Methodology of Cost

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Note on Cost Estimate

Sub.:- Balance work for Rehabilitation and Up-gradation of Sidhi Singrauli from km 82.400 to
km 187.993 section of NH-75E (New NH-39) (Design Length 105.593 km) to four lane
with paved shoulder in the state of Madhya Pradesh under NH(O) on EPC mode.

Concession Agreement for development of Sidhi Singrauli section of NH-75E (New NH No.
39) to four lane with paved shoulder through BOT under NHDP-IV was signed on 14.05.2012 with
Concessionaire, Mis Gammon Infra Projects Ltd., Mumbai. A period of 730 days was stipulated in the
Concession Agreement as construction period. Accordingly, the work was to be completed on
I8.09.2015. Concessionaire has failed to achieve the project milestone as per Concession Agreement.
Therefore, intention to termination notice was issued on 17.07.2020 under provision of Article-37 of
CA. MORTH has given permission to issue the Termination Order. Accordingly, MPRDC has
terminated the Concession Agreement on dated 13.08.2020.
As per instruction of MORTH, MPRDC has prepared the proposal for Rehabilitation and Up-
gradation of Balance work of Sidhi Singrauli section of NH-75E (New NH 39) from Km 82.400 to Km
187.993 (Design length - 105.593 Km) to four lane with paved shoulder on EPC mode. Independent
Engineer of the project with MPRDC officials has visited the site and gathered all data of existing site
conditions including condition of pavement as well as structures, which are partially constructed by the
Concessionaire. On the basis of site inspection &data collected from site, approved Plan& Profile,
GAD's of Structures,estimate of balance work has been prepared. Following assumptions and
parameters have been adopted for preparing the estimate:
Damaged leneth Scooe in EPC
Total Executed work* RHS
Layer Sco pe LHS RHS 22.103
- - 15.610
105.593 80.464 74.162 31.970
Sub-Grade - - 22.950
105.593 80.464 71.107 36.273
GSB - - 22.830
I 04.393 79.379 65.944
WMM 4.491 23.650 39.133
78.566 63.089 4.372
DBM 104.393 0.438 103.800 103.805
7.768 1.743 0.388
BC 104.393 0.75 1.14
1.2 0.450 0.060
PQC 0.75 1.14
0.450 0.060

& considerable work
Estimate has been prepared on the basis of MPPWD SOR w.e.f. 29.08.2017 with up to date

