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SKINNER: Behavioral Analysis Characteristics of Science

Overview According to Skinner (1953), science has three

main characteristics: First, science is
 Behavioral analysis is a clear departure cumulative; second, it is an attitude that values
from the highly speculative empirical observation; and third, science is a
psychodynamic theories search for order and lawful relationships
 Skinner’s strict adherence to observable
behavior earned his approach the label Conditioning
radical behaviorism, a doctrine that Skinner (1953) recognized two kinds of
avoids all hypothetical constructs, such conditioning, classical and operant.
as ego, traits, drives, needs, hunger,
and so forth (One distinction between classical and operant
 As an environmentalist, Skinner held conditioning is that, in classical conditioning,
that psychology must not explain behavior is elicited from the organism, whereas
behavior on the basis of the in operant conditioning, behavior is emitted. An
physiological or constitutional elicited response is drawn from the organism,
components of the organism but rather whereas an emitted response is one that simply
on the basis of environmental stimuli appears)

Biography  Classical Conditioning- a response is

drawn out of the organism by a specific,
Burrhus Frederic Skinner was born on March 20, identifiable stimulus. a neutral
1904, in Susquehanna, Pennsylvania, the first (conditioned) stimulus is paired with—
child of William Skinner and Grace Mange that is, immediately precedes—an
Burrhus Skinner. His father was a lawyer and an unconditioned stimulus a number of
aspiring politician while his mother stayed times until it is capable of bringing
home to care for their two children. about a previously unconditioned
response, now called the conditioned
On August 18, 1990, Skinner died of leukemia.
One week before his death, he delivered an
emotional address to the American  Operant Conditioning- a behavior is
Psychological Association (APA) convention in made more likely to recur when it is
which he continued his advocacy of radical immediately reinforced. The key to
behaviorism. operant conditioning is the immediate
reinforcement of a response. The
Precursors to Skinner’s Scientific Behaviorism organism first does something and then
is reinforced by the environment.
Law of Effect (Two parts: The first stated that
Reinforcement, in turn, increases the
responses to stimuli that are followed
probability that the same behavior will
immediately by a satisfier tend to be “stamped
occur again.
in”; the second held that responses to stimuli
1. Shaping- is a procedure in which
that are followed immediately by an annoyer
the experimenter or the
tend to be “stamped out.”)
environment first rewards gross
Scientific Behaviorism approximations of the behavior,
then closer approximations, and
Skinner insisted that human behavior should be finally the desired behavior itself. (A
studied scientifically. His scientific behaviorism response to a similar environment
holds that behavior can best be studied without in the absence of previous
reference to needs, instincts, or motives. reinforcement is called stimulus
Philosophy of Science generalization.)
2. Reinforcement- reinforcement has
Scientific behaviorism allows for an two effects: It strengthens the
interpretation of behavior but not an behavior and it rewards the person.
explanation of its causes. Interpretation permits Reinforcers exist in the
a scientist to generalize from a simple learning environment and are not something
condition to a more complex one. felt by the person.
a. Positive Reinforcement- Any
stimulus that, when added to a
situation, increases the
probability that a given conditioned reinforcer because it
behavior will occur is termed a can be exchanged for a great
positive reinforcer. Food, variety of primary reinforcers. In
water, sex, money, social addition, it is a generalized
approval, and physical comfort reinforcer because it is associated
usually are examples of positive with more than one primary
reinforcers. reinforcer
b. Negative Reinforcement- The 5. Schedules of Reinforcement-
removal of an aversive stimulus The frequency of that behavior,
from a situation also increases however, is subject to the
the probability that the conditions under which training
preceding behavior will occur. occurred, more specifically, to
This removal results in negative
the various schedules of
reinforcement. The reduction
or avoidance of loud noises,
shocks, and hunger pangs *Continuous Schedule- the
would be negatively reinforcing organism is reinforced for
because they strengthen the every response. This type of
behavior immediately schedule increases the
preceding them. frequency of a response but
3. Punishment- Negative reinforcers is an inefficient use of the
remove, reduce, or avoid aversive reinforcer
stimuli, whereas punishment is the *Intermittent Schedules-
presentation of an aversive Skinner preferred
stimulus, such as an electric shock, intermittent schedules not
or the removal of a positive one, only because they make
such as disconnecting an
more efficient use of the
adolescent’s telephone.
reinforcer but because they
a. Effects of Punishment- The
effects of punishment are not
produce responses that are
opposite those of more resistant to extinction
reinforcement. When the a. Fixed-Ratio- the organism is
contingencies of reinforcement
reinforced intermittently according
are strictly controlled, behavior
to the number of responses it
can be precisely shaped and
accurately predicted. With makes. Ratio refers to the ratio of
punishment, however, no such responses to reinforcers
accuracy is possible. The reason b. Variable-Ratio- it is reinforced
for this discrepancy is simple.
after the nth response on the
Punishment ordinarily is
imposed to prevent people
from acting in a particular way. c. Fixed-interval- the organism is
b. Punishment and Reinforcement reinforced for the first response
Compared- both punishment following a designated period.
and reinforcement are means
of controlling behavior, d. Variable-Interval- is one in which
whether the control is by design the organism is reinforced after the
or by accident. lapse of random or varied periods of
4. Conditioned and Generalized time.
Reinforcers- Conditioned reinforcers
(sometimes called secondary 6. Extinction- defined as the
reinforcers) are those tendency of a previously acquired
environmental stimuli that are not response to become progressively
by nature satisfying but become so weakened upon nonreinforcement.
because they are associated with
such unlearned or primary a. Operant Extinction- takes place
reinforcers as food, water, sex, or when an experimenter
physical comfort. Money is a systematically withholds
reinforcement of a previously corresponding probability that
learned response until the the organism will respond.
probability of that response c. Emotions- He accounted for
