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BP No.: 2001354520 Date of Birth: 10/31/1972 Email Address:

ID No.: 72103100837 CRN No.: 006005857896 Cellphone: 09474676854

Outstanding Loans

Gross Loan Required Monthly Outstanding

Loan Type Contract No. Loan Status Date Granted Ideal Balance Arrears
Granted Installment Balance
Consolidated Loan 0010007578273 Past Due 09/23/2019 249,048.00 3,599.91 257,524.93 232,325.56 25,199.37
Emergency Loan 0030002963156 Past Due 03/08/2019 20,000.00 655.56 17,229.99 12,641.07 4,588.92

* Ideal Balance refers to the balance of the loan if the required monthly installment is paid on time.

* Arrears refers to the required monthly installment already due but not yet paid.

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