show passion for the project and each contributes to its

Time Management

The succeeding sections have been adopted from the writing of Paulla Estes edited by Niki
Foster (May 28, 2012). Time management is the art of arranging, organizing, scheduling, and budgeting
one's time for the purpose of generating more effective work and productivity. There is an abundance of
books, classes, workshops, day-planners, and seminars on time management, which teach individuals
and corporations how to be more organized and productive. Time management has become crucial in
recent years, thanks to the 24/7, busy world in which we live. Time management is important for
everyone. While time management books and seminars often place their focus on business leaders and
corporations, time management is also necessary for students, teachers, factory workers, professionals,
and homemakers. Time management is perhaps most essential for the person who runs a business of his/
her own or not. Managing work and home responsibilities under the same roof takes a special type of
time management.

An important aspect of time management is planning ahead. Sometimes, successful time

management involves putting in more time at the outset in order to reorganize one's life. Though many
time management books and teachings differ in their suggestions, most agree that the first step in
efficient time management is to organize the workspace. Even if one's schedule is well ordered but if the
office and filing systems are a disaster, time will be wasted trying to work efficiently in a disorderly

After cleaning. Purging, and reorganizing the home or office, the next step in time management
is to look at all the activities one participates in during a week. Every last detail should be written down,
including the time it takes to shower, dress, commute, attend meetings, make phone calls, clean the
house, cook dinner, pick up the children from school, take them to after-school activities, and eat meals.
Also include time for entertainment or exercise, such as driving to the gym, going for a walk, watching
television, or surfing the Internet.

Often, when individuals write down every last activity, they find that there is very little time left
for sleeping. The end result is that many activities must be pared down, eliminated, consolidated, or
delegated. Prioritizing activities on a scale of one to three- one being the most important and three being
the least-can help with this task. Lastly, good time management involves keeping a schedule of the tasks
and activities that have been deemed important. Keeping a calendar or daily planner is helpful to stay on
task, but self-discipline is also required. The most efficient to-do list in the world will not help someone
who does not look at or follow his/her own daily planner. Of course, the other side of the argument is to
remember to live. Get on top of your time management, get organized, and stay on task, but live your
life. Schedule some time off every day and at least one day off each week. Be organized, but do not be a
slave to time management.

Decision-making is a process that involves selecting the most logical choice from among two or
more options. An example is deciding whether to move to a new apartment, to live with the in-laws, or
stay in the same apartment. Making a decision is instrumental in the survival and prosperity of human
beings. The right choice is what sets an average individual from the rest. Although the ability of making
the correct decision within a short span of time is a highly valued trait, we cannot simply follow a set of
patterns when deciding on a course of action at all points in time. There are different types of decision-
making that we do depending on the situation at hand. Consider the following in decision-making:

1. Identification of alternative solutions

2. Evaluation of possible options to determine which one meets the decision objectives

3. Selection of the best option after an in-depth evaluation

Involvement in Decision-making
Every group has to make a decision at one time or another and all the members have to make a
commitment to choose the best option available. The following are the different types of involvement in
making decisions:

1. Consensus or agreement involves compromising various possibilities after all opinions have been
heard. Disagreements and minority viewpoints are discussed fully. Everyone feels free to express
himself/herself. This method helps build understanding, unity, cooperation, and commitment.

2. Majority voting is considered the most effective way to make a decision. However, one may lose the
interest or loyalty of the members of the minority who voted against the decision, especially if they feel
their side was not heard.

3. The minority is not consciously organized, but a few powerful personalities dominate the group, often
unconsciously. These people later wonder why the others are apathetic.

4. The silent consensus of some groups leads to unanimous decisions. This type of involvement in
decision-making is rarely applied when tackling important 1ssues, Unanimous agreement is sometimes
assumed when some members do not want to disagree and have chosen to stay silent.

5. The clique is a small group whose members plan beforehand to get their way in decision-making.
Because they are better organized than those who disagree, they are often successful in getting/having
their own way in resolving an immediate issue, but they bring a spirit of rivalry, rather than cooperation,
to the group.

