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May 23, 1994 | Melo, J. | Murder • A group of 16 copra laborers went to the coconut land of a certain Baltazar, located
in Javier, Leyte, to gather coconuts for the making of copra.
PETITIONER: PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES • The copra laborers were divided into 2 groups. The first group consisted of 6
persons while the second group called the "Tiklos" group consisted of 10 persons
RESPONDENTS: JESUS "BEBE" COMALING, TIMOTEO ALABAT and • At about 8:00 am, the first group were already gathering the coconuts they
ANTONIO AMAHAN [accused-appellants] harvested. In the meantime, the second group were on their way to the land.
• All of a sudden, a group of about 33 armed men ambushed the laborers and rained
SUMMARY: bullets on all of them. The shots came from the upper level of the terrain.
A group of 16 laborers agreed to gather coconut in a certain land. The laborers • Some of the laborers ran for cover behind coconut trees. Alejandro Camahalan, Angel
were divided into two groups whereby the frist consisted of 6 men, while the Ellaga, Zosimo Ellaga, Gildo Doguiton, and Cesario Davis were killed on the spot,
second consisted of 10 men. While the second group was on their way to the while Miguel Alcopera and Ceferino Azucenas were injured (Azucenas died later in
coconut plantation, a group of 33 armed men, situated in a higher level of terrain, the hospital).
fired a series of shots. 6 men were killed, while 2 were injured. Of the 33 • Only Jesus "Bebe" Comaling, Timoteo “Toming” Alabat, Carlos Relativo, Antonio
ambushers, only 6 were apprehended by the trial court. Of the 6, only 3 appealed Amahan, Rufo "Boy" Pangilinan, and Teodulo Abuyas were apprehended and
for the reversal of the judgment against them. The 3 were contending that the trial brought to trial. The other accused are still at large.
court erred in denying their alibis and that the qualifying circumstances of • The 6 accused were found guilty by the trial court for 5 separate crimes of murder
treachery, abuse of superior strength, and evident premeditation was not proven. and 2 counts of frustrated murder for the infliction of injuries upon the person of
The SC held that the testimonies of the 4 prosecution witnesses, positively Alcopera and Asocinas.
identifying the accused, should be given evidentiary weight. Furthermore, the • Of the 6 accused, only Comaling, Alabat, and Amahan appealed for the reversal
accused were not able that it was physically impossible for them to be at the scene of the judgment against them on the ground that the trial court erred in rejecting
of the crime as they were merely 1 ½ to 3 kilometers away based on their alibis. their alibis and that not of the qualifying circumstances of treachery, abuse of
As for the qualifying circumstances, the SC held that treachery is indeed proven: superior strength, and evident premeditation, alleged in the information, was
that they were all armed; that they situated themselves on a higher terrain; that proven.
the victims were unarmed and completely oblivious of the impending danger.
DOCTRINE: Conspiracy may be deduced from the mode and manner in which • Comaling and Alabat: that they were in Baybay, Leyte working at the landholding
the offense was committed. The acts of accused show concerted action and unity of Banoc; that they stayed at their place of work until 4 o'clock that afternoon; and
of purpose manifestly indicating conspiracy. that at no time on that day did they leave their place of work
• Amahan: that he spent the night in the house of one Pestadero in Javier, Leyte
CHARGE: 5 counts of murder and 2 counts of frustrated murder and stayed there until eleven in the morning of the day of the ambush

An information for murder with frustrated murder was filed against the accused for the EVIDENCE PRESENTED BY THE PROSECUTION:
ambush-killing of Angel Ellaga, Alejandro Camahalan, Cesario Davis, Gildo Doguitom, • The prosecution was able to present 4 witnesses positively identifying the 3
and Zosimo Ellaga, and for inflicting wounds on Ceferino Asocinas (who died later after accused as among the ambushers.
the filing of the information) and Miguel Alcopera, in a concerted act in mutually helping • Witnesses: wife of victim Asocinas who was 20 meters away from the scene; 3 of
each other and taking advantage of their superior strength with intent to kill by the laborers who survived the ambush by taking cover behind the coconut trees.
means of treachery and with evident premeditation. These witnesses knew the accused for either being their neighbors or for being
known to them since childhood.

