Mthr001 Zt12 Assignment 1 Set A

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MTHR001 ZT12 Assignment 1 Set A

Department of Mathematics Mr. Harold B. Badilla

College of Science and Engineering 1st Semester, SY 2020–2021

General Instruction: Show your complete solution. Submit this assignment

within the allotted time.

1. (10 points) The number of bacteria in a refrigerated food product is given


N(T) = 10𝑇 2 − 20T + 600, 1 ≤ T ≤ 20

where T is the temperature of the food in degrees Celsius. When the food is
removed from the refrigerator, the temperature of the food is given by T(t) =
2t + 1, where t is the time in hours.
(a) Find the composite function N(T(t)) and interpret its meaning in the
context of the situation.

N(T(t)) = 10(2𝑡 + 1)2 – 20(2t + 1) + 600

= 10(4𝑡 2 + 4𝑡 + 1) − 40𝑡 − 20 + 600
= 40𝑡 2 + 40𝑡 + 10 − 40𝑡 − 20 + 600
N(T(t)) = 40𝑡 2 + 590
The resulting equation would be the equation for the number of
bacteria given the time.
(b) Find (N ◦ T)(12) and interpret its meaning.

N(T(t)) = (40𝑡 2 + 590)(12)

N(T(t)) = 480𝑡 2 + 7080

(c) Find the time when the bacteria count reaches 1200.

1200 = 40𝑡 2 + 590

1200 – 590 = 40𝑡 2
610 40𝑡 2
40 40
√15.25 = √𝑡 2
3.91 = 𝑡
2. (10 points) Price of Ivory. According to the World Wildlife Fund, a group in
the forefront of the fight against illegal ivory trade, the price of ivory (in
dollars/kilo) complied from a variety of legal and black market sources is
approximated by the function

8.37t + 7.44 if 0 ≤ t ≤ 8
f(t) = { }
2.84t + 51.68 if 8 < t ≤ 30

where t is measured in years, with t = 0 corresponding to the beginning of

1970. (Sources: World Wildlife Fund)
• Sketch the graph of the function f.
x 0 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 27 30
f(t 7.4 32.5 57.6 77.2 85.7 94.2 102. 111. 119. 128. 136.
) 4 5 6 4 6 8 8 32 84 36 88
• What was the price of ivory at the beginning of 1970? At the beginning of
Price of ivory at 1970 = 8.37(0) + 7. 44
Price of ivory at 1970 = 7.44 (dollars/kilo)
Price of ivory at 1990 = 2.84(20) + 51.68
Price of ivory at 1990 = 108.48(dollars/kilo)

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