6. The handclasp happens when one person makes a suggestion and another commends it. Without
further discussion, the matter is decided. Resentment, however, surfaces later on.

7. The one-person decision is quickly made, but later when the decider needs free or voluntary support
from others to implement the decision; he/she might find trouble getting it

8. The plop occurs when a group makes a decision by not making a decision at all. Someone makes a
suggestion, but it is dropped or junked altogether and no one pays any attention to it

Difficulties in Decision-making
1. Fear of consequences brings division and disagreement.

2. Conflicting loyalties of one person as a member of different groups frequently leads to divided
loyalties about decisions.

3. Interpersonal conflicts and personal differences evoke various feelings among members, which
interfere with sound decision-making.
4. Hidden agenda or secret motive can hinder decision-making for reasons a member does not share with
the group.

5. Blundering methods include using rigid procedure that leaves little room for expressing differing
views, substituting personal opinions for adequate information, and disregarding proper consultation or

6. Inadequate leadership restricts the expression of opinions and discussion on issues. Leaders fail to
provide assistance in selecting appropriate methods for decision-making or are insensitive to the factors
that cause difficulty in the group.

7. Clash of interest occurs when different groups or individuals within an organization have opposing

Activity 4

DIRECTION; Write your answer on the lines Provided.

1. Name five Characteristic of a good Leader and explain each.

2. Name five behavior of transformational leader and explain each


DIRECTION: Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1. This process involves selecting the most logical choice from among two or more options.

a. choosing c. decision-making

b. contracting d. revising

2. It involves compromising after all opinions have been heard.

a. consensus c. clique

b. majority voting d. handclasp

3. It is considered the most effective way to make a decision.

a. consensus c. clique

b. majority voting d. handclasp

4. This small group whose members plan beforehand to get their own way in decision-making.

a. consensus c. clique

b. majority voting d. handclasp

5. Unanimous agreement is assumed when some members do not want to disagree and have chosen to
stay silent about the issue.

a. handclasp c. plop

b. silent consensus d. one-person decision

6. Leaders have a heart for their followers.

a. vision
b. wit c. charisma

d. compassion

7. Leaders are charming, tending to draw people toward them.

a. vision

b. wit c. charisma

d. compassion

8. Leaders make judgments and decisions even during crucial situation

a, vision c. charisma.

b. wit d. compassion

9, Leaders are determined to attain their goals in spite of obstacles.

a. vision C. charisma

b, compassion d. persistence

10. Leaders observe self-control and order.

a, discipline C persistence

b. wit d. vision

-11, Transformation of values is a shift from

a. power as dominion to power as liberation

b. secrecy to transparency

C bureaucracy to accountability

d. growth to power

12. Transformation of processes is a shift from

a. power as dominion to power as liberation

b. secrecy to transparency

C. bureaucracy to accountability

d. growth to power

13. Transformation of institutions is a shift from

a. power as dominion to power as liberation

b, secrecy to transparency

C bureaucracy to accountability

d. growth to power

14. It is the drive and orientation needed to achieve our goals

a. motivation

b, expectation C.realization
d. vision

15. It is the process of working collaboratively with a group or per order to achieve a goal in

a. camaraderie

b. teamwork C. agreement

d. hierarchy

NAME: ________________________________ ADDRESS: ________________________

DATE FINISHED: ________ DATE STARTED: ________
CONTACT NO: __________________________



CHAPTER 5: Fundamentals of Group Dynamics

5.1 Group
5.2 Group Dynamics
5.3 Forces Found in Small Groups
5.4 Concept of Social Group
5.5 Special Properties of groups
5.6 Types of groups
5.7 Kinds of formal groups
5.8 Kinds of informal groups

Module Learning Outcomes:

At the end of this module, the students must be able to:
 State the fundamentals of group and group dynamics
 Explains the concepts, characteristics , types of group
 Classify groups as formal or informal

