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a ub Pergo Ra f ilo 09 as Grleapreneunlye A Managment Con/2279--07. (REVISED COURSE ) ND-9107 (3 Hours) [Total Marks : 100 f N.B.: (1) Question No.1 is compulsory. 7 (2) Attempt any four questions out of remaining six questions, M (3) Figures to right indicate full marks. 1, Write short notes on any five: 20 (a) Entrepreneural Proces: ib) Government policies promoting entrepreneurship {o) Project lite cycle {d) Aspects of entrepreneurship {e) Motivation Techniques (f) Characteristics of Management (g) Systems of A/c keeping. 2. (a) Whatis entrepreneural structure ? Explain in detail the variaus requirements of such 10 structure. (b) State the importance of entrepreneur in the economic development of country and 410 ‘explain in detail the charactoristics of entrepreneur. 3. (a) Define entrepreneurship. Whome do we call an ideal entrepronour? Differentiate 10 between entrepreneur and entrepreneurship. {b) Discuss in brief the Socio-economic origins of entrepreneurship. 10 4. (a) Mentioning the basic classification of entrepreneurs explain in detail the type 10 of entrepreneur as per Business and Growih. (b) Define project, Describe the issues that need to be consider in checking technical 10 feasibility, 5. (a) What is "Time Value of Money"? Explain different methods of dealing with Time 10 Value of Money. (b) Explain project appraisal and enlist the steps to be followed for project appraisal. 10 6. (@) Explain tho stepwise procedure to be involved in starting Small Scale Industry. 10 (b) What is organisation ? Explain along with merits and demerits the following 10 (i) Line organisation (ji) Line and staff organisation 7. (a) Define management. Explain the various functions of management. 1 {b) Explain the importance of management. Explain the contributions made by Gillerth towards sciontific management. a Tree Coil) Senavw Chevy J4lilo¢ H12eDeoNk-07 ntesp re shi ndl4-12-Deo-Nk-O7 -05 E ceprene Uy. 0 £ management Con, 5674-07. CD-5940, (REVISED COURSE) Mie (3 Hours) [Total Marks : 100 N.B, (1) Question No. 1 is compulsory. (2) Attempt any four questions from out of remaining six questions. (3) Figures to the right indicate full marks. 1. (a) Discuss the importance of entrepreneur in the economic development. 8 (b) What is project appraisal ? Briefly discuss various aspects of project 12 appraisal. 2. (a) Enlist and discuss the characteristics that an entrepreneur should posses to 10 be successful. (b) Desoribe the contributions made by Henry Fayol towards management theory. 10 3, (a) Enlist different classification of entrepreneurs. Discuss the classification according 12 to the type of business. (b) Define motivation and discuss the different motivation techniques. 8 4. (a) What is double entry system of book-keeping ? 6 (b) Journalize the following transactions of ABC Corporation Limited. 14 2007 April. 02 — Collected Rs. 20,000 from debtors 02 — Paid Rs. 10,000 to creditors 08 — Paid Rs. 1,300 towards wages and Rs. 1,500 towards telephone charges 15 — Purchase materials worth Rs, 14,500. Paid Rs. 4,500 Ps to supplier. 20 — Obtained loan of Rs. 2,00,000 from bank. 30 — Paid Rs. 10,000 to supplier towards balance payment 30 — Paid rent Rs. 6,000. [TURN OVER 9.ELOY kev andes 2DeONKOT- | Alecpatoe tip z Hg - to ¥ Con. 5674-CD-5940-07. 5. (a) Calculate breakeven point in units and rupees from the following data : 8 Setup cost = Rs. 50,00,000/- Variable cost per unit = Re. 700/- Selling price per unit = Rs. 1,200/- (b) Calculate the net present value for the project alternatives A and B from the 12 following cashtlows, if the cost of capital is 12% Year Alternative ‘A’ Alternative ‘B” 0 = 12,00,000 = 15,00,000 1 2,00,000 2,00,000 = 3,00,000 3,00,000 a 3,00,000 4,00,000 4 4,00,000 4,00,000 5 4,00,000 4,00,000 6 3,00,000 4,00,000 7 2,00,000. 3,00,000 8 2,00,000 3,00,000 6. (a) Discuss the various types and sources of finance that are available to a 10 entrepreneur to start his own enterprise. (b) Enlist the principles of organization and explain the ‘unctional organization 10 along with its merits and demerits. 7. Write short notes on : (any four) :-— 20 (a) Entrepreneurial skills (b) Entrepreneurial culture (c) Functions of management (d) Project life cycle (2) Problems and barriers responsible for failure of entrepreneurs. ae Sk 1. fo en We fn os? Gon, 3309-07. (REVISED COURSE) S ND-335 (3 Hours) [Total Marks : 100 (1) Question No. 1 is compulsory. (2) Answer any four from the remaining questions. M (8) Assume suitable data if required and mention the same, ie All questions carry equal marks. ures to the right indicate full marks, BEDE OT SAT Mectowien 11 6)0%- ) Aeolian o isa {i) Soil occuring in flood plain (ii) Glacial clayey soil (ii) Soil deposited in lake (iv) Wind-borne soils. (b) Identify the incorrect statement following are two phase systems : (i) Saturated soils (ii) Oven dry soils (iil) Frozen soil with some unfrozen water {iv)_Ic9 flooting in water. (c) For a given soil in natural state, ¢ = 0-75, w = 30% and G = 2-67, the degree of saturation is (i) 44-50% | (ii) 22-27% | (ill) 71-20% (iv) 140-00% (d) Ina saturated clay deposit, the inter particle forces are transmitted through : | (i) Pore water (ii) Adsorbed water (iii) Particle-particle contact (iv) None of the above (e) For pare shear condition : () %=9, (i) 65 ili), (iv) op=-9,. () On the plane of maximum shear stress, the normal stress is always equal to () (©, +0) 2 (i) (0, -09) 2 (il) 0, +0, (iv) j= 0. (g) The height of capillary rise depends upon the (i) Inclination of capillary {il) Shape of the capillary | (iil) Size of the capillary below the meniscus | (iv) Diameter of the meniscus. (h) Space between two adjacent flow lines is called : (i) Flow potential (ii) Flow path (iii) Flow field (iv) Flow length. (i) When the natural water content is Glose to liquid limit, the clay is. (i) Over-consolidated (i) Heavily ever consolidated (iii) Normally-consolidated Kini dEratin en heerene | 7 7" ae ee < Con, 3308-ND-335-07. 