PhysicsStory Cortina

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These two horrendous sounds, the look on her face and streaks of blood splattered
everywhere. I can’t stop looking at her eyes. I can’t look! I can’t take it! I can’t!
GET ME OUT OF HERE!! *Tug* (faints)

My name is Helvetica Dela Cruz. I am a licensed Mathematics teacher in Heather

University. I am 21 years old and what else do you want to know? I guess I love
reading books especially if its thriller, suspense, and detective genres. People
describe me as a very curious person and yeah it is because of the mystery stories I
have read. I feel like am a detective who constantly needs to solve problems – even
how petty it is. I remember when old Aling Magna, my neighbor, called me out
because she can’t open a jar of jelly spread. Instead of opening the jar for her, I
investigated the reason why. It’s because she is too weak and old to open it up. The
ending? When I was about to give back the jam, I saw her slam her gate in front of
me. She never asked for my help again. Today is Monday and I have lots of work
to do. If it wasn’t only for my niece, I won’t attend her classmate’s birthday party.
I mean, why? It’s just a birthday, nothing so special and I don’t even know the girl-
Mau. What changed my mind if you may ask? It’s because the owner of the
hacienda, Don Arturo, is about to announce his wedding with Mau’s stepmom. I
heard that the two are not in good terms because Mau can’t accept the fact that her
dad is about to marry another woman just because her mom died in an accident just
few months ago. So being as curious as I am, I want to see Mau’s reaction since
she doesn’t have any idea about the said announcement. *ring ring* My niece is
Sofia: Aunt Ica, where are you? You have an hour-long to go. Please don’t be late.
I’m here at the event already. I’ll just send you the address.
Me: Okay okay, I’m on my way. Have you registered my name already?
Sofia: Not yet, you need to sign in the attendance list. Gotta go, my friend’s calling
me. Bye.
Aish. Whatever Sofia. On my way to the said venue, I had a strange feeling that
something will happen and that a secret will be revealed. I don’t know. I mean, I’m
always like this, it’s just that… nevermind.
When I arrived to the venue, I saw Ica waving her hand at me. I immediately
walked towards her as fast as I could because I barely know the guests here. As I
am only a step closer to her, the lights went off. Someone shouted…
Speaker: Ladies and gentlemen! Let us all welcome Maurice Facundo – the
celebrant. *claps*
And the lights went on. Mau is dazzling in her white dress and it complimented her
make up. She looks like a celebrity dang!
Mau: First of all, I want to thank you all for coming…
Gosh dang! She’s so stunning and she looks so expensive today. While she’s
having her spotlight, I can’t help but look at her serious dad and her all smile but
teary-eyed stepmom. I bet her dad is so nervous. After Mau’s speech, food was
served and I can say, the cater is expensive as well. *ehem ehem* Mau’s dad is on
the stage.
Don Arturo: Today is special because it’s my little girl’s birthday. Happy Birthday
hija. I want you to know that you’ll always be my baby girl even if you’re 18 now.
But today is not just about my unica hija’s birthday but another surprise. Hera,
honey, can you please come up here on the stage? There. I want to proudly
announce to you that my fiancé and I are getting married in two weeks’ time.
A sound of a broken glass echoed in the room. And a girl was seen running to the
rooftop – Maurice. Everybody was silent until…
Don Arturo: I’m sorry for that. Maybe my hija is just emotional because she has no
idea about this. Please continue eating. Let her be…
And we continued stuffing our mouths. Hours passed and Mau is still not here.
When my niece is about to go upstairs and the guests were about to take over the
dancefloor, a loud crash was heard and a body is in front of Don Arturo. It was
Maurice. People started shouting and calling for ambulance. When experts arrived,
they sadly announced that the body is dead on the spot. Investigators are now
examining the bloody event while I comfort my crying niece. The experts
interviewed Don Arturo and they announced that it was suicide. Case closed.
On our way to the apartment, I was still comforting my niece. She wanted to come
near the body but it can’t be. Arrived home, my niece headed straight to her room
and locked herself there. I can’t sleep. I feel like there’s something going on. When
Mau was on the floor, I saw her face… It was like asking for my help. A tear
escaped her eyes that tells me it’s not suicide. But how am I to judge? I’m not a
detective. I tried to keep in my mind that it’s just curiosity. I tried to sleep but I
can’t. Okay self, fine! I’m going back to the venue. When I arrived at the hotel, it
was completely dark. And the smell of blood is still on the air even if maintenance
already cleaned the area. I observed everywhere. When I looked up, I saw the
broken glass where Mau has fallen and it’s like calling me. I walked slowly,
nervously on the staircase and then I reached the rooftop where Mau “jumped”.
I reached the garden and upon reaching the grass, I saw some particles shining.
Glitters. Maybe for Mau’s dress earlier. I followed the trace. Why are there so
many? And why is it like this? It’s like someone was being dragged earlier. Aha! I
continued following the glitters and just where the broken glasses were, the glitters
vanished. it possible that this is a murder? But how could this be? The venue is not
that towering and I believe it is possible that only fractures can happen if you fall.
So I quickly measured the height of the building and it turns out it is around 33
meters tall. I remembered when Mau fell, there was a large, heavy, and sharp metal
piece of glass that hit my shoes. I kept it in my pocket and tried to compute the
speed of it falling down. It’s around 25 m/s. And it went to the exact position
where I am earlier. When I was about to pick the metal up, I saw a name engraved
on it and it says H-h-hera? Mau’s stepmom?! How could this be?!
*clap clap clap*
It was here.
Me: You?
Hera: Yes, me. The rumors were right. You are a very nosy teacher, eh?
Me: I will report you to the authorities.
Hera: Okay, if you say so. I mean, you have no evidence. And that metal on your
hand? Oh, honey, I can make a reason so I can manipulate my dear fiance’s mind
again. No one will believe in you. We don’t even know you. Oh yes! I killed
Maurice. Because she knew, she knew I’m the one who killed her mom. Hahaha!
*bang* *bang* *bang*
And Hera was on the floor, full of blood.
Don Arturo: You traitor! My hija was right, I should have believed her. I should
have not defended you and chose you over her. You heartless woman!
Things happened so fast and months passed by. Sometimes, I dream of Mau. She
always thanks me in my dreams. She said that, even if she’s not with her dad
anymore, at least he is not under a traitor’s control. I received awards,
“congratulations” from authorities and I became the topic of news. I am now a
Suicide Prevention Volunteer and who knows? Maybe I can be a true detective

Problem: Jana is playing with a ball on the top of a building but the ball fell and
hits the ground after 2.6 seconds. What is the final velocity of a ball just before it
hits the ground and how high is the building?
Vi = 0 m/s
t = 2.6 s
g = 9.8 m/s
vf = ? ; d = ?
Vf = Vi + gt
= 0 m/s + (9.8 m/s2) (2.6s)
= 0 m/s + 25.48 m/s
= 25.48 m/s
D = Vi + gt2/2
= 0 m/s + (9.8 m/s) (2.6s)2/2
= 66.25 m/2
= 33.12 m

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