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1. Duly accomplished and notarized application form (3 copies).
2. Engineer's Report prepared and signed by a Professional Mechanical Engineer (PME)
/ Chemical Engineer (ChE) and Pollution Control Officer (PCO) duly endorsed by the
Managing Head.
2.1 Nature of the project or business to include description of processes including the
production capacity (quantity or volume) and generic name of the product.
2.2 Nature and characteristics of wastewater (physical and chemical composition) and
total daily volume of discharge of raw wastewater.
2.3 Treatment process and estimated treatment efficiency.
2.4 Total daily volume of water consumption and final discharge of final treated
wastewater or effluent.
2.5 Information on flow measurement equipment and procedure.
2.6 Name of receiving body of water and its official classification.
2.7 For land discharges, the nearest receiving body of water and its official
2.8 Pollution prevention/Environmental Management System plan or program.
2.9 Statement of the cost incurred in the installation and maintenance of the
wastewater treatment facility.
2.10 Quality and quantity of abstracted water.
3. Vicinity map identifying the street address, location of the plant premises.
4. Plant Layout and specifications duly signed and sealed by the Chemical
or Sanitary Engineer and Pollution Control Officer.
4.1 Plans and specifications of the proposed Wastewater Treatment Facility (WTF).
4.2 Wastewater Line Layout.
5. Pollution Control Officer (PCO) designation/appointment signed by the Managing
6. Penalties/fines and/or arrears paid.
7. Filing Fee, Permit Fee, Wastewater Discharge Fee / Load Base Fee, Legal Research Fee
(PD 1856), and Documentary Stamp Fee.

1. Duly accomplished and notarized application form (3 copies).
2. Copy of Ambient Water Quality Monitoring Results (if required).
a. Please refer to ECC and POA condition.
3. Latest Result of Analysis of effluent collected and analyzed two (2) months before
the expiry date by a third party EMB Recognized Laboratory.
4. Certificate of Pollution Control Officer (PCO) Accreditation.
5. Registration Certificate as Hazardous Waste Generator/s.
6. Self-Monitoring Reports (SMR) with attached laboratory results (1st, 2nd, 3rd, and
4th Quarter), Compliance Monitoring Report (CMR), and Compliance Monitoring and
Validation Report (CMVR) (if applicable).
7. Recent Wastewater Discharge Permit (WWDP) issued by this Office.
12.1 Issued with Notice of Violation (NOV)/Order.
12.2 Proof of compliance with permit conditions.
8. Penalties/fines and/or arrears paid.
9. Proof of Completion/undertaking commitments made during technical meeting/s.
10. Filing Fee, Permit Fee, Wastewater Discharge Fee / Load Base Fee, Legal Research Fee
(PD 1856), and Documentary Stamp Fee.

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