This chapter dwells on the fundamentals of group and group dynamics, which include the forces
found in small groups, concepts of social group, special properties of groups, types of groups,
characteristics of a group, and kinds of formal and informal groups



Group is defined as two or more persons engaged in a social interaction. This implies that each
member of a group is aware of the other members and their influence. Some psychologists consider this
definition too general and prefer to limit the use of the term group to a collection of individuals who find
their association with one another rewarding. Others say that a group exists only when the individual
members have developed status and role relationships with respect to one another. Still others insist that
the individuals must have a common goal in order for them to be considered as a group. The existence of
any group is assumed to depend on the participation and satisfaction of the individuals comprising it.

Group Dynamics

The social process by which people interact in a small group and in a face-to-face manner is
called group dynamics. Dynamics comes from the Greek word dunamis which means "force." Group
dynamics then refers to the study of the forces operating within a group.

There are two important historical landmarks in understanding small groups. These are the research of
Elton Mayo and his associates in the 1920s and 1930s, and the experiments conducted in the 1930s by
Kurt Lewin, considered as the founder of the group dynamics movement. According to Mayo, workers
tend to establish formal groups that affect job satisfaction and effectiveness. Lewin shows that different
kinds of leadership attitudes produce different responses in groups.

Forces Found in Small Groups

A group is composed of individuals who have come together to accomplish particular task or
goal. Group dynamics refers to the attitudinal and behavi0 characteristics of a group. In a group, the
members share consciousness of member and interaction. A group is not a mere collection of individuals
but an agree personalities acting and interacting with one another in the process of living. Member of a
group, one must participate in its common life and activities. Group dynamics form the structure of a
group and how its members function.

Concepts of Social Group

San Juan and Centeno (2011) present that "psychologically, man is said to be a rational being
politically, he is a political and power-seeking being; theologically, he is a religious, God-seeking being:
and sociologically, man is a gregarious social being seeking the company of other social beings." The
saying "No man is an island" explains that a person cannot live satisfactorily by himself/herself alone.
His/hers very existence and the satisfaction of his/her needs and wants, as well as his/her happiness,
depends to a large degree upon his/her association with other people.

Special Properties of Groups

The special properties of groups are illustrated by a simple lesson in mathematics, as in one plus
one equals three. This is a logical error in the world of mathematics. In the world of group dynamics,
however, this is rational. In a group. There is no such thing as merely a composition of two people. It is
their relationship that makes it three. For instance, salt (sodium chloride) has different properties from
the sodium and the chlorine elements that form a group to make it (San Juan & Centeno, 2011). Group
types are classified as formal or informal in nature. Formal work groups are established by an
organization to achieve its goals.

Types of Groups

Groups are generally classified as follows:

1. Primary group is characterized by intimate face-to-face association and cooperation among its
members. It fundamentally forms the social nature and ideals of an individual. It involves sympathy and
mutual identification which is a form of natural expression (San Juan & Centeno, 2011).

2. Secondary group consists of members who are aware and cognizant of personal relationships, but they
do not feel that their lives are bound with one another except in time of social crisis. The members may
be separated from one another by distance or by a lack of personal physical contact. Nevertheless, they
can share their interests through correspondence, press, radio, telephone, or other means (San Juan &
Centeno, 2011).

Characteristics of a Group

Here are the important characteristics of a group:

1. Interaction is the pattern of mutual influence (physical, verbal, non-verbal, emotional, etc.).

2. Structure is a stable pattern of relationships.

a. Roles deal with the behavior expected of members in a given position.

b. Norms are the rules that identify and describe appropriate behavior.

c. Inter-member relations are influenced by authority and communication,

3 Goals are the reason for existence.

4. Perceived groupness is the extent in which members see themselves as one (common fate, similarity,

5. Dynamic interdependency occurs when the members are active, energized, vibrant, and changing

6. Motivation focuses on personal needs which-when attained-lead to satisfaction.


Formal groups are divided into the following:

1. Command groups are specified by the organizational chart and often composed of a leader and the
members who directly report to him/her.