2 tl | 5 | Sa (j) Brittle failure occurs at low strains on the order of (i) 0510 1% {ii) 1-0 to 1.5% (iii) 1-0 0 2.0% liv) 1-0 to. 3.0% 2, (a) The bulk unit weight of the soil is 19.10 kM/m3, the water content is 12:5% and the specific gravity of soil solids 2.67. Determins, the dry unit weight, void ratio, porosity and degree of saturation (0) Ina faling head permeability test the time takon for the head to fall from h, to hy is {If the test is repeated with the same initial hoad, what would be the final head in a time interval of t/2. : (2) What constitutes a flow net ? State any four methods for obtaining a flow net in any given case. (b) What is the importance of soil classification ? Explain with neat labeled sketch, triangular soil classification, 4, (a) Write any six main assumptions used in Terzaghi’s theory of consolidation. Explain spring analogy method. (b) A 24 mm thick undisturbed sample of a saturated clay is tested in the laboratory with drainage being allowed both through the top and bottom faces. The sample reaches 50 percent degree of consolidation in 45 minutes. If the olay layer from which the sample was obtained is 4-8 m thick and is free to drain through beth top and bottom surfaces, calculate the time required by the clay layer to undergo the same degree of consolidation. What would have been the time of consolidation if the clay layer were free to drain only through its top surface ? Assume uniform distribution of consolidation pressure. &. (a) Write note on effect of compaction on (i) Structure of soil (ii) Permeability of soil (ii) Shrinkage and swelling of soil (iv) Stress sirain characteristics of soil (\) Shear strength of soil (b) Determine the degree of saturation and the percentage air voids of a soil sample at Proctor’s maximum dry density of 1-89 gm/em’, if the OMC is 13% and specific gravity of soil is 2.71. 6 (a) From first principle with neat labeled diagram derive the relation 6, =9,tan?a +2 ctan a o=45 + (b) A 7-5 m deep Cut is to be made in a Cohesive soil with a slope of 1:1. The soil has C, = 85 kPa, ¢, = 10° and v = 18 kN/m?, Find the factor of safety with respect to Cohosion. What will be the critical height of the slope in this soil ? Assume S, = 0-108. 7. (a) Draw a typical bore hole and what is the importance of bore hole in geotechnical Engineering ? (b) Explain the step by step procedure for conducting falling head permeability test and its calculations. 10 10 40 10 10 10 10 10 40 Mabe th Con. Q2 Q3 5025-07, Es Coin | Garr Sor Mechan tes G Hours) .:(1) Question No. 1 is compulsory. (2) Attempt any four among the remaining, (3) All questions carry equal marks. (4) Draw neat labeled sketches wherever required, CReu-) Aloe CD-5943 [Total Marks ; 100 wat Solve any FIVE a) _ Derive the following relationship 4 Sts 1 with usual notations Ya b) Coefficient of permeability of soil at void ratio of 0.7 is 4x10“ cm/s. 4 Determine its value at e of 0.35. \ c) Compare energies for standard proctor and modified proctor test. 4 d) Calculate time required in days for 90% consolidating aclay layerof 10m = 4 depth surrounded by sandy silt. The Cy value is 0.000256 em’\s. e) Classify the fine grained soil, if LL = 45%, PL = 10% as per ISC system. 4 f) Inshear strength test if. « = 60°, c= 20 kN/m?,c= 10 kNim’. Determine 4 ‘g’ and shear strength g) Define stability number and critical depth 4 a) Explain in brief factors affecting permeability 10 b) In a unsaturated spacemen of clay has a volume of 18.9 cc and mass of 10 30.2 gm. Onoven drying the mass reduces to 18 gm. The volume of the dry spscimen as determined by displacement of meroury is 9.9 ec. Determine shrinkage limit, specific gravity, shrinkage ratio and volumetric shrinkage. a) Draw dry density moisture content curve and find out MDD and OMC tested 10 in standard proctor test with small compaction mould as per IS 2720(part 7) Also, find maximum theoretical density at w =12.5%, if G =2.65 Compacted wt of soil, | 1800 | 1940 | 2000 | 2005 | 2003 | 1980 Lem 7 w% 85_[ 12.2 [13.75] 15:5 [18.2 | 20.2 | b) Classify soils as per ISC system (1S 1498-1970. 10 Soil LL PI [%-75 un |%Gravels | % Sand A 450. 400__| 100 9 0 B 34 14 80. 0 20 ee 60 30 90. 0 10 D - NP. | 100 0 0 [TURNOVER Fete) Gre. SAk Mechawi A con, 8026-00 -5943-07. uj) |o a a b) Q5 a) b) °) Q6 a) b) Q7 4 ») ‘A500 g of dry soil was subjected to. sieve analysis. The weight of soil retained on each sieve is as follows TS Sieve mm 4.75 | 2 T_| 0,425 | 0.212 | 0.15 | 0.075 ‘Wt. Retained, g to [165 [100 | 85 40 30, 50 Draw the particle size curve, Determine % Gravels, % Coarse Sand, 10 % Medium Sand, % Fine Sand and % Silts ~Clay as per [S 1498-1970. Effective size , Cu Co and classification soil as per IS 1498-1970 5 Name the method of determining permeability of sandy soil. Write the 5 expression to find out coefficient of permeability also mention effect of temperature on coefficient permeability. Write Time factor in consolidation with relationship between Tv and U % s “Write in bricf about application of flow net Draw the total pressure, effective pressure and hydrostatic pressure diagrams 10 for sand deposits 10 m thick. The G.W.L, is at 3 m from G. L, The zone above GWL is saturated due to capillary action in that region. Take 7d = 12 KNiém’ , 7sat = 16 KN/m’. In a normally consolidated clay of LiL. = 65.5 % and 5 m thickness, the 10 overburden pressure is increased from 250 KNim? by 120 KN/m?. Estimate the settlement that takes place. Assume the saturated water content of 45%, In bok shear test conducted on specimen of a sandy soils soil gove the 10 following results: Sample No Normal Load kN * Shear Force, KN 1 45 34.2 2 84.6 57.6 a 124.12 85.32 Determine shear parameters Magnitude of principal stress and their orientations for fist sample Derive the relationship between principal stresses 6; and o3 modify it for 10 unconfined compressive strength qu. ‘Aninfinite slope is made of clay with the following propertiés. 