• Site clearance has been taken of that stretches where Embankment/Sub-grade work has been
completed by the Concessionaire and C&G work not taken up.
• Earth Work- Quantities of earth work has been calculated according to site requirement. Most of
the portion is in cutting portion and balance is in filling. It is assumed that, 70% material obtained
fro m cutting will be used in construction work.We have considered 60% soil, 25% Soft Rock and
15% Hard rock material in cutting material, which was already taken in earlier approved COS.
Quantum of cutting material is assessed on the basis of already available levels (OGL & FRL)of
hill cutt ing sections and approved Plan & Profile of the BOT proj ect.Major hill cutting portion is
from Km 103.2 00 to Km 103.700, Km I 16.00 to Km 117.00, Km 127.600 to Km 128.100 and
Km 140.00 to Km I45 .00. No filling material is taken from borrow area. Material obtained from
cutting is considered for filling in construction of high embankment, approaches of Major &
Minor Bridges, VUPs etc.
• Sub-Grade-77.3 I 3 Km (LHS -80.466 + RHS - 74.162) of Sub-grade has been executed on the
site and balance length of 18.856 Km (LHS - 15.610 + RHS - 22.103) is consider in the estimate
for construction. No sub-grade is provided in the hill cutting portion in a length of 9.424 Km
(LHS & RHS).
• GSB -75.785 Km (LHS - 80.464 + RHS - 71.107) of GSB has been executed on the site. Length
of 27.46 Km (LHS - 22.95 + RHS - 31.97) including deteriorated length is considered in the
estimate for construction.
• WMM -72.66 Km (LHS - 79.379 + RHS -65.944) of WMM has been executed on the site.
Length of 29.55 Km (LHS - 22.83 + RHS - 36.273) including deteriorated length is considered in
the estimate for construction.
• Tack Coat -Deletion of Tack Coat on primed WMM surface is considered in the estimate. Tack
Coat over DBM surface before BC and DBM overlay is considered in the estimate.
• DBM -70.827 Km (LHS - 78.566 + RHS - 63.089) of DBM has been executed on the site by
earlier Concessionaire. Out of this 4.431 Km (LHS - 4.372 + RHS - 4.491) has been deteriorated
with course of time, which will be reconstructed from GSBabove the sub-grade top.Damaged
DBM below deteriorated BC layer in length 0.413 Km (LHS- 0.388 + RHS- 0.438) will be
reconstructed from laying of DBM. Length of 31.392 Km (LHS - 23.65 + RHS - 39.133) DBM
layer is considered in the estimate for construction. Further, provision of 50mm DBM overlay on
executed DBM istaken in the estimate.
• BC -7.75 Km (LHS - 7.768 + RHS - 7.743) of BC has been executed on the site. Total length of
I 04.393 Km including deteriorated length is considered in the estimate for construction.
• Median filling - Provision of 250mm suitable soil for vegetationas filling material in median
(57.00 Km) obtained from borrow area is considered in the estimate.
• Granular Shoulder -Provision of2m Granular Shoulder on both side along the Project Highway
except built-up area is considered in the estimate. 2m paved shoulder is provided in built-up area
in the estimate. ln shoulder provision of 150mm top layer (CBR>l2) is considered as hard
shoulder and below top layer, 220mm earthen shoulder (CBR>7) isconsidered in the estimate.
• CC Pavement at Toll Plaza -0.510 Km (LHS) of CC pavement (DLC- 0.510 Km, PQC- 0.51 O
Km) has been executed in the site. Balance length of 0.945 Km (LHS 0.690 Km +RHS 1.20 Km)
for construction is taken in the estimate. Total cost of CC pavement at both Toll Plaza is Rs. 6.3 I
• Major Bridges& Minor Bridges - As per site inspection, Executed work of Major / Minor
Bridges has been shown in Schedule-A and balance work to be taken up in the EPC project has
been given in the Schedule-B, accordingly estimate has been prepared for balance work based on
approved GADs. Width of bridges is taken as 2X 12m for Project Highway because structure has
partially constructed as per earlier provision of Concession Agreement.
• VUPs - As per site inspection, Executed work of VUPs has been shown in Schedule-A and
balance work to be taken up in the EPC project has been given in the Schedule-B, accordingly
estimate has been prepared for balance work based on approved GADs. Width of YUPs is taken
as 2X 12m for Project Highway because structure has partially constructed as per earlier provision
of Concession Agreement.
• ROBs/ RUB - As per site inspection, Executed work of ROBs/ RUB has been shown in Schedule-
A and balance work to be taken up in the EPC project has been given in the Schedule-8,
accordingly estimate has been prepared for balance work based on approved GA.Ds. Width of
ROBs / RUB is taken as 2X 12m for Project Highway because structure has partially constructed
as per earlier provision of Concession Agreement.
• Culverts - As per site inspection, Executed work of Culverts has been shown in Schedule-A, most
of the culvert has been completed except protection work. Balance work to be taken up in the EPC
project has been given in the Schedule-8, accordingly estimate has been prepared for balance
work based on approved GA.Os. Width of Culverts is taken as 2X12m for Project Highway
because culvers havebeen partially constructed as per earlier provision of Concession Agreement.
• RCC Covered Drain - 3.150 Km length of I.Sm wide RCC covered drain has been executed on
the site and balance length of 15.586 Km (2 X 7.793 Km) RCC covered drain to be constructed in
EPC project is considered in the estimate. Estimated cost of drain is Rs. 11.61 Cr.
• PCC Drain - Provision of PCC drain (1.2m avg. width) is given in hill cutting portion. Length of
14.656 Km (2 X 7.7328) PCC drain to be constructed in EPC project & considered in the
estimate. Estimated cost of PCC drain is Rs. 2.81 Cr.
• Chute Drain - Provision of Chute drain (l.2m avg. width) is given where embankment height is
more than 3m. Length of 49.131 Km (LHS- 22.504 X RHS -24.574) Chute drain to be
constructed in 10.3 Km stretch of EPC project & considered in the estimate. Estimated cost of
Chute drain is Rs. 2.39 Cr.
• Retaining Wall - Retaining wall of partially executed on two locations (Ch. 142+410 to Ch.
142+480 and from Ch. 177+680 to Ch. 177+760). Construction of retaining wall in IO locations
length 1.569 Km is taken in the estimate. Estimated cost of Retaining Wall is Rs. 4.82 Cr.
• Toe Wall - Construction of Toe Wall in 24 locations length 11.505 Km is taken in the estimate.
Estimated cost of Toe Wall is Rs. 12.67Cr.
• RE Wall - Construction of RE Wall in 04 locations length 4.40 Km is taken in the estimate.
Estimated cost of Toe Wall is Rs. 5.63Cr.
• Junction Improvement - Total 04 Nos. Major Junctions and 33 Nos. Minor Junctions are to be
developed in the EPC project. The cost of Major Junctions & Minor Junctions improvement is
Rs.7.17 Cr.
• Traffic Sign marking & Road appurtenance -Items which are considered in this item are Kerb,
Traffic Signs, Direction and Place identification sign, Road Marking, Km Stones, Road
Delineators, Road Studs, Utility duct across the road, Guard Stone, Pedestrian Guard Rail,
Overhead gantry board (02 Nos.), Cantilever type overhead sign (12 Nos.), Lighting in built-up
area and approaches of VUPs. The Cost of this item is Rs. 12.17 Cr.
• W tvpe Metal Beam Crash Barrier - Crash Barrier to be provided in a length of 41.045 Km and
the cost comes to Rs. 13.98 Cr.
• Land scaping and Tree Plantation - Provision of 20,484 trees to be planted in A venue Plantation
(Rs. 1. 16 Cr) on the Proj ect Highway and 51 ,808 Nos. shrubs (Rs. 1.03 Cr) to be planted in the
median. fu rther prov ision of rain water harvesting (Rs. 0.21 Cr) in I 06 locations is taken in the
estim3 tl! tota l cost of thi s item is Rs. 2.4 1 Cr.

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