Example: An academic department consisting of a chair and faculty members

2. Task groups consist of people who work together to achieve a common task. Members are brought
together to accomplish a narrow range of goals within a specified time.

Examples: Ad hoc committees, project groups, standing committees

3. Functional groups are created by an organization to accomplish specific goals within an unspecified
time frame. They continue to function even after their goals have been achieved.

Example: A sales and marketing department


1. Interest groups usually continue over time and may last longer than general informal groups. The
goals and objectives of interest groups are specific to each group and may not be related to
organizational goals and objectives.

Example: Students who come together to form a study group for a specific class

2. Friendship groups are formed by individuals who enjoy similar social activities, political beliefs,
religious values, or other common bonds. Members enjoy each other's company. Examples: Students
who have an exercise group or who meet for a so-called jamming

3. Reference groups are composed of people who are evaluated for social validation and social
comparison. Social validation allows individuals to justify their attitudes and value while social
comparison helps individuals evaluate their own actions by comparing themselves with others.
Informal groups are formed naturally in response to the common interests and shared values of
individuals. They are created for purposes other than the accomplishment of organizational goals and do
not have a specified time frame, Informal groups are not designated by an organization and members
can invite others to join from time to time.

Meeting is convened for different purposes. Some are for information, advice, decision-making,
negotiation, coordination, and creative thinking. A committee holds a specific type of meeting in which
members have been delegated authority with regard to the problem at hand.

A meeting of five people seems to be preferred for typical situations (Davis 1982). A smaller
group sometimes has difficulty functioning because conflicts of power develop. If membership rises
above seven, communication tends to become centralized because members do not have adequate
opportunity to communicate with one another (Evangelista 1992)


DIRECTION: Answer the following question. Write your answer on the lines provided

1. What is the concept of a group?

2. Why do people form groups? Is forming a group accidental or spontaneous? Why?



DIRECTION: Define the following terms. Write your answer on the lines provided.

1. Formal Groups

2. Informal groups

3. Primary groups

4. Secondary Groups

DIRECTION: Write T if the statement is correct and F if the statement is wrong. Write your answer
after the statement

1. Group is defined as two or more persons engaged in a social interaction.

2. Group dynamics refers to the study of the forces operating within a group.

3 A group refers to the attitudinal and behavioral characteristics of individuals.

4. Psychologically, a person is a gregarious social being seeking the company of other social beings.

5. In the world of group dynamics, it is rational to say that one plus one equals three.

6. Secondary group involves sympathy and mutual identification which is a form of natural expression.
7. Primary group members are aware of personal relationships, but they do not feel that their lives are
bound with one another except time of social crisis.

8. Interaction is the pattern of mutual influence

9. Dynamic interdependency occurs when the members are active energized, vibrant, and changing.

10 Command groups are specified by the organizational chart and often composed of a leader and
members who directly report to him/her.

11. Tasks groups are created by an organization to accomplish specific goals within an unspecified time

12. Friendship groups are formed by individuals who enjoy similar social activities, political beliefs,
religious values, or other common bonds

13. Reference groups are formed naturally in response to the common interests and shared values of

14. Meeting is convened for different purposes. It is held for information, advice, decision-making,
negotiation, coordination, and creative thinking.

15. A meeting of five people enables the communication to become centralized because members do not
have adequate opportune to communicate with one another

NAME: ________________________________ ADDRESS: ________________________

DATE FINISHED: ________ DATE STARTED: ________
CONTACT NO: __________________________




6.1. Communicable disease

6.2. Dengue
6.3. Malaria
6.4. Cholera
6.5. Avian Influenza
6.6 H1N1
6.7 Typhoid Fever
Module Learning Outcomes:
At the end of this module, the students must be able to:
 Name some common communicable and non- communicable disease.
 Identify the causes and symptoms of these disease
 Enumerate and follow the preventive measures


This chapter deals with some common communicable and non-communicable diseases and their
causes, symptoms, and prevention. The triangular model of a disease has three components: agent, host,
and environment. Disease occurs when an external agent meets a susceptible host in an environment that
allows the agent and host to interact.