1 = 18 kN/m?, 10 y=9kNim?; 0 = 25 KNim’, b= 28°. If the slope has an inclination of 35° and height equal to 12. m, determine the stability of slope, when- (a) the slope is submerged, and (b) there is seepage parallel to the slope, Mabrany Tees Cefotl) Csem (Crd) Alilog Con. 5470-07 cone een aay cost ‘on. 5470- a . (OLD COURSE) oot (@ Hours) [Total wale +100 N.B (1) Attempt any five questions while question No. 1 is compulsory. (2) Assume any suitable data if found necessary and state it clearly. 4, {a) What is Geotechnical Engineering ?. Compare between soil and rock. 5 (b) Sketch the phase ciagram and indicate the volumes and weights of the phases on it, Deting 5 ‘Yolds ratio’, “Degree oi saturation and “Weter content’. (c) What are the vatious steps considered in the planning of suosurtace exploration ? 5 {d) Bring out the effect of sudden draw down on the stability of the slope. 5 2 (a) Aclay sample, containing its natural moisture content, weighs'0-383N. The specific gravity 10 Of Solids of this oll is 2:70. After over drying, the soll sample weighs 0-2025 N. The volume of the moist sample, before oven-drying, found by displacement of mercury is 24-30 cm*. Determine moisture content voids ratio and degree of saturation of the soll. (b) Skeich typical complete grain size distribution curves for (a) wll graded soil, (b) 10 uniform silty sand, From these curves, datermine the uniform coefficient and effective size in each case, What qualitative inferences can you draw regarding engineering properties of such soils ? 3. (a) Ina shrinkage limit test, the following data were obtained 12 ()) Initial weight of the saturated soil = 1-928 N, (i) Initial volume of saturated soil = 108-0 em’, (iil) Weight alter complete drying +462 N, (iv) Volume after complete drying 7-4 0m. Determine stirinkage limit specitic gravity of soil grains, initial voids ratio, bulk unit weight, dry unit weight, find voids ratio and saturated unit weight. (b) How do you distinguish if a material is 8 () GM or GP, (i) GMorGC, _ (il) SWorSP, (iv) SMor SC 4. (@) () Why is the permeability of a clay soil with flocculated structure greater than that for 4 it in the remoulded state ? {i) Demonstrate that the coefficient of permeability has the dimension of velocity. 4 (b) Tho cooffiviont of permeability of a soil sample is found to be 9x 10-2 mms. ata voids 4 ratio of 0.45°. Estimate the petmeabilty at a voids ratio of 0-68 (c). The water table is jowered trom a depth of 3 m to a depth of 6 min a deposit of sill. The 4 silt remains saturated even after water table is lowered. Whal could be the increase in the effective stress at a depth of 8 m and 10m on account of covering of water table ? Assume n.m.c. as 27% and G = 2.67. 5. (a) Detine 2 6 () Phreatic ine, (jl), Flowset (Ii) Piping. (b) A container filed with each of the following material, at a porosity of 40%, determine the 6 upward gradient required to cause quick condition, (i) Lead shots with a specific gravity of 11-35 (ii) Fibre beads with a specitic gravity of 1-55 and (i) Sand with a specific gravity of 2:65. (c}_ (i) Explain necessity of doubling the load in a consolidation test. (ii) The influence of bed increment ratio on time-settlement curve. 4 [TURN OVER Con. 5470-CD-8163-07. 2 6 (a) PoE y bl Sexh Mechanits. F.ECOY dd Alia 430 mm thick cedometer sample of clay reached 30%. Consolidation in 15 minutes with 4g drainage al top and battom. How long would it take the clay layer irom which this sample was obtained to reach 60% consolidation ? The clay layer had one-way drainage and was 6 m thick. Sketch the stress strain relationship tor dense and loose sand. 4 ‘Two samples of a soil were subjected to shoar tests, The results were as follows : 8 Test No. 6, (kN/m?) o, (kN/m?) 1 100 240 2 300 630 La further sample of the same soll was tested under a minor principal stress of 200 kn what value of major principal stress can be expected at failure ? Define “optimum moisture content of the soil’ and state as what fators it depends ? 8 Beseripa a suitable method of stability analysis of slopes in ()) purely saturated 6 cohesive soil (ji) Cohesionless sand Explain with neat sketch, the construction and use o} split sooon sampler. ch PE Cin) ae Rev) smmelales B-O-p- 1 Con/3261-07. (REVISED COURSE) ND-332 (4 Hours) [Total Marks :100 <7 yore K 4) Question No. 1 is compulsory. (2) Attempt any four questions out of remaining six questions. 1. Itis proposed to construct a hostel building of 100 students accomodation. The plot size is 60 Mx 50 M. The building shall be ground plus one upper storeyed and of RCC frame type construction, Requirements are as below : (i) Three beded rooms (area 20 mr? each) — 20Nos. (i) Two boded rooms (area 15 m* each) = 10 Nos. (ill) One beded rooms (area 10 m? each) — 20Nos. (iv) Warden's Office - 15m () Game room - 40m (vi) Recreation room = 40m (vii) Store room = 15m* Provide entrance hall, mainstair and toilet facilities as per the standards, (2) Draw Ground floor plan. 15 (b) Draw line plan of first floor. 5 2, Draw section for the data given in Q. 1 20 3. (a) Draw the site plan for the data given in Q. 1 10 () Draw the foundation plan for the data given in Q. 1. 