Problem-4 Controls Systems - EE354 - BEEP - A - BEET - B - 24 - July - 2 - 30 - PM - DR Fida

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Control Systems EE354 Total Problems 4

Air University VI-Semester BEEP-A & BEET-B Time:180 Min/Prob 45min

Electrical Engineering Deptt. End Term (ON LINE) Marks:100=25+25+25+25
(instructor Dr. Fida) Date: 24.07.2020 (2:30 Friday)
Credit policy: 100%-correct answer with well documented procedure; 90%-arithmetic errors with well documented procedure
70% correct answer with poorly documented procedure; 50%- wrong answer, approach is partially correct and well documented
10%-wrong answer and poor documentation. 0%-not done (ND); (Note: 3 marks Plus(+)/Minus(-) for paper presentation)
Instructions: Note: Formula Sheet on page 2 [Manage your time: Approximately 20 min per question] [Write short answers]
 You must show your work. Correct answer without work will receive no credit. Preferably, highlight answers (put them in bracket)
 If you think the problem is not clear, you may solve the problem based on your assumption(s) - must write down your assumption(s).

Problem:4 (CLO4)
(a) Given the system shown in the Fig:4a, design
a PID controller to satisfy the following
(i) settling time Ts2 sec;
(ii) OS  20% overshoot; Fig: 4a
(iii) ess=0 steady-state error for a step input.
[Hints: Desired closed-loop poles are found to be s= -2.3 ±j4.49].

4:(b) Given the system Bode diagrams in Fig:4b. Determine the phase and gain margin and stable or stability
of the system?
[Note: On answer sheet sketch the given bode plot and mark the limits of PH & GM]

Fig: 4b


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