Communicable Diseases
Here are some common infectious diseases:

Dengue Hawker et al. (2007) mention in their book that dengue fever is a febrile disease caused
by one of four closely related virus serotypes of the genus Flavivirus, family Flaviviridae. Each serotype
is sufficiently different that there is no cross-protection, and epidemics caused by multiple serotypes
(hyperendemicity) can occur. Dengue is transmitted to humans by the Aedes aegypti mosquitoes that are
found in the tropics. They tend to bite just after dawn and just before sunset. However, it has been
observed that they can bite and spread infection at any time of day. Incubation period is from 3 to 15

Signs and Symptoms of Dengue

Dengue is manifested by a sudden onset of high fever with severe headache and muscle and joint
pains, myalgia and arthralgia. It is also called break bone fever or bone crusher disease. The patient may
develop dengue rashes that are characteristically bright red petechial. These usually appear first on the
lower limbs and chest and spread to cover most of the body. The patient may suffer from gastritis,
abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea. Mild cases of dengue, where no rash is present, can be
misdiagnosed as flu or other viral infection. Patients can pass on the infection through mosquitoes or
blood products while they are still febrile.

Prevention of Dengue

The best way of prevention is to avoid being bitten by mosquitoes. Take note of the following tips:

1. Use mosquito nets and insect repellent.

2. Put screens on doors and windows.

3. Refrain from going outdoors during the time of the day when mosquitoes are most active.

4. Remove stagnant water. Cover water containers and change water in flower vases frequently.


Malaria is a vector-borne infectious disease that is widespread in tropical and subtropical

regions, including the Philippines. It is "commonly associated with poverty but is also an effect of
poverty and a major hindrance to economic development" (Engelkirk, 2007).

Malaria, according to Engelkirk (2007) in Burton's Microbiology for the Health Sciences is "one
of the most common infectious diseases and enormous public-health problems." It is caused by
protozoan parasites of the genus Plasmodium. The most serious forms of the disease are caused by
Plasmodium falciparum and Plasmodium vivax, but other related species can also infect humans. This
group of human-pathogenic Plasmodium species is usually referred to as malaria parasites (Hawker et
al., 2007). They are transmitted by female Anopheles mosquitoes

Signs and symptoms of Malaria

The parasites multiply within the red blood cells and cause anemia, high fever, chills, nausea,
headache, diarrhea, and in severe cases, coma and death.

Prevention of Malaria

Malaria can be prevented by avoiding mosquito bites through the use of mosquito nets and insect
repellent, spraying insecticides, and draining standing water where mosquitoes lay their eggs. No
vaccine is currently available for malaria. Preventive drugs must be taken continuously to reduce the risk
of infection.

Cholera is an acute intestinal infection caused by ingestion of food or water contaminated with
the bacterium Vibrio cholera. It has a short incubation period lasting from less than one day to five days.
It also produces an enterotoxin that causes copious, painless, and watery diarrhea that can quickly lead
to severe dehydration and death if treatment is not promptly given. Vomiting also occurs in most
patients (Hawker et al., 2007). The incubation period of cholera according to Hawker, et al. (2007) is
from six (6) to forty-eight (48) hours, but there are reported cases of people being infected during the
period of diarrhea and up to seven (7) days after.

Signs and Symptoms of Cholera

Aside from diarrhea, the patient may also experience nausea, vomiting, fever, and muscle clamps.

Prevention of Cholera

Follow these precautions to reduce the risk of contracting cholera:

1. Wash hands with soap and water frequently and thoroughly.

2. Drink safe water only.

3. Eat food that is completely cooked.

4. Avoid raw food, street food, and any food from suspicious sources.

5. Observe proper hygiene and sanitation at all times.

Avian Influenza (Bird Flu)

Avian influenza is an infection caused by avian influenza a virus’s found chiefly in birds, but
infections can occur in humans. The risk is generally low to most people because the viruses do not
usually infect humans. However, confirmed cases of human infection have been reported since 1997.
Most cases of avian influenza infection in humans could have resulted from direct contact with infected
poultry or contaminated surfaces. HSN1 is a particularly deadly strain of bird flu that can infect humans
and other mammals.

