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(Throwing a ball/Listening skill)

Teacher : Meita Nurdini Lestari

Subject : English
Class / Semester : I / 1 (young learners)
Competency Standard : Understand written English very modest in the context of the classroom.
Basic Competence : Understand sentences and descriptive text display is easy correctly.
Time Allocation : 1 x 30 minutes
Learning objectives :
 young learners can identify a variety of information in a very simple sentences.
 young learners can identify various information in the display descriptive text.
 To revise vocabulary.
 Practice listening skill.

Description : In this activity, the young learner take it in turns to say a vocabulary item by
throwing the ball to each other. The activity can be used to practice any set
of vocabulary you like.

Learning method : Question and answer

Steps Learning Activity :

1. Activities Introduction (3 minutes):

 Teacher checks young learners attendance.

 Teacher asks young leraners to pray and read short letters before learning.

2. Core Activities ( 22 minutes):

 Teacher asks young learners what they like fruit. Make sure the young leraners answered all
the favorite. Teacher introduces the names of fruit along with picture.
 Then let the young learner to repeat it together. If there is a faulty pronunciation, provide
opportunities for other young learners to answer.
 Then, young learners get the basic knowledge, test the ability of young learners with a simple
 Divide the class into groups. Ask the group to stand in a circle.
 Tell the young learners the area of vocabulary to be used in the game, The young learner who
catches the ball says another word in the series and throws the ball to another young learner.
This young learner also says a word in the series and throws the ball again.
 The teacher starts the game by saying, ‘Hello, I’m Meita and I like Apple’ and throws the ball
to a young learner. The young learner who catches the ball introduces him/herself in the same
way, throwing the ball to another young learner and so on.
 After that, teacher gives a young learner a question to get the ball. If a young learner gets a
word wrong or can’t remember another item:
 The young learner is ‘out’ and the game continues until another young learner
answers the question correctly.

3. Closing Event (5 minutes):

 Teachers let young learners name back in the names of fruit that she knew from the earlier
lesson. Able to categorize in taste, color and shape.
 Teachers Ask young learners to repeat back at home the lesson that has been given in class.

Tools / Learning Resources:

 Projector
 A ball/paper ball

Garut, 26 Juni 2020

Principal English Teacher

Mrs. Etika Rachmawati,S.Pd Meita Nurdini Lestari


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