40 4, Draw a two point perspective with the following details : 20 Size of hall = 20mx8m Fiat roof with parapet wall ht 1m Plinth ht. o-6m Floor to floor ht. = 36m ‘Assume suitable sizes and Locations of doors and windows. Assume eye level at 1-5 mabove GL. 5. (a) Draw Terrace plan for the data given in Q. No.1. 10 (0) Draw water proofing details of a R.C.C, terrace and state the construction procedure. 10 6 (a) Explain principles of planning of a hospital building. 10 (0) Draw plan of Doctors dispensery admeasuring 25 to 30m’. 10 7. Write short notes on : 20 () Zoning (i) Green bet (iii) Slum clearance (iv) Master plan. paitecera—— fe Con. 5880-07. N.8. : (1) Question No, 1 is compulsory. (4 Hours) E- Celvil) Csem MZ) crew») Busleltng Design [REVISED COURSE] ~ Drawing LT § Draw "ST cp-5049 [Total Marks : 100 Mogkey- (2) Attemot any four questions out of remaining six questions. (9) Assume any suitable data, if required. 1. Itis proposed to construct a hospital for a suburban area of a mietro town, having following 20 requirements ‘— @) (©) (©) (a) ) 0) (9) () @) @ () @ Entrance lobby and waiting area Counters for inquiry, registration ete. Consulting room ~ 4 Nos. Pathology Lab Radiology Lab Operation Theatre Drug Store Male and Female wards (10 + 10 Beds) Labour room Office Sanitary unit for male & Female Cafetaria (m) parking 12 Sq. mt each 50 Sq. mt 50 Sq. mt 50 Sq. mt : 25 Sq, mt 100 Sq. mt each + 80.Sq, mt 30 Sq. mt (area & no. as per requirement) Provide staircase, passage otc.as per requirement — Plot area : 50m x 60m, Structure : R.C.C. Framed Draw ground ficor plan. 2. (a) Draw first floor plan of the building given in Q. No. 1. 10 (©) Draw front elevation of the building given in Q. No. 1 10 3. Draw section passing through staircase, sanitary unit and other important unit of the building 20 given in Q. No.1 4. (@) Draw foundation plan for the bullding given in Q. No. 1. 10 (b) Draw site plan for the building given in Q. No. 1 10 [TURN OVER a) aq) lala 2 ) a Con. 5880-CD-5049-07. Danang. Le 5. Draw the One Point Perspective of the plan given below ~ 20 wits up SESS ae a Tyhical floor Plon (G44) (@) Floor to floor height = 3:6 mt (b) Ground level to plinth level height = 0-45 mt (c) W= Window = 2.0 x 1-5 mt sq. (d) D=Door = 25x 24-mt sq. 6. (a) Draw the line plan of the office of the principal of your college. (b) Draw the roof plan of the building given in Question No. 1 7. Write short notes on :~ (a) Slum Clarence (©) Built onvironment : An Integrated Approach (| Town Planning (d) Architectural Composition. GS ECO)Y Rey tulldrng Denon 2 wlineq- Arn 20 10 10 20 \$15 {o- (REVISED COURSE) oem (3 Hours) [Total Marks are Nu (1) Question No.1 is questions, compulsory. 1) le ay Yur oat st roa i nto abet aur anes is wher near Dut ystily the same. ge ein 19. Tee ESS hel SO oe Td bimalah trates a Noglect the axial daformations. np ls . 6 Pal rs za ‘ (b) Develop the flexibility and stifness matrices for pressmatic member AB with reference to the 10 co-ordinates shown in Figure. a 2, Analyse the trams and Draw BMD by using flexibly method 20 Neen & ge 5” sien on ~ yh | ae XN 2 2. Analy bea efown in figure by using siiness menos ooak ae ie}in e Ge , 7, & j sped ET consol [2a am ced “8 eae 4. (a) Aparabolic arch hinged at the ends has @ span of 60 m and rise of 12M, A concentrated load of 16 KN acts at 15 m from the loft hinge. The second moment of area varias as the secant of the inclination of the arch axis. Calculate norizontal thrust and the ractions at the hinge. Also calculate the net bending moment at the section. (0). Analyse the continuous beam shoWwn in figure. Using mathod of Least Work. e ° —~lalgy 20 14 yer. _ een a 5. (a) Explain tho torme carryovor factor and distribution factor 4 (b) Analyse the continuous beam as shown in figure. Using ‘Moment Distribution Method’ . Draw BMD 16 and deflected shay Note: Support B sinks by 10 mm. E = 200 x 10° kNim? 12 100 x 108 mm, jot Aon 2OKN y & aot2 se are D b— 6m — 24 20 6. Analyse the frame by using ‘Slope Deflection Method’. Draw BMD. yen] nese (0) Ther ste bmolyes lean (a) (b) For the rigid jointed frame subjected to temperature variations as shown in Figure. Find horizontal deflection at D. Assume a= 12x 10°C and depth of all members 500 mm (Neglect effect of axial force). Byes atyae as Analyse the pin-jointed plane frame shown in Figure, The cross sectional areas of each 12 members = 100 cm? 2 > 4d ery eeey Note : Support A and B are hinge support, (@ Hours) _ [Total Marke : 100 A B.(1) Question No. 1 is compulsory. manaTe (2) Attempt any four questions out of remaining six questions. Ch abssinp eae cate spores posure ut iets Le ee COT er as | FM 9 a a feats the a af static and kinomatic aoe of the following stiuctures, Neglect the axial deformations :— ‘ Se Sry ioe wv IT (©) Analyse the beam and draw BMD using Flexibility method. The beam rests an elastic support 10 atC. The flexibility of support ¢ is 10/E!. poles yorent 20 TTURN OVER: Parte Oe RATS. Fuss eae net t ve FE etme a 9. Analyse the frame and draw BMD by using Stiffness method. 20 Ly ye’ porn gor"? D Length AB=4m, BC=4m, BD=5m. ey 4. (a) Distinguish clearly between Staticaly determinate and indeterminate structure. 4 (o} Analyse the frame by using slope defiection method, Draw BMD. 16 does | oe 5. (a) Exolain the terms -— 4~ (i) Carry over factor (i) Distribution fector. {b) Analyse the frame as shown in figure using moment distribution method. Draw BMD and 16 deflected shape. 12 KN/m 4ORN ee € 4m A El is const. vem Cc) fan Rey Bb > Aralegtts IE “Con. $320-CD-5937-07. 7 er 6. (a) Determine the relative displacement along ED. 10 Cc a 2 nas (b) Determine tension in tie for the siructure shown in figure consider E constant. 