Signs and Symptoms of Avian Influenza

Symptoms of avian flu in humans include fever, cough, sore throat, and muscle aches. Some
people may also experience nausea, vomiting, pneumonia, diarrhea, and others severe and life-
threatening complications, depending on which virus has caused the infection.

Prevention of Avian Influenza

Consider these precautionary measures to prevent infection:

1. Wash hands or use alcohol-based hand sanitizer to avoid infection of all kinds.

2. Stay away from farms and live animal markets.

3. Cover mouth and nose when coughing or sneezing.

4. Cook chicken thoroughly. Do not eat raw eggs.

5. Avoid cross-contamination. Do not use the same utensils for both raw meat and other kinds of food.


HINI is a flu virus that is also known as the swine flu. Scientists call the H1NI virus a "quadruple
reassortant" virus because it contains two genes found in flu viruses which circulate among pigs and two
genes found in flu viruses which circulate among birds. The HINI virus is passed from person to person
just like other flu strains. But not by eating pork.

What sets the HIN1 virus apart from other seasonal flu viruses is that studies have shown it to
cause more severe symptoms in people younger than 25 years of age while people over 60 years old
have some immunity against it.

Most cases of flu caused by HINI are mild. However, there have been cases of severe
complications in people with other medical conditions such as pregnancy, diabetes, heart disease, kidney
disease, and asthma.

HINI is a subtype of the influenza a virus and is the most common form that infects people.
Certain strains of HINI are endemic in the human population and cause periodic flu outbreaks. It was an
HINI flu virus that was responsible for the 1918 flu pandemic which killed 50 to 100 million people at
the end of World War I and into 1919

Here are important facts about swine flu

1. Swine flu is a respiratory disease caused by influenza viruses that infect the respiratory tract of pigs
and result in nasal secretions, barking cough, decreased appetite, and listless behavior.

2. Swine flu viruses may mutate (change), so that they are easily transmissible among humans.

3. The 2009 swine flu outbreak was due to the HINI virus and was first observed in Mexico.

4. Two antiviral agents, zanamivir (Relenza) and oseltamivir (Tamiflu) have been reported to help
prevent or reduce the effects of swine flu if taken within 48 hours at the onset of symptoms. Signs and
Symptoms of Swine Flu

Symptoms of swine flu to humans are similar to those of ordinary flu: fever, cough, may experience
vomiting diarrhea. Sore throat, runny or stuffy nose, body aches, headache, chills, and fatigue.


Almost all vaccines have some side effects. Common side effects of HINI vaccines are typical of flu
vaccines. They are as follows:

1. Flu shot: Soreness, redness, minor swelling at the shot site, muscle aches, low-grade fever, and
nausea. These do not usually last for more than 24 hours

2. Nasal spray: runny nose, low-grade fever, vomiting, headache, wheezing, cough, and sore throat

The nasal spray vaccine contains live virus that has been altered to hinder its ability to replicate
in human tissue. People with a suppressed immune system should not get vaccinated with the nasal
spray. Also most vaccines that contain flu viral particles are cultivated in eggs, so individuals with an
allergy to eggs should not get the vaccine unless tested and advised by their doctor that they are cleared
to obtain it.


Typhoid fever, also known as typhoid, is an acute illness most often caused by the Salmonella
typhi bacteria or the Salmonella paratyphoid, a related bacterium that usually leads to a less severe
infection. The bacteria are deposited in water or food by a human carrier and are then spread to other
people in the area (Hawker et al., 2007).