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ISSUE: Whether or not the trial court erred in convicting the 3 accused for murder. NO. • Accused-appellants were fully armed with M-16 rifles, armalites, shotguns,
carbines, garands, and M-203s, while the victims were unarmed, completely
RULING: oblivious of the impending danger awaiting them.
WHEREFORE, the appealed decision is hereby modified as follows: • Plainly, the existence of treachery cannot be gainsaid.
• There is treachery when the offender commits any of the crimes against persons,
a) Each accused-appellant is hereby found guilty beyond reasonable doubt of employing means, methods, and forms in the execution thereof which tend directly
five (5) crimes of murder and each is sentenced to suffer five (5) penalties of and specially to insure its execution without risk to himself arising from the defense
reclusion perpetua; which the offended party might take.
b) Each accused-appellant is hereby found guilty beyond reasonable doubt of
• The means employed by accused-appellants undoubtedly insured the
two (2) crimes of frustrated murder and each is hereby sentenced to an
execution of the crime without any risk to themselves. They were all armed
indeterminate penalty of four (4) years, two (2) months, and one (1) day of
and they waited in ambush for the victims, who if it must be repeated, were
prision correccional, as minimum, to seventeen (17) years and four (4) months
unarmed and utterly unaware of the impending danger awaiting them.
of reclusion temporal, as maximum; and
c) Accused-appellants are hereby ordered to pay the heirs of Angel Ellaga,
Alejandro Camahalan, Cesario Davis, Gildo Doguitom, Zosimo Ellaga and
Ceferino Asocinas, jointly and severally, the amount of P50,000.00 each, and • Conspiracy may be deduced from the mode and manner in which the offense was
to Miguel Alcopera, the amount of P20,000.00 likewise jointly and severally, committed. The acts of accused-appellants, in the case at bench, as
as civil indemnity, without subsidiary imprisonment in case of insolvency. established by the evidence, show concerted action and unity of purpose
manifestly indicating conspiracy — they waited in ambush for the victims
RATIO: and without warning, simultaneously fired at them.
• Only the killing of Ellaga, Camahalan, Ellaga, Davis, and Doguitom was charged
AS TO THEIR ALIBIS: in the information; the killing of Ceferino Asocinas was not charged in the
• Alibi is one of the weakest defenses that can be resorted by an accused, not only information, only the infliction of wounds upon him was charged. Therefore,
because it is inherently weak and unreliable but also because it is easy of accused-appellants cannot be convicted of murder for the killing of Ceferino
fabrication without much opportunity at checking or rebutting it. Asocinas but only of frustrated murder.
• For alibi to offset the evidence of the prosecution showing his guilt, the accused • The death of Ceferino Asocinas was a supervening fact and the prosecution could
must establish not only that (1) he was somewhere else when the crime was and should have amended the information to allege the supervening fact of the
committed but also that (2) it was physically impossible for him to have been at the death and killing of Ceferino. But it did not do so. Accused-appellants can be
scene of the crime at the time it was committed. convicted only of frustrated murder for inflicting wounds on Ceferino and not for
murder for his subsequent death.
• The accused, by their own admission, were only about one and a half to three
kilometers away from the site of the ambush, and, therefore, it was clearly not • Therefore, each accused-appellant is guilty of 5 separate crimes of murder
physically impossible for them to be present at the scene of the crime at the time qualified by treachery and two separate crimes of frustrated murder.
it was perpetrated.
• Alibi cannot prevail over the positive identification of the accused by prosecution
witnesses. The record does not disclose that said witnesses were impelled by ill
motives to impute to accused-appellants the commission of the grave crime of
murder. Consequently, their testimony should be given utmost evidentiary weight.


• The evidence clearly shows that accused-appellants and other unapprehended
ambushers waited from the vantage point of an elevated place for the victims.
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