10 Cc = ai nn 3m BG — tle member AB — Beam \ Pea 108 mnt 3 & ni AON rh SD ens frrca a $000 yam 7. (@) A parabolic arch hinged at tho ends has a span of 20 m and rise of 5m. Aconcentrated 12 load of 16 kN acts at 5 m from the left hinge. The second moment of area varies as the secant of the inclination of the arch axis (| = Ip sec 0). Calculate horizontal thrust and the reactions at the hinge. Det. maximum positive and negative Bending moment. Draw BMD. (0) Determine forces in members by force method. The citcuits area of each member is 8 20 cm?, Take E = 2 x 105 Nimm?. My a a Ne a ae é ©. Gojen saiet Cewil & consiruchen) (seme) Cold) Hielee / Habracy Tae “ structured Anaysis 2 Con. 5321-07. peemnaer (OLD COURSE) i ev fieblbrs al Marks : 100 (3. Hours) B.: (1) Question No.1 is Compulsory. (2) Attempt any four out of remaining six questions. (3) Assume any suitable data wherever required but justify the same. (4) Figures to right indicates full marks, |. (a) Fixplain the basic differcaces between + — (i) Siatically determinate and indeterminate structures. (ii) Stable structures and unstable structures. (b) Forthe given structures, find the degree of Static and Kinematic indeterminacy (neglecting § axial deformations for flexural members). 4 =e a +* Brbranal a Hinge E (i) cae aoe Cts) SiN) (c) Forthe frame as shown in figure, calculate the horizontal deflection of rolles support ‘D’ 8 dluc to change in temperature as indicated in figure. Consider a, ~ 12 x 104°C and depth Jor all members on $00 mm. B ars Ag = 5m % Ba = 4m 30e| 40’c s ep es [TURN OVER VeliaetlO-tis 18 ~ ge-Co ERA Sy thotyth dt ainpsp con 2160 14047 2 2. (a) Forthe frame as shown in figure, calculate the Mexibility co-cllicients w.r, to coordinates 6 as indicated in figure. 8 Cr = Peet AB = 5m 2r @ Be = Bh A (b) Analyse the beam as shown in figure by flexibility method and draw SFD, BMD and 14. | deflected shape. 10 KN/ny 6OKN : z AG Podn p 2m a ki Bo ET is Const. 3. Analyse the continuous beam as shown in figure by three moment theorem and draw SED, BMD 20 and deflected shape, | I2KNAy B 60 KNm A ie A Sm ym om Support B settles down by 6 mm. EI= 20000 KNm? / 4, Analyse the frame shown in figure by stiffness method, Draw BMD and deflected shape. 20 B @ 20 KN/t T 2r 3m Bro E yy 20KN 2OKN 3m 3m GE mB me COE ou St drodytan FE 79 Con. 5321-CD-8148-07. 3 5, Analyse the frame shown in figure by moment distribution method. Draw BMD and deflected 20 shape. » 4OKN isiewiie 4 2m 10 KN ‘ [ 3 i KF 2m rt tot — Som Ta 6. Analyse the rigid jointed frame shown in figure by slope deflection method, and draw BMD and 20 aon deflected shape. Bob Nis 40 kN A 7. (a) Analyse the pin jointed frame shown in figure by force method and calculate forces in all 10 members. Consider AE constant. 4o kN B 2OKN m (b) Atwohinged symmetric parabolic arch of hoirizontal span 50m and rise 10 mis subjected 10 to asingle concentrated vertical downward load of 100 KN at centre. Determine the sup- port reactions of the arch. (REVISED COURSE) (3 Hours) {Total Marks : 100 N.B (1) Question No. 1 is compulsory. (2) Attempt any four questions from the remaining questions. 6? G ssume Suita lata, if negessar * — is EROS REE ERB. Hyclro tis 5 25) so ae (a) Expiain the terms geometric, kinematic and dynamic similarities. (b)__Define the torms : kinemetic onorgy correction factor and momentum earrection factor. (6). Explain how the diameter of an equivalent pipe is determined to replace pipes in series, fe eer atltes Wrasse (e) Disiinguish between Reaction turbine and |mpulse turbine stating examples eee ee tee ontunion deule te. Pe ne ee oa ties ncci ea Oeaeira mn aoie Se ee ee re accey Sate de waainie sae SIRT Ciba lier sl alee tire eee iets vt Se er er ue elias were aig a stationary. Also determine the constant ‘speed of rotation of arm, if It Is free to rotate. (8) Theelficisncy 1 of a fan depends on doncity p and viscosity jo! fluid, angular veloclyy «, diameter Cee ee eng otc Pernt) cigonnisieds paras: (a) Water is flowing through two parallel plates which aro 2mm apart Determine: {i} maximum velocity (i) the prassure drop pet unit length and (li) the shear siress at walls of the plate if the average velocity is 0-4 r/o, Take viscosity of water as 0:01 poise. (b) A pipo 5 om diameter is 5 m long and carries a discharge of 0.005 mis, Find the loss of head ue to tnetion. The caritral 2 m length of the pip2 ie next replaced by a pipe 7-5 cm diameter ; the changes of ‘section being sudden. determine the loss of head due to adoption of this altemative. Take friction factor = 0-01 for the pipe of both diameters. {a) The diforonce in the water surlace levels ol ‘wo reservoirs which are connected by a siphon is. 6 m. “Tha length of the siphon is 600 m and its diameter 0-8 m. Assuming friction factor f = 0.02, determine the discharge when the siphon is running full if the summit of tho pipeline is 5 m above the surface level of the upper reservoir, determine the maximum length of the inet leg for the pipe to run (ell, Alow for all the losses and assume the permissible minimum pressure et the summit of the siphon to bo absolute zero. (b) Show that tho oificieney of a free jet striking normally on 2 sries of flat plates mounted on the periphery of a wheel can never exceed 50%. (a) A polton wheel has a mean buckat speed of 10 mis with @ jet of water flowing a a rete of 0-7 mP/s under head of 30 m. The buckat deflects the jet through an angle of 160°. Assuming Cy = 0-98, Gelcuiate the powor and overall ficiency of the turbine (b) An inward flow turbine works under 2 total nead of 28 m, The velocity of wheel periphery et inlet ig 13 v/s. The outlet pipe of the turbine is 20 om in diameter and the turbine is supplied with £260 liveos. Tho radial volocity of flow through the wheel is same as velocity n outlet pipe. Neglecting friction determine: () Vane angle at inlet (i) Guide vane angle (ii) HP