Typhoid is common worldwide and has received various names such as gastric fever, abdominal
typhus, infantile remittent fever, slow fever, nervous fever, or pathogenic fever. The name typhoid
means "resembling typhus" and comes from the from the neuropsychiatric symptoms common to
typhoid and typhus. Despite this similarity of their names, typhoid fever and typhus are distinct diseases
and are caused by different species of bacteria.

Diagnosis of typhoid fever is made when the salmonella bacteria is detected with a stool culture.
Typhoid fever is treated with antibiotics. Approximately 3 to 5 percent of Patients become carriers of the
bacteria once direction becomes an acute illness

Patients with acute illness can contaminate the surrounding water supply through stool, which
contains a high concentration of the bacteria. Contamination of the water supply can, in turn, taint the
food supply. Some patients suffer a very mild illness that goes unrecognized. These patients can become
long term mild illness that these patients can become long-term carriers of the bacteria. The bacterium
multiplies in the gallbladder, bile ducts, or liver and passes into the bowel. The bacteria can survive for
weeks in water or dried sewage (Hawker et al., 2007).

Signs and Symptoms of Typhoid Fever

People with typhoid fever usually have a sustained high fever. Chest congestion develops in
many patients, and abdominal pain and discomfort are common. The fever becomes constant. Other
symptoms include poor appetite, headache, body aches, and lethargy. Improvement occurs in the third
and fourth weeks for those who do not experience complications. About 10 percent of patients have
recurrent symptoms (relapse) after feeling better for one to two weeks. Relapses are actually more
common in individuals treated with antibiotics.


Typhoid fever can be prevented by drinking safe water only, improving sanitation, and eating
well-cooked food while it is still hot. Washing the hands often and keeping the surroundings clean will
help stop the spread of infection.

Two vaccines, one injected and the other given orally, are available. These are recommended
especially to people in high-risk areas. Typhoid fever is treated with antibiotics that kill the salmonella
bacteria. Prior to the use of antibiotics, the fatality rate was 20 percent. Death occurred from
overwhelming infection, pneumonia, intestinal bleeding, or intestinal perforation. With antibiotics and
supportive care, mortality has been reduced to 1 to 2 percent. With appropriate antibiotic therapy, there
is usually improvement within one to two days and recovery within seven to ten days.

The carrier state, which occurs in 3 to 5 percent of those infected, can be treated with prolonged
antibiotics. Often, removal of the gallbladder, the site of chronic infection, will cure the carrier state.

Watch this video for more detail about communicable diseases.


DIRECTION: Write your answer on the line provided.

1. What is a communicable disease?

2. Give example of communicable diseases and explain each on why is it important we learn about


DIRECTION: Encircle the letter of the correct answer

1.This transmitted to humans by the Aedes aegypti mosquito,

a. dengue C. bird flu

b. cholera d. malaria

2. This bright red petechia usually appears first on the lower limbs and lower limbs and chest and
spreads to cover most of the body

a. bird flu symptoms c. cholera symptoms

b. dengue rash d. HINI symptoms

3. It is caused by influenza A viruses found chiefly in birds, but infections

can occur in human.

a. avian influenza c. HINI

b. swine flu d. Ebola virus

4. It is one of the most common infectious diseases and enormous public-health problems.

a. malaria c. cholera
b. dengue d. HINI

5. They are the human-pathogenic Plasmodium species.

a. malaria parasites c. cholera virus

b. swine flu virus d. Plasmodium vivax

6. It can be prevented by avoiding mosquito bites through the use of mosquito nets and insect repellent.

a. malaria c. cholera

b. cancer d. typhoid fever

7. The following are symptoms of malaria except one.

a. fever

b. headache c. chills

d. Falciparum

8. This is an acute intestinal infection caused by ingestion of contaminated food or water.

a. cholera

b. cancer c. malaria

d. dengue

9. Most cases of avian influenza infection in human could have resulted from direct contact with this.

a. infected poultry c: infected ranch

b. infected piggery d. infected aviary

10. It is a flu virus which is also known as the swine flu.

a. HIN1 c. avian

b. typhoid d. Ebola virus

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