diminishes to zero. emotions by the contingencies of
survival and the contingencies of
The Human Organism
According to Skinner (1987a), human d. Purpose and Intention- Purpose
behavior (and human personality) is shaped and intention exist within the
by three forces: (1) natural selection, (2) skin, but they are not subject to
cultural practices, and (3) the individual’s direct outside scrutiny
history of reinforcement
Complex Behavior
1. Natural Extinction- Human
Human behavior can be exceedingly
personality is the product of a long
complex, yet Skinner believed that even the
evolutionary history. As individuals,
most abstract and complex behavior is
our behavior is determined by
shaped by natural selection, cultural
genetic composition and especially
evolution, or the individual’s history of
by our personal histories of
reinforcement. As a species,
however, we are shaped by the 1. Higher Mental Processes- Skinner
contingencies of survival. Natural (1974) admitted that human
selection plays an important part in thought is the most difficult of all
human personality behaviors to analyze; but
2. Cultural Evolution- Cultural practices potentially, at least, it can be
such as toolmaking and verbal understood if one does not resort to
behavior began when an individual a hypothetical fiction such as
was reinforced for using a tool or “mind.”
uttering a distinctive sound. 2. Creativity- Creative writers change
Eventually, a cultural practice their environment, thus producing
evolved that was reinforcing to the responses that have some chance of
group, although not necessarily to being reinforced. When their
the individual. Both toolmaking and “creativity dries up,” they may move
verbal behavior have survival value to a different location, travel, read,
for a group, but few people now talk to others, put words on their
make tools and even fewer invent computer with little expectancy that
new languages. they will be the finished product, or
3. Inner States- Internal states can be try out various words, sentences,
studied just as any other behavior, and ideas covertly.
but their observation is, of course, 3. Unconscious Behavior- In a more
limited. limited sense, behavior is labeled
a. Self-awareness- Skinner (1974) unconscious when people no longer
believed that humans not only think about it because it has been
have consciousness but are also suppressed through punishment.
aware of their consciousness; 4. Dreams- Skinner (1953) saw dreams
they are not only aware of their as covert and symbolic forms of
environment but are also aware behavior that are subject to the
of themselves as part of their same contingencies of
environment; they not only reinforcement as other behaviors
observe external stimuli but are are. He agreed with Freud that
also aware of themselves dreams may serve a wish-fulfillment
observing that stimuli. purpose. Dream behavior is
b. Drives- drives simply refer to the reinforcing when repressed sexual
effects of deprivation and or aggressive stimuli are allowed
satiation and to the expression.
5. Social Behavior- Groups do not those who rely on escape.
behave; only individuals do. Skinner (1953) believed that
Individuals establish groups because passive resistance is most likely
they have been rewarded for doing to be used where escape and
so revolt have failed
Control Behavior
1. Social Control- Individuals act to Inappropriate Behaviors
form social groups because such
Inappropriate behaviors follow from self-
behavior tends to be reinforcing.
defeating techniques of counteracting social
Groups, in turn, exercise control
control or from unsuccessful attempts at
over their members by formulating
self-control, especially when either of these
written or unwritten laws, rules, and
failures is accompanied by strong emotion
customs that have physical
existence beyond the lives of Psychotherapy
2. Self-control- The contingencies of Skinner (1987b) believed that
self-control, however, do not reside psychotherapy is one of the chief obstacles
within the individual and cannot be blocking psychology’s attempt to become
freely chosen. When people control scientific. Nevertheless, his ideas on shaping
their own behavior, they do so by behavior not only have had a significant
manipulating the same variables impact on behavior therapy but also extend
that they would use in controlling to a description of how all therapy works.
someone else’s behavior, and - A therapist molds desirable behavior
ultimately these variables lie outside by reinforcing slightly improved
themselves. changes in behavior.
The Unhealthy Personality - The nonbehavioral therapist may
affect behavior accidentally or
1. Counteracting Strategies- When unknowingly, whereas the
social control is excessive, people behavioral therapist attends
can use three basic strategies for specifically to this technique
counteracting it—they can escape, - Traditional therapists generally
revolt, or use passive resistance explain behaviors by resorting to a
a. Escape- people withdraw from variety of fictional constructs such as
the controlling agent either defense mechanisms, striving for
physically or psychologically. superiority, collective unconscious,
b. Revolt- People who revolt and self-actualization needs
against society’s controls behave - Behavior therapists have developed
more actively, counterattacking a variety of techniques over the
the controlling agent. People can years, most based on operant
rebel through vandalizing public conditioning. These therapists play
property, tormenting teachers, an active role in the treatment
verbally abusing other people, process, pointing out the positive
pilfering equipment from consequences of certain behaviors
employers, provoking the police, and the aversive effects of others
or overthrowing established and suggesting behaviors that, over
organizations such as religions or the long haul, will result in positive
governments. reinforcement.
c. Passive Resistance- People who
counteract control through Critique of Skinner
passive resistance are subtler - First, because the theory has
than those who rebel and more spawned a great quantity of
irritating to the controllers than research, we rate the theory very
high on its ability to generate
- Second, most of Skinner’s ideas can
be either falsified or verified, so we
rate the theory high on falsifiability.
- Third, on its ability to organize all
that is known about human
personality, we give the theory only
a moderate rating
- Fourth, as a guide to action, we rate
Skinner’s theory very high.
- The fifth criterion of a useful theory
is internal consistency, and judged
by this standard, we rate Skinnerian
theory very high.
- Is the theory parsimonious? On this
final criterion, Skinner’s theory is
difficult to rate. On one hand, the
theory is free from cumbersome
hypothetical constructs, but on the
other, it demands a novel expression
of everyday phrases.

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