of turbine. (a) A Kaplan turbine working under @ head of 25 m develops 16000 KW shaft power. The outer diameter of the runner is 4m and hub diameter is 2m. The guide blade angle is 95°. The hy- draulic and overall efficiency are 90% and 85% respectively. If the velocity of whirl is zero at outlet, determine runner vane angles at inlet and outlet, and speed of turbine, (b) A Pelion wheal develops 5520 kW under a had of 240 m at an overall efficiency of 80% when revolving at 2 speed of 200 rpm. Find the unit discharge, unit power and unit speed. Assume perioheral coofticiont = 0:46. if the head on the same turbine ‘alls during the summer season to 180 my, find the discharge, power and speed for this head. (a) A centrifugal pump lite water againet a static head of 82 m of which 8 m is suction head, The suction and delivery pipes both have 12-7 om ciameter. The lass of head in suction pipe is 1 m and delivery pipe 6 m. The impeller diameter ls 90-5 om an2-6 em. Its rotational epead is 1450 rpm ang blade angle at oxit 35°. 1 pang =-80% and 1p = 6B %, Find, (i) Discharge of pump (li) Power tequired t0 drive the pump (ii) Pressure in suction end delivery pipe. (b) Show that the prassure rise in the impeller of a centrifugal pump when frictional and other losses Wi +0} VB oosect 4 ] Inthe Impeller are neglected by 3k ME 7 where Vi and Vi, are velocity of flow at inlet and outlet, tangential velocity of impeller at outlet and @ = vane angle at outlet 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 Mabrow, — TE» (civil) (seme) fev.) 12} )2;aq A =) Con. 5532-07. Peleg, CUS BR CD-5946 (3 Hours) [Total Marks : 100 nate he N.B. > (1) Question No. 1 is compulsory. uf (2) Attempt any four questions from the remaining questions. & Assume suitable data, if necessary. < RECO for Aprtial Mydrale Bb 1/97 1, Solve any four 20 (a) Define and explain with neat sketches the terms :— (i) Hydraulic gradient line and (ii) total energy line. () Define Reynold’s, Froude's, Euler's, Weber's. and Mach's: number. (c) Describe with the help of sketch the construction, operation and use of Pitot-static tube. (a) Show that efficiency of propulsion for a Jet propulsion of ship when the inlet 2u otificies face the direction of motion of the ship is <7, 94 Where, u = velocity of boat and V = ebsolute volocity of jot. () What is a draft tube ?-What are its functions ? () Writo short note on model testing of turbine. {a) Derive an expression for the path travelled by free jet issuing from a nozzle. 10 ‘A vertical wall is of 101m in height. A jet of water is issuing from a nozzle with a velocity of 25 m/s. The nozzle is situated at a horizontal distance of 20 m from the vertical wall Find the angle of projection of the nozzle to the horizontal so that the jet of water just clears the top of the wall (b) The resisting force ‘F' of a supersonic plane during flight can be considered as 10 dopondant upon the length of aircraft, Velocity 'V’, air viscosity ', airdensity 'p' and bulk modulus of air 'K', Explain the functional relationship between these variables and the resisting force. Use Buckingham's n-theorem. 3, (a) Show that the loss of head due to sudden expansion in pipe line is a function of velocity 8 head (b) Two resencirs with a difference in water surface elevation of 10 m are connected by 12 2 pipeline ABC which consists of two pipes of AB and BG joined in series. Pipe AB is 10 cm in ciameter, 20 m,long and has a value of f = 0-02. Pipe BC is of 16 cm diameter, 25 m long and has an { = 0-078. The junction between the reservoirs and between the pipes are abrupt. | (i) Calculate the discharge | (i) What difference in reservoir elevations is necessary to have a discharge of 15 Ips ? (Include all minor losses) 4, (@) Find the diameter of the pipe and efficiency of transmission for a pipe line of length 10 2000 m is used for power transmission. If 1103625 kV power is to be transmitted through the pipe in which water having a pressure of 490-5 N/m? at inlet is flowing, The pressure drop over the length of pipe is 98-1 Nicm?, Take f = 0:0085. (b) A plate is acted upon at its centre by a jet of water of diameter 20 mm with a velocity 10 of 20 mis. The plate is hinged and is deflected through an angle of 15°. Find the weight of the plate It the plate is not allowed to swing, what will 8 the force required al the lower edge of the plate to keep the plate in vertical position. Con: 5532>CD-5946-07. GFECO UC hy Aphed May dal TP yn 5. fa) (b) (b) An impulse turbine has two runners each of 1-5in diameter and is installed to develop 10 3000 kW at 400 rpm. under a net head of 270 m. If the overall efficiency is 0-90, determine the — () diameter ofthe nozzle (i) speed ‘ratio and (il) specific speed. (Take C= 0-95). A reaction turbine works at 450 rpm under a head of 120 m. Its diameter at inlet is 10 120 cm and flow areaiis 0-4m2. The angles made by the absolute and relative velocities at inlet are 20° and 60° respectively with the tangential velocity. Determine (i) the volume flow rate ; (i) the power developed and the efficiency. Assume which at oullet to be zero. The following data is given for a inward flow reaction turbine : 10 Net head 70m, Speed 600 rpm Shaft power 367:875 kW % 85% Th 95% Flow ratio : 0-25 breadth ratio = 01 Outer diameter of the runner = 2x inner diametor of runner. The thickness of vanes occupy 10% of the circumferential area of tho runner. Velocity of flow is constant al inlet and outlet and discharge is radial at out let. Determine = (i) Guide blade angle Runner vane angles at inlet and outlet Diamoters of rannor at inlet and outlet and (iv) Width of whoo! at intet. ‘A Kaplan turbino is to develop 17640 kW when running at 240 rpm under anethead 10 ‘of 49 m. In order to prodict its performance a 1 : 5 scale model is tested under a net head of 25 m, At what speed should the model run and what power would it develop ? Determine the discharge in the model and in the full scale turbine, if the overall efficiency of the model at the best operating point was 85%. A contrifugal pump impeller has an outer diameter of $0 cm and an inner diameter 12 of 15 cm. Tho pump runs at 1200 rpm. The impeller vanes are set at a blade angle ‘of 30° at the outlet. If the velocity of flow constant at 2 mis, Calculate - (i) the velocity and direction of water at outlet {il)_ the head developed, by assuming a manometric efficiency of 0.85 and (ii) the blade angle at inlet, Write short note on hydraulic intensifier. Draw a neat sketch, 8 VV + (1) Question No. 1 is compulsory. pre | 7 Boe any. Bee ae Cpe Soy vi pa] yp (a) e pipe of 300 mm diameter conveying 0-3 m°/s of water has a right angled 10 bend in @ horizontal plane. Find the resultant force exerted on bend if the Pressure at inlet and outlet of bend are ,24-525 N/cm? and 23-544 Nicm?, (b) The pressure difference AP in a pipe of diameter 'D’ and length ‘f due to tubulent 10 tlow depend on velocity 'V’, viscosity ‘1’ density’p’ and roughness 'k’. Using Buckingham's x theorem, obtain an expression for AP. (a) Write a short note on losses in pipe flow. 5 (b) What do you mean by HGL and TEL ? 5 (6) A horizontal pipeline 40 m tong is connected to a water tank at one end and 10 discharge freely into atmosphere at the other end. For the first 25 m of its Jength from the tank the pipe is 150 mm diameter and it’s diameter is suddenly enlarged to 300 mm. The height of weterleval in the tank is 8 m above the centre of pipe. Considering all losses of head which occur, determine the rate of flow, Take f = 0-01 for both sections of the pipe. (a) A pelton wheel has a mean bucket speed of 10 m/s with a jet of water flowing 10 at rate of 700 ji/sec under a head of 30 m. The buckets deflects the jet through an angle of 180°. Calculate the power given by water to the runner and the hydraulic efficiency of turbine. Assume coefficient of velocity as 0-98. {b) A turbine is to operate under a head of 25 m at 200 rpm. The discharge is 10 9 cumec. If the afficiency is 90%, determine the performance of turbine under head of 20 metres. (2) What is cavitation ? What are it's causes ? How will you prevent the cavitation 10 in hyoraulic machines ? () A centrifugal pump is running at 1000 rpm. The outlet Vane angle of the impeller 10 is 45° and velocity of flow at outlet is 2.5 m/s. The discharge through pump. is 200 lis when the pump is working against a total head of 20 m. If manometiic efficiency of the purnp is 80%, determine — (i) The diametar of impeller. {li)_ The width of the impeller at outlet. (@)_ What do you mean by viscous flow ? Derive an expression for Hagen Poiseuille’s 10 ‘equation, (b) A fluid of viscosity 0:7 NSim? and spesific gravity 1-3 is flowing through a circular 10 pipe of diameter 100 mm. The maximum shear stress at pipe wall is given aS 1-96:2 N/m? Find (i) Pressure gradient (ii) Average velocity and (iii) Reynold number of flow. Write short note on any four : 20 (a) Priming of pump (b) NPSH (c) Distorted and undistorted moclel (d) Specific speed of turbine (e) Cavitation of centrifugal force. (@) A jet of water of diameter 50 mm moving with velocity of 25 m/s impinges on 10 a fixed curved plate tangentially at one end at an angle of 30° to the horizontal. Calculate the resultant force of the jet on the plate if the jet is deflected through an angle of 50°. Take g = 10 m/s’. (b)_ Differentiate between impulse turbine and reaction turbine. Describe briefly 40 +hesfunctions of vasbus{nain iChiiacnonteotbaltan turbine: ate fe Cony ar (ree) : Zelrisg Promportadion Eng eS (REVISED COURSE) ND-32! 720 (3 Hours) [Total Marks M 00 Cori, 2901-07. N.B,(1) Question No. 1 is compulsory. Attempt any four questions out of the remaining six questions. (2) Assume any suitable data wherever required; but justify the same. (9) Give answers to the questions taking into consideration the nature of the questions and marks assigned. | 1. Attempt any four of the following : | (a) What is meant by the term ‘Creep’ as applied to rails? How would you identity 5 | that a creep has occurred on a particular stretch of the permanent way ?. Name the apparatus used for measuring the creep. (o) Draw the neat labelled sketch of the layout of an artifical harbour. () Using a sleeper density of (n + 5}, find out how many sleepers would be § | a required for constructing 640 metres long B. G. track (a) Draw the typical cross-seotion of a permanent way on embankment and show & various components thereof in the sketch, Also state function of each of these components. (2) Expiain the objects of providing super-elevation on curves ? State the 5 relationship between super-elevation, gauge, speed and radius of the curve. 2. (a) A railway line and highway pass through the clear zone of an airport. Draw the 5 | neat self-explanatory sketch illustrating the clearances required over the highway and railway line for safe landing and take-off of an eircrait. (b) A 5° curve diverges from a 2° main curve in reverse direction in the layout of B. 8 G. Yard. If the speed on the branch-line is resricted 0 30 KPH, determine the rostricted speed on the main line. i (c) Draw the neat sketch of Right Hand Turnout and show various parts of the Turiout 7 | therein. 3. (a) Explain in bricf the factors to be considered while selecting the site of an airport, 7 (b) What is meant by Track Alignment ? What are the basic requiremens of an ideal 7 alignment ? State the factors to be considered while selecting the good alignment within the framework of the basic requirements. {c) Draw a layout of an airport showing following details therein— 6 * Terminal building * Holding apron * Aerobridges + Runways + Taxiways + Exit taxiways 4. (a) What are the basic patterns of runway ? Draw the neat sketches thereof. 4 (b) Draw the neat labelled sketch illustrating the layout of the Marshaliing Yard. 4 (0) What ara the different types of Station Yards. 3 () Explain in brief the working of the marshalling yards stating three important 6 functions of these yards, (e) What are the functions of taxiways 7 3 TURN OVER Gibco) TR Granaprletin (32, E Gon. 2901-ND-329-07. 2 Lat 499- 5. (a). Explain the term ‘Negative Cant’ as applied to the permanent way. 7 (b). The length of a runway under standard condition is 1500 metres. The airport is 13 to be provided at an elevation of 150 matre above MSL. The airport reference tomporature is 22°C. The construction plan includes the following data : End to end of runway (m) Grade (%) o—300 + 1-00 300—900 — 0.20 900—1500 +050 1500—1800, +100 1800-2100 = 0:30 Determine the actual length of runway to be provided by applying requisite oor- rections. 6. (a) Explain in brief the factors affecting the airport operating capacity. (b} Explain different types of harbours in the classified manner. How are they distinguished from ports ? OR (b) A taxiway-is to be designed for operating Boeing 707-820 having following g configurations : on * Wheel Base = 17-70 metres + Tread of main loader gear = 662m * Turning speed = 40 KPH * Coefficient of friction between tire and pavement surface = 0-13 (c) Enlist the various factors to be kept in mind whilo selecting a suitable types of 5 harbours. 7. (a). Write a short note: on—Holding Apron. (b) State the functions of Ballasts. (c) Explain with neat sketches the various markings on runway. (d) Differentiate between : Wet Docks and Dry Docks. aNAG TEs COW) CSerO MH) Cred TIR fo. Trans pettation Engg soe Con!S009-07. ‘ CD-5955 3H Total Marks : 100 (3 Hours ) [Total Marks eo : ute lS N.B.: (1) Question No. 1 is compulsory. (2) Attempt any four questions cut of remaining six questions. ee PECOU hur qoengprr peli E99 ypu 1, (6) What is meant by creep ? How would you identify on a certian section of the 12 track the creep to have occurred ? What are the ill effects of creep ? What are the preventive measures or how creep can be eliminated/minimised 7 State different theories of creep. {b) Explain the following with neat sketch : 8 (i) Holding apron (ii) Negative cant. 2 (a) The length of runway under standard condition is 1620 metres. The airport 10 reference temperature is S2 °C and has a elevation of 320 metres. The runway is to be constructed with an equivalent gradient of 0-20%, Determine the corrected length of the runway. (b) () Draw a labelled neat sketch of an artificial harbour. 5 (ii) Draw a labelled neat sketch of a right handed turnout. 5 3. (a) (i) Whatare the factors to be kept in mind while selecting a site for harbour? 5 (ii) Explain various cargo handling equipments at ports. 5 {b) What is breakwater? Discuss different types of mound breakwater in brief. 10 4, (a) What are the different types of ballast materials used in the track ? Discuss 8 them in brief. {b) Explain how harbours are classified. Distinguish them from a port 8 (c) Explain working of semaphore signals. 5, {a) Discuss various factors to be considered while selecting a site for an airport. 10 (b) What is meant by marshalling yard ? Draw the neat sketch of the typical 10 marshalling yard. Name the various parts. Also explain different types of marshalling yards. 6. {a) Write a short note on ‘Airport Drainage’. (b) Write a short note on 'Whaves’. (c) Draw a layout of an airport showing the following details 1 (i) Terminal Building (ii) Holding Apron 2-Intersecting runways liv) Taxiways (vy) Exit taxiways (vi), Runway markings Baa 7. (a) AQ branch curve diverges out from @ 8° main curve in the opposite direction 10 in M. G. yard layout. If the speed on main line is restricted to 25 kmph, what would be the speed limit on branch line provided permissible cant deficiency is 5-1 cms 7 (b) Differentiate between the following 10 (i) Jetty and fender (ii) Flexible and rigid dolphins (iii) Quay and Wharf. To€e COMID Csem-™~) Cardd 5 Ve iRlaz Mfabrrany Towels Transpontation En ginewsieng a Con/5394-07. (OLD COURSE) CD-8154 (3 Hours ) [Total Marks ae B.: (1) Question No. 1 is compulsory. de (2) Attempt any four questions out of remaining six questions. 1. Write short notes on the following with help of neat sketches : 2 (a) (b) 3. @) ) 4 @ (b) 5. (a) (0) 6 (a) (0) (@) Dolphins (0) Holding Apron (ec) Airport Drainage (4) Runway Markings. A9® branch curve diverges out from a 8° main curve in the opposite direction in M. G, yard layout. If the speed restriction is 25 kmph on the mainline and Cant deficiency permissible is 5-1 cm, what would be the speed limit on branch line 2 Explain different theories for Creep of rail witn neat sketches. What is breakwater ? Discuss different types of breakwater. What is a Wind-Rose diagram ? Explain any one type of Wind-Rose diagram “with neat sketch Describe left hand turnout with a neat sketch Explain various factors to be considered while selecting a suitable site for a Harbour. What are the different types of ballast materials used in Rllnay tracks ? Discuss their properties, Write short notes on — (i) Heel Divergence (i) Negative Super-Elevation Explain various factors to be considered for site selection of an Airport. What do you understand by Dredging of Docks ? Explain various methods of Dredging. 7. Explain the following with neat sketches (a) Insrument Landing System {b) Transit Sheds (©) Airport Markings (d) Wet Dock 20 10 10 10 10 10